How to cancel BP in some layers in tensorflow? - tensorflow

when I try to fine-tune a VGG network, I only want to update the weights after 5th convolution layers ,in caffe , we can cancel BP in configure file. What should I do in tensorflow ? thanks !

Just use tf.stop_gradient() on the input of your 5th layer. Tensorflow will not backpropagate the error below. tf.stop_gradient() is an operation that acts as the identity function in the forward direction, but stops the gradient in the backward direction.
From documentation:
Stops gradient computation.
When executed in a graph, this op outputs its input tensor as-is.
When building ops to compute gradients, this op prevents the
contribution of its inputs to be taken into account. Normally, the
gradient generator adds ops to a graph to compute the derivatives of a
specified 'loss' by recursively finding out inputs that contributed to
its computation. If you insert this op in the graph it inputs are
masked from the gradient generator. They are not taken into account
for computing gradients.
Otherwise you can use optimizer.minimize(loss, variables_of_fifth_layer). Here you are running backpropagation and updating only on the variables of your 5th layer.
For a fast selection of the variables of interest you could:
Define as trainable=False all the variables that you don't want to update, and use variables_of_fifth_layer=tf.trainable_variables().
Divide layers by defining specific scopes and then variables_of_fifth_layer = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,"scope/of/fifth/layer")


What does `training=True` mean when calling a TensorFlow Keras model?

In TensorFlow's offcial documentations, they always pass training=True when calling a Keras model in a training loop, for example, logits = mnist_model(images, training=True).
I tried help( and it shows that
Help on function call in module
call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None)
Calls the model on new inputs.
In this case `call` just reapplies
all ops in the graph to the new inputs
(e.g. build a new computational graph from the provided inputs).
inputs: A tensor or list of tensors.
training: Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to run
the `Network` in training mode or inference mode.
mask: A mask or list of masks. A mask can be
either a tensor or None (no mask).
A tensor if there is a single output, or
a list of tensors if there are more than one outputs.
It says that training is a Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to run the Network in training mode or inference mode. But I didn't find any information about this two modes.
In a nutshell, I don't know what is the influence of this argument. And what if I missed this argument when training?
Some neural network layers behave differently during training and inference, for example Dropout and BatchNormalization layers. For example
During training, dropout will randomly drop out units and correspondingly scale up activations of the remaining units.
During inference, it does nothing (since you usually don't want the randomness of dropping out units here).
The training argument lets the layer know which of the two "paths" it should take. If you set this incorrectly, your network might not behave as expected.
Training indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode.
training=True: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of the current batch of inputs.
training=False: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of its moving statistics, learned during training.
Usually in inference mode training=False, but in some networks such as pix2pix_cGAN‍‍‍‍‍‍ At both times of inference and training, training=True.

How to get gradients during fit or fit_generator in Keras

I need to monitor the gradients in real time during training when using fit or fit_generator methods. This should have been achieved by using custom callback function. However, I don't how to access the gradients correctly. The attribute model.optimizer.update returns tensors of gradients but it need to be fed with data. What I want to get is the value of gradients that have been applied in the last batch during training.
The following answer does not give the corresponding solution because it just define a function to calculate the gradients by feeding extra data.
Getting gradient of model output w.r.t weights using Keras

What is the purpose of the Tensorflow Gradient Tape?

