Excel VBA - Compile Error - Object Required - vba

This is my first post to this wonderful forum . I am new to VBA and have been writing my first meaningful macro beside doing some practice while learning.
While the WIP code is reproduced below, let me give you a background.
Have a a sheet to calculation investment maturity based on various inputs like Term of Payment and term of Maturity.
This sheet has all the formule in place to compute the maturity value.
Now on sheet 2, I am creating a matrix structure with a intersection of payment term and term of maturity. For ex combination of 1 Yr of Payment term with maturity ( 1...25) and next Payment term and so on.
I am writing a macro which will pick up the user choice from sheet 1 and then loop the macro in matrix and capture the result and paste it to sheet two .
I am still far away from what i have to achive but got a code in first few line of selecting and setting the payment term and maturity terms
Error is Compile error- Object required. I am not able to figure out what it it. WIP code is reproduced below
Private Sub Simulation_Click()
Dim PPT As String
Dim Term As String
MsgBox (" The Programme is starting now")
Set PPT = Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("G2").Value
Set Term = Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("G3").Value
For PPT = 1 To PPT
For Term = 1 To Term
' Do something here
Next Term
Next PPT
End Sub
Please help
EDIT # 1- September 19,2017, 3.10 AM IST
Hi Experts,
Finally my first VBA code is running . Its slow but its running. One last problem
I have issue in Code line "Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2").Copy Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("What if").Cells(cols, Rowsh)" where while to source carries the right value( checked in debug Mode) but when it is pasted to target, it is pasted as 0. When I checked the target sheet , somehow it is showing me a formula (= Max( R1C1 :X1Y1). Please note that from where I am copyiong the value ( Source) , its a excel calculation which is arrived as a formula of selecting max of col J . I suspect that code is copying the formula instead of value. Please advice
Option Explicit
Sub macro21()
'MsgBox ("Start")
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim PPT As Integer
Dim Term As Integer
Dim pptrange As Range ' Address of the Cell where PPT is maintained in Sheet 1
Dim termrange As Range ' Address of the Cell where Term is maintained in Sheet 1
Dim cols As Integer
Dim Rowsh As Integer
PPT = 3
Term = 5
cols = 3
Rowsh = 3
For i = 1 To PPT
For j = 1 To Term
Set pptrange = Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G2") ' Set pptrange and termrange locations
Set termrange = Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G3") ' Set pptrange and termrange locations
pptrange.Value = i
termrange.Value = j
***Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2").Copy Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("What if").Cells(cols, Rowsh)***
' MsgBox ("Value is " & Cells(cols, Rowsh).Value)
MsgBox ("Value is " & Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2"))
If j < Term Then
cols = cols
Rowsh = Rowsh + 1
End If
Next j
cols = cols + 1
Rowsh = 3
Next i
End Sub
I have issue in Code line "Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2").Copy Workbooks("himanshu.xlsm").Sheets("What if").Cells(cols, Rowsh)" where while to source carries the right value( checked in debug Mode) but when it is pasted to target, it is pasted as 0. When I checked the target sheet , somehow it is showing me a formula (= Max( R1C1 :X1Y1). Please note that from where I am copyiong the value ( Source) , its a excel calculation which is arrived as a formula of selecting max of col J . I suspect that code is copying the formula instead of value. Please advice

PPT is a string so you should use:
PPT = ...
and not
Set PPT =
Set is used to assign object variables such as workbooks, worksheets, etc.
Edit: as Jeeped mentioned in his comment you have to change data type. You cannot use string in a loop like that. Change Term and PPT to Integer or Long.


Trying to create a macro to perform 100 iterations and paste resulting values (2 adjacent row cells) to a 2 x 100 array

I have a worksheet that uses randomly generated numbers in calculations to produce results in two adjacent cells (let's say A1 and A2). I am trying to perform 100 iterations where I'm simply "Calculating Formulas" on the worksheet and then trying to store the results of each iteration next to A1 and A2 (so iteration 1 would be in B1 and B2 and iteration 100 would be in CW1 and CW2). Thanks in advance for your help. Using Excel 2010 if that matters.
