Excel VBA: Animating Visibility of a Range w/ RowHeight loop - vba

I am interested in showing/hiding several ranges on my workbook. Normally I would just test whether or not the range is already hidden and set the following to either true or false rng.EntireRow.Hidden.
I would like to make my project feel more like an app (yes I know excel probably isn't the best place to go with it, but attention to small details like this is my kind of thing). The following is an example of what I am trying to do. It works, especially on a clean worksheet/workbook. The problem is that on the workbook in which I am trying to use it, there is already a ton of data/formatting/shapes on the worksheet. This is causing "skips" in the smoothness of the loop. I have tried different step by's, but nothing really seems to solve it. The DoEvents was necessary in order to see any animation at all.
If anyone has an idea on how to make this work, or if it's at all possible, that would be great. Thanks!
Sub testView()
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(20, 1))
If rng.EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
For i = 1 To 15 Step 1
rng.EntireRow.RowHeight = i
Next i
For i = 14 To 0 Step -1
rng.EntireRow.RowHeight = i
Next i
End If
End With
End Sub

I do a lot of animations in Excel for pedagogical reasons (mostly animations of charts). I sometimes use variations of the following sub:
Sub Pause(delay As Double)
Dim start As Double
start = Timer
Do While Timer < start + delay
End Sub
Then in the main code, have something like Pause 0.10 after (or instead of) where you currently have DoEvents. Low tech, but it sometimes helps.


VBA program stops to refresh the worksheet

I'm making my own Conway's Game of Life on VBA where the current state is displayed on a worksheet.
Because I'm not skilled, the implementation is probably not very efficient (I use 2 boolean matrices to model the current state and the next one).
To display the result at each step, I've sub display() that took the matrix_currentand color each cell in black or white. To make the whole process smoother, I've wrapped Application.ScreenUpdating = Falseand Application.ScreenUpdating = True . Short story long, it looks like that :
Private Sub display()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 0 To sizeGrid
For j = 0 To sizeGrid
If matrix_curr(i, j) Then
Cells(i + xmin, j + ymin).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Cells(i + xmin, j + ymin).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Before each Call display() I call the method Sleep() to let enought time to watch each step.
So, here is my issue:
The display on the worksheet often stops after a number of steps. However, the programm is still running and finally shows the last state. So basically, I can monitor the beginning, then nothing change until the last step that are displayed.
Everything happen as if the worksheet suddenly stop to be refreshed.
Do you have any idea to solve this issue.
I thank you in advance for your help (and hope that I make myself understood
despite my poor english)
My problem is that after a number of steps, nothing more happen on the screen (as if it was freeze).
That's because Excel is essentially running out of breath - it's basically not keeping up with all the ScreenUpdating toggles.
When you toggle Application.ScreenUpdating back on once, Excel happily responds by repainting itself.
When you're running a busy loop, it's prioritizing execution of the VBA code and the Excel UI goes:
(not responding)
This is normal: there's a lot of things to process, so it's processing them - updating the UI, raising worksheet events, responding to user actions, calculating cells, all these things "drop priority", until the VBA code completes.
Try adding a DoEvents instruction immediately after toggling Application.ScreenUpdating back on; this explicitly tells Excel "okay, go ahead, process whatever other stuff you've got, then come back here when you're ready". I'd warmly recommend leaving Application.EnableEvents off and Application.Calculation set to xlCalculationManual until the code completely executed.

Excel file decided one day to format all of the cells that were General to Custom [$-409]ddd

