ZBS ZeroBraneStudio lua libs location in Mac OS - zerobrane

I wanted to debug openresty lua which is running in my local host. I installed ZBS IDE for that purpose in my MAC. I am going through the documentation available at.
The instruction says I need to set the below in the nginx conf
lua_package_path '{ZBS}/lualibs/?/?.lua;{ZBS}/lualibs/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '{ZBS}/bin/clibs/?.dll;;';
I am finding it really hard to find out the location of in my mac. I installed the IDE my moving the dmg inside the application directory. Since I could not set this path, my ngix is failing to find the module 'mobdebug'.
Any idea as how to find the ZBS lua lib path in Mac OS.?

If you installed ZBS as the application, then {ZBS} in the paths needs to be replaced with something like /Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio, so the full paths becomes:
lua_package_path '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/?/?.lua;/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/bin/clibs/?.dylib;;';


CMake search path configuration

we working on a C++/CMake project, that needs to run in both Windows and Linux. On Windows, we have to work with a number Visual Studio versions, both in 32- and 64 bit. In order to alleviate dependency issues in our team, we have manually compiled a number of dependencies for each configuration(vs2013_x64, vs2013_x86, vs2012_x64, vs2013_x86...) and installed them (using make install or similar commands) to a common folder for each configuration. Now we have a folder called "vs2013_x64" for example, that contains similar folders as /usr would on linux: CMake, include, lib, share, ...
Now my question is: How do I have to set up CMake, so that it treats this vs2013_x64 folder just like it does /usr on Linux?
I found a number of variables that seem related, for example
CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and CMAKE_SYSROOT. However, setting them to my vs2013_x64 folder for example does not work: FindXXX.cmake files in the vs2013_x64/CMake folder are not found, and even when I manually set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to that CMake folder, the Find* scripts are unable to find the include they are looking for, because the vs2013_x64/include folder does not appear to be searched.
A solution that did work was to set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This is nice and almost what I need, but lets say that on Linux, I would not want it to look at /usr at all under any circumstances. This would not be possible using the PREFIX_PATH solution if I understand it correctly.
From what I understood from the documentation,
CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is more configurable and has a number of additional variables such as CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM, CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY and CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE. This makes me believe that FIND_ROOT_PATH is what I actually SHOULD be doing - yet I am unable to make it work
Does what I am trying to do make sense? Can anyone clarify when and how to use what? Ideally, I would like a solution that allows me to set the search path to my vs2013_x64 folder on Windows, that defaults to /usr on Linux, but can optionally also be set to another directory containing lib/include/cmake folders. In addition, it would be nice if searching ONLY occurred in the configured path and nowhere else (to avoid mistakenly picking a library that was installed system-wide).

Why won't OSA_LIBRARY_PATH not work as documented for JXA?

According to Apple's Developer Docs the Library global allows one to import compiled scripts so they can be used as a library in one's current script. This works just fine if you were to do something like the below code with myLibName.scpt located at ~/Library/Script Libraries:
myLib = Library('myLibName');
myLib.myLibMethod() // Works just fine
But, the docs also claim that one can export an environment variable — OSA_LIBRARY_PATH containing a string of : delimited paths — and Library() would then defer to that list of paths before proceeding to it's default path: ~/Library/Script Libraries. Ya know, like the bash environment variable Path. Here's the relevant piece of documentation below; it describes the path hierarchy:
The basic requirement for a script to be a script
library is its location: it must be a script document in a “Script
Libraries” folder in one of the following folders. When searching for
a library, the locations are searched in the order listed, and the
first matching script is used:
If the script that references the library is a bundle, the script’s
bundle Resources directory. This means that scripts may be packaged
and distributed with the libraries they use.
If the application running the script is a bundle, the application’s bundle Resources
directory. This means that script applications (“applets” and
“droplets”) may be packaged and distributed with the libraries they
use. It also enables applications that run scripts to provide
libraries for use by those scripts.
Any folders specified in the environment variable OSA_LIBRARY_PATH. This allows using a library
without installing it in one of the usual locations. The value of this
variable is a colon-separated list of paths, such as /opt/local/Script
Libraries:/usr/local/Script Libraries. Unlike the other library
locations, paths specified in OSA_LIBRARY_PATH are used exactly as-is,
without appending “Script Libraries”. Supported in OS X v10.11 and
The Library folder in the user’s home directory, ~/Library.
This is the location to install libraries for use by a single user,
and is the recommended location during library development.
computer Library folder, /Library. Libraries located here are
available to all users of the computer.
The network Library folder,
/Network/Library. Libraries located here are available to multiple
computers on a network.
The system Library folder, /System/Library.
These are libraries provided by OS X.
Any installed application
bundle, in the application’s bundle Library directory. This allows
distributing libraries that are associated with an application, or
creating applications that exist solely to distribute libraries.
Supported in OS X v10.11 and later.
The problem is that it doesn't work. I've tried exporting the OSA_LIBRARY_PATH variable — globally via my .zshrc file — and then running a sample script just like the one above via both the Script Editor and the osascript executable. Nothing works; I get a "file not found" error. I found this thread-where-the-participants-give-up-hope online; it doesn't explain much. Any thoughts?
On a somewhat related note, the Scripting Additions suite provides two other methods — loadScript and storeScript — that seem like they might be useful here. Unfortunately, when you try to use them, osascript gives you the finger. Though, I did manage to return what looked like a hexadecimal buffer from a compiled script using loadScript. Anyway, any insight you guys can shed on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
The OSA_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is ignored by restricted executables when running with System Integrity Protection enabled.
To workaround this limitation you can either turn off SIP, or you can use an unrestricted executable.
For instance, to make osascript unrestricted, you should first make a copy, and then re-sign it with an ad-hoc signature:
cp /usr/bin/osascript ./osascript
codesign -f -s - ./osascript
Once you have the unrestricted osascript, you can run it with the OSA_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable set like this:
OSA_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/libs" ./osascript path/to/script.scpt
As a lousy alternative, you can put a symlink at one of the "Script Libraries" folders that osascript would look at and point it to the folder you want. Note that the symlink must be a replacement for the entire folder, it can't just exist inside of it.
rm -rf ~/Library/Script\ Libraries
ln -s "/Your/Custom/Path/Goes/Here/" ~/Library/Script\ Libraries
Tested on 10.13.2

