Separate and group the strings that have # and without # -

Separate and group the strings that have # and without #
Dim Strfinal as String = "#Cccccc,#Aaaaaa,Aaaaa,Baaaa,Caaaa,#Bbbbbb,Abbbbb,Bbbbbb,Cbbbbb"
I want the output like this
#Cccccc, #Aaaaaa(Aaaaa,Baaaa and Caaaa) and #Bbbbbb(Abbbbb,Bbbbbb and Cbbbbb)
I used this code to separate the character that have no #
Dim rws As String
If Aaaaa.Checked = True Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Aaaaa.Text
rws = "(" + Aaaaa.Text
End If
End If
If Aaaaa.Checked = False Then
rws = ""
End If
If Baaaa.Checked = True Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Baaaa.Text
rws = rws & ", " & Baaaa.Text
End If
End If
If Caaaa.Checked = True Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Caaaa.Text
rws = rws & ", " & Caaaa.Text
End If
End If
If close_parenthesis.Checked = True Then
If rws = "" Then
rws = rws + close_parenthesis.Text
End If
End If
CheckBox1.Text = rws.ToString
I used this code for the changing the , to the word and inside the parenthesis
Dim Strng As String = Me.CheckBox1.Text
'now find the position of last appearing ","
Dim comaposition As Integer
comaposition = Strng.LastIndexOf(",") 'it is zero based
'if not found, it will return -1 and u can exit, no need to do the work
If comaposition = "-1" Then
Exit Sub
End If
'remove the comma
Dim String_After_Removing_Comma As String
String_After_Removing_Comma = Strng.Remove(comaposition, 1)
'add "and" in the same position where comma was found
Dim final_string As String
final_string = String_After_Removing_Comma.Insert(comaposition, " and ")
'show it on the textbox
CheckBox1.Text = final_string`
Please help me to solve it.

This here is not a pretty solution and can be optimized a lot. But it gets the job done:
Dim Strfinal As String = "#Cccccc,#Aaaaaa,Aaaaa,Baaaa,Caaaa,#Bbbbbb,Abbbbb,Bbbbbb,Cbbbbb"
Dim splittedString As String() = Strfinal.Split(",")
Dim a As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Dim newstr As String = ""
For Each str As String In splittedString
If Not str.Contains("#"c) Then
Continue For
End If
If a.Count > 0 Then
Dim b = String.Join(",", a)
Dim i = b.LastIndexOf(","c)
b = b.Remove(i, 1)
b = b.Insert(i, " and ")
newstr += "(" + b + ")," + str
newstr += str + ","
End If
If a.Count > 0 Then
Dim b = String.Join(",", a)
Dim i = b.LastIndexOf(","c)
b = b.Remove(i, 1)
b = b.Insert(i, " and ")
newstr += "(" + b + ")"
End If
newstr = newstr.Replace(",(", " (")
Dim z = newstr.LastIndexOf(",#")
newstr = newstr.Remove(z, 1)
newstr = newstr.Insert(z, " and ")
#Cccccc,#Aaaaaa (Aaaaa,Baaaa and Caaaa) and #Bbbbbb(Abbbbb,Bbbbbb and Cbbbbb)
Check it on Fiddle


