geolocating self join too slow - sql

I am trying to get the count of all records within 50 miles of each record in a huge table (1m + records), using self join as shown below:
proc sql;
create table lab as
select distinct, sum(case when b.value="New York" then 1 else 0 end)
from latlon a, latlon b
where <>
and geodist(,a.lon,,b.lon,"M") <= 50
and a.state = b.state;
This ran for 6 hours and was still running when i last checked.
Is there a way to do this more efficiently?
UPDATE: My intention is to get the number of new yorkers in a 50 mile radius from every record identified in table latlon which has name, location and latitude/longitude where lat/lon could be anywhere in the world but location will be a person's hometown. I have to do this for close to a dozen towns. Looks like this is the best it could get. I may have to write a C code for this one i guess.

The geodist() function you're using has no chance of exploiting any index. So, you have an algorithn that's O(n**2) at best. That's gonna be slow.
You can take advantage of a simple fact of spherical geometry, though, to get access to an indexable query. A degree of latitude (north - south) is equivalent to sixty nautical miles, 69 statute miles, or 111.111 km. The British definition of nautical mile was originally equal to a minute. The original Napoleonic meter was defined as one part in ten thousand of the distance from the equator to the pole, also defined as 90 degrees.
(These defintions depend on the assumption that the earth is spherical. It isn't, quite. If you're a civil engineer these definitions break down. If you use them to design a parking lot, it will have some nasty puddles in it when it rains, and will encrooach on the neighbors' property.)
So, what you want is to use a bounding range. Assuming your latitude values and are in degrees, two of them are certainly more than fifty statute miles apart unless BETWEEN - 50.0/69.0 AND + 50.0/69.0
Let's refactor your query. (I don't understand the case stuff about New York so I'm ignoring it. You can add it back.) This will give the IDs of all pairs of places lying within 50 miles of each other. (I'm using the 21st century JOIN syntax here).
select distinct,
from latlon a
JOIN latlon b ON<>
AND BETWEEN - 50.0/69.0 AND + 50.0/69.0
AND a.state = b.state
AND geodist(,a.lon,,b.lon,"M") <= 50
Try creating an index on the table on the lat column. That should help performance a LOT.
Then try creating a compound index on (state, lat, id, lon, value). Try those columns in the compound index in different orders, if you don't get satisfactory performance acceleration. It's called a covering index, because the some of its columns (the first two in this case) are used for quick lookups and the rest are used to provide values that would otherwise have to be fetched from the main table.

Your question is phrased ambiguously - I'm interpreting it as "give me all (A, B) city pairs within 50 miles of each other." The NYC special case seems to be for a one-off test - the problem is not to (trivially, in O(n) time) find all cities within 50 miles of NYC.
Rather than computing Great Circle distances, find Manhattan distances instead, using simple addition, and simple bounding boxes. Given (A, B) city tuples with Manhattan distance less than 50 miles, it is straightforward to prune out the few (on diagonals) that have Great Circle (or Euclidean) distance less than 50 miles.
You didn't show us EXPLAIN output describing the backend optimizer's plan.
You didn't tell us about indexes on the latlon table.
I'm not familiar with the SAS RDBMS. Oracle, MySQL, and others have geospatial extensions to support multi-dimensional indexing. Essentially, they merge high-order coordinate bits, down to low-order coordinate bits, to construct a quadtree index. The technique could prove beneficial to your query.
Your DISTINCT keyword will make a big difference for the query plan. Often it will force a tablescan and a filesort. Consider deleting it.
The equijoin on state seems wrong, but maybe you don't care about the tri-state metropolitan area and similar densely populated regions near state borders.
You definitely want the WHERE clause to prune out b rows that are more than 50 miles from the current a row:
too far north, OR
too far south, OR
too far west, OR
too far east
Each of those conditionals boils down to a simple range query that the RDBMS backend can evaluate and optimize against an index. Unfortunately, if it chooses the latitude index, any longitude index that's on disk will be ignored, and vice versa. Which motivates using your vendor's geospatial support.


