Tensorflow: Don't Update if gradient is Nan - tensorflow

I have a deep model to train on CIFAR-10. Training works fine with CPU. However, when I use GPU support, it causes gradients for some batches to be NaNs (I checked it using tf.check_numerics) and it happens randomly but early enough. I believe the problem is related to my GPU.
My question is that: is there away not to update if at least one of the gradients has NaNs and force the model to proceed to the next batch ?
Edit: Perhaps I should elaborate more on my problem.
This is how I apply the gradients:
with tf.control_dependencies([tf.check_numerics(grad, message='Gradient %s check failed, possible NaNs' % var.name) for grad, var in grads]):
# Apply the gradients to adjust the shared variables.
apply_gradient_op = opt.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=global_step)
I have thought of using tf.check_numerics first to verify that there are Nans in the gradients, and, then, if there are Nans (check failed) I can "pass" without using opt.apply_gradients. However, is there a way to catch an error with tf.control_dependencies ?

I could figure it out, albeit not in the most elegant way.
My solution is as follows:
1) check all gradients first
2) if gradients are NaNs-free, apply them
3) otherwise, apply fake update (with zero values), this needs gradient override.
This is my code:
First define custom gradient:
def _zero_grad(unused_op, grad):
return tf.zeros_like(grad)
Then define an exception-handling function:
#this is added for gradient check of NaNs
def check_numerics_with_exception(grad, var):
tf.check_numerics(grad, message='Gradient %s check failed, possible NaNs' % var.name)
return tf.constant(False, shape=())
return tf.constant(True, shape=())
Then create conditional node:
num_nans_grads = tf.Variable(1.0, name='num_nans_grads')
check_all_numeric_op = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.stack([tf.logical_not(check_numerics_with_exception(grad, var)) for grad, var in grads]), dtype=tf.float32))
with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assign(num_nans_grads, check_all_numeric_op)]):
# Apply the gradients to adjust the shared variables.
def fn_true_apply_grad(grads, global_step):
apply_gradients_true = opt.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=global_step)
return apply_gradients_true
def fn_false_ignore_grad(grads, global_step):
#print('batch update ignored due to nans, fake update is applied')
g = tf.get_default_graph()
with g.gradient_override_map({"Identity": "ZeroGrad"}):
for (grad, var) in grads:
tf.assign(var, tf.identity(var, name="Identity"))
apply_gradients_false = opt.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=global_step)
return apply_gradients_false
apply_gradient_op = tf.cond(tf.equal(num_nans_grads, 0.), lambda : fn_true_apply_grad(grads, global_step), lambda : fn_false_ignore_grad(grads, global_step))


How to use an optimizer within a forward pass in PyTorch

I want to use an optimizer within the forward pass of a custom defined Function, but it doesn't work. My code is as follows:
class MyFct(Function):
def forward(ctx, *args):
input, weight, bias = args[0], args[1], args[2]
y = torch.tensor([[0]], dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True) #initial guess
loss_fn = lambda y_star: (input + weight - y_star)**2
learning_rate = 1e-4
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([y], lr=learning_rate)
for t in range(5000):
y_star = y
loss = loss_fn(y_star)
if t % 100 == 99:
print(t, loss.item())
return y_star
And that's my test inputs:
x = torch.tensor([[2]], dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
w = torch.tensor([[2]], dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
y = torch.tensor([[6]], dtype=torch.float)
fct= MyFct.apply
y_hat = fct(x, w, None)
I always get the RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn.
Also, I've tested the optimization outside of the forward and it works, so I guess it's something with the context? According to the documentation "Tensor arguments that track history (i.e., with requires_grad=True) will be converted to ones that don’t track history before the call, and their use will be registered in the graph", see https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/extending.html. Is this the problem? Is there a way to work around it?
I am new to PyTorch and I wonder what I'm overlooking. Any help and explanation is appreciated.
I think I found an answer here: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/8847 , i.e. I need to wrap the oprimization with with torch.enable_grad():.
However, I still don't understand why it's necessary to convert the original Tensors to ones that don’t track history in forward().

Excluding slim.assign_from_checkpoint searching for Momentum variables

I am trying to finetune vgg_16 model with the Momentum Optimizer . For this, I use the pretrained models from here.
Before finetuning, I assign the varible values from the models as following,
variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(exclude=["vgg_16/fc8"])
init_assign_op, init_feed_dict = slim.assign_from_checkpoint(model_path, variables_to_restore)
Note, I do not exclude the vgg_16/*/*/Momentum variables. Hence I recieve an error,
ValueError: Checkpoint is missing variable [vgg_16/conv1/conv1_1/weights/Momentum],
as expected.
My problem is that including all the Momentum variables in the exlude list very cumbersome(example). Is there an smarter way to exclude just the Momentum variables?
This is important since manual enterring of exclusions is impossible for large models such as resnet.
Thank you in advance!
You can solve this problem by using this code:
def _init_fn():
variables_to_restore = []
for var in slim.get_model_variables():
excluded = False
for exclusion in exclusions:
if var.op.name.startswith(exclusion):
excluded = True
if not excluded:
if tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.checkpoint_path):
checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.checkpoint_path)
checkpoint_path = FLAGS.checkpoint_path
tf.logging.info('Fine-tuning from %s' % checkpoint_path)
return slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(
use this function in slim.learning.train(init_fn=init_fn,)