Type Mismatch in Dlookup

I'm getting a type mismatch in the Dlookup below. Note: the ID column in the Results2 Table is formatted as a Number.
If DLookup("[Result" & i & "]", "Results2", "[ID] = '" & newid & "'") <> Me.Controls("C" & 3 + column & "R" & i + j).Value Then
I've tried changing the newid from a string to an Integer or a Long, but I still get this error.
Full code for this Sub below, if more info is needed.
Private Sub BtnSave_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs3 As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ans As Integer
Dim column As Integer
Dim colcnt As Integer
Dim newid As String
If IsNull(Me.Spindle3.Value) = False Then
colcnt = 3
ElseIf IsNull(Me.Spindle2.Value) = False Then
colcnt = 2
colcnt = 1
End If
column = 1
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Results")
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Results2")
Set rs3 = db.OpenRecordset("Results3")
j = 0
newid = rs![ID].Value
If Me.Result1.Value = "Fail" Or Me.Result2.Value = "Fail" Or Me.Result1.Value = "Fail" Then
If column = 1 Then
ans = MsgBox("This is a FAILING Result. Do you with to save it?", vbYesNo)
If ans = 7 Then GoTo Lineend
End If
ElseIf Me.Result1.Value = "Incomplete" Or Me.Result2.Value = "Incomplete" Or Me.Result2.Value = "Incomplete" Then
If column = 1 Then
ans = MsgBox("Testing is not finished for this part. Do you with to save and close now?", vbYesNo)
If ans = 7 Then GoTo Lineend
End If
End If
With rs
![PartNum] = Me.FilterPartNumber.Value
![INDNum] = Me.INDNum.Value
![DateTime] = Me.DateTime.Value
![HTLotNum] = Me.HTLotNum.Value
![Operator] = Me.Inspector.Value
![Spindle] = Me.Controls("Spindle" & column).Value
![TypeofCheck] = Me.InspType.Value
![OverallResult] = Me.Controls("Result" & column).Value
End With
With rs2
![ID] = newid
![PartNum] = Me.FilterPartNumber.Value
![Plant] = Me.plantnum.Value
![DateTime] = Me.DateTime.Value
![HTLotNum] = Me.HTLotNum.Value
![Notes] = Me.Notes.Value
![Spindle] = Me.Spindle.Value
![TypeofCheck] = Me.InspType.Value
![OverallResult] = Me.Result1.Value
End With
With rs3
![ID] = newid
![PartNum] = Me.FilterPartNumber.Value
![DateTime] = Me.DateTime.Value
End With
If IsNull(Me.HTLotNum.Value) = True Then
rs![HTLotNum] = "(blank)"
rs![HTLotNum] = "(blank)"
End If
For i = 1 To 90 Step 1
If i + j >= 90 Then
i = 90
GoTo Line1
End If
If IsNull(Me.Controls("C3R" & i + j).Value) = True Then
j = j + 1
End If
If i + j >= 90 Then
i = 90
GoTo Line1
End If
If IsNull(Me.Controls("C2R" & i + j).Value) = True Then GoTo Line1
rs("Char" & i) = Me!ListFeatures.column(1, i - 1)
rs("Desc" & i) = Me!ListFeatures.column(2, i - 1)
rs("Spec" & i) = Me!ListFeatures.column(3, i - 1) & " " & Me!ListFeatures.column(6, i - 1)
rs2("SC" & i) = Me!ListFeatures.column(4, i - 1)
rs2("Location" & i) = Me!ListFeatures.column(5, i - 1)
rs2("Result" & i) = Me.Controls("C" & 3 + column & "R" & i + j).Value
rs3("Coding" & i) = Me!ListCoding.column(1, i - 1)
For i = 1 To 90 Step 1
If i + j >= 90 Then
i = 90
GoTo Line1
End If
If IsNull(Me.Controls("C3R" & i + j).Value) = True Then
j = j + 1
End If
If i + j >= 90 Then
i = 90
GoTo Line1
End If
If DLookup("[Result" & i & "]", "Results2", "[ID] = '" & newid & "'") <> Me.Controls("C" & 3 + column & "R" & i + j).Value Then
MsgBox "Results not saved! Document results on paper and contact the database engineer regarding this error."
GoTo Lineend:
End If
If column < colcnt Then
column = column + 1
GoTo Linestart
End If
Forms![Landing Page]![LIstIncomplete].Requery
End Sub
Per one of the comments, I updated the trouble line to the line below. I'm almost certain that was how I initially wrote this line and added the apostrophes as an attempt to fix.
If DLookup("[Result" & i & "]", "Results2", "[ID] = " & newid) <> Me.Controls("C" & 3 + column & "R" & i + j).Value Then
I had to fix one of my Goto's as well, one of them led to an infinite loop, but now everything is working as intended.
Thanks for the help!

How to delimit listbox selections by comma?