SQL (Presto): How to pull locations within X mile radius of lat/lon pont

I have a bunch of stores with their own Latitudes and Longitudes. I'm trying to pull data that is within a 2 mile radius of each point. Eg. How many stores are within 2 miles of each store. What is the best way to go about this?
I know rounding the lat/longs to the tenth (18.4, -66.2) can essentially give me 5 mile radius, but how do I get more granular. I'm not sure how granular rounding to the 100th (18.4, -66.21) gets me in terms of miles, but seems too small of a radius.
Date is stored as:
Store Name (string)
Latitude (double)
Longitude (double)
What you want is spatial join:
Just join a table with itself, on condition that distance between two points is below 2 miles, and aggregate. Something like this:
(COUNT(*) - 1) AS neighbors -- subtract 1 for self
FROM stores a JOIN stores b
ON ST_Distance(ST_Point(a.longitude, a.latitude),
ST_Point(b.longitude, b.latitude)) < 2 * 1609
GROUP BY a.store_name
Make sure you have a relatively fresh Presto installation, I think Presto got it optimized around end of 2018, and it would run as plain cross join before that - which would be too slow.

How to find distance between two points using latitude and longitude

I have a ROUTES table which has columns SOURCE_AIRPORT and DESTINATION_AIRPORT and describes a particular route that an airplane would take to get from one to the other.
I have an AIRPORTS table which has columns LATITUDE and LONGITUDE which describes an airports geographic position.
I can join the two tables using columns which they both share called SOURCE_AIRPORT_ID and DESTINATION_AIRPORT_ID in the routes table, and called IATA in the airports table (a 3 letter code to represent an airport such as LHR for London Heathrow).
My question is, how can I write an SQL query using all of this information to find, for example, the longest route out of a particular airport such as LHR?
I believe I have to join the two tables, and for every row in the routes table where the source airport is LHR, look at the destination airport's latitude and longitude, calculate how far away that is from LHR, save that as a field called "distance", and then order the data by the highest distance first. But in terms of SQL syntax i'm at a loss.
This would have probably been a better question for the Mathematics Stack Exchange, but I’ll provide some insight here. If you are relatively farmiliar with trigonometry, I’m sure you could understand the implementation given this resource: You are looking to compute the distance between two point on the surface of a sphere in terms of their distance across its surface (not a straight line, you can’t travel through the Earth).
The page displays this formula:
• φ1, φ2 are the latitude of point 1 and latitude of point 2 (in radians),
• λ1, λ2 are the longitude of point 1 and longitude of point 2 (in radians).

If you data is in degrees, you can simply convert to radians by multiplying by pi/180
There is a formula called great circle distance to calculate distance between two points. You probably can load is as a library for your operating system. Forget the haversine, our planet is not a perfect sphere.
If you use this value often, save it in your routes table.
I think you're about 90% there in terms of the solution method. I'll add in some additional detail regarding a potential SQL query to get your answer. So there's 2 steps you need to do to calculate the distances - step 1 is to create a table containing joining the ROUTES table to the AIRPORTS table to get the latitude/longitude for both the SOURCE_AIRPORT and DESTINATION_AIRPORT on the route. This might look something like this:
The resulting output should create a new table titled ROUTE_CALCULATIONS made up of all the ROUTES columns, the longitude/latitude for both the SOURCE and DESTINATION airports, and a placeholder DISTANCE_CALC column with a value of 0.
Step 2 is calculating the distance. This should be a relatively straightforward calculation and update.
SET DISTANCE_CALC = 2 * 3961 * asin(sqrt((sin(radians((DEST_LAT- SOURCE_LAT) / 2))) ^ 2 + cos(radians(SOURCE_LAT)) * cos(radians(DEST_LAT)) * (sin(radians((DEST_LONG- SOURCE_LONG) / 2))) ^ 2))
And that should give the calculated distance in the DISTANCE_CALC table for all routes seen in the data. From there you should be able to do whatever distance-related route analysis you want.

