I am trying to install scrapy for my project. But after following installation instructions, I got the following error:
scrapy is not recognized as internal command
Please help me out!
For a deep-learning project, I was trying to import the 'models' library. But it's not installed on my colab notebook. So, I tried pip install models to install the library but it shows error which is as on the screenshot. I've also read somewhere that the library is renamed as 'pymodels'. I've also tried it but still not working.
I would be thankful for any help you can provide.
I installed anaconda and python on Windows 7 without errors.
I tried to run an example from scrapy.org.
scrapy runspider quotes_spider.py -o quotes.json
I got an error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to creat process using “c:\bld\scrapy_345323_h_env\python.exe”
How can I resolve this?
Well for anyone that would like to create his first bot from scrapy.org I can confirm the solution is as follows:
first uninstall scrapy from conda
conda uninstall -c conda-forge scrapy
and use pip instead as follows:
pip install --force-reinstall scrapy
I had an astroid 2.2.5 problem, but reinstallation succedeed
and I ran the script succesfully
scrapy runspider quotes_spider.py -o quotes.json
Anyway you may experience other problems running the example provided quotes_spider.py, then I suggest trying locating your spider .py to the same folder as your anaconda prompt (in my case,c:\users\bla bla)
running the anaconda powershell did not work anymore, so I will continue working from anaconda prompt
I need to use spacy in my program. I have installed spacy. But I am facing error while running it. Error isgiven below.
import error: cannot import name 'en'
I tried to download en.
But the issue still not get resolved.
Please help me to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
Please try the below steps.
1.Open cmd using "Run as administrator"
2.Use the command
pip install -U spacy
3.To download the English package
python -m spacy download en
4.To load it
import spacy
I have python install as well as c++ complier. When I run "pip install scrapy" from the command line it starts to install but I get a couple errors surrounding the libxml and libxslt.
error: 'xslt-config' is not recognized...
cannot open libxml/xmlversion.h no such file or directory
compile failed windows C++ for python failed with exit status 2
could not find function xmlCheckVersion
is libxml installed.....
Use this:
set STATICBUILD=true && pip install lxml
Find the documentation here
(Newbie here) I've been attempting to install scrapy using easy_install, but get the following error:
Ben$ easy_install -U Scrapy
Searching for Scrapy
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/Scrapy/
Reading http://scrapy.org
Best match: Scrapy 0.14.4
Processing Scrapy-0.14.4-py2.7.egg
Scrapy 0.14.4 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing scrapy script to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin
Using /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Scrapy-0.14.4-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for Scrapy
Searching for lxml
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/lxml/
Reading http://codespeak.net/lxml
Best match: lxml 2.3.6
Downloading http://lxml.de/files/lxml-2.3.6.tgz
Processing lxml-2.3.6.tgz
Running lxml-2.3.6/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /var/folders/j1/l3w7_q554b3fkk3xyw_998nc0000gn/T/easy_install-w5NqEl/lxml-2.3.6/egg-dist-tmp-6MyEeO
Building lxml version 2.3.6.
Building without Cython.
Using build configuration of libxslt 1.1.26
unable to execute gcc-4.0: No such file or directory
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc-4.0' failed with exit status 1
Any idea what I am missing here?
Install GCC first; easiest way is via https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer .
After installing GCC, run easy_install again.