In tensorflow, how to gather with indices matching params first dimensions? - tensorflow

If i have indices of shape (D_0,...,D_k) and params of shape (D_0,...,D_k,I,F) (with 0 ≤ indices[i_0,...,i_k] < I), what is the fastest/most elegant way to get the array output of shape (D_0,...,D_k,F) with
If k=0, then we can use gather. So, in the past, I had a solution based on flattening. Is there a nicer solution now that tensorflow has matured?
Most of the times, when I want this type of gathering, indices is obtained by indices = tf.argmax(params[:,...,:,:,0]). For every (i_0,...,i_k), I have I vectors of size (F,) and I want to keep only those with the maximal value for one of the features. A solution which would only work for this special case (a kind of reduce_max only using one feature to decide how to reduce) would satisfy me.


numpy: Different results between diff and gradient for finite differences

I want to calculate the numerical derivative of two arrays a and b.
If I do
c = diff(a) / diff(b)
I get what I want, but I loose the edge (the last point) so c.shape ~= a.shape.
If I do
c = gradient(a, b)
then c.shape = a.shape, but I get a completely different result.
I have read how gradient is calculated in numpy and I guess it does a completely different thing, although I dont understand quite well the difference yet. But is there a way or another function to calculate the differential which also gives the values at the edges?
And why is the result so different between gradient and diff?
These functions, although related, do different actions.
np.diff simply takes the differences of matrix slices along a given axis, and used for n-th difference returns a matrix smaller by n along the given axis (what you observed in the n=1 case). Please see:
np.gradient produces a set of gradients of an array along all its dimensions while preserving its shape Please also observe that np.gradient should be executed for one input array, your second argument b does not make sense here (was interpreted as first non-keyword argument from *varargs which is meant to describe spacings between the values of the first argument), hence the results that don't match your intuition.
I would simply use c = diff(a) / diff(b) and append values to c if you really need to have c.shape match a.shape. For instance, you might append zeros if you expect the gradient to vanish close to the edges of your window.

How to find matching elements in 2 tensors of different sizes?

I am trying to achieve something very simple in Tensorflow (and not native Python or NumPy or pandas) which can be done in any of the following ways:
Have 2 separate arrays/tensors with different sizes. Each element holds two values: a comparing-value and a weight. We want to compare the comparing-value in both tensors, and multiply their corresponding weights.
Have comparing-value and weights as different arrays. Then compare the comparing-values, get the indices, then use the index to find elements in the weight vectors and then multiply them.
In short I want to find indices of matching elements in both the tensors.
The closest solution I could find is to convert them to sets, but it does not give the exact index of the element.
I was able to achieve what I wanted using Pandas:
matched = pd.Index(v1).intersection(pd.Index(v2))
and native Python:
ind_v1, ind_v2 = [i for i, item in enumerate(v1_1) if item in v2_1],[i for i, item in enumerate(v2_1) if item in v1_1]
I wish to have this same in Tensorflow.

Variable size multi-label candidate sampling in tensorflow?

nce_loss() asks for a static int value for num_true. That works well for problems where we have the same amount of labels per training example and we know it in advance.
When labels have a variable shape [None], and being batched and/or bucketed by bucket size with .padded_batch() + .group_by_window() it is necessary to provide a variable size num_true in order to accustom for all training examples. This is currently unsupported to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong).
In other words suppose we have either a dataset of images with an arbitrary amount of labels per each image (dog, cat, duck, etc.) or a text dataset with numerous multiple classes per sentence (class_1, class_2, ..., class_n). Classes are NOT mutually exclusive, and can vary in size between examples.
But as the amount of possible labels can be huge 10k-100k is there a way to do a sampling loss to improve performance (in comparison with a sigmoid_cross_entropy)?
Is there a proper way to do this or any other workarounds?
nce_loss = tf.nn.nce_loss(
# Something like this:
# `num_true=(tf.shape(labels)[-1])` instead of `num_true=const_int`
# , would be preferable here
I see two issues:
1) Work with NCE with different numbers of true values;
2) Classes that are NOT mutually exclusive.
To the first issue, as #michal said, there is an expectative of including this functionality in the future. I have tried almost the same thing: to use labels with shape=(None, None), i.e., true_values dimension None. The sampled_values parameter has the same problem: true_values number must be a fixed integer number. The recomended work around is to use a class (0 is the best one) representing <PAD> and complete the number of true_values. In my case, 0 is an special token that represents <PAD>. Part of code is here:
assert len(labels) <= (window_size * 2)
zeros = ((window_size * 2) - len(labels)) * [0]
labels = labels + zeros
I sorted the label because considering another recommendation:
Note: By default this uses a log-uniform (Zipfian) distribution for
sampling, so your labels must be sorted in order of decreasing
frequency to achieve good results.
In my case, the special tokens and more frequent words have lower indexes, otherwise, less frequent words have higher indexes. I included all label classes associated to the input at same time and completed with zero till the true_values number. Of course, you must ignore the 0 class at the end.

