How to setup default accounting entries in Odoo10? - odoo

I want to setup default account entries for creation of invoices. In that, I want to add just a customer name and the product details rest all should be there by default.
I had already given default values at so many fields but it is working only for few fields.
I want to set default values for
Tax Account
In Partner Form -> Accounting
Account Receivable
Account Payable
So is there any way we can do that. For Reference check below given images

In order to set company default Account Receivable and Account Payable properties, as administrator user go to Settings → Technical → Company Properties. Find a property with name property_account_receivable_id where the Resource field is not set. If such entry does not exist, create it with the following values:
Name → property_account_receivable_id
Field → Account Receivable (res.partner)
Type → Many2One
Value → account.account,<id>
Where <id> is the database ID of the account (model: account.account) you want to use as the default value (you can find all accounts by going to Invoicing / Accounting → Adviser → Chart of Accounts. You can find out the database ID from the URL (id=<id>) when you open a single record in a form view):
For default Account Payable, analogically find or create a company property called property_account_payable_id with the following values:
Name → property_account_payable_id
Field → Account Payable (res.partner)
Type → Many2One
Value → account.account,<id>
Where <id> is the database ID of the account (model: account.account) you want to use as the default value (you can find all accounts by going to Invoicing / Accounting → Adviser → Chart of Accounts. You can find out the database ID from the URL (id=<id>) when you open a single record in a form view):
To set the default journal on invoices, as administrator user go to Settings → Technical → User-defined Defaults and click Create and fill in the following values:
Name → journal_id
Model Name → account.invoice
Default value or action reference → <id>
where <id> is the database ID of the journal (model: account.journal) you want to use as the default value (you can find all journals by going to Invoicing / Accounting → Configuration → Accounting → Journals. You can find out the database ID from the URL (id=<id>) when you open a single record in a form view):
The value for Account on invoice will come from the Customer, once you select one, and Tax Account will come from taxes defined for a given product. You can configure taxes by going to Invoicing / Accounting → Configuration → Accounting → Taxes. Alternatively, you could set user-definde default values (like for journal_id) for taxes, with the following values:
Name → account_id
Model Name →
Default value or action reference → <id>
where <id> is the database ID of the account (model: account.account) you want to use as the default value (you can find all accounts by going to Invoicing / Accounting → Adviser → Chart of Accounts. You can find out the database ID from the URL (id=<id>) when you open a single record in a form view):


Is there a way (e.g. API) to find tax registration number (VAT) for German company?

I looking for some free open registry or API (preferred way) to find VAT ID for German companies based on company name or national registration number (preferred way).
For example:
Input data: [Company name: "Volkswagen AG"] or [Registration number: "HRB100484"]
Output data: [VAT ID: "DE115235681"]
(example data from

Hybris create permission for extended item type

The case we are dealing with: We have an item type A which is extended from B. Now we have a user group UG. They have to be able to create type A items in the BO, but not type Bs. Therefor we restricted them in item type level to have the permission to create item type A, but not item type B. These items have their own defined place in the tree and are listed in our Backoffice, so they have their own listveiw section. In this section if we would like to create a new A or B item, there is the + sign for it. The problem is, that the UG doesn't even able to click on the + sign even if they have permission to create type A.
What do we miss here?

how to specify point of sale dashboard for a user in odoo 10?

How i can specify point of sale dashboard for specific user/ users who can see his/ her orders on dashboard when they logged into point of sale via their login account ?
Is there possibility to write expression with multiple OR / And conditions ?
If I understand your question well, this is how to Restrict POS user from viewing other users' orders
Create a new Record Rule (Settings > Security > Record Rules)
Named it anything you want
Object is Point of Sales Orders
Rule Definition: [('user_id','=',]
Groups Point of Sale / User
Now your POS users should only see orders created by themself.
You can also Assign a specific User to opening session on one POS by
Create a field (Settings > Database Structure > Fields)
Named it: x_user_id
Field type: many2one
Model: pos.config
Relation of object: res.users
Add the field to pos.config.form.view (Settings > User Interface > Views)
<group name="assigned_users" string="Assigned Users">
<field name="x_user_id" string="Assigned Users" />
Create a Record Rule (Settings > Security > Record Rules)
Named it anything you want
Object: pos.config
Rule Definition: [('x_user_id','=',]
Groups: Point of Sale / User
Assign user to a POS. Go to Point of Sale > Configuration > Point of Sale > Select a POS > Assigned Users
Now except Admin (with Manager role) can open Session on all POS, only assigned user can open sessions in a given POS.

odoo manufacturing transfer

We are using odoo manufacturing and Inventory modules. We have different 2 warehouse and locations (for example WH A and WH B).
when I manufacture on WH B.
If there are not enough raw material then it can be purchased. However, if there are enough product on WHA, I want to create automatically Transfer request from WHA to WHB.
thank you for your help
It's my pleasure to help you.
I will let you know how to solve this case in both V8 And V9
Solution For odoo version v9
Step 1 Make configuration
To do the configuration you can go to Inventory -> Configuration ->
Location and Warehouse
Multi-Location -> Manage several locations per warehouse
Routes -> Advanced routing of products using rules
Step 2 Create the WareHouse
Create the 2 Ware House Named (for example WH A and WH-B) as per your
TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration ->
Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse
Step 3 Define the resupply warehouse
TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration ->
Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse
Step 4 Create Product
Step 5 Configure the Routs
To configure the routes You can go to Inventory -> Product ->(In
selected or newly create product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the
appropriate route
You can also go to the
Purchases -> Product ->(In selected or new created product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the appropriate route
Step 5 Define new reordering rule for the procurement
TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes ->
Select your route/ create new
Step 6 Define Push Rule/ Define Routes
TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes -> Select
your route/ create new -> Push Rule
Solution For odoo version v8
Go to this link for V8
Now by performing the sales & other operation, you can check your issue will solve. still, If you are having problem Comment here. I will try my best to help you.

Limit products to company assigned to user in multi-company Odoo 9

I have a multi-company setup in Odoo, and I would like to limit the products that each user (under the group "User") can access (read/write/create/delete) to the products assigned to the company that the user is assigned to.
To be clear, I have:
Company A
Company B
User A (assigned to "Company A" and user group "User")
User B (assigned to "Company B" and user group "User")
Product A (assigned to "Company A")
Product B (assigned to "Company B")
With the default setup, User A has access to both Product A and Product B, and I would like user A to have access exclusively to product A, on all modules (Sales, Inventory, POS…)
I believe that is possible to accomplish using Record Rules, but I haven't been able to do it.
I got the answer I needed from Jerome Guerriat at the the Odoo forums. I only needed to tick a checkbox under the general settings page:
There already is a product.product multicompany rule (but it is
inactive by default): "Product multi-company"
xml id: product.product_comp_rule
You can active it by going to settings => general settings. Check
"manage multi company", then uncheck "share product to all companies"
link here:
Odoo's record rules are the way to do it, as you mentioned it by yourself. For example look at the rule for sales order (sale.order). It's global (no group selected/assigned) and it's restricted to companies:
Now create your own record rules for product.template and product.product like the example under Settings/Technical/Security/Record Rules (in Odoo V9 you'll need developer mode to see this) or within a custom module.
Odoo Can manage share partner and product without add rules:
Use multiple company
Don`t forget add parent company at Settings > Users> companies (choose child company)
Uncheck Share partner to all companies and Share product to all companies at Settings > General Settings > Shared resources
So, Difference company can`t read product.....