SqlNullValueException Error - sql

Hi I’m receiving an error on a webpage that I do some support for I didn't write/create the website, and am getting an error but just looking for a little more insight into where the error might be coming from, I know it’s an SQL error but is it coming from the website coed itself or from a database that is being accessed by the website?
Error Message:
Stack Trace:
[SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null Values.]


I'm getting an unhandled GET request that I thought I explicitly handled

I'm currently following this tutorial on making a website with database persistence and just finished it (or so I thought) but whenever I try to load the main page I get an unhandled GET:
2022-04-30 12:28:17.720 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-1] ERROR Application - Unhandled: GET - /articles
Yet I definitely handle it in my routing here:
route("articles") {
get {
call.respond(FreeMarkerContent("index.ftl", mapOf("articles" to dao.allArticles())))
Where dao is a data-access object with function allArticles() which returns a list of Article objects.
Heck, I even copy-pasted the entire Routing.kt from the tutorial to make sure it wasn't some small detail I or IntelliJ missed and I still get the exact same error.

Error: An error was thrown when attempting to render log messages via LogBox

I'm working on an app and everything is working fine, then I began to get this error when I log things out from try-catch block
Error: An error was thrown when attempting to render log messages via LogBox.
Please what could cause this?
i had the same issue and i spend all most two days to find any solution and in the end i find their is one console.log() statement which is logging the entire redux store, so as soon as i removed the console statement error removed.

Returning dynamically generated error response with APIs

I have a question :
Currently in my API design, if a user tries to access a resource which isn't found (404 error), we return an error message along with the resource which the user tried to access.
${result?.log}</p> #
But some team members have concern that this can lead to phishing.
My question is : Is it the right practice to give a dynamic error message or should this be avoided?

Adding User to Role with Asp.Net Identity

I am trying to add a user to a role in VB.net with ASP.NET identity. One idea I had in mind was trying to use the IUserRoleStore but I do not know how to use it properly. I also am not sure if I am on the right path, anyone have a clue if I am or not?
I keep getting 2 errors over and over as seen in my Screenshots, that I have provided as links. One error I get is UserId not found error aka Error 1. Keep in mind in this instance the error is raised when checking IsInRole(). The one thing that catches my eye is when looking at the stack trace I see
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManagerExtensions.IsInRole(UserManager`2 manager, TKey userId, String role) +140
I believe this could be the key to solving this problem.
And if I am able to get past that error my reworking my code or just simply only trying to AddToRole instead of checking IsInRole I get a lengthy a network-related or instance-specific error that for brevity I'll sum it up as Error 26: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified. This can be seen under Error 2.
If anyone is interested in helping me solve this, please let me know so I can post the code you need to help understand cause it is pretty lengthy.

Google Bigquery Backend Error with streaming inserts but not display in console

I am getting following error from Google bigquer while doing streaming inserts:
Error message Signet::AuthorizationError: Unexpected status code: 500. Server message: { "error": "internal_failure" }
I can understand that there can few errors but the same doesn't get reflected on console as shown below:
As you can see in above, image, there are no 500 errors but yet in real there were 10 500 internal_failure errors.
Can you tell me why these errors don't refect on console & how do I ensure they don't happen?
This looks like a failiure to get your authentication token. This failure would occur before the client code even attempts to call the bigquery api, so the console you are looking at is accurately representing traffic.
I suspect it is a failure on a request to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token. Perhaps monitoring on outgoing http requests could verify this? (For example, see Getting error 500 when trying to obtain access token from authorization code and Internal_failure while getting refreshtoken using code?)
Back to the BigQuery API: when it returns an http error code 500, the error string will be one of "backendError" or "internalError". (For the curious: "backendError" is usually retriable, while "internalError" is likely a permanent failure.)