How to add media play/pause button into push notification bar? - objective-c

I successfully created an apple push notification. I am receiving audio URL via push notification. I want to add media play/pause button into notification bar (custom notification bar), which functionality is that upon getting audio notification the user is able to play/pause receiving audio without opening an app.
Is it possible in iOS? I've searched through many web documents, but found nothing. So, can anyone help me out with this concept?


Resume notification playback controls?

So I want to be able to resume notifications in my app like Spotify. So Spotify you can start playback then go to phone settings and turn off notifications for Spotify. The notification is gone, then re-enable the notifications. The notification is back.
Is there a callback or a category for these zombie notifications?
Right now I use .setCategory(CATEGORY_SERVICE) in my notification builder but that doesn't work.
If you use CATEGORY_TRANSPORT the notification will come back after being turned off

Detect when a user clears notification from the notification center

My app needs to know if a user deletes/clears the apps notifications from the notification center using the clear button.
Is there either away to detect when the user removes the notification from the notification center or grab an array of notification on the notification center?
You (ie App) cannot interact with NotificationCenter, NotificationCenter interacts with the user. A user can choose not to receive any push-notifications.

How does 'NowListening' triggers iOS5 banners + delegates?

Essentially a Cydia application that shows an iOS5 notification center banner each time a song changes in the iPod app.
You can:
- Tap the banner to open iPod app
- Tap and hold a banner to show playing controls in the multitasking switcher.
- Swipe a banner to the right to play the next track.
Is this done with a UILocalNotification at time now-1 or any other method?
How does it not show up in notification center?
How does it do those actions on the notification bar?
Note: I'm asking this to develop a JB app, so no interest in official API's only.
I am the dev of NowListening !
NowListening doesn't provide real notifications, it just provide a banner each time the song changes (with any app) ;)
So, to do this, you have to create an instance of BBBulletin and push it to SBBulletinBannerController.
To dump all these classes, use class-dump.

How are push notifications displayed on iOS 4?

I was wondering how push notifications were displayed on screen for iOS 4? Since there is no notification center (iOS 5) will the push notification instead automatically be displayed as an alert or must I implement this myself?
The code/logic to implement to send "message" push notifications is no different in iOS 4 vs iOS 5. the only difference is the appearance to the user which is a UIAlertView style notification with a "Go to App" button and an ok button. Also be aware there is no notification center that will keep track of old notifications.

ios5 notifications alert style

Is there any way to set the alert style for notifications via programming in ios5?
My app uses notifications that have actions and I do not want to put those notifications as banners. The flow of the app is dependent on the push notifications that arrive.
So I was finding a way by which I could set the alert style of the notifications to "Alerts" rather than "Banners". Any way to do that?
No, your app cannot control this. It is up to the user to decide how he wants your notifications to display. But why does it bother you? Clicking on the action button (aka "View") or clicking the notification itself in Center is similar in behavior regarding your app's code.