I've been using this particular file for a number of years (expense tracking/checkbook). It has a few simple macros, but none of them have acted up after several years of fine-tuning to do anything like the effect I've encountered. I'm running Excel 2013, if that makes any difference to the scenario.
Several months ago I noticed that when entering data into an unused area on one of the worksheets, the result shown would be "Mon", "Tue", etc. Looking at the formatting drop-down list in the toolbar showed Custom, instead of General, as I would have expected (the specific formatting is [$-409]ddd). For a long time I just adjusted the formatting on the new work to whatever I needed it to be (General, Accounting, Percentage, etc) and carried on. It's become frustrating recently and I decided to investigate further.
It appears that ALL of the cells that were normally formatted as General, are really formatted as Custom. Most of the cells I didn't notice it on are simply text like Balance, Contribution, etc. so I didn't realize the formatting had changed. Only the cells that I specifically formatted as Accounting, Number, Percentage, etc. remain unaffected by the blanket "Custom-ization".
I don't have any code in my macros that do blanket changes to [$-409]ddd, only one section of code that applies "mmm dd" on one specific page, and it's hard coded to "mmm dd".
Does anyone have any clues on what may have happened? I'm open to suggestions on how to remedy the situation as well. I'm considering just a brute-force macro that walks through all of the cells in all of the worksheets, checks the formatting against [$-409]ddd and changes them to General.
This can happen if the Normal Style has been corrupted. Examine it (using right-click) and fix if necessary:
Gary's Student is most likely right as to the cause of this. Anyway, if you don't know how to fix it that way or the cause turns out to be something else, here is a brute-force way to remedy the situation in all worksheets in the workbook.
Some words of caution:
1) This will take a very long time to run, since it loops through all cells in the workbook.
2) Make sure you insert the name of the wrong number format exactly right, or it won't work.
3) Make a copy of the workbook in question before you try this to make sure you don't break anything unintentionally.
Sub resetNumberFormats()
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim cll As Range
Dim wrongNumberformat As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
wrongNumberformat = "[$-409]ddd"
For Each sht In Worksheets
For Each cll In sht
If wrongNumberformat = cll.NumberFormat Then cll.NumberFormat = "General"
Next cll
Next sht
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The following code is much much faster and works in an instant by me. Try this instead:
Sub setNumberFormats()
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim cll As Range
Dim wrongNumberformat As String
' insert VBA code for wrong number format below
wrongNumberformat = "[$-409]ddd"
With Application
.FindFormat.NumberFormat = wrongNumberformat
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each sht In Worksheets
Do While Err.Number = 0
sht.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchFormat:=True).NumberFormat = "General"
Next sht
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Freeze on close after ListObject Resize

I have an Excel file that takes data from outside and writes it in a ListObject.
As adding rows one by one through ListRows.Add is very slow, I add the right number of empty rows to the sheet and resize the ListObject.
This works really well in Excel 2010.
With Excel 2007, it works but when the user closes the workbook or Excel, it freezes and Windows displays its crash window (asking if you want to close, restart or debug the application).
This is really annoying and doesn't look very good :).
Any idea of what I could do to prevent that?
Maybe you have a better idea to quicky ladd thousands of rows in a ListObject?
Moreover randomly (I reopen the file change nothing and execute the macro), Resize fails with an error message and Excel crashes if I stop the execution.
Here is the function that adds the empty rows, if I follow it step by step it all the ranges are correct and it does what I need.
I'm pretty sure this is this function that causes the problem as it disappears when I comment the call to that function.
Sub AddRowsToListObject(sheetName As String, myTable As ListObject, addRows As Long)
Dim i As Long
If addRows > 0 Then
'Add empty rows at the end
i = myTable.DataBodyRange.row + myTable.ListRows.Count
Sheets(sheetName).Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i + addRows - 2, 1)).EntireRow.Insert shift:=xlDown
'Offset -1 as you need to include the headers again
myTable.Resize myTable.DataBodyRange.Offset(-1, 0).Resize(myTable.ListRows.Count + addRows, myTable.ListColumns.Count)
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately I don't have Excel 2007 and cannot replicate the error described in the question. However and assuming that:
The code is not trying to add rows beyond the capacity of Excel 2007
The error is caused by the method used to add new lines to the existing ListObject
And since you are asking for an alternative method to add thousands of rows to an existing ListObject
Try the code below
Sub ListObjects_AddRows(myTable As ListObject, addRows As Long)
If addRows > 0 Then
With myTable.DataBodyRange
.Offset(.Rows.Count, 0).Resize(addRows, 1).EntireRow.Insert
With .Offset(.Rows.Count, 0).Resize(addRows, 1)
.Value = "X"
End With: End With: End If
End Sub
add Application.ScreenUpdating = False right after the start of the sub
add Application.ScreenUpdating = True right before the end
If you are doing 1000s then you definitely don't need the screen refreshing each time a new line gets drawn. Change that and it will only redraw it once it is finished.
After a lot of painful testing, it looks like the problem is not in this method but in the deleting of the rows just before that :
Sub ResetListObject(myTable As ListObject)
If myTable.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count > 1 Then
myTable.DataBodyRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(myTable.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count - 1, myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns.Count).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp
End If
End Sub
Excel 2010 requires you to always keep 1 row when you empty the ListObject.
But Excel 2007 requires 2 rows !!
I don't know why and I can't find any information on that.
I changed my script to delete all rows except 2 and changed the function in the OP to manage that fact.

