linqpad In parent script Util.complile and run async sub-scrip hangs on execution - linqpad

I'm trying to call a linqpad script from another linqpad script but it tends to just hand. The subscript is an async process so im not sure what im doing wrong. I dont get any Dumps out either so Im not sure what is going on. I do know the subscript does work as it runs fine by it self.
void Main()
var testPass = new TestObject();
var compiledQuery = Util.Compile(#".\TestSubScript.linq", false);
var retVal = compiledQuery.Run(QueryResultFormat.Html, testPass);
And the subscript looks like the following
async Task Main(TestObject input)
"In sub script".Dump();
// bunch of asnyc calls

I had a Util.ReadLine(). I had forgotten about a Util.ReadLine() I was using to ask for details to run the query against. Once I passed in the correct data object to use the code I had set to bypass this Util.ReadLine() the script worked as intended.


Vaadin LoginOverlay

I am very new to both java and vaadin. Hope to be able to get some good tips on how I can improve my code.
I would like to rewrite the code below to use Vaadin´s -> LoginOverlay instead of the code below.
As I said, I'm trying to learn so I have used the code for this example:
However, LoginOverlay seems to be a better way to display its login part through. As in this example:
So my question is how can you write the code below as a LoginOverlay.
public class LoginView extends Div {
public LoginView(AuthService authService) {
var username = new TextField("Username");
var password = new PasswordField("Password");
new H1("Welcome"),
new Button("Login", event -> {
try {
authService.authenticate(username.getValue(), password.getValue());
} catch (AuthService.AuthException e) {"Wrong credentials.");
new RouterLink("Register", RegisterView.class)
I have only come this far to convert the code.
A clarification of the new part of the code. The code does not work. The part with loginOverlay.addLoginListener (event -> probably needs to be written in a different way.
I'm using IntelliJ 2020.3.4 if that is of any help.
public class LoginView2 extends Composite<LoginOverlay> {
public LoginView2(AuthService authService) {
LoginOverlay loginOverlay = getContent();
loginOverlay.setDescription("Manage your business tasks");
loginOverlay.addLoginListener(event -> {try {
if(authService.authenticate(username.getValue(), password.getValue());
} catch (AuthService.AuthException e) {"Wrong credentials.");
new RouterLink("Register", RegisterView.class);
Super grateful for all the help you can give.
Many thanks to everyone who makes stackoverflow so amazing.
Copy-pasting code snippets with little idea about what the code does is a recipe for disaster, especially when it comes to security.
You have all kinds of errors in your code: misplaced braces, using variables that do not exist, and a RouterLink far from where it belongs.
I understand you've got to start somewhere. I would recommend starting from code that actually compiles, and then gradually adding things, testing what you have so far at every step.
Here are some tips for your LoginView2:
Remove the whole loginOverlay.addLoginListener(...) code, including the authService.authenticate call and the RouterLink. Make sure that you can run the application at this point, and that you can see the login overlay.
Add back the login listener, but for now just show a notification in it. Test that you can run the application, and that if you click Login, your notification is displayed.
loginOverlay.addLoginListener(event -> {"This is working");
Implement the authentication. You have a call to authService.authenticate(...) inside an if-statement, but the method does not return anything. Instead, it throws an exception if the authentication fails, hence the try-catch. This means that inside the try { ... } block, any code you put after the authService.authenticate(...) call is only executed if it did not throw an exception, i.e. if the authentication was successful.
There are no username or password variables. The first YouTube video had defined these variables in the form of text fields. With the login overlay, it creates those fields for you, so how do you get the corresponding values from it?

Script inside a loop. error during 2nd execution

I have an ssis package that runs a script task inside a loop.
public void Main()
int intCount;
intCount = (int)Dts.Variables["User::Count"].Value;
//some logic
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
During the first iteration code works fine. during subsequent execution I get the below error if I try lookup the value of any variable in immediate window or quick watch
Dts.Variables["User::Count"].Value error CS1704: An assembly with the
same simple name 'ST_850053c10abd463da6fd571ece4d8f95' has already
been imported. Try removing one of the references (e.g.
'ST_850053c10abd463da6fd571ece4d8f95.dll') or sign them to enable

Kotlin use block function is not called on File.printWriter()