Dim Iteration As Integer, i As Integer
Dim val As Variant
Iteration = 100
For i = 1 To Iteration
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(x1Up).Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial
Next i
End Sub
I think your major problem was with the location you were selecting for the destination address - you were finding the last unused cell in column B, then shifting over one column (i.e. to column C) and pasting the first set of results. Then you were using that same location for the second set of results, etc.
Sub Test()
Dim Iteration As Integer, i As Integer
Dim val As Variant
Iteration = 100
'Use a "With" block so that it can be easily changed in the future
'to refer to a specific sheet if needed
With ActiveSheet
For i = 1 To Iteration
'Determine the last used column on row 1,
' offset 1 column to the right,
' resize to refer to 2 rows,
' set values to the values in A1:A2
.Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1).Resize(2, 1).Value = .Range("A1:A2").Value
Next i
End With
End Sub
As pointed out by Steve Lovell, you also had a typo in your original code. It is a good habit to include Option Explicit as the first line in every code module. That will force you to declare all the variables that you use, and the compiler would have highlighted x1Up and given a "Variable not defined" error.

Random number generation with user-defined Mean and StdDev

I am attempting to generate normally distributed random variables.
I have a user input for the total number of variables (M), the number of sets of random variables (N). I am using the formula =NORM.INV(RAND(),0,1) and it works fine.
However when I want to have a user input Mean and StdDev, I declare a variable for each. The cell that is bring referenced by the variable I put say a 0 for Mean and 1 for StdDev.
The code will run, however the output of the random variables is the good old #NAME?.
I do not understand why referencing a cell if just entering the formula on the worksheet works, but in VBA it does not?
The code is:
Sub RandomNorm()
Dim WS_W As Worksheet: Set WS_W = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Working") ' Sheet for calculations
Dim WS_Rand As Worksheet: Set WS_Rand = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Random Generated") ' Sheet for random variable generation
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim N As Long: N = WS_W.Range("B3").Value ' Number of random variable sets
Dim M As Long: M = WS_W.Range("C3").Value ' Number of simulations
Dim Mean As Double: Mean = WS_W.Cells(3, 4).Value ' Mean of Normal distribution
Dim StdDev As Double: StdDev = WS_W.Cells(3, 5).Value ' Standard Deviation of normal distribution
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Selection.ClearContents ' Prepare for generation by clearing Generation sheet
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To M
WS_Rand.Cells(j, i).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=NORM.INV(RAND(),Mean,StdDev)"
End Sub
The Excel worksheet formula calculation engine does not know anything about your VBA variables.
You are assigning a formula to cells and attempting to use variables from VBA in the formula. Since Excel does not recognize the literal text of each variable name this results in a #NAME? error.
The fix is to replace the variable names with their values:
ActiveCell = "=NORM.INV(RAND()," & Mean & "," & StdDev & ")"
As a side note... you can assign the formula to the entire range of cells in one go rather than looping the assignment cell by cell, and nothing needs to be selected in order to assign the formula.

Excel Overflow Error

Here is my code :
Dim i As Integer, a As Integer, rowsInThere As Integer, rowsInI As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet, b As Integer
Dim x As Integer, z As Integer
Dim total As Integer
Dim value As String
rowsInProjects = Sheets("Projects").UsedRange.Rows.Count
z = 3
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("b5:b50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("c5:c50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("d5:d50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("e5:e50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("F5:F50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("G5:G50").ClearContents
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("H5:H50").ClearContents
For a = 1 To rowsInProjects
value = Worksheets("Projects").Cells(a, 1).value
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Cells(a + 4, 2).value = value
For i = 5 To Worksheets.Count
rowsInI = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count
For x = 1 To rowsInI
If Worksheets(i).Cells(x + 8, 3).value = value Then
total = total + Worksheets(i).Cells(x + 8, 6).value
End If
Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Cells(i, z).value = total
Next x
z = z + 1
Next i
z = 3
Next a
There error arises on the total = total + ... line. What my code is doing is copying a list of projects from a worksheet into a new one.