Refresh all charts without blinking

The aim is to refresh all charts in Excel after cells recalculation.
I work with Microsoft Excel 2010.
As we know, there is a bug? in Excel so that Excel does not update charts even after
A known hack is to do something like this:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Temp = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = Temp
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
This does work. However, all Excel charts blink (they become white for a moment while updating). Could you advise, please, is there any way to avoid such blinking?
I tried to call
on all charts (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff198180(v=office.14).aspx):
For Each ChartObject In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
but for some reason my Excel (2010) shows error #438 "Object doesn't support this property or method".
Could you advise, please, do I miss something important?
Untested But the .Refresh may work with this:
Sub ChangeCharts()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'This line disable the on screen update for better performance, the blink you see, you could delete both lanes but it will run slower
Dim myChart As ChartObject
For Each myChart In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Next myChart
Application.ScreenUpdating = True'This line reenable the on screen update for better performance, the blink you see, you could delete both lanes but it will run slower
End Sub
And that's because (as the link you provide shows) .Refresh only works with the object Chart and not with the object ChartObjects as you have been trying to apply it. Hope it'll guide you in the right direction. (also added quotes for the blink/flicker on screen in the code)
Happy Pi Day!
I just did some experiments with animating charts, using VBA to change a counter in a cell, and worksheet formulas to recalculate chart data based on this counter.
I used to do a lot of chart animations, back in the days of Excel 97-2003, and those ran pretty well. When Excel 2007 came out, the animations really degraded, and nothing seemed to help. But just now I did these tesst in the latest build of Office 365 (Version 1904, Build 11504). And it turns out, sometime in the past few years or so, Microsoft has made it work better.
Sub ChartAnimation1()
Dim i As Double
For i = 0 To 1000 Step 50
ActiveSheet.Range("Stepper") = i
End Sub
The animation didn't animate, that is, the chart didn't change despite the data changing.
My experience told me I should put something like DoEvents in the code after I change the cell's value.
Sub ChartAnimation2()
Dim i As Double
For i = 0 To 1000 Step 50
ActiveSheet.Range("Stepper") = i
End Sub
This helped a little, the chart changed, but the animation was not smooth. Some steps were missed, and the effect was a herky-jerky animation.
Sub ChartAnimation3()
Dim i As Double
For i = 0 To 1000 Step 50
ActiveSheet.Range("Stepper") = i
End Sub
This ran a bit more slowly than with one DoEvents, but it was a lot smoother; still not perfect, but pretty good.
More than two DoEvents was overkill: the code took the same length of time, and the animation was not any smoother.
I also tried various combinations of Chart.Refresh, Chart.Activate, and ScreenUpdating. Two takeaways:
Without a couple DoEvents, the animation didn't work regardless of what other things I tried.
With a couple DoEvents, none of these extra steps made the animation any smoother, but they could make it significantly slower.
This was pretty interesting, so I'll blog about it some day. When I do I'll come back and post a link.