consistent forward / backward pass with tensorflow dropout

For the reinforcement learning one usually applies forward pass of the neural network for each step of the episode in order to calculate policy. Afterwards one could calculate parameter gradients using backpropagation. Simplified implementation of my network looks like this:
class AC_Network(object):
def __init__(self, s_size, a_size, scope, trainer, parameters_net):
with tf.variable_scope(scope):
self.is_training = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.bool)
self.inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, s_size], dtype=tf.float32)
# (...)
layer = slim.fully_connected(self.inputs,
layer = tf.contrib.layers.dropout(inputs=layer, keep_prob=parameters_net["dropout_keep_prob"],
self.policy = slim.fully_connected(layer, a_size,
self.actions = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.int32)
self.advantages = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32)
actions_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.actions, a_size, dtype=tf.float32)
responsible_outputs = tf.reduce_sum(self.policy * actions_onehot, [1])
self.policy_loss = - policy_loss_multiplier * tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(responsible_outputs) * self.advantages)
local_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope)
self.gradients = tf.gradients(self.policy_loss, local_vars)
Now during training I will fist rollout the episode by consecutive forward passes (again, simplified version):
s = self.local_env.reset() # list of input variables for the first step
while done == False:
a_dist = sess.run([self.policy],
feed_dict = {self.local_AC.inputs: [s],
self.is_training: True})
a = np.argmax(a_dist)
s, r, done, extra_stat = self.local_env.step(a)
# (...)
and in the end I will calculate gradients by backward pass:
p_l, grad = sess.run([self.policy_loss,
feed_dict={self.inputs: np.vstack(comb_observations),
self.is_training: True,
self.actions: np.hstack(comb_actions),})
(please note that I could have made a mistake somewhere above trying to remove as much as possible of the original code irrelevant to the issue in question)
So finally the question: Is there a way of ensuring that all the consecutive calls to the sess.run() will generate the same dropout structure? Ideally I would like to have exactly the same dropout structure within each episode and only change it between episodes. Things seem to work well as they are but I continue to wonder.

