SQL Server 2012 - find duplicate month (string) but different year - sql

Having difficulty getting my head around this one.
I've been asked to create a report showing customers who signed up in the same month in previous year.
Invoice table looks a bit like this: (can't figure out how to create a nicer table)
invoiceid customerid monthinvoice yearinvoice
1 50 July 2016*
2 51 July 2016
3 52 July 2016*
4 53 July 2016
5 54 August 2016
6 50 July 2017*
7 51 August 2017
8 52 July 2017*
9 53 August 2017
10 54 September 2017
The only proper date column used is date the invoice was generated and the date payment received.
The records marked with * are the ones I'm only interested in, I just want to see 2 records returned when I pass a month as a parameter (I'll be asked to show how many customers have renewed in August for example. If the 1st invoice was in July 2016 and next invoice in August 2017 they will be treated as a new customer, not a renewal (must be exactly 12 months))
1) 50
2) 52
Any help much appreciated.

Here is one way. First we get all invoices for this month, current year, then union to the same month of the previous year. Then, we filter on customers who have a record for both using HAVING.
;with cte as(
select *
from yourtable
(monthinvoice = #monthinvoice
and yearinvoice = datepart(year,getdate()))
select *
from yourtable
(monthinvoice = #monthinvoice
and yearinvoice = datepart(year,dateadd(year,-1,getdate()))))
select *
from cte
where customerid in (select customerid from cte group by customerid having count(invoiceid) > 1)

I think this should do the trick for you-
SELECT I1.invoiceid, I1.customerid, I1.monthinvoice, I1.yearinvoice, I2.yearinvoice
FROM Invoice_table I1
INNER JOIN Invoice table I2
ON I1.customerid = I2.customerid
AND I1.monthinvoice = I2.monthinvoice
AND I1.yearinvoice = I2.yearinvoice + 1

something like this
select customerid , monthinvoice from yourtable
where yearinvoice in (2016, 2017) and monthinvoice = 'July'
group by customerid , monthinvoice
having count(*) = 2

Something like the following should give you some ideas as to how to build the report out.
Declare #ReportYear as int = 2017;
--this should show all customers with invioices for these months in both 2017 and 2016
select a.customerid, a.monthinvoice
--get people with invoice last year
Select distinct customerid, monthinvoice
from Invoices i0
where yearinvoice = #ReportYear - 1
) a
--get people with invoice this year
Select distinct customerid, monthinvoice
from Invoices i0
where yearinvoice = #ReportYear
) b on a.customerid = b.customerid
and a.monthinvoice = b.monthinvoice

If Im following your question correctly...
SELECT customerid FROM InvTblName T
FROM InvTblName
HAVING Z.invyear=T.invyear+1) Z
ON T.invmonth=Z.invmonth