I have a userform with a list of selections for three headings in a table. Each heading will have at least one selection. I'm trying to separate each selection with a comma and end the list with a period.
The table is populated on button click.
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
Dim tableSequence As Table
Set tableSequence = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
Dim NewRow As Row
Set NewRow = tableSequence.Rows.Add
Dim MyString2 As String
Dim MyString5 As String
Dim v As Variant
Dim t As String
Dim r As String
Dim i As Long
Dim L As Long
Dim var
Dim var1
Dim MyString3 As String
Dim MyString4 As String
Dim var2
Dim var3
Dim p As String
Dim M As Long
Dim q As String
Dim Y As Long
For var3 = 0 To ListBox7.ListCount - 1
If ListBox7.Selected(var3) = True Then
MyString5 = MyString5 & ListBox7.List(var3)
v = Split(MyString5, ",")
p = ""
For M = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
p = p + v(M)
If M Mod 3 = 2 Then
p = p + vbCr
p = p + ","
End If
Next M
p = Left(p, Len(p) - 1)
Debug.Print p
End If
NewRow.Cells(2).Range.Text = TextBox8.Text
NewRow.Cells(3).Range.Text = TextBox9.Text
NewRow.Cells(4).Range.Text = MyString2
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Text = "Engineering: " & MyString3 & "." _
& vbCrLf & "Administrative: " _
& MyString4 & "." & vbCrLf & "PPE: " & MyString5 & "."
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Bold = False
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Underline = False
NewRow.Cells(6).Range.Text = ComboBox1.Text
NewRow.Cells(7).Range.Text = ComboBox2.Text
NewRow.Cells(8).Range.Text = ComboBox3.Text
Dim keywordArr As Variant
keywordArr = Array("Engineering:", "Administrative:", "PPE:")
Dim keyword As Variant
Dim myRange As Variant
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim length As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 1
For Each keyword In keywordArr
Do While InStr(1, myRange, keyword) = 0
Set myRange = NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Paragraphs(i1).Range
i1 = i1 + 1
startPos = InStr(1, myRange, keyword)
startPos = myRange.Characters(startPos).Start
length = Len(keyword)
endPos = startPos + length
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(startPos, endPos)
With myRange.Font
.Bold = True
.Underline = True
End With
Next keyword
End Sub
I believe that the portion of code from For var3 to the second end if should provide my comma delimiter.
The attached image shows what I'm getting on the left vs. what I'm trying to get on the right.
You need to add the commas as you build the string.
For var3 = 0 To ListBox7.ListCount - 1
If ListBox7.Selected(var3) = True Then
If MyString5 = vbNullString Then
MyString5 = ListBox7.List(var3)
MyString5 = MyString5 & ", " & ListBox7.List(var3)
End If
End If