It then has to search through the other worksheets for each of the project names added. Each of the other worksheets will have 2-3 records with the project name. I want to get the total cost of the project from each worksheet and then insert it back into the orginal file.
1. Create list of projects
Iterate through List
iterate through each worksheet
totaling values from matching projects
Insert value back into project list
J O'Brien, Choate and Townsend are the 3 worksheets
This is the Choate worksheet
Is this approach right for what I am trying to achieve?
you're probably overflowing the max size of an Integer, which is 32767. Try using a long for your range loop counter instead.
This would apply to a, x, z and rowsInI
You also asked if this (your method) was the right approach, Yours works so yes it is. However, it could possibly be optimised.
For every item in your project list, you're iterating over every row in your data sheet in all of your data sheets.
Which, depending on the number of rows in each sheet, is a fair few! (its at least Projects * Rows * 3)
I dont know if your "projects" list is one you generate per-run, so you only get a few projects or if its just everything you've got.
Hopefully the code below makes some sense, if you decide to give it a go please make sure you run it on a copy of your data! It's an example and it only dumps the result to the debug window.
The code below (which may not function perfectly as I might have got the columns and rows wrong) will loop over each sheet once and calculate a per-sheet total for each project (allowing for multiple instances of the same project in a single sheet, if this is possible in your data)
Sub Main()
Dim Projects As Object
'Dim Projects As Scripting.Dictionary
Set Projects = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Set Projects = New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim Project As String
Dim Sheets() As String
Dim Name As String
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Dim SheetIndex As Integer
Dim ProjectColumn As Variant
Dim TotalColumn As Variant
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Max As Long
Dim MaxRow As Long
' You'll need to put your sheet names below
' not very nice, just a way to predefine an array containing sheet names
Sheets = Split("Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3", ",")
' loop over all the sheets
For SheetIndex = 0 To UBound(Sheets)
' get a reference to the sheet were looking at
Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheets(SheetIndex))
' calculate the last row in the workbook (as using UsedRange isnt always right)
MaxRow = Sheet.Cells(Sheet.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
' get the data were looking for
' the 9 in the next 2 lines might be wrong, it should be the row# for the first data row
Set ProjectColumn = Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(9, 3), Sheet.Cells(MaxRow, 3)) ' the 9 here might be wrong!
Set TotalColumn = Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(9, 6), Sheet.Cells(MaxRow, 6)) ' again, 9
Max = MaxRow - 8 ' adjust the max row to account for the +8 header cells above the data
For Index = 1 To Max
' loop over all the projects in the current sheet
Project = ProjectColumn(Index, 1)
' this allows for multiple instances of the same project per sheet (no idea if this occurs in your data)
If Projects.Exists(Project) Then
If Projects(Project).Exists(Sheets(SheetIndex)) Then
' update the total
Projects(Project)(Sheets(SheetIndex)) = Projects(Project)(Sheets(SheetIndex)) + TotalColumn(Index, 1)
' inclue the total for the sheet
Projects(Project).Add Sheets(SheetIndex), CLng(TotalColumn(Index, 1))
End If
' new project, add it and the total value for the current sheet
'Projects.Add Project, New Scripting.Dictionary
Projects.Add Project, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Projects(Project).Add Sheets(SheetIndex), CLng(TotalColumn(Index, 1))
End If
Next Index
Set ProjectColumn = Nothing
Set TotalColumn = Nothing
Next SheetIndex
' Projects now contains a list of all projects, and the totals for your sheets.
