So I'm learning SPARQL and trying to get a specific person out of dbpedia using a SPARQL query. I'm using their endpoint at to do this query. The person I'm trying to find is Albert Einstein . I found on his page that he has a property of dbp:name. So I wrote a query to find Albert Einstein by his name:
select ?person where {?person <> "Albert Einstein"} LIMIT 100
Unfortunately, this gives me just an empty result set (I think) as i'm justing seeing an empty table with the header of 'Person'
What's going wrong?
I'm not sure why your query doesn't work, but this one does:
select ?person where {?person foaf:name "Albert Einstein"#en} LIMIT 100
Though this returns all entities named "Albert Einstein", which includes the scientist, but also an album of the same name. If you want just people, you can use:
select ?person
where {
?person foaf:name "Albert Einstein"#en.
?person a foaf:Person.
My database has information about documents, where each document has a category, e.g.
PREFIX rdfs: <>
:doc1 :hasCategory :category1 .
:category1 rdfs:label "Law" .
There are about 100k statements like this.
Running a simple query to get counts of documents per category:
SELECT ?category (count(distinct ?doc) as ?count) WHERE {
?doc :hasCategory ?category .
} GROUP BY ?category
takes about 0.1s to run.
But to return the category labels as well:
SELECT ?category ?label (count(distinct ?doc) as ?count) WHERE {
?doc :hasCategory ?category .
?category rdfs:label ?label .
} GROUP BY ?category ?label
this query takes more than 7s to run.
Why would the difference be so large, and is there a more optimised query I can use to get the labels?
I found I can get the desired result in 0.2s with the following query:
SELECT ?category (sample(?lbl) as ?label) ?count WHERE {
?category rdfs:label ?lbl .
SELECT ?category (count(distinct ?doc) as ?count) WHERE {
?doc :hasCategory ?category .
} GROUP BY ?category
} GROUP BY ?category ?count
But I don't really understand why it's more efficient.
GraphDB versions before 8.6 release implement the GROUP BY operation with a naive LinkedHashMap, where the hash key is composed of all elements part of the projection. To calculate the hashcode the engine will translate the internal identifier to a RDF value. If the strings are longer, they will be read from an external collection resulting an extra disk operation and additional CPU to calculate the hashcode.
The only way to optimise the query is to switch to GraphDB 8.6 (currently it's a late release candidate), which implements a more optimised aggregate algorithm or reduce the GROUP BY projection like you did in your answer.
I have an internal triples dataset.
I am trying to implement a typeahead feature for an application using the dataset.
I am trying to figure out how I can conditional traverse to the Top Concept
In this picture, if I searched for dreamworks, It would be 3 layers down (Business Organizations -> Private Company -> Dreamworks).
If I do something else, obviously it will be at different layers of the graph.
I am trying to get the value "Organization" or "Person" as the top level.
This very straightforward query works.
SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectPrefLabel ?a ?b ?o
?subject skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm ?subjectPrefLabel .
?subject skos:broader/skos:broader/skos:broader/skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm ?a
FILTER regex(?subjectPrefLabel, "Dreamworks", 'i')
ORDER BY ?subjectPrefLabel
However, obviously this is unsustainable, since the developer would need to know how many levels down the hierarchy in order to issue the correct number of skos:broader.
Is there anyway I can conditionally discover the highest level of the hierarchy?
As this is an internal Ontology, I cannot share any data, so I know it will be hard to work with, any advice is appreciated.
Using the kleene star operator * incombination with a FILTER that there is no more broad concept should return the top concepts only:
SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectPrefLabel ?a ?b ?o WHERE {
?subject skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm ?subjectPrefLabel .
?subject skos:broader* ?concept.
?concept skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm ?a
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?concept skos:broader ?supConcept }
FILTER regex(?subjectPrefLabel, "Dreamworks", 'i')
ORDER BY ?subjectPrefLabel
This query, why does it return Gabriel Heinze and not Cristiano Ronaldo? Both satisfy the criteria
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?personLabel WHERE {
?person wdt:P54 wd:Q18656.
?person wdt:P54 wd:Q75729.
?person wdt:P54 wd:Q8682.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
Querying clubs Cristiano Ronaldo is member of, using wdt as property prefix returns only the Real Madrid FC as this statement has a higher priority rank, and wdt focuses on the highest priority rank statements.
Unfortunatly, there is no direct substitute to wdt that would include lower priority statements, but you can use a combination of p and ps:
the fixed query to find all clubs Ronaldo has been part of
your query fixed
Thanks for asking: researching, I finally learned what the t stands for in wdt: truthy \o/
I am trying to select all people in wikipedia with a particular profession, occupation or are known for a particular field (i.e. contains the string of the occupation or profession).
?p a <> .
?p <> ?influenced.
?p <> ?knownFor.
Produces sort of what I want but I also want to include their Profession/Occupation (both of which are ?Profession or ?occupation) but the following doesn't return anything:
?p a <> .
?p <> ?influenced.
?p <> ?knownFor.
?p <> ?profession.
Or including ?Occupation doesn't work either as some don't have a profession entry but have an occupation. I just want all people (and their influenced list) for a particular profession/occupation i.e. "psychology" or "architect". I want basically a table:
Person | Profession/Occupation | Known For | Influenced Person | Profession/Occupation | Known For
The below is obviously wrong but something like this....
?p a <> .
?s <> ?profession. (or ?fields/?occupation)
?p <> ?influenced.
?p <> ?knownFor.
?s <> ?profession. (or ?fields/?occupation)
I don't know the exact reason*, but it seems that people in DBpedia who have dbo:influenced or dbo:knownFor don't have dbo:profession or dbo:occupation.
So, your query won't work, and you will have to find some other way to find the information you need, possibly by looking at dbp:fields or rdf:type.
* My guess is that dbo:influenced and dbo:knownFor is used for scientists and scientists don't have occupation or profession in DBpedia.
DBpedia is extraction of wikipedia infoboxes. If you look at the result of the first query and take one example out of it, check in wikipedia, you will see that there is no profession or occupation is used in the infoboxes. For example, let us look at, wikipedia page is In wikipedia page, we can not find any information about profession or occupation in infobox. This is because is used as template and there is no occupation/profession in that template. On the other hand there is template, we can find occupation and known for. Therefore, below query will work:
?p a <> .
?p <> ?knownFor.
?p <> ?occupation.
But this one will query only extraction of page which used and will not return any page which used
I have a scenario where the user can select multiple classes and i need to build dynamic SPARQL query to fetch all the data that satisfies all the relationships thats exist (if any )between all selected classes. How do i achieve this?
Suppose the user selects three classes- Population, Drugname,SideEffects. Now he tries to find all the common data that exists between these three classes. How do i build a SPARQL query to achieve this? I need a sample SPARQL query that joins these three classes.
If you want to retrieve properties for which some resources have the same value (and so you probably want to retrieve that value, too), you can use a query like this:
select ?p ?o where {
dbpedia:Bob_Dylan ?p ?o .
dbpedia:Tom_Waits ?p ?o .
dbpedia:The_Byrds ?p ?o .
SPARQL results from DBpedia
p o
You could also use a query like this to find the subjects that are related to all three of these individuals by some particular property (but on DBpedia it doesn't have any answers):
select ?s ?p where {
?s ?p dbpedia:Bob_Dylan, dbpedia:Tom_Waits, dbpedia:The_Byrds .