Changing or Remap Mac ShortCut? - macos-high-sierra

Is there a way to easily remap mac shortcut, example i want to make:
ctrl+w to be up arrow key
ctrl+s to be down arrow key
ctrl+a to be left arrow key
ctrl+d to be right arrow key
I tried using ukelele but it doesn't seems to work


How to expand menu in IntelliJ without using right arrow

I am currently using IDEAVim on intelliJ on a 60% keyboard without arrow keys.
I am looking for a way to expand the menu of "Show Intentions Action"(the menu which you get from hitting + ) to the right without having to use the arrow key.
If i just hit enter, it will select and execute the intention instead of giving me a menu to "Suppress" or "Ignore" the intention
You cannot remap any cursor keys for the menu actions in IntelliJ IDEA.
The only workaround I can see if to use some system application to remap the keys depending on the OS you are using. For example, on Windows one can map some keys combination to produce the arrow key code with AutoHotkey or a macro in the third-party keyboard driver settings.
Anything that will produce the same code as the real right arrow key on your system should work.

WebStorm switcher shortcuts on MacOS don't work

I'm running WebStorm on Mac OS and for some weird reason, I can't get the 'switcher' shortcuts to properly work.
When I click Ctrl + Tab I get the 'switcher' window, then I want to be able to keep the Ctrl key pressed, and navigate between the open files with the arrow keys. This doesn't work at all.
I changed the keyboard shortcut in the KeyMaps area in the settings, and saved it, but it still doesn't work.

Key mapping with the Shift button in PhpStorm

I'm using PhpStorm and I am trying to setup/change some keymaps; however I can't seem to work out how to do it with the SHIFT keys.
I go into Settings -> Keymap
Then I right click on the one I want to change and select Add Keyboard Shortcut; after this is done I try using the Shift key in the First Stroke field but nothing happens - most other keys I tried appeared to work, but not shift!?
How can I get shift to work.
By the way, I am using Windows.

How to execute a Ctrl+,,f keyboard shortcut in Sublime Text?

I am trying to execute a keyboard shortcut noted as Ctrl+,,f
The shortcut is meant to evaluate a script by sublimeREPL in Sublime Text 3.
What exactly should I press on the keyboard? I tried holding Ctrl and then pressing the comma key two times and then the f key. I also tried holding all the keys, but I every time I try, I get the find box triggered.
What am I missing here?
It's a chord. Ctrl,, then F.

How to combine keyboard and mouse events to create a key mapping in IntelliJ IDEA?

I want to add my own key mappings as combinations of keyboard and mouse events. Examples:
Ctrl + left click
Ctrl + left double click
Ctrl + mouse over
Alt + mouse over
How can I achieve this?
I went to Settings... > Appearance & Behavior > Keymap , but there are only 3 options:
Add Keyboard Shortcut
I can press some keys, but IntelliJ doesn't recognize the mouse events here
Add Mouse Shortcut
It works only for click / double click, keyboard is ignored
Add Abbreviation
I observed that some existing mappings already have such a combination where "left click" appears as "Button1 Click", but I don't know how to insert this text there because there is no Paste option and Ctrl + V is recognized as a key mapping, not as a command. I also tried to drag&drop some text, but it didn't work.
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.1
O.S.: Windows 7
You need to enter a mouse shortcut, and simply use the modifier key when you click the message: "Click here to enter mouse shortcut". The mouse button plus modifier should show up under the Shortcut Preview section of the dialog.