' Projects
' - Project Name
' - - Sheet Name - Sheet Total
' dump the data to the immediate window in the vba editor
For Each Key In Projects.Keys
For Each SubKey In Projects(Key).Keys
Debug.Print Key & ", " & SubKey & " = " & Projects(Key)(SubKey)
Next SubKey
Next Key
End Sub
Using this you'd only need to iterate over each sheet once and then one further iteration over the projects sheet to extract the required totals from the result.
My normal approach is to hold all the available data in one worksheet so I can analyse it using pivot tables. If I then need to create a non-pivot table worksheet, I then use VBA to copy and PasteSpecial the pivot table as a regular range.
If there's a really good reason to hold this data in 3 separate worksheets, I would amalgamate the 3 sheets using VBA (basically copying and pasting all the data into a single worksheet with one set of column headers), adding an extra column that contains either "Choate", "OBrien" or "Townsend" during the copy/paste process, then creating a pivot table from the resulting amalgamation.
I use this approach a lot - all my data is standardised and I can filter the pivot table as required - by date, project, manager/salesperson/creator (Choate, Townsend and O'Brien), currency, or whatever.
I'm afraid this isn't strictly speaking an answer to your question, more a suggestion of a different approach. Of course, I don't know the circumstances of how you get this data, so it may not be feasible for you.

Macro to copy rows from multiple workbook to summary workbook with matching column value

I have different workbooks with different sheets with same Sheet name.(Book1,Book2,Book3,excel1,excel2,micorsoft etc) in a folder.
I would like to create way to have the entire row (when data is entered) transfered to a summary workbook with the matching value in a cell.please see the example table below.
If you notice the example below,I have a Book1 with worksheet1 (it also have different worksheets along with this one).
Now my requirement is to copy entire row with matching status column cell or cells (eg: NEW,research) into the workbook where macro is running,from all the workbooks in a folder.
I request if some one can help me with this macro that will be great.
Not always but Some times this data would change from time to time, so it would have to keep over-writing with the most up to date data. I would just like it all to consolidate onto 1 workbook so I can have the data from there.
Is this something that can be done easily? I've tried my luck at some macros but I can't seem to get it.
column A column B column C status comment column D
I was lucky enough to get a code to copy from one sheet to other in a single book the code is below
Sub Foo()
Dim i As Long, iMatches As Long
Dim aTokens() As String: aTokens = Split("New,research", ",")
For Each cell In Sheets("Worrksheet1").Range("E:E")
If (Len(cell.Value) = 0) Then Exit For
For i = 0 To UBound(aTokens)
If InStr(1, cell.Value, aTokens(i), vbTextCompare) Then
iMatches = (iMatches + 1)
Sheets("Worrksheet1").Rows(cell.Row).Copy Sheets("final").Rows(iMatches)
End If
End Sub
This code will copy ALL rows content with the words matching NEW,research or any required in the column E : E from Worrksheet1 sheet to final sheet
Now change required in this is to copy from different workbooks in a folder(given path to directory) into single workbook in same or differ folder.
If i can have an option to email the copy like mentioned below link
will be great
Creating a Windows application which reads and writes excel spreadsheets + reads and writes emails
I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're after...But.
Open all the workbooks that you want copied.
Paste the following code into a standard module in one of the workbooks (it doesn't matter which one) Run it.
The code creates a new workbook and looks at every cell in row 1 of every workbook in every worksheet. (apart from the one that's just been created)
If it isn't blank it copies the entire column into the new workbook in the same worksheet number and in the same column position. Cheers.
Sub alltoone()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
j = 0
ght = 0
Set nwrk = Workbooks.Add
For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count - 1
ght = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(ght, Workbooks(i).Worksheets.Count)
Next i
If ght > nwrk.Worksheets.Count Then
Loop Until ght = nwrk.Worksheets.Count
End If
For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count - 1
For k = 1 To Workbooks(i).Worksheets.Count
For t = 1 To 256
Set fez = Workbooks(i).Worksheets(k).Cells(1, t)
If Not fez.Value = Empty Then
End If
Next t
Next k
Next i
Set nwrk = Nothing
Set fez = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Excel VBA programming [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am a complete beginner in excel and got an assignment today to be completed by tomorrow . I would be really grateful if someone can help me out in this .
