Full-text search on microsoft docs using Apache SolR - apache

Does Apache Solr allow for full text search on Microsoft documents such as word or powerpoint? if so, where can I find a tutorial?

Yes. Solr uses Apache Tika for content extraction and support the majority of file types.
You'll need to configure a handler in your solrconfig.xml.
Here's a good starting documentation with examples:


Any descriptive tutorials or clear guidance on crawling web by apache solr 6.6

I read on this question page that solr 5+ supports web crawling which means that we no longer need nutch. Are there any examples or descriptions to explain how to set up solr 6.6 crawl a set of remote websites?
they most probably meant using DIH with the right Datasource, but I doubt this can replace Nutch and such in many scenarios.

Apache Lucene for Static Website

Is it possible to use Apache Lucene for Static websites ?
If not, what other alternatives are available excluding Google CSE ?
It is perfectly reasonable to use Lucene on a static website, if you can execute the Lucene search code on the server. If you can't execute any server code, as far as I know you need to look elsewhere than Lucene.

ElasticSearch Indexing Confluence pages

Can ElasticSearch index Confluence pages?
There are a lot of river plugins but none for Confluence. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-plugins.html
Although there is a github project https://github.com/obazoud/elasticsearch-river-confluence but the last commit is a year ago, so I guess it's not up-to-date.
Elasticsearch deprecated river.
Elasticsearch has a solution built over it called workplace search which could connect to confluence for ingesting data.
Ideally, you might need to do it by the Confluent API via a script to Elasticsearch. You might also need to use the "ingest-attachment" plugin if you need to parse PDF content.

How can I integrate the Apache Solr Search with my Drupal 7 Site?

Can anyone Give me the Good tutorial links which will be helpful to me so I can check that How to Integrate the Solr Search with my Drupal Site to get good performance.
What are the modules available for Drupal 7.x Version of Apache Solr Search.
Which version of Solr will support the Drupal 7.x.
What are the Configuration should required in Apache Solr / Drupal 7.x to Search?
There are two modules that support Solr with Drupal that are widely used:
Search API Solr
ApacheSolr search
Both have their various configuration 'quirks', I'd say you'd need to try both to see how they fit in with your site, to see which suits you best.
Make sure you have Java 5 or higher installed already on your server.
Tutorial on setting up site with Search API for Solr
Tutorial on setting up site with ApacheSolr
Look at and use Search API - Apache Solr module will not be the way forward for the future of Drupal.
The two maintainers of Search API and Apache Solr have meet in person and have determined a way forward for advanced searches with Drupal and they both have agreed that Search API is it.

What is the SOLR plugin for Liferay meant for?

I am using Liferay 6.1 and I am trying to learn how to incorporate search functionality into Liferay Portal. I was able to run Apache SOLR inside Liferay's tomcat container but I don't understand what the solr plugin for liferay is meant for.
Here is the link
Can someone please explain what are the benefits for using the plugin (for liferay) and what it accomplishes on top of using SOLR?
Per this link it is to externalize the search function from the portal.
Using Solr instead of Lucene gives you the additional capabilities of Solr such as Replication, Sharding, Result clustering through Carrot2, Use of custom Analyzers/Stemmers etc.
It also can offload search server processing to a separate cluster.
Opens up the possibilities of search driven UI (facetted classification etc) separate from your portal UI.