How can I load data from OpenStreetMap of a particulat area (e.g. Berlin) into the (open source) Virtuoso triple store which runs on my local computer (Ubuntu)?
I tried to download the particular OSM file and access it with sparqlify in order to convert it to RDF (or turtle etc.), which then later (at least that was my idea) could be loaded to Virtuoso using the bulk loading strategy. That did not work.
I would be happy if you could tell me if there is any other alternative how I could convert the osm files into RDF.... or, if there is a totally different approach?!
I also thought about using apache jena within Java to access the linkedgeodata access point directly, however, I guess having the data locally gives me much more performance at a later point when I run SPARQL commands.
I want to setup DBpedia dataset locally, but I'm not sure how to do it. I have downloaded mappingbased_objects_en.ttl and infobox_properties_mapped_en.ttl.bz2, is there anything else I need to download,
now how can I query this using SPARQL ? do I need to install anything to make it queryable from sparql. is there any Database software for SPARQL like mysql ??
I tried, but due to the restriction of 10000 query limit I want to setup DBpedia in my system
Any lead would be appreciated.
PS: This two files (mappingbased_objects_en.ttl, infobox_properties_mapped_en.ttl.bz2) doesn't seems to have all the entity information for ex: Steve Jobs is not there in those files but Tim Cook is there and I'm certain Steve jobs is present in DBpedia.
You need to install DBPedia on a local triplestore, such as Virtuoso. I explain this in this article but here is the gist on how to install and query DBPedia locally with Virtuoso Triplestore:
The Virtuoso Open Source Edition can be downloaded from here.
Once Virtuoso is installed, run it and start VOS Database.
Go to Virtuoso admin page in the browser (you may have to give it a bit of time to start): http://localhost:8890/conductor/
Login with default credentials (dba/dba)
In tab “Quad Store Upload” for testing you can upload a ttl file to the specified named graph IRI, such as “http://localhost:8890/DBPedia”.
Next you can test the triplestore in the SPARQL tab or directly at the local endpoint. For example:
{?category skos:broader <>}
However the upload might fail for bigger files.
For bigger files and also for uploading multiple files, it is best to use the bulk upload.
In order to bulk upload files from anywhere (and not just the Virtuoso import folder), you must add your folder to the DirsAllowed property in the Virtuoso configuration file virtuoso.ini. You must restart Virtuoso for the changes in virtuoso.ini to be effective. For example, assuming that the dumps are in /tmp/virtuoso_db/dbpedia/ttl, you can add path /tmp/virtuoso_db to DirsAllowed.
Once Virtuoso is back and running, go the the Interactive SQL (ISQL) window and register the files to be loaded by typing in:
You can then perform the bulk load of all the registered files by typing in:
You can monitor the number of triples being uploaded by performing the following SPARQL query on the local endpoint:
select count(*) as ?c where {?a ?b ?c}
Although #firefly's answer is still correct, there is a much simpler way to setup dbpedia locally provided by dbpedia itself:
git clone
cd virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart
COLLECTION_URI= VIRTUOSO_ADMIN_PASSWD=password docker-compose up
I have just started with gremlin. I have successfully built and stored a graph on gremlin-server using python script, using the package gremlin_python.
I was curious to know how is the data of the graph stored on disk, but could not find it. (I did find that Titan graphDB stores it in Cassandra/HBase but I'm not using Titan, just the gremlin-server.)
TinkerGraph is an in-memory graph database, so it does not store anything to the file system and is non-transactional in nature. You can however configure it to write its contents on close to a specified format by setting these configuration properties:
Those settings and how to use them are described in the TinkerPop reference documentation.
Since Factbook's SPARQL endpoint is down, I downloaded the zip file of their data. I do not understand how can i fire SPARQL queries at it. Any idea as to how it can be achieved? The unzipped version doesn't have a single RDF file so Fuseki is giving me an error
i want to query from Linked Movie Database at locally.
is there some rdf or owl version of it that can i download query locally instead of remotely
I tried to query it and got the following error:
org.openjena.riot.RiotException: <E:\Applications\linkedmdb-latest-dump\linkedmdb-latest-dump.nt> Code: 11/LOWERCASE_PREFERRED in SCHEME: lowercase is preferred in this component
There's a claim that there is a download from this page. Haven't tried it myself, so I don't know whether it's fresh or not.
There is a dump in ntriples format at this address:
If you want to query it you may upload the dump files onto one local triple store such as 4store or jena (using the relational support). Other libraries and tools are available, depending on the language you're more familiar with.
If you need more information let me know.
using Graph Stylesheets in Neo4J is nice, but I don't like the manual upload procedure.
Is there any way to perform that upload with the Neo4J API?
Unfortunately not, it's stored in the browser in local storage.
And right now there is no functionality to tie it to the database.
It should be possible to create e.g. a chrome extension that allows management of grass files, history etc. But I'm not knowledgable enough to know how to tie it in.