I have a sheet which has the following table :
The first table is the master , from which i need to get the data and represent it the form of separate tables using marco-VBA . Would appreciate any help to achieve this using macro .Thanks.
Say the master table has n columns , so I need to form n-1 separate tables where each table will have 2 columns the first column will always be the first column of the master table and the second column will be (n+1)th column from the master table for the nth table . Example - 1st table will have 2 columns (1st column of master table and 2nd column of master table ) , likewise 2nd table will have 2 columns (1st column of master table and 3rd column of master table ) , so on and so forth ....
I will be adding to this answer over the next hour or so. The idea is for you to start with the early blocks of code while I develop later blocks. Edit I have now completed the answer except for any extra explanations you might seek.
I agree with RBarryYoung: you do not provide enough information to allow anyone to provide you with a complete solution. Also, if you are trying to learn VBA, giving you the solution will not help in the long term.
I would normally agree with djphatic: the macro recorder is very useful for learning the VBA that matches user operations but the macro recorder will not give you much of the VBA you need for this task.
I am curious who has given you this assignment when you are clearly not ready for it.
I cannot read your image so I created a worksheet which I named "MasterTable" and loaded it with data so it looks like:
Your comments imply that this table may change in size so the first task is to identify its dimensions. There are many different ways of identifying the dimensions of a table; none of which work in every situation. I will use UsedRange.
Copy the following into a module:
Option Explicit
Sub SplitTable1()
Dim UsedRng As Range
With Worksheets("MasterTable")
Set UsedRng = .UsedRange
Debug.Print UsedRng.Address
Debug.Print UsedRng.Columns.Count
Debug.Print UsedRng.Rows.Count
End With
End Sub
There is no time to give full explanations of everything I will show you but I will try to explain the most important points.
Option Explicit means every variable must be declared. Without this statement, a misspelt name will automatically declare a new variable.
Debug.Print outputs values to the Immediate window which should be at the bottom of the VBA Editor screen. If it is not there, click Ctrl+G.
Dim UsedRng As Range declares a variable UsedRng of type Range. A range is a type of Object. When you assign a value to an object, you MUST start the statement with Set.
Running this macro will output the following to the Immediate window:
I will not be using UsedRng.Address or UsedRng.Columns.Count but I wanted you to understand what the UsedRange is and how it can be used.
Add this macro to the module:
Sub SplitTable2()
Dim CellValue() As Variant
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
With Worksheets("MasterTable")
CellValue = .UsedRange.Value
For RowCrnt = LBound(CellValue, 1) To UBound(CellValue, 1)
Debug.Print "Row " & RowCrnt & ":";
For ColCrnt = LBound(CellValue, 2) To UBound(CellValue, 2)
Debug.Print " " & CellValue(RowCrnt, ColCrnt);
End With
End Sub
Dim CellValue() As Variant declares a dynamic array, CellValue, of type Variant. () means I will declare the size of the array at run time.
CellValue = .UsedRange.Value sets the array CellValue to the values within the UserRange. This statement sets the dimensions of CellValue as required.
CellValue becomes a two dimensional array. Normally the first dimension of an array would be the columns and the second the rows but this is not TRUE when the array is loaded from or to a range.
With a one dimensional array, LBound(MyArray) returns the lower bound of the array and UBound(MyArray) returns the upper bound.
With a two dimensional array, LBound(MyArray, 1) returns the lower bound of the first dimension of the array and LBound(MyArray, 2) returns the lower bound of the second dimension.
This macro outputs the following to the Immediate window.