SQL Cross Apply Performance Issues

My database has a directory of about 2,000 locations scattered throughout the United States with zipcode information (which I have tied to lon/lat coordinates).
I also have a table function which takes two parameters (ZipCode & Miles) to return a list of neighboring zip codes (excluding the same zip code searched)
For each location I am trying to get the neighboring location ids. So if location #4 has three nearby locations, the output should look like:
4 5
4 24
4 137
That is, locations 5, 24, and 137 are within X miles of location 4.
I originally tried to use a cross apply with my function as follows:
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SL_StoreNum FROM tbl_store_locations WHERE SL_Zip in (select zipnum from udf_GetLongLatDist(A.Sl_Zip,7))) AS Q
WHERE A.SL_StoreNum='04'
However that ran for over 20 minutes with no results so I canceled it. I did try hardcoding in the zipcode and it immediately returned a list
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SL_StoreNum FROM tbl_store_locations WHERE SL_Zip in (select zipnum from udf_GetLongLatDist('12345',7))) AS Q
WHERE A.SL_StoreNum='04'
What is the most efficient way of accomplishing this listing of nearby locations? Keeping in mind while I used "04" as an example here, I want to run the analysis for 2,000 locations.
The "udf_GetLongLatDist" is a function which uses some math to calculate distance between two geographic coordinates and returns a list of zipcodes with a distance of > 0. Nothing fancy within it.
When you use the function you probably have to calculate every single possible distance for each row. That is why it takes so long. SInce teh actual physical locations don;t generally move, what we always did was precalculate the distance from each zipcode to every other zip code (and update only once a month or so when we added new possible zipcodes). Once the distances are precalculated, all you have to do is run a query like
select zip2 from zipprecalc where zip1 = '12345' and distance <=10
We have something similar and optimized it by only calculating the distance of other zipcodes whose latitude is within a bounded range. So if you want other zips within #miles, you use a
where latitude >= #targetLat - (#miles/69.2) and latitude <= #targetLat + (#miles/69.2)
Then you are only calculating the great circle distance of a much smaller subset of other zip code rows. We found this fast enough in our use to not require precalculating.
The same thing can't be done for longitude because of the variation between equator and pole of what distance a degree of longitude represents.
Other answers here involve re-working the algorithm. I personally advise the pre-calculated map of all zipcodes against each other. It should be possible to embed such optimisations in your existing udf, to minimise code-changes.
A refactoring of the query, however, could be as follows...
tbl_store_locations AS A
dbo.udf_GetLongLatDist(A.Sl_Zip,7) AS B
tbl_store_locations AS C
ON C.SL_Zip = B.zipnum
Also, the performance of the CROSS APPLY will benefit greatly if you can ensure that the udf is INLINE rather than MULTI-STATEMENT. This allows the udf to be expanded inline (macro like) for a much cleaner execution plan.
Doing so would also allow you to return additional fields from the udf. The optimiser can then include or exclude those fields from the plan depending on whether you actually use them. Such an example would be to include the SL_StoreNum if it's easily accessible from the query in the udf, and so remove the need for the last join...