I'm new to Kotlin and I'm trying to do a simple task - create and write to a file. For some reason, using use() with a block function on printWriter() doesn't actually write.
File("test2.txt").printWriter().use { out ->
out.println("what's up") { "finished writing" }
In fact, the block function doesn't seem to be called at all - both "hmmm" and "finished writing" never show up, although the file itself is created (but is totally empty).
The much simpler writeText() works just fine - the file is created and the given text is written to the file.
What am I doing wrong in my use() version?
Edit: it seems to be a syntax issue with my block function. Looks like I have an extra pair of brackets? Would love a brief explanation as to why it makes it not work.
Edit 2: I think I understand now. The way I wrote it, I was essentially returning the block function itself rather than running through it.
So the problem was that the way I was writing the block function caused it to just return the inner block function, and not actually call it.
Here are two ways that work:
File("test2.txt").printWriter().use {
it.println("what's up") { "finished writing!" }
File("test2.txt").printWriter().use(fun(out) {
out.println("what's up") { "finished writing!" }
Although, for my purposes writeText() actually works just fine and is much shorter haha.

SendJsonAsync makes function return without executing following code

I'm digging my way into Blazor, using this tutorial to create a simple demo program with a database connection.
These are the three main functions to call the controller:
protected async Task CreateEmployee() {
await http.SendJsonAsync(HttpMethod.Post, "/api/Employee/Create", emp);
protected async Task UpdateEmployee() {
await http.SendJsonAsync(HttpMethod.Put, "api/Employee/Edit", emp);
protected async Task Delete() {
await http.DeleteAsync("api/Employee/Delete/" + Convert.ToInt32(id));
The main functionality of creating/editing/deleting entities works fine, however the redirection afterwards only works for the latest function.
Via debugging I found out the SendJsonAsync method makes the function return without executing the following code, though in the example it seems to be working fine.
Is there an obvious solution that I'm missing?

Custom command to go back in a process instance (execution)

I have a process where I have 3 sequential user tasks (something like Task 1 -> Task 2 -> Task 3). So, to validate the Task 3, I have to validate the Task 1, then the Task 2.
My goal is to implement a workaround to go back in an execution of a process instance thanks to a Command like suggested in this link. The problem is I started to implement the command by it does not work as I want. The algorithm should be something like:
Retrieve the task with the passed id
Get the process instance of this task
Get the historic tasks of the process instance
From the list of the historic tasks, deduce the previous one
Create a new task from the previous historic task
Make the execution to point to this new task
Maybe clean the task pointed before the update
So, the code of my command is like that:
public class MoveTokenCmd implements Command<Void> {
protected String fromTaskId = "20918";
public MoveTokenCmd() {
public Void execute(CommandContext commandContext) {
HistoricTaskInstanceEntity currentUserTaskEntity = commandContext.getHistoricTaskInstanceEntityManager()
ExecutionEntity currentExecution = commandContext.getExecutionEntityManager()
// Get process Instance
HistoricProcessInstanceEntity historicProcessInstanceEntity = commandContext
HistoricTaskInstanceQueryImpl historicTaskInstanceQuery = new HistoricTaskInstanceQueryImpl();
List<HistoricTaskInstance> historicTaskInstances = commandContext.getHistoricTaskInstanceEntityManager()
int index = 0;
for (HistoricTaskInstance historicTaskInstance : historicTaskInstances) {
if (historicTaskInstance.getId().equals(currentUserTaskEntity.getId())) {
if (index > 0) {
HistoricTaskInstance previousTask = historicTaskInstances.get(index - 1);
TaskEntity newTaskEntity = createTaskFromHistoricTask(previousTask, commandContext);
} else {
// TODO: find the last task of the previous process instance
// To overcome the "Task cannot be deleted because is part of a running
// process"
TaskEntity currentUserTask = commandContext.getTaskEntityManager().findTaskById(fromTaskId);
if (currentUserTask != null) {
commandContext.getTaskEntityManager().deleteTask(currentUserTask, "jumped to another task", true);
return null;
private TaskEntity createTaskFromHistoricTask(HistoricTaskInstance historicTaskInstance,
CommandContext commandContext) {
TaskEntity newTaskEntity = new TaskEntity();
return newTaskEntity;
But the problem is I can see my task is created, but the execution does not point to it but to the current one.
I had the idea to use the activity (via the object ActivityImpl) to set it to the execution but I don't know how to retrieve the activity of my new task.
Can someone help me, please?
Unless somethign has changed in the engine significantly the code in the link you reference should still work (I have used it on a number of projects).
That said, when scanning your code I don't see the most important command.
Once you have the current execution, you can move the token by setting the current activity.
Like I said, the code in the referenced article used to work and still should.
Referring the same link in your question, i would personally recommend to work with the design of you your process. use an exclusive gateway to decide whether the process should end or should be returned to the previous task. if the generation of task is dynamic, you can point to the same task and delete local variable. Activiti has constructs to save your time from implementing the same :).