Using TensorArrays in the context of a while_loop to accumulate values

Below I have an implementation of a Tensorflow RNN Cell, designed to emulate Alex Graves' algorithm ACT in this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08983.
At a single timestep in the sequence called via rnn.rnn(with a static sequence_length parameter, so the rnn is unrolled dynamically - I am using a fixed batch size of 20), we recursively call ACTStep, producing outputs of size(1,200) where the hidden dimension of the RNN cell is 200 and we have a batch size of 1.
Using the while loop in Tensorflow, we iterate until the accumulated halting probability is high enough. All of this works reasonably smoothly, but I am having problems accumulating states, probabilities and outputs within the while loop, which we need to do in order to create weighted combinations of these as the final cell output/state.
I have tried using a simple list, as below, but this fails when the graph is compiled as the outputs are not in the same frame(is it possible to use the "switch" function in control_flow_ops to forward the tensors to the point at which they are required, ie the add_n function just before we return the values?). I have also tried using the TensorArray structure, but I am finding this difficult to use as it seems to destroy shape information and replacing it manually hasn't worked. I also haven't been able to find much documentation on TensorArrays, presumably as they are, I imagine, mainly for internal TF use.
Any advice on how it might be possible to correctly accumulate the variables produced by ACTStep would be much appreciated.
class ACTCell(RNNCell):
"""An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm"""
def __init__(self, num_units, cell, epsilon, max_computation):
self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon)
self._num_units = num_units
self.cell = cell
self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)
def input_size(self):
return self._num_units
def output_size(self):
return self._num_units
def state_size(self):
return self._num_units
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
# define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
prob = tf.get_variable("prob", [], tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
counter = tf.get_variable("counter", [],tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
tf.assign(counter, 0.0)
# the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
# all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,\
tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))
acc_probs = []
acc_outputs = []
acc_states = []
_,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \
# TODO:fix last part of this, need to use the remainder.
# TODO: find a way to accumulate the regulariser
# here we take a weighted combination of the states and outputs
# to use as the actual output and state which is passed to the next timestep.
next_state = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
output = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])
return output, next_state
def ACTStep(self,prob,counter,state,input, acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs):
output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)
prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1])
prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
p = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b)
return [tf.add(prob,p),tf.add(counter,1.0),new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]
I'm going to preface this response that this is NOT a complete solution, but rather some commentary on how to improve your cell.
To start off, in your ACTStep function, you call rnn.rnn for one timestep (as defined by [input]. If you're doing a single timestep, it is probably more efficient to simple use the actual self.cell call function. You'll see this same mechanism used in tensorflow rnncell wrappers
You mentioned that you have tried using TensorArrays. Did you pack and unpack the tensorarrays appropriately? Here is a repo where you'll find under model.py the tensorarrays are packed and unpacked properly.
You also asked if there is a function in control_flow_ops that will require all the tensors to be accumulated. I think you are looking for tf.control_dependencies
You can list all of your output tensors operations in control_dependicies and that will require tensorflow to compute all tensors up into that point.
Also, it looks like your counter variable is trainable. Are you sure you want this to be the case? If you're adding plus one to your counter, that probably wouldn't yield the correct result. On the other hand, you could have purposely kept it trainable to differentiate it at the end for the ponder cost function.
Also I believe the Remainder function should be in your script:
remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1])
#note that there is a -1 in the list as you do not want to grab the last probability
Here is my version of your code edited:
class ACTCell(RNNCell):
"""An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm
Notes: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s189/sh/fd165646-b630-48b7-844c-86ad2f07fcda/c9ab960af967ef847097f21d94b0bff7
def __init__(self, num_units, cell, max_computation = 5.0, epsilon = 0.01):
self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon) #episolon is 0.01 as found in the paper
self._num_units = num_units
self.cell = cell
self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)
def input_size(self):
return self._num_units
def output_size(self):
return self._num_units
def state_size(self):
return self._num_units
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
# define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
prob = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size])
counter = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size])
# the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
# all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs:\
tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))
acc_probs, acc_outputs, acc_states = [], [], []
_,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \
self.ACTStep, #looks like he purposely makes the while loop here
[prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs])
'''mean-field updates for states and outputs'''
next_state = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
output = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])
remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1]) #you take the last off to avoid a negative ponder cost #the problem here is we need to take the sum of all the remainders
tf.add_to_collection("ACT_remainder", remainder) #if this doesnt work then you can do self.list based upon timesteps
tf.add_to_collection("ACT_iterations", iterations)
return output, next_state
def ACTStep(self,prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs):
'''run rnn once'''
output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)
prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1])
prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
halting_probability = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b)
return [p + prob, counter + 1.0, new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]
def PonderCostFunction(self, time_penalty = 0.01):
note: ponder is completely different than probability and ponder = roe
the ponder cost function prohibits the rnn from cycling endlessly on each timestep when not much is needed
n_iterations = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_iterations")
remainder = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_remainder")
return tf.reduce_sum(n_iterations + remainder) #completely different from probability
This is a complicated paper to implement that I have been working on myself. I wouldn't mind collaborating with you to get it done in Tensorflow. If you're interested, please add me at LeavesBreathe on Skype and we can go from there.

Confused by the behavior of `tf.cond`

I need a conditional control flow in my graph. If pred is True, the graph should call an op that updates a variable and then returns it, otherwise it returns the variable unchanged. A simplified version is:
pred = tf.constant(True)
x = tf.Variable([1])
assign_x_2 = tf.assign(x, [2])
def update_x_2():
with tf.control_dependencies([assign_x_2]):
return tf.identity(x)
y = tf.cond(pred, update_x_2, lambda: tf.identity(x))
with tf.Session() as session:
However, I find that both pred=True and pred=False lead to the same result y=[2], which means the assign op is also called when update_x_2 is not selected by tf.cond. How to explain this? And how to solve this problem?
TL;DR: If you want tf.cond() to perform a side effect (like an assignment) in one of the branches, you must create the op that performs the side effect inside the function that you pass to tf.cond().
The behavior of tf.cond() is a little unintuitive. Because execution in a TensorFlow graph flows forward through the graph, all operations that you refer to in either branch must execute before the conditional is evaluated. This means that both the true and the false branches receive a control dependency on the tf.assign() op, and so y always gets set to 2, even if pred is False.
The solution is to create the tf.assign() op inside the function that defines the true branch. For example, you could structure your code as follows:
pred = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=[])
x = tf.Variable([1])
def update_x_2():
with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assign(x, [2])]):
return tf.identity(x)
y = tf.cond(pred, update_x_2, lambda: tf.identity(x))
with tf.Session() as session:
print(y.eval(feed_dict={pred: False})) # ==> [1]
print(y.eval(feed_dict={pred: True})) # ==> [2]
pred = tf.constant(False)
x = tf.Variable([1])
def update_x_2():
assign_x_2 = tf.assign(x, [2])
with tf.control_dependencies([assign_x_2]):
return tf.identity(x)
y = tf.cond(pred, update_x_2, lambda: tf.identity(x))
with tf.Session() as session:
This will get the result of [1].
This answer is quite the same as the above answer. But what I wanna share is you can put every ops you would like to use in its branch function. Because, given your example code, tensor x is can be directly used by the update_x_2 function.