Automate PDF to Text

I'm currently using the below code in a VB.Net console app that takes the contents of a text file and extracts certain info and then exports it to a CSV.
All seems to work well but the problem is the file originally comes through as a PDF (only option possible) and i have to manually open the file in Adobe and 'Save as Text'.
Is there a way of either automating the conversion of PDF to text file or reading the PDF in place of the text file.
Any guidance or options would be appreciated
Dim iLine, iEnd, c, iField As Integer
Dim iSecs, iMax As Long
Dim sText, sTemp, sSchema As String
Dim sHotel, sEndDate, sMon, sPLU, sTots, sValue, sDept, sFile, sOutFile, sDesc As String
Dim tdate As Date
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:\temp\TX.accdb;")
Dim LUse As Boolean
sHotel = "Unknown Hotel"
sEndDate = "01/01/2015"
sMon = "MAR"
sPLU = ""
sTots = "0"
sValue = "0"
sDept = "Unknown Dept"
sDesc = ""
LUse = True
sTemp = ""
iField = 0
sSchema = "Chester"
'Open input file
sFile = "c:\temp\input.txt"
Dim InFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(sFile)
'Open lookup data table
Dim dbAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter( _
"SELECT * FROM Plookup", con)
Dim dsTX As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim changes As DataTable
Dim cmdbuilder As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(dbAdapter)
dbAdapter.FillSchema(dsTX, SchemaType.Source, "Plookup")
dbAdapter.Fill(dsTX, "Plookup")
Dim rstx As DataTable = dsTX.Tables(0)
iMax = rstx.Rows.Count
Dim productrow() As Data.DataRow
'Open Output file
iSecs = Timer
sOutFile = "c:\temp\TX" & Format$(Now, "yymmdd") & Trim$(Str$(iSecs)) & ".csv"
FileCopy(sFile, "c:\temp\TX" & Format$(Now, "yymmdd") & Trim$(Str$(iSecs)) & ".txt")
Dim OutFile As New System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutFile)
'Write header
OutFile.WriteLine("outlet,dept,epos,tots sold,total price,date of sales")
iLine = 0
Do While InFile.Peek() <> -1
'Read in text
iLine = iLine + 1
sText = InFile.ReadLine
sText = sText.Replace(",", "")
If Len(sText) > 2 And Len(sText) < 9 Then
If Mid$(sText, 3, 1) = "-" Then ' Department Name
sText = sText & Space(9 - Len(sText))
End If
End If
'Process all rows except header row - read data into array
If Len(sText) > 8 Then
Select Case Left(sText, 7)
Case "Consoli" ' Ignore
Case "Quanti " ' Ignore
Case "Group b" ' Ignore - but next row is the Hotel Name
iLine = iLine + 1
sText = InFile.ReadLine
sText = sText.Replace(",", "")
sHotel = Trim$(Left(sText, 20)) 'The username follows so we may truncate the hotel name
Case "Date ra" ' End date
sEndDate = Mid$(sText, 29, 2) & "/" & Mid$(sText, 32, 2) & "/" & Mid$(sText, 35, 4)
tdate = CDate(sEndDate).AddDays(-1)
sEndDate = tdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
Case Else 'Possible Code
If Mid$(sText, 3, 1) = "-" Then ' Department Name
sDept = Trim(sText)
If IsNumeric(Left(sText, 7)) Then 'Got a code
sPLU = Trim(Str(Val(Left(sText, 7))))
'We don't know where the description ends as it contains spaces
'So best way is to start at the end and work back...
iEnd = Len(sText)
iField = 0
For c = iEnd To 9 Step -1
If Not (Mid(sText, c, 1) = " ") Or iField > 10 Then
sTemp = Mid(sText, c, 1) & sTemp
iField = iField + 1
If iField = 9 Then
sValue = sTemp
ElseIf iField = 11 Then
sTots = sTemp
End If
sTemp = ""
End If
If iField = 10 Then
sTots = Trim(sTemp)
sDesc = ""
sDesc = Trim$(sTemp)
End If
'lookup code
productrow = rstx.Select("FileID = 'Chester' and PLU = '" & sPLU & "'")
If productrow.Length = 0 Then ' product not found
iMax = iMax + 1
rstx.Rows.Add(sSchema, sPLU, sDesc, False)
LUse = True
LUse = Not productrow(0)("Exclude")
End If
If (Val(sTots) + Val(sValue) > 0) And LUse Then ' We have a non-zero sale or value and it is not excluded
OutFile.WriteLine(sHotel & "," & sDept & "," & sPLU & "," & sTots & "," & sValue & "," & sEndDate)
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If
'Close input / output csv files
'rstx.Rows.Add("303030", "Another Test", False)
dbAdapter.UpdateCommand = cmdbuilder.GetUpdateCommand(True)
dbAdapter.InsertCommand = cmdbuilder.GetInsertCommand(True)
dbAdapter.DeleteCommand = cmdbuilder.GetDeleteCommand()
changes = rstx.GetChanges()
If changes IsNot Nothing Then dbAdapter.Update(changes)
Try itextSharp. itextSharp is a .NET DLL with the help of which you can extract content from PDF. Click here for reference & sample code(although code is in c#, its just a reference to give you an idea).