Locating Apache source code for mod_perl on Mac

I get the following error in Terminal when I try to install mod_perl:
Please tell me where I can find your apache src
I've tried using cpan > install mod_perl(even forcing v. 2) AND I've tried just downloading it, and doing $ perl Makefile but they both lead to the same error.
I'm trying to follow steps from http://bulknews.net/lib/mod_perl_guide/install.html or Oreilly's CGI Programming with Perl but the site says:
The first thing first is to download the Apache source code and unpack it into a directory -- the name of which you will need very soon
Mac comes with Apache, which is why I don't want to download it. But how can I find the apache src???
Update: Haven't checked, but did find apache2 folder in ~/private/var/log
Additional Info --- separate locations of mod_perl files:
I have an unzipped folder: mod_perl-1.31 in my ~/Downloads folder. (for manual install)
I found tar.gz files of mod_perl -1 and -2 in ~/G/GO/GOZER/mod_perl-1.31.tar.gz (or 2.04) (for cpan)
Should I delete these?
Let me know if there is any other info required to solve this, or if I somehow missed a post with this same question. Thanks a lot.
It's quite possible that Mac OS X doesn't ship with the apache source code (I'll be damned if I can find it.) I can find no references to it online or on my machine.
I am going to ignore the built-in Apache installation and install my own. This article discusses PHP and Apache on Mac OS X but I'll also be using mod_perl on my system and will adjust as necessary: http://www.phpied.com/installing-php-and-apache-on-mac-osx-that-was-pretty-easy/
Install it dynamically as a dso.

No 'server' JVM at '...'

I'm running a java application that we distribute as a server-side system. I'm trying to write a launcher ("write" is somewhat of an overstatement here, I'm basically just copying the Java.exe file so that we can get the desired name in the process explorer of windows). This exe is in our bin/ directory of our application file tree.
Now, we also have a jre/ directory in our file tree, which is where Java.exe actually resides (we ship our product with the Java environment). When I use Java.exe as the launcher, which is located in \jre\jre1.6.0_21\bin, or if I place the copy (call this exectuable 'Orange.exe') I made in this directory, it works just fine. But, if I put my 'Orange.exe' in the bin\ directory, then I get the following error:
Error: no 'server' JVM at 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll'
I think I understand what is happening here - I want to use the server version of the jvm.dll file, which is in our jre directory. The problem is, I don't understand WHY it doesn't look in the jre\jre1.6.0_21 directory in my application path. I've set my JAVA_HOME environment variable to this location. It seems like it's defaulting to another, system-wide expected location.
Does anyone know how I can change this, so that it looks in my application-provided java environment directory? Ideally, this will be an environment variable, as I need to call this application with parameters using a batch file.
There is a little trick to get the server JVM up and running:
Copy "server" folder from the JDK's JRE's bin folder example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\bin\server
Paste the "server" folder to JRE's bin folder example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin
See official readme for details.
I've just been struggling with this same problem in Eclipse and I noted that as suggested by the answer above the JBoss site has a thread on this issue saying the same as the answer above to copy files from the jdk to the jre folder.
I noticed that you can avoid having to do this if you define the runtime to be the jdk when you create the server. I didn't find how to edit an existing server though.
AFAIK, the JRE usually doesn't ship with a server VM (only the client VM). If you really need the server VM, you have to use the JDK installation.
See Oracle Java for Developers Download page for JRE's with Server VM.
I had the same problem here but, in my case, I just had not properly update the JAVA_HOME and my PATH for my recently installed JDK.
I just updated it to my new JDK location and the server started just fine.
Windows looks for DLLs in LIBPATH environment variable.
And make sure your 1.6.0_21 is somewhere first in PATH.
I solved the same problem by setting the JAVA_HOME path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin
The easiest fix is simply to copy the contents of client folder inside bin and put in a newly created folder 'server' inside bin.
Copy from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\client
Paste in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\server
*server is the new folder
Make sure that server/jvm.dll file must be there when we are trying to run servers like servicemix.
Copy "server" folder from the JDK's JRE's bin folder example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\bin\server
Paste the "server" folder to JRE's bin folder example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin
I paced problem, I went through above..That's working fine.

How do I integrate JNI code into weblogic?

I am writing an application which will be deployed in weblogic. As part of this application, we are using a third party library which uses JNI. How do I make the .so file available to weblogic?
I tried setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and restarting weblogic with no luck
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should be set in the setWLSEnv.sh or the startWLS.sh scripts.
Can you show us where and how you did that?
You can include the path of the .so files for LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the commEnv.sh . In <WL_install_dir>/common/bin/commEnv.sh based on your OS case block you can update with .so folder like below
Obviously after updating you need restart all the services.