As is often the case I was sent to this VBA post following a VB.NET query regarding blinking or flashing Excel Charts after turning on Excel ScreenUpdating. Blinking Charts is something that has been driving me mad for a long time now and I have seen no solutions that work including the above solution that looks like it should work but doesn't. I have now found a solution that works 100% for all of my programs. As this is a VBA post I have shown a VBA solution to the flashing charts but my VB.NET solution is for anyone else who is sent to this post looking for a VB.NET solution. My solution is based on the answer by Zegad above but it has a couple of essential additions that are not documented and which to me are not obvious. Use the following sub as a replacement for "MyXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True". If you find it works for you please do not ask me to explain why it works. I'm sure there are many here who could probably explain this but for me it is the result of luck and dogged determination. An odd addition here is that you actually only need to activate and refresh then deactivate any one chart and all of the charts will update without flashing when re-enabled, See 'VB.NET CODE-2 sub below.
Sub ScrUpdateEnableNoFlicker()'VBA CODE
Dim myChartObj As ChartObject
For Each myChartObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Cells.Range("A1").Select 'IMPORTANT ADDITION
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ScrUpdateEnableNoFlicker() 'VB.NET CODE-1
'ACTIVATE and refresh the chart objects on the sheet with the charts.
Dim aSheet As Excel.Worksheet = CType(mXLWrkbk.Sheets("Sheet1"), Excel.Worksheet)
Dim aChartObjects As Excel.ChartObjects = CType(aSheet.ChartObjects, Excel.ChartObjects)
For Each achartobject As Excel.ChartObject In aChartObjects
achartobject.Activate() 'IMPORTANT - Will not work without activating first
Dim achart As Excel.Chart = achartobject.Chart
'Now deactivate the current activated chart object by selecting any cell
'THIS IS IMPORTANT - It will not work without doing this
Dim selRange As Excel.Range = aSheet.Range("A1")
'Now turn Screen Updating back on...
'All of the Charts will have updated and will not flicker
mXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ScrUpdateEnableNoFlicker() 'VB.NET CODE-2
'ACTIVATE ANY ONE of the chart objects on the sheet with the charts.
Dim aSheet As Excel.Worksheet = CType(mXLWrkbk.Sheets("Sheet1"), Excel.Worksheet)
Dim aChartObject As Excel.ChartObject = CType(aSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 9"), Excel.ChartObject)
aChartObject.Activate() 'IMPORTANT - Will not work without activating first
'Refresh just the ONE activated chart.
Dim aChart As Excel.Chart = aChartObject.Chart
'Now deactivate the current activated chart object by selecting any cell
'THIS IS IMPORTANT - It will not work without doing this
Dim selRange As Excel.Range = aSheet.Range("A1")
'Now turn Screen Updating back on...
'You only need to activate/deactivate any one chart and all of the Charts will have updated and will not flicker
mXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I was having this issue when hiding or showing a series in my chart. The change would not be apparent until I would scroll away then back again to the chart, which was really a pain. I tried all the above solutions with no luck until I realized unselecting and selecting again the chart before doing the change would work.
Good luck in your research for a solution ;)
Thanks to those who have posted here before! Without your successes, I would not have smooth animation of a dynamic simulation. In my case, it is an xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers type chart. Running in VBA.
This works for me when changing the series programmatically. The chart is animated smoothly. Running Excel 2016 64 bit
Public Sub ShowOneAnimationFrame(worksheetName As String, chartName As String, _
xvals() As Double, yvals() As Double)
'update chart series programmatically
'Excel 2016 64bit
'Dec 21, 2020
'Author: S^3
Dim theChart As chart
Dim chrtObj As ChartObject
Dim oneSeries As Series
Set chrtObj = Sheets(worksheetName).ChartObjects(chartName)
Set theChart = chrtObj.chart
If theChart.SeriesCollection.Count = 0 Then
End If
Set oneSeries = theChart.SeriesCollection(1)
'update the series with new values
oneSeries.XValues = xvals
oneSeries.Values = yvals
theChart.Refresh 'required (this and the next line are required but the order doesn't matter)
chrtObj.Select 'required
Cells.Range("A1") = Cells.Range("A1").value 'something like this is required
End Sub