I watched the Tensorflow Developer's summit video on Eager Execution in Tensorflow, and the presenter gave an introduction to "Gradient Tape." Now I understand that Gradient Tape tracks the automatic differentiation that occurs in a TF model.
I was trying to understand why I would use Gradient Tape? Can anyone explain how Gradient Tape is used as a diagnostic tool? Why would someone use Gradient Tape versus just Tensorboard visualization of weights.
So I get that the automatic differentiation that occurs with a model is to compute the gradients of each node--meaning the adjustment of the weights and biases at each node, given some batch of data. So that is the learning process. But I was under the impression that I can actually use a tf.keras.callback.TensorBoard() call to see the tensorboard visualization of training--so I can watch the weights on each node and determine if there are any dead or oversaturated nodes.
Is the use of Gradient Tape only to see if some gradients go to zero or get really big, etc? Or is there some other use of the Gradient Tape?
With eager execution enabled, Tensorflow will calculate the values of tensors as they occur in your code. This means that it won't precompute a static graph for which inputs are fed in through placeholders. This means to back propagate errors, you have to keep track of the gradients of your computation and then apply these gradients to an optimiser.
This is very different from running without eager execution, where you would build a graph and then simply use to evaluate your loss and then pass this into an optimiser directly.
Fundamentally, because tensors are evaluated immediately, you don't have a graph to calculate gradients and so you need a gradient tape. It is not so much that it is just used for visualisation, but more that you cannot implement a gradient descent in eager mode without it.
Obviously, Tensorflow could just keep track of every gradient for every computation on every tf.Variable. However, that could be a huge performance bottleneck. They expose a gradient tape so that you can control what areas of your code need the gradient information. Note that in non-eager mode, this will be statically determined based on the computational branches that are descendants of your loss but in eager mode there is no static graph and so no way of knowing.
Having worked on this for a while, after posting the initial question, I have a better sense of where Gradient Tape is useful. Seems like the most useful application of Gradient Tap is when you design a custom layer in your keras model for example--or equivalently designing a custom training loop for your model.
If you have a custom layer, you can define exactly how the operations occur within that layer, including the gradients that are computed and also calculating the amount of loss that is accumulated.
So Gradient tape will just give you direct access to the individual gradients that are in the layer.
Here is an example from Aurelien Geron's 2nd edition book on Tensorflow.
Say you have a function you want as your activation.
def f(w1, w2):
return 3 * w1 ** 2 + 2 * w1 * w2
Now if you want to take derivatives of this function with respec to w1 and w2:
w1, w2 = tf.Variable(5.), tf.Variable(3.)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
z = f(w1, w2)
gradients = tape.gradient(z, [w1, w2])
So the optimizer will calculate the gradient and give you access to those values. Then you can double them, square them, triple them, etc., whatever you like. Whatever you choose to do, then you can add those adjusted gradients to the loss calculation for the backpropagation step, etc.
I think the most important thing to say in answer to this question is simply that GradientTape is not a diagnostic tool. That's the misconception here.
GradientTape is a mathematical tool for automatic differentiation (autodiff), which is the core functionality of TensorFlow. It does not "track" the autodiff, it is a key part of performing the autodiff.
As the other answers describe, it is used to record ("tape") a sequence of operations performed upon some input and producing some output, so that the output can be differentiated with respect to the input (via backpropagation / reverse-mode autodiff) (in order to then perform gradient descent optimisation).

Anyway to backprob derivatives when derivatives of the custom loss function are calculated by myself

I have been using tensorflow to train deep NN acoustic models for speech recognition for a while. The loss function I use is Cross Entropy and the NN models performe very well. Now I want to change the loss function to a more complex one named MMI (Maximum Mutual Information) which is also a classical criterion used in speech recognition domain. I put one paper here which describes this loss function in case that you have interests.
When using this special loss function, the derivatives of the loss function w.r.t. the activations of output layer can be computed by some special algorithms defined in Hidden Markov Model scenario. It means that I can compute the derivatives of the loss function w.r.t. the activations of output layer by myself rather than just write out the loss function and leave Tensorflow to calculate the derivatives automatically.
But based on my poor experiences, I don't know how to backprob the derivatives which I calculate by myself. Is there any way to do this without touching Tensorflow C++ source code?
Probably yes if all the computation involved use existing tensorflow functions.
You just have to set up the chain of operations that compute the gradients from the current variables.
Then you just use tf.assign_add() to the variables with your gradients multiplied by minus the learning rate.
You are thus mimicking what happens in the background in TF usually.
EDIT: If calculations are made in numpy for instance for the gradients you can use.
#perform numpy calculations
grad_from_user=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, a.shape)
#and then,feed_dict={grad_from_user:a,...})

Implementing gradient descent in TensorFlow instead of using the one provided with it

I want to use gradient descent with momentum (keep track of previous gradients) while building a classifier in TensorFlow.
So I don't want to use tensorflow.train.GradientDescentOptimizer but I want to use tensorflow.gradients to calculate gradients and keep track of previous gradients and update the weights based on all of them.
How do I do this in TensorFlow?
TensorFlow has an implementation of gradient descent with momentum.
To answer your general question about implementing your own optimization algorithm, TensorFlow gives you the primitives to calculate the gradients, and update variables using the calculated gradients. In your model, suppose loss designates the loss function, and var_list is a python list of TensorFlow variables in your model (which you can get by calling tf.all_variables or tf.trainable_variables, then you can calculate the gradients w.r.t your variables as follows :
grads = tf.gradients(loss, var_list)
For the simple gradient descent, you would simply subtract the product of the gradient and the learning rate from the variable. The code for that would look as follows :
var_updates = []
for grad, var in zip(grads, var_list):
var_updates.append(var.assign_sub(learning_rate * grad))
train_op =*var_updates)
You can train your model by calling Now, you can do all sorts of things before actually updating your variables. For instance, you can keep track of the gradients in a different set of variables and use it for the momentum algorithm. Or, you can clip your gradients before updating the variables. All these are simple TensorFlow operations because the gradient tensors are no different from other tensors that you compute in TensorFlow. Please look at the implementations (Momentum, RMSProp, Adam) of some the fancier optimization algorithms to understand how you can implement your own.