Adding in zeroed rows for years without data T-SQL

I have a large dataset with sales data that looks something like
***Category - Salesperson - Customer - Year - Jun - Jul .....***
Summary - Candice - R.Zeek - 2016 - $100 - $10
Summary - Candice - R.Zeek - 2017 - $40 - $50
Shirts - Candice - R.Zeek - 2016 - $80 - $10
Shirts - Candice - R.Zeek - 2017 - $40 - $50
Pants - Candice - R.Zeek - 2016 - $20 - $0
The problem is that there is no 2017 line for pants in this example. Since all the sales were in Shirts for 2017.
This has led to a scenario where if a salesperson doesn't have any sales data for a specific Category/Salesperson/Customer/Year combination then it doesn't have a line.
This makes the sales report look bad since different salespersons will have a different number of rows. I want uniformity so how do I get a line for 2017 in the example where the sales for Jun, Jul are just null or 0.
To add on to this post. The following 2 queries
Select distinct Year from #FinalResultTable
Select distinct CategorySequence, SalesPersonIdFromCustomer, CustomerNumber, Year from #FinalResultTable
Produces 1. The number of distinct years. In my case 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. And 2. The sales data that I have that needs the additional rows
CategorySequence SalesPersonIdFromCustomer CustomerNumber Year
1 SP000032 C000703 2016
1 SP000032 C000703 2017
1 SP000032 C000710 2016
1 SP000032 C000710 2017
1 SP000032 C000710 2018
Edit 2.
I added the following code
Insert into #FinalResultTable
Select S1.CategorySequence, SRT.CategoryDescription, S2.SalesPersonIdFromCustomer, SRT.SalesPersonName, S3.CustomerNumber, SRT.CustomerName, SRT.CustomerAddress, SRT.PercentageOrAmount,
S4.Year, SRT.Jun, SRT.Jul, SRT.Aug, SRT.Sep, SRT.Oct, SRT.Nov, SRT.Dec, SRT.Jan, SRT.Feb, SRT.Mar, SRT.Apr, SRT.May,
Coalesce(SRT.Jun,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Jul,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Aug,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Sep,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Oct,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Nov,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Dec,0) +
Coalesce(SRT.Jan,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Feb,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Mar,0) + Coalesce(SRT.Apr,0) + Coalesce(SRT.May,0)
From (select distinct CategorySequence from #SelectResultTable) S1
Cross join (select distinct SalesPersonIdFromCustomer from #SelectResultTable) S2
Cross join (select distinct CustomerNumber from #SelectResultTable) S3
Cross join (select distinct year from #SelectResultTable) S4
Left join #SelectResultTable SRT on
SRT.CategorySequence = S1.CategorySequence and
SRT.SalesPersonIdFromCustomer = S2.SalesPersonIdFromCustomer and
SRT.CustomerNumber = S3.CustomerNumber and
SRT.Year = S4.Year
Select * from #FinalResultTable
Order by SalesPersonIdFromCustomer, CustomerNumber, CategorySequence, PercentageOrAmount, Year
It works but the problem is that All the SRT columns (For example Category description) are all Null. So do I need to do an update and traverse the table again to get all the information or can i modify the insert to handle that?
You can generate the rows using cross join and then join in the information that exists:
select c.Category, sp.Salesperson, t.Customer, y.Year
t.Jun, t.Jul
from (select distinct salesperson from t) sp cross join
(select distinct category c from t) c cross join
(select distinct year from t) as y left join
on t.salesperson = sp.salesperson and t.category = c.category and t.year = y.year;
If you want zeroes instead of NULLs, then use COALESCE(t.Jun, 0) as Jun` and so on.

SQL Year over year growth percentage from data same query

How do I calculate the percentage difference from 2 different columns, calculated in that same query? Is it even possible?
This is what I have right now:
Year(OrderDate) AS [Year],
Count(OrderID) AS TotalOrders,
Sum(Invoice.TotalPrice) AS TotalRevenue
ON Invoice.InvoiceID = Order.InvoiceID
GROUP BY Year(OrderDate);
Which produces this table
Now I'd like to add one more column with the YoY growth, so even when 2016 comes around, the growth should be there..
I should clarify that I'd like to have for example next to
2015,5,246.28 -> 346,15942029% ((R2015-R2014) / 2014 * 100)
If you save your existing query as qryBase, you can use it as the data source for another query to get what you want:
q0.TotalRevenue Is Null,
((q1.TotalRevenue - q0.TotalRevenue) / q0.TotalRevenue) * 100
) AS YoY_growth
qryBase AS q1
LEFT JOIN qryBase AS q0
ON q1.Year = (q0.Year + 1);
Access may complain it "can't represent the join expression q1.Year = (q0.Year + 1) in Design View", but you can still edit the query in SQL View and it will work.
What you are looking for is something like this?
Year Revenue Growth
2014 55
2015 246 4.47
2016 350 1.42
You could wrap the original query a twice to get the number from both years.
select orders.year, orders.orders, orders.revenue,
(select (orders.revenue/subOrders.revenue)
--originalQuery or table link
) subOrders
where subOrders.year = (orders.year-1)
) as lastYear
--originalQuery or table link
) orders
here's a cheap union'd table example.
select orders.year, orders.orders, orders.revenue,
(select (orders.revenue/subOrders.revenue)
select 2014 as year, 2 as orders, 55.20 as revenue
union select 2015 as year, 2 as orders, 246.28 as revenue
union select 2016 as year, 7 as orders, 350.47 as revenue
) subOrders
where subOrders.year = (orders.year-1)
) as lastYear
select 2014 as year, 2 as orders, 55.20 as revenue
union select 2015 as year, 2 as orders, 246.28 as revenue
union select 2016 as year, 7 as orders, 350.47 as revenue
) orders