How to avoid default property gotchas in VBA?

I only use VBA occasionally, and every time I come back to it I get caught out by some variation of the following:
I have a Range object, currentCell, that I use to keep track of what cell I'm working with in the spreadsheet. When I update this to point to a different cell, I write:
currentCell = currentCell.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)
The problem is that I've forgotten the Set keyword, so what the above line actually does is use the default property of the Range objects:
currentCell.Value = currentCell.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1).Value
So the contents of the current cell are overwritten by what's in the new cell, and my currentCell variable hasn't changed to point to a new cell, and I get filled with rage as I realize I've made the same mistake for the hundredth time.
There probably isn't a better answer than to put a post-it on my monitor saying "Have you remembered to use Set today?", but if anyone has any suggestions to help me, I'd appreciate hearing them. In particular:
Is there any way to turn on warnings when you implicitly use default properties? I have never used them like this on purpose, I'd always call Range.Value if that's what I meant.
Is there any good practice for marking variables as "this should only be used to read from the spreadsheet"? In most code I write, almost all my variables are for gathering data, and it would be handy to get a warning if something starts inadvertently editing cells like this.
It took me a while to understand how you are running into problem since I do not think I have ever had this problem in spite of using range objects for years. After thinking about things, I realized I do the following 100% of the time when working with cells - I use the offset or cells functions constantly - I rarely use Set to redefine a current variable.
If I have a loop I am iterating through to go through the spreadsheet, I may do something like
Dim startRng as Range
Set startRng = range("A1")
for i = 1 to 100
startRng.offset(i,0).value = i
startRng.offset(i,1).value = startRng.offset(i,0).value
next i
for i = 1 to 100
cells(i,0).value = i
cells(i,1).value = cells(i,0).value
next i
Either of these notations means I almost rarely have to use Set with a range object - almost always this happens once (if at all) and indicates the first cell in a range I will iterate over or reference.
It is also really clear what the offset is - since you specify a row/column - which makes it really straightforward what is happening in the code and easier to track since it references a single cell. You don't have to track down and trace backwards to the last 3 places you update a currentCell Range object.
Adopting a style of coding using these sorts of styles should eliminate nearly all these errors you are making. I am quite serious when I say I cannot remember ever having made a similar error in all my years coding VBA - I use the offset and cells functions continuously in my code (loops in these examples, but I use similar methods with all other examples in code) rather than setting ranges to new ranges. The side effect is that when you are setting a range in your code, it is almost ALWAYS immediately following a Dim statement and much more clear.
Whatever you choose to do, you'll need the post-it note, I'm afraid. After all, setting a range object's value to the value in another cell is a perfectly valid and common thing to do. The code has no way of knowing that you want it to do anything other than what you ask it to.
You could try checking your range object's address before and after you update it to make sure it's different, but if you remember to do that, you would be better off simply using the set keyword to update the object the way you intended.
Now that this issue has enraged you to the point of posting your question, I imagine that you'll never forget it again, regardless of how much time goes by before your next visit to VBA. So maybe you won't need the post-it note after all.
Is there any way to turn on warnings when you implicitly use default properties?
Is there any good practice for marking variables as "this should only be used to read from the spreadsheet"?
Well, you could make your own variable naming convention, à la Making Wrong Code Look Wrong, but you'll still have to check your own code visually and the compiler won't help you do that. So I wouldn't rely on this too much.
A better option is to circumvent the need for repeatedly redifining currentCell using .Offset altogether.
Instead, read the entire range of interest to a Variant array, do your work on that array, and then slap it back onto the sheet when you're done modifying it.
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim v As Variant
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1:D5") 'or whatever
v = r.Value 'pull from sheet
For i = 1 To UBound(v, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(v, 2)
'code to modify or utilise element v(i,j) goes here
Next j
Next i
r.Value = v 'slap v back onto sheet (if you modified it)
Voilà. No use of default properties or anything that could be confused as such. As a bonus, this will speed up your code execution.
There probably isn't a better answer than to put a post-it on my monitor saying "Have you remembered to use Set today?", but if anyone has any suggestions to help me, I'd appreciate hearing them. In particular:
I would slightly change the wording on the Post It
"Are you sure you have not forgotten using Option Explicit and Error Handling?"
Otherwise trust me there is no better way! Having said that, I would like to confirm that "Using Set" is the least of your worries. What should be on the top of your main worries is "Writing Good Code" and this doesn't come overnight. It all comes by practice.
My advice to all beginners. Never assume! For example, .Value is the default property of the range so
Range("A1") = "Blah"
is correct. But still avoid using that.
Always Fully qualify your variables
Always Use Option Explicit
Always Use Error handling
For example, This works.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
On Error GoTo Whoa
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rng = ws.Range("A1")
rng.Value = "Blah"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Now let's try the above code without using the Set command. Try the below code. What happens?
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
On Error GoTo Whoa
ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
rng = ws.Range("A1")
rng.Value = "Blah"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Recommended Read.
Topic: To ‘Err’ is Human
Link: http://siddharthrout.wordpress.com/2011/08/01/to-err-is-human/
I think enderland has highlighted the basic solution, which is to handle processing multiple cells in a loop. To take it further, I'd suggest using a For Next loop for cycling through cells. Probably on of the most common bits of code I write is something like:
Dim cell as Excel.Range
Dim rngCellsToProcess as Excel.Range
Set rngCellsToProcess = 'whatever you set it to
For each cell in rngCellsToProcess
'do something
Next cell
This won't eliminate the need for Set, but may help remind you to use it, while making it clearer what's going on.
Maybe write your own custom function and use it instead ?
Sub offset_rng(ByRef my_rng As Range, _
Optional row As Integer, Optional col As Integer)
Set my_rng = my_rng.Offset(row, col)
End Sub
Can be used like this:
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A1")
offset_rng my_rng:=rng, col:=1
rng.Value = "test1"
offset_rng my_rng:=rng, col:=1
rng.Value = "test2"
offset_rng my_rng:=rng, col:=1
rng.Value = "test3"
offset_rng my_rng:=rng, col:=1
rng.Value = "test4"
End Sub