Row 1: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8
Row 2: R1C1 R1C2 R1C3 R1C4 R1C5 R1C6 R1C7 R1C8
Row 3: R2C1 R2C2 R2C3 R2C4 R2C5 R2C6 R2C7 R2C8
Row 4: R3C1 R3C2 R3C3 R3C4 R3C5 R3C6 R3C7 R3C8
Row 5: R4C1 R4C2 R4C3 R4C4 R4C5 R4C6 R4C7 R4C8
Row 6: R5C1 R5C2 R5C3 R5C4 R5C5 R5C6 R5C7 R5C8
This second macro demonstrates that I can load all the values from the worksheet into an array and then output them.
Add this macro to the module:
Sub SplitTable3()
Dim ColourBack As Long
Dim ColourFont As Long
With Worksheets("MasterTable")
ColourBack = .Range("A1").Interior.Color
ColourFont = .Range("A1").Font.Color
Debug.Print ColourBack
Debug.Print ColourFont
End With
End Sub
Run this macro and it will output:
For this answer, these are just magic numbers. 16777215 sets the font colour to white and 16711680 sets the background or interior colour to blue.
For the last macro, I have created another worksheet "SplitTables".
Add this macro to the module:
Sub SplitTable4()
Dim CellValue() As Variant
Dim ColDestCrnt As Long
Dim ColourBack As Long
Dim ColourFont As Long
Dim ColSrcCrnt As Long
Dim RowDestCrnt As Long
Dim RowDestStart As Long
Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long
With Worksheets("MasterTable")
' Load required values from worksheet MasterTable
CellValue = .UsedRange.Value
With .Cells(.UsedRange.Row, .UsedRange.Column)
' Save the values from the top left cell of the used range.
' This allows for the used range being in the middle of the worksheet.
ColourBack = .Interior.Color
ColourFont = .Font.Color
End With
End With
With Worksheets("SplitTables")
' Delete any existing contents of the worksheet
' For this macro I need different variables for the source and destination
' columns. I do not need different variables for the source and destination
' rows but I have coded the macro as though I did. This would allow the
' UsedRange in worksheet "MasterTable" to be in the middle of the worksheet
' and would allow the destination range to be anywhere within worksheet
' "SpltTables".
' Specify the first row and column of the first sub table. You will
' probably want these both to be 1 for cell A1 but I want to show that my
' code will work if you want to start in the middle of the worksheet.
ColDestCrnt = 2
RowDestStart = 3
' I use LBound when I do not need to because I like to be absolutely
' explicit about what I am doing. An array loaded from a range will
' always have lower bounds of one.
For ColSrcCrnt = LBound(CellValue, 2) + 1 To UBound(CellValue, 2)
' Create one sub table from every column after the first.
'Duplicate the colours of the header row in worksheet "MasterTable"
With .Cells(RowDestStart, ColDestCrnt)
.Interior.Color = ColourBack
.Font.Color = ColourFont
End With
With .Cells(RowDestStart, ColDestCrnt + 1)
.Interior.Color = ColourBack
.Font.Color = ColourFont
End With
RowDestCrnt = RowDestStart
For RowSrcCrnt = LBound(CellValue, 1) To UBound(CellValue, 1)
' For each row in CellValue, copy the values from the first and current
' columns to the sub table within worksheet "SplitTables"
.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt).Value = _
CellValue(RowSrcCrnt, LBound(CellValue, 2))
.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt + 1).Value = _
CellValue(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCrnt)
RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
Next RowSrcCrnt
ColDestCrnt = ColDestCrnt + 3 ' Advance to position of next sub table
Next ColSrcCrnt
End With
End Sub
This is the real macro. All previous macros have served to demonstrate something. This macro does what I think you want.
Come back with questions. However, I do not know what time zone you are in. It is 23:00 here. I will be going to bed in about an hour. After that questions will be answered tomorrow.
Take a look at the macro recorder within Excel. What you are looking to achieve looks like using VBA to perform simple copy and pastes on specific columns within a table. If you turn the macro recorder on and produce the first table by copying and pasting the variable and estimate columns then hit stop, you can view the code producing by viewing the Visual Basic Editor (Ctrl+F11).
You may find these links of some use: