Spring Shell 2: Refactoring-safe Dynamic Command Availability - spring-shell

I'm just trying out Spring Shell 2. The section Dynamic Command Availability of the reference documentation shows three ways to indicate availability. However, all of them rely on a naming scheme or string parameter in an annotation. This will break (at runtime) if one uses the refactor functionality of an IDE. So, is there a possibility to use the Dynamic Command Availability feature in a refactoring-safe way?
Update 1:
Considering the answer below, I think this snippet demonstrates the solution:
public class MyCommands {
private final static String ADD_NAME = "add";
#ShellMethod(key=ADD_NAME, value = "Add two integers together.")
public int addTwoInts(int a, int b) {
return a+b;
public Availability checkAddAvailability() {
return Availability.available();

Note that the string parameter in the annotation is the command name, so if you specify it both on the availability method and on the command method, this will survive refactoring.
Bonus points if you extract the command name in a constant.


Why JetBrains IDEA generate constructor always has separate line for the first parameter?

When I use the JetBrains IDEA generate the constructor for Java Class, I always get a separate line for the first parameter. For example:
public Test(//this parameter in next line.
Class<Test> clazz) {
I think this should be some configure for the template, but I cannot find it.

Workflow won't compile

I'm getting the following error when trying to execute my custom build definition (containing only 1 custom CodeActivity):
Exception Message: Expression Activity type 'CSharpReference`1' requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. (type NotSupportedException)
I've tried multiple suggested answers to this error, but none of them are applicable to my activity. My CodeActivity only has a couple of methods that search through directories for specific files, and then returns a delimited string containing the file names.
I don't use any WorkflowInvoker or any DynamicActivities. For what reason would I keep getting this error?
I had the same error on an assignment step.
System.NotSupportedException: Expression Activity type 'CSharpValue`1' requires compilation in order to run.
Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.
The resolution was to remove the carriage returns from statement.
For example this works:
new Foo() { Bar = new Bar() { MyProp1 = "123" } }
This does not:
new Foo()
Bar = new Bar()
MyProp1 = "123"
I decided not to work in a clean xaml file, but instead to use the Default Template provided by TFS. The Default template ran my activities without errors.
I was able to fix this solution as well by using the Default Template provided by TFS, clearing all of their activities, and adding the custom activities and arguments in my original custom template.
However, more insight in to this issue, it seems to be caused by the fact that custom template use C# expressions to handle the arguments. Where as the default template is set up to use VB Expressions for it's arguments.
In my case, the language didn't matter because the values were simply strings.

Confusion about the Argument< T > and Variable< T > in .NET 4.0 Workflow Foundation

I am using Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET 4.0. Below is some syntax/semantic confusion I have.
I have 2 equivalent way to declare an Assign activity to assign a value to a workflow variable (varIsFreeShipping).
(1) Using XAML in the designer.
(2) Using code.
But in approach 2, the it seems I am creating a new OutArgument< Boolean > and assign value to it, not to the original Variable< Boolean> varIsFreeShipping. And OutArgument and Variable are totally different types.
So how could the value assigned to this new Argument finally reach the original Variable?
This pattern seems common in WF 4.0. Could anybody shed some light on this?
As a matter of fact, the second (2) method can be written just as:
Then = new Assign<bool>
To = varIsFreeShipping,
Value = true
This all works because OutArgument<T> can be initialized through a Variable<T> using an implicit operator.
In your first (1) assign, using the editor, that's what's happening behind the scene; the variable is being implicitly converted from Variable to OutArgument.
WF4 uses alot of implicit operators mainly on Activity<T> from/to Variable<T>, OutArgument<T> from/to Variable<T>, etc. If you look at it, they all represent a piece of data (already evaluated or not), that is located somewhere. It's exactly the same as in C#, for example:
public int SomeMethod(int a)
var b = a;
return a;
You can assign an argument to a variable, but you can also return that same variable as an out argument. That's what you're doing with that Assign<T> activity (using the variable varIsFreeShipping as the activity's out argument).
This answers your question?

Code contracts - Assume vs Requires

What's the diference between these two statements ?
Imagine you have a method like this:
bool ContainsAnX(string s)
return s.Contains("X");
Now, this method will always fail if you pass null to it, so you want to ensure this never happens. This is what Contract.Requires is for. It sets a precondition for the method, which must be true in order for the method to run correctly. In this case we would have:
bool ContainsAnX(string s)
Contract.Requires(s != null);
return s.Contains("X");
(Note: Requires and Ensures must always be at the start of a method, as they are information about the method as a whole. Assume is used in the code itself, as it is information about that point in the code.)
Now, in your code that calls the method "ContainsAnX", you must ensure that the string is not null. Your method might look like this:
void DoSomething()
var example = "hello world";
if (ContainsAnX(example))
Console.WriteLine("The string contains an 'X'.");
Console.WriteLine("The string does not contain an 'X'.");
This will work fine, and the static checker can prove that example is not null.
However, you might be calling into external libraries, which don't have any information about the values they return (i.e. they don't use Code Contracts). Let's change the example:
void DoSomething()
var example = OtherLibrary.FetchString();
if (ContainsAnX(example))
Console.WriteLine("The string contains an 'X'.");
Console.WriteLine("The string does not contain an 'X'.");
If the OtherLibrary doesn't use Code Contracts, the static checker will complain that example might be null.
Maybe their documentation for the library says that the method will never return null (or should never!). In this case, we know more than the static checker does, so we can tell it to Assume that the variable will never be null:
void DoSomething()
var example = OtherLibrary.FetchString();
Contract.Assume(example != null);
if (ContainsAnX(example))
Console.WriteLine("The string contains an 'X'.");
Console.WriteLine("The string does not contain an 'X'.");
Now this will be okay with the static checker. If you have runtime contracts enabled, the Assume will also be checked at run time.
Another case where you might need Assume is when your preconditions are very complex and the static checker is having a hard time proving them. In this case you can give it a bit of a nudge to help it along :)
In terms of runtime behavior there won't be much difference between using Assume and Requires. However, results with the static checker will differ greatly. The meaning of each is different as well, in terms of who is responsible for the error in case of failure:
Requires means that the code which calls this method must ensure the condition holds.
Assume means that this method is making an assumption which should always hold true.
It only differs design-time/static-analysis-time
"Instructs code analysis tools to assume that the specified condition is true, even if it cannot be statically proven to always be true"
At run time, using this method is equivalent to using the Assert(Boolean) method.
Contract.Requires will guarantee that the given predicate is true and static code analyzers might raise an error if they can't 'prove' that is not the case. On Contract.Assume the static analyzer will continue/issue a warning/whatever the tool will decide.
According to official documentation: pages 7 (preconditions) and 11 (assumes).
Is a precondition ("preconditions are extressed by using Contract.Requires");
As a precondition will be executed on method invoke;
Not a precondition, not a postcondition, not an invariant;
Is executed at the point where it is specified;
p. 11 "Exist in a build only when the full-contract symbol or DEBUG symbol is defined";

Convert MethodBody to Expression Tree

Is there a way to convert a MethodBody (or other Reflection technique) into a System.Linq.Expressions.Expression tree?
It is indeed possible, see DelegateDecompiler:
NOTE: I am not affiliated with this project
Here is the basic approach that the project takes:
Get MethodInfo for the method you want to convert
Use methodInfo.GetMethodBody to get a MethodBody object. This contains,
among other things, the MSIL and info on arguments and locals
Go through the instructions, examine the opcodes, and build the appropriate Expressions
Tie it all together and return an optimized Expression
Here is a code snippet from the project that decompiles a method body:
public class MethodBodyDecompiler
readonly IList<Address> args;
readonly VariableInfo[] locals;
readonly MethodInfo method;
public MethodBodyDecompiler(MethodInfo method)
this.method = method;
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
if (method.IsStatic)
args = parameters
.Select(p => (Address) Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType, p.Name))
args = new[] {(Address) Expression.Parameter(method.DeclaringType, "this")}
.Union(parameters.Select(p => (Address) Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType, p.Name)))
var body = method.GetMethodBody();
var addresses = new VariableInfo[body.LocalVariables.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++)
addresses[i] = new VariableInfo(body.LocalVariables[i].LocalType);
locals = addresses.ToArray();
public LambdaExpression Decompile()
var instructions = method.GetInstructions();
var ex = Processor.Process(locals, args, instructions.First(), method.ReturnType);
return Expression.Lambda(new OptimizeExpressionVisitor().Visit(ex), args.Select(x => (ParameterExpression) x.Expression));
No, there isn't.
You're basically asking for a somewhat simpler version of Reflector.
Yes, it is possible... but it hasn't been done yet, as far as I know.
If anyone does know of a library that de-compiles methods to expression trees, please let me know, or edit the above statement.
The most difficult part of what you would have to do is write a CIL de-compiler. That is, you would need to translate the fairly low-level CIL instructions (which conceptually target a stack machine) into much higher-level expressions.
Tools such as Redgate's Reflector or Telerik's JustDecompile do just that, but instead of building expression trees, they display source code; you could say they go one step further, since expression trees are basically still language-agnostic.
Some notable cases where this would get especially tricky:
You would have to deal with cases of CIL instructions for which no pre-defined Expression tree node exists; let's say, tail.call, or cpblk (I'm guessing a little here). That is, you'd have to create custom expression tree node types; having them compiled back into an executable method when you .Compile() the expression tree might be an issue, because the expression tree compiler tries to break down custom nodes into standard nodes. If that is not possible, then you cannot compile the expression tree any more, you could only inspect it.
Would you try to recognise certain high-level constructs, such as a C# using block, and try to build a (custom) expression tree node for it? Remember that C# using breaks down to the equivalent of try…finally { someObj.Dispose(); } during compilation, so that is what you might see instead of using if you reflected over the method body's CIL instructions and exception handling clauses.
Thus, in general, expect that you need to be able to "recognise" certain code patterns and summarise them into a higher-level concept.