Compiling Titanium Modules from GitHub - titanium

After a few days of failure I realize I need more insight than google can deliver.
I am attempting to include a module in my otherwise working fine Titanium project but am not having any luck. The module in question is Ti.MapPlus, a fork of the standard Ti.Map module that I am already using. The GitHub repository does not have a compiled release, and it is not available via
I have tried to create a new Mobile Module Project without success; but suspect that this is the best route.
Can anybody walk me through the steps of getting the module working globally?

There are some releases here:


reSolve and React Native integration

Is there any working example available involving reSolve in React Native?
Suggestions of comparable solutions (running without any back-end connectivity in place) either in React Native or Flutter are also most appreciated.
GitHub contains an example in the reimagined/react-native-example repository but unfortunately it isn't working. It seems the current version is pretty outdated.
Referring to that repository, the command yarn create resolve-app -e shopping-list-advanced shopping-list-advanced results in the following error message.
Error: No such example, shopping-list-advanced. The following examples are available
So you are unable to download the sample code since it does not appear to exist.
So I tried downloading and inflating the ZIP manually. Afterwards I ran yarn install (which takes a while and reports quite a lot of warnings). Next, I used the command yarn start:native. This doesn't work either and results in the following error message.
ERROR: Node.js version 16.13.2 is no longer supported.expo-cli supports following Node.js versions: >=10.13.0 <11.0.0 (Active LTS) >=12.0.0 <13.0.0 (Active LTS) >=13.0.0 <14.0.0 (Current Release)
In an attempt to solve the problem, I updated the expo-cli version in the native\package.json file to 5.0.3. Running yarn install and yarn start:native again results in a new error message being thrown error.
Invalid regular expression:
Range out of order in character class.
This doesn't seem to go anywhere... In other words, I am a bit stuck here since I don't know what this message actually means.
Thank you for your feedback.
The team decided to extract the React Native example to a separate repository and postpone its maintenance to keep focused on more important tasks like polishing the server-side.
As you mentioned, the example is outdated, there are many changes in the client configuration since then. In the future, we may work on some guide on how to use reSolve in React Native and other frameworks.
In the meantime, you can try to add reSolve in your ReactNative app using our docs.
We provide several client libraries that can be helpful:
Feel free to contact us through Github in case of any difficulties, we'll be glad to help you.

How to target ESNext modules on Nuxt?

I am asked to target ESNext modules on my Nuxt app, how can I do that? I could not find anything on the web.
Related to this issue:
Looking at the freshly released Nuxt v3 beta, we can see that ESmodules are only partially supported in Nuxt2.
You should probably wait/upgrade to Nuxt3.
checking the documentation itself, I found no reports of support for ES Modules, however, it is known that "vitejs/vite (vue)" and VueJS 3 via Command Line support these modules, I believe the Nuxt community needs to create a project template with this setting is built into the project settings.

how to add latest webrtc sources to android project?

So, there is existing webrtc project, that runs on latest libjingle(25dec 2015). And now, for support purpose, I need to update current version to latest from webrtc repo. How can I do that? I see there java files with c++ with headers in separate folders, have no idea what is going on there, even where files that I actually need, and how to implement that source to project. Is there any in-depth guide for that? Have anyone faced this problem before?
WebRTC's project structure have changed a lot since last year. They are deprecating GYP in favor of GN, it is highly recommended to start from the beginning.
You can read the compilation guide for Android there:

How to make JOGL OSGI bundles with native libraries loaded correctly?

I've been trying for days:
This library has native dependencies embedded in jars.|org.jogamp.jogl|jogl-all|2.0-rc11|jar|org.jogamp.gluegen|gluegen-rt|2.0-rc11|jar
Can you provide detailed instructions to make osgified versions of this?
It would be nice if you can use bnd or bndtools in the process.
I've tried to make a gigantic bundle with everything embedded, but I cannot make karaf to find native libraries: I keep getting the error "no gluegen-rt in java.library.path"
I tried to make a fragment bundle but cannot make the pieces to match... Tried with bnd, tried with eclipse. Need help from more experienced people.
I have been trying to use that with Apache Karaf, so it would be excellent if you can make that work with Karaf 2.3.1
If you know how to do it with Eclipse RCP 4.2 then please help!
First of all this isn't a Karaf specific issue, you might want to start with a unit test first, using pax exam. For your issue you need to make sure the native libs don't have dependencies to each other.
You might be interested in the following links.
Load DLL (using JNA) inside an OSGi bundle

Appcelerator Titanium Module - Verification issue, unlicensed module(s)

I had found a module in the appcelerator marketplace to allow for the rotate gesture called gesture recogniser but unfortunately it's now been removed when i went to purchase but it looks like the developer has also released the module as a 'skeleton' version on github here:
Now i followed the instructions on the readme file and built the project which created the module for me, when putting this into an app though i get the following error message and red screen:
Verification issue
Unlicensed module(s) detected.
You must be a subscriber to use one or more of the modules included with this project
Is there something i have missed to get this and how to i go about resolving the issue? Sorry i have no clue when it comes to github and modules so apologies if i am trying to use this in my app when i shouldn't but if anyone can help explain how and if i am allowed to get this working?
p.s the original link for the marketplace link that is now not found is:
You need to follow steps as follows:
Open Terminal and run “uuidgen”
Copy the code you see on the terminal
Open tiapp.xml, replace what’s in the “guid” tag with the the code you copied.
In Titanium Studio, do Project –> Clean
Concept is to change GUID of module which is mentioned in manifest.
If you have the source code, just go the the manifest file, change the guid in the manifest to a new one, and build the module again. Probably better to increase the version and include it in your project again. Clean and build and it will work.
I guess the Titanium studio checks if you have licence for the modules you use. In case a module is on the marketplace with the same guid and you have no licence for that, it triggers it as unlicensed module.