How use the operator IN with a subquery that returns two columns

Hello masters I need your help.
Having the table:
PK Code
smallint RestaurantCode
smallint Year
tinyint Month
money Amount
money AccumulativeMonthsAmount
I need the AccumulateAmount for the LastMonth on every Restaurant.
First, I get the last Month per Restaurant for the 'current year'(for this case):
SELECT RestaurantCode, MAX(Month) as Month FROM DataCollection
WHERE (Year >= 2012 AND YEAR <= 2012) GROUP BY RestaurantCode
Now I want to use that as subquery, to get the Last - AccumulativeMonthsAmount :
SELECT AccumulativeMonthsAmount FROM DataCollection
WHERE (RestaurantCode, Month)
IN (SELECT RestaurantCode, MAX(Month) as Month FROM DataCollection
WHERE (Year >= 2012 AND YEAR <= 2012) GROUP BY RestaurantCode)
But the operator IN, don't work, How I should do it?
Sample Data sorted by Year and Month:
RestCode Amount Accumulative Year Month
123 343.3 345453.65 2012 12
123 124.7 345329.00 2012 11
122 312.2 764545.00 2012 12
122 123.4 764233.00 2012 11
999 500.98 2500.98 2012 6
999 100.59 2000.00 2012 5
I wanna to get the Accumulative for the last month of every restaurant:
RestCode Accumulative Month
123 345453.65 12
122 764545.00 12
99 2500.98 6
SELECT dc.AccumulativeMonthsAmount
FROM dbo.DataCollection AS dc
SELECT RestaurantCode, MAX(Month)
FROM dbo.PAL_Entries_Relatives
WHERE [Year] = 2012
GROUP BY RestaurantCode
) AS r(rc, m)
ON dc.RestaurantCode = r.rc
AND dc.[Month] = r.m;
With the changed requirements:
SELECT RestCode, Accumulative, [Month],
FROM dbo.DataCollection -- or is it dbo.PAL_Entries_Relatives?
SELECT RestCode, Accumulative, [Month]
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY [Month] DESC, RestCode DESC;
That syntax is not allowed in SQL Server. You can do something similar with EXISTS:
SELECT AccumulativeMonthsAmount
FROM DataCollection dc
WHERE exists (select 1
from PAL_Entries_Relatives er
where (Year >= 2012 AND YEAR <= 2012)
group by RestaurantCode
having er.RestaurantCode = dc.RestaurantCode and
max(er.month) = dc.Month
SELECT AccumulativeMonthsAmount
FROM DataCollection
INNER JOIN PAL_Entries_Relatives
ON DataCollection.RestaurantCode = PAL_Entries_Relatives.RestaurantCode
WHERE (Year >= 2012 AND YEAR <= 2012)
GROUP BY DataCollection.RestaurantCode
HAVING AccumulativeMonthsAmount.Month = MAX(PAL_Entries_Relatives.Month)