Optimizing Sqlite query for INDEX

I have a table of 320000 rows which contains lat/lon coordinate points. When a user selects a location my program gets the coordinates from the selected location and executes a query which brings all the points from the table that are near. This is done by calculating the distance between the selected point and each coordinate point from my table row. This is the query I use:
select street from locations
where ( ( (lat - (-34.594804)) *(lat - (-34.594804)) ) + ((lon - (-58.377676 ))*(lon - (-58.377676 ))) <= ((0.00124)*(0.00124)))
group by street;
As you can see the WHERE clause is a simple Pythagoras formula to calculate the distance between two points.
Now my problem is that I can not get an INDEX to be usable. I've tried with
CREATE INDEX indx ON location(lat,lon)
also with
CREATE INDEX indx ON location(street,lat,lon)
with no luck. I've notice that when there is math operation with lat or lon, the index is not being called . Is there any way I can optimize this query for using an INDEX so as to gain speed results?
Thanks in advance!
The problem is that the sql engine needs to evaluate all the records to do the comparison (WHERE ..... <= ...) and filter the points so the indexes don’t speed up the query.
One approach to solve the problem is compute a Minimum and Maximum latitude and longitude to restrict the number of record.
Here is a good link to follow: Finding Points Within a Distance of a Latitude/Longitude
Did you try adjusting the page size? A table like this might gain from having a different (i.e. the largest?) available page size.
PRAGMA page_size = 32768;
Or any power of 2 between 512 and 32768. If you change the page_size, don't forget to vacuum the database (assuming you are using SQLite 3.5.8. Otherwise, you can't change it and will need to start a fresh new database).
Also, running the operation on floats might not be as fast as running it on integers (big maybe), so that you might gain speed if you record all your coordinates times 1 000 000.
Finally, euclydian distance will not yield very accurate proximity results. The further you get from the equator, the more the circle around your point will flatten to ressemble an ellipse. There are fast approximations which are not as calculation intense as a Great Circle Distance Calculation (avoid at all cost!)
You should search in a square instead of a circle. Then you will be able to optimize.
Surely you have a primary key in locations? Probably called id?
Why not just select the id along with the street?
select id, street from locations
where ( ( (lat - (-34.594804)) *(lat - (-34.594804)) ) + ((lon - (-58.377676 ))*(lon - (-58.377676 ))) <= ((0.00124)*(0.00124)))
group by street;

100x constraints in WHERE clause makes query extremely slow

I'm using Firebird and created a table, called EVENTS. The columns are:
id (INT) | name (VARCHAR) | category (INT) | website (VARCHAR) | lat (DOUBLE) | lon (DOUBLE)
A user wants to search for events in a certain radius around them, but entered only two or three letters of their home city. So we've got - lets say - 200 possible cities with their latitudes and longitudes. So, my SQL query looks like:
SELECT id FROM events WHERE ((lat BETWEEN 30.09 AND 30.12) AND (lon BETWEEN 40.78 AND 40.81)) OR ((lat BETWEEN 30.09 AND 30.12) AND (lon BETWEEN 40.78 AND 40.81)) OR ...
So, we get 200 constraints in the WHERE clause and it takes seconds to actually get the result.
I know the query might look horrible, but are the many constraints really the bottleneck? Can this query be optimized?
My guess would be that the database engine decides that the criterion will likely return a lot of rows, so it wrongly full scans the table. Hint it to do the right thing, or perform some kind of rewrite of the query e.g. (which might or might not help)
FROM cities c
JOIN events e ON ( BETWEEN - .01 AND + .01) AND (e.lon BETWEEN c.lon - .01 AND c.lon + .01)
In SQL server you could write
FROM cities c
INNER LOOP JOIN events e ON ( BETWEEN - .01 AND + .01) AND (e.lon BETWEEN c.lon - .01 AND c.lon + .01)
to ensure the correct plan (you do have an index on the lat and lon columns together?)
Tradeoff space for speed:
Cities don't move. Whenever you add an event, you can pre-calculate the distance between each event and each city, and store the distance to all nearby cities. You can index this by city, so you can directly find events somewhat near a given city (or near 200 cities with the same prefix). Actual longitude/latitude filtering can then be restricted to a much smaller set of events.
You could redesign database (if it is possible), to contain not only latitude and longitude, but also name of place of event. Your query would contain like statement, or similar (begins with?). I know, that this might be unusable solution, but constraining yourself to square (in spherical sense) cities or regions seems a bit odd to me ;)
Create a range search friendly index (a B-tree index) on and/or events.long (but not a single index on both!) That will at least get you in the ballpark.
What you really want is an R-Tree or similar, which allows indexing multi-dimensional data and gives you good range search performance. PostgreSQL has GiST for that; I don't know what kind of support Firebird has for this sort of problem.
Wiki links for more info:
You should first use IBExpert over your query to check it's plan to see why is it so slow.
Try with a correlated subquery :
select *
from events e
where exists
( select *
from cities c
where like 'X%' and BETWEEN - .01 AND + .01 and
e.lon BETWEEN c.lon - .01 AND c.lon + .01
Im some scenarios it works faster than joins.