String to abbreviation

I'm a graphic artist, new to Excel and VBA but trying to use it to process mountains of data in excel to be used as variable data in Illustrator.
If I want to convert cells with product names for signs like "Budwieser, Bud Light & Bud Black Crown" to an abbreviation following the format "Budweiser_BL_BBC"
I have written a function that I thought would accomplish my task but it returns #VALUE!
To explain the logic: my idea was to take the string, split it on " & " and then split the first position of the resulting array on ", " then adding what was after the "&" to the end of the second array - this array, sProd, has the products separated into different positions of the array.
Then looping through that array and splitting each product at the spaces creating a jagged array.
Then loop through that array again creating a string taking only the first letter of each word in each product, separating products with an underscore. The exception being that the first word of the first product is spelled out and set in proper case. (Just saw an error in my logic and added the code for the first word exception).
Edit #2
The function should return a string with the first word of the original string set in proper case with all other words abbreviated to their first letter and products separated by underscores. So "Budweiser, Bud Light & Bud Light Lime" returns "Budweiser_BL_BLL", "All Coke & Dr Pepper Products" would return "AllC_DPP" and "Gatorade" returns "Gatorade".
This is my first bout with Excel and VBA.
Function Abbrev(p As String) As String
Dim sAmpersand() As Variant
Dim sProd() As Variant
sAmpersand = Split(p, " & ")
sProd = Split(sAmpersand(0), ", ")
sProd(UBound(sProd)) = sAmpersand(1)
Dim ProductCount As Integer
Dim ProductEnd As Integer
ProductEnd = UBound(sProd) - 1
For ProductCount = 0 To ProductEnd
sProd(ProductCount) = Split(sProd(ProductCount), " ")
ProductCount = ProductCount + 1
Next ProductCount
Dim WordCount As Integer
Dim WordEnd As Integer
WordEnd = UBound(sProd(ProductCount)) - 1
Abbrev = StrConv(sProd(0)(0), vbProperCase)
For ProductCount = 0 To ProductEnd
For WordCount = 0 To WordEnd
If ProductCount = 0 Then
WordCount = 1
End If
Abbrev = Abbrev & Left(sProd(ProductCount)(WordCount), 1)
WordCount = WordCount + 1
Next WordCount
If ProductCount + 1 < ProductEnd Then
Abbrev = Abbrev & "_"
End If
ProductCount = ProductCount + 1
Next ProductCount
End Function
Working code:
Function Abbrev(p As String) As String
Dim res As String, w1, w2
res = Split(Split(p, ",")(0), " ")(0)
If res = Split(p, ",")(0) Then res = res & "_"
For Each w1 In Split(Mid(Replace(p, " &", ","), Len(res) + 1), ",")
For Each w2 In Split(w1, " ")
res = res & Left(w2, 1)
Next w2
res = res & "_"
Next w1
Abbrev = IIf(Right(res, 1) <> "_", res, Left(res, Len(res) - 1))
End Function
Here's a better abbreviate function:
Function Abbreviate(Name As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
I = InStr(Name, " ")
If I < 1 Then
Abbreviate = Name
Exit Function
End If
sResult = Left$(Name, I)
sTemp = Name
Do While I > 0
sTemp = Right$(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - I)
If Left$(sTemp, 1) = "(" Then
If Mid$(sTemp & "***", 3, 1) = ")" Then
sResult = sResult & " " & Left$(sTemp, 3)
sResult = sResult & " " & Left$(sTemp, 1)
End If
sResult = sResult & " " & Left(sTemp, 1)
End If
I = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Abbreviate = sResult
End Function
This is from user al_b_cnu on
Here is a modified version to shorten up the result a bit:
Function Abbreviate(Name As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
I = InStr(Name, " ")
If I < 1 Then
Abbreviate = Name
Exit Function
End If
sResult = Left$(Name, I)
sTemp = Name
Do While I > 0
sTemp = Right$(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - I)
If Left$(sTemp, 1) = "(" Then
If Mid$(sTemp & "***", 3, 1) = ")" Then
sResult = sResult & Left$(sTemp, 3)
sResult = sResult & Left$(sTemp, 1)
End If
sResult = sResult & Left(sTemp, 1)
End If
I = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Abbreviate = sResult
End Function

string format using with increment

i have a ticket_no field which has a format of "storecode - datetoday - n" what i'm trying to is when as long as the date is today the "n" will just increment but if the date changes the "n" will reset to 1.
TMP_SQL = "select max(ticket_no) from tbl_main where store_id = '" + frm_store.store_code + "'"
OBJREADER = OBJCMD.ExecuteReader()
Dim ydate As String
ydate = Now.ToString("MMddyy")
Dim x As string
Dim str As String
If IsDBNull(OBJREADER(0)) = False Then
str = OBJREADER(0)
x = Int32.Parse(OBJREADER(0).ToString().Split("-")(1))
If x <> ydate Then
tmp = 0
tmp = Int32.Parse(OBJREADER(0).ToString().Split("-")(2)) + 1
tmp = Int32.Parse(OBJREADER(0).ToString().Split("-")(2)) + 1
End If
End If
End With
txtTicketno.Text = frm_store.store_code & "-" & Now.ToString("MMddyy") & "-" & tmp