sql query to calculate monthly growth percentage

I need to build a query with 4 columns (sql 2005).
Column1: Product
Column2: Units sold
Column3: Growth from previous month (in %)
Column4: Growth from same month last year (in %)
In my table the year and months have custom integer values. For example, the most current month is 146 - but also the table has a year (eg 2011) column and month (eg 7) column.
Is it possible to get this done in one query or do i need to start employing temp tables etc??
Appreciate any help.
To do this on the fly, you could use subqueries.
SELECT product, this_month.units_sold,
FROM (SELECT product, SUM(units_sold) AS units_sold, SUM(sales) AS sales
FROM product WHERE month = 146 GROUP BY product) AS this_month,
(SELECT product, SUM(units_sold) AS units_sold, SUM(sales) AS sales
FROM product WHERE month = 145 GROUP BY product) AS last_month,
(SELECT product, SUM(units_sold) AS units_sold, SUM(sales) AS sales
FROM product WHERE month = 134 GROUP BY product) AS this_year
WHERE this_month.product = last_month.product
AND this_month.product = last_year.product
If there's a case where a product was sold in one month but not another month, you will have to do a left join and check for null values, especially if last_month.sales or last_year.sales is 0.
I hope I got them all:
Current_Month.product_name, units_sold_current_month,
units_sold_last_month * 100 / units_sold_current_month prc_last_month,
units_sold_last_year * 100 / units_sold_current_month prc_last_year
(SELECT product_id, product_name, sum(units_sold) units_sold_current_month FROM MyTable WHERE YEAR = 2011 AND MONTH = 7) Current_Month
(SELECT product_id, product_name, sum(units_sold) units_sold_last_month FROM MyTable WHERE YEAR = 2011 AND MONTH = 6) Last_Month
ON Current_Month.product_id = Last_Month.product_id
(SELECT product_id, product_name, sum(units_sold) units_sold_last_year FROM MyTable WHERE YEAR = 2010 AND MONTH = 7) Last_Year
ON Current_Month.product_id = Last_Year.product_id
I am slightly guessing as the structure of the table provided is the result table, right? You will need to do self-join on month-to-previous-month basis:
SELECT <growth computation here>
FROM SALES s1 LEFT JOIN SALES s2 ON (s1.month = s2.month-1) -- last month join
LEFT JOIN SALES s3 ON (s1.month = s3.month - 12) -- lat year join
where <growth computation here> looks like
((s1.sales - s2.sales)/s2.sales * 100),
((s1.sales - s3.sales)/s3.sales * 100)
I use LEFT JOIN for months that have no previous months. Change your join conditions based on actual relations in month/year columns.

SQL query to identify seasonal sales items

I need a SQL query that will identify seasonal sales items.
My table has the following structure -
ProdId WeekEnd Sales
234 23/04/09 543.23
234 30/04/09 12.43
432 23/04/09 0.00
I need a SQL query that will return all ProdId's that have 26 weeks consecutive 0 sales. I am running SQL server 2005. Many thanks!
Update: A colleague has suggested a solution using rank() - I'm looking at it now...
Here's my version:
DECLARE #NumWeeks int
SET #NumWeeks = 26
SELECT s1.ProdID, s1.WeekEnd, COUNT(*) AS ZeroCount
FROM Sales s1
ON s2.ProdID = s1.ProdID
AND s2.WeekEnd >= s1.WeekEnd
AND s2.WeekEnd <= DATEADD(WEEK, #NumWeeks + 1, s1.WeekEnd)
WHERE s1.Sales > 0
GROUP BY s1.ProdID, s1.WeekEnd
HAVING COUNT(*) >= #NumWeeks
Now, this is making a critical assumption, namely that there are no duplicate entries (only 1 per product per week) and that new data is actually entered every week. With these assumptions taken into account, if we look at the 27 weeks after a non-zero sales week and find that there were 26 total weeks with zero sales, then we can deduce logically that they had to be 26 consecutive weeks.
Note that this will ignore products that had zero sales from the start; there has to be a non-zero week to anchor it. If you want to include products that had no sales since the beginning, then add the following line after `WHERE s1.Sales > 0':
OR s1.WeekEnd = (SELECT MIN(WeekEnd) FROM Sales WHERE ProdID = s1.ProdID)
This will slow the query down a lot but guarantees that the first week of "recorded" sales will always be taken into account.
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales <> 0
) s1
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales <> 0
) s2
ON s1.ProdId = s2.ProdId
AND s1.rownum + 1 = s2.rownum
AND DateAdd(WEEK, 26, s1.WeekEnd) = s2.WeekEnd;