Update submatrix in Tensorflow

Quite simply, what I want to do is the following
A = np.ones((3,3)) #arbitrary matrix
B = np.ones((2,2)) #arbitrary matrix
A[1:,1:] = A[1:,1:] + B
except in Tensorflow (where the matrices can be arbitrarily complicated tensor expressions). Neither A nor B is a Tensorflow Variable, but just a run-of-the-mill tensor.
What I have gathered so far: tensors are immutable, so I cannot assign to a submatrix. tf.scatter_nd is the current option for sub-assignment, but does not appear to support sub-matrices, only slices.
Methods that should work, but are perhaps not ideal:
I could pad B with zeros, but I'm sure this leads to instantiation of
an unnecessarily large B - can it be made sparse, maybe?
I could use the padding idea, but write it as a low-rank decomposition, e.g. in Numpy: where U is a stacked zero and identity matrix. I'm not sure this is actually advantageous.
I could split A into submatrices, and stack them back together. Might be the most efficient, but sounds like the code would be convoluted.
Ideally, I want to do this operation N times for progressively smaller matrices, resulting in one large final result, but this is tangential.
I'll use one of the hacks for now, but I'm hoping someone can tell me what the idiomatic version is!

Differences between X.ravel() and X.reshape(s0*s1*s2) when number of axes known

Seeing this answer I am wondering if the creation of a flattened view of X are essentially the same, as long as I know that the number of axes in X is 3:
A = X.ravel()
s0, s1, s2 = X.shape
B = X.reshape(s0*s1*s2)
C = X.reshape(-1) # thanks to #hpaulj below
I'm not asking if A and B and C are the same.
I'm wondering if the particular use of ravel and reshape in this situation are essentially the same, or if there are significant differences, advantages, or disadvantages to one or the other, provided that you know the number of axes of X ahead of time.
The second method takes a few microseconds, but that does not seem to be size dependent.
Look at their __array_interface__ and do some timings. The only difference that I can see is that ravel is faster.
.flatten() has a more significant difference - it returns a copy.
is a simpler way to use reshape.
You could study the respective docs, and see if there is something else. I haven't explored what happens when you specify order.
I would use ravel if I just want it to be 1d. I use .reshape most often to change a 1d (e.g. arange()) to nd.
Or choose the one that makes your code most readable.
reshape and ravel are defined in numpy C code:
PyArray_Ravel(PyArrayObject *arr, NPY_ORDER order) requires nearly 100 lines of C code. And it punts to PyArray_Flatten if the order changes.
In the same file, reshape punts to newshape. That in turn returns a view is the shape doesn't actually change, tries _attempt_nocopy_reshape, and as last resort returns a PyArray_NewCopy.
Both make use of PyArray_Newshape and PyArray_NewFromDescr - depending on how shapes and order mix and match.
So identifying where reshape (to 1d) and ravel are different would require careful study.
Another way to do this ravel is to make a new array, with a new shape, but the same data buffer:
It times the same as reshape. Its __array_interface__ is the same. I don't recommend using this method, but it may clarify what is going on with these reshape/ravel functions. They all make a new array, with new shape, but with share data (if possible). Timing differences are the result of different sequences of function calls - in Python and C - not in different handling of the data.