dotnet build - working, dotnet publish - not working -

I try publish ASP .NET Core2 app.
App is work in visual studio 2017
dotnet build -c Release completed without error
dotnet publish -c Release
Has error
Cannot find compilation library location for package 'Hangfire.MemoryStorage'
But Hangfire.MemoryStorage is _Libs\Hangfire.MemoryStorage.dll not a package

build compiles all your .cs files mainly
publish also compiles all your view files into a single .dll file. So it validates your views as well.
So, If you have an error only in the publish and not in the build, there most probably must be a bug somewhere in your views. Even if the app worked in visual studio, there might be a run time issue somewhere if the bug is in a view.
Regarding the Hangfire.MemoryStorage library. The last update was three months ago. There have also been past issues with this library related to the code not updated for the latest version of .net core. So, I don't think he has released the stable version for .net core 2.0 yet (assuming you have the latest version of the app installed).


dotnet publish succeeds on dev machine, build agent fails, Netcoreapp2.1/win-x64

On "Hosted VS2017" and self-hosted build agent (Windows Server 2012 R2), running dotnet publish with a publish profile specified fails with:
error NETSDK1047: Assets file
'C:\agent_work\11\s\\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a
target for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1/win-x64'. Ensure that restore has
run and that you have included 'netcoreapp2.1' in the TargetFrameworks
for your project. You may also need to include 'win-x64' in your
project's RuntimeIdentifiers.
On local dev server (Win10, VS2017, many different .net sdk versions) when I dotnet publish with the exact same command line, everything works great.
I have tried everything from updating VS2017, installing the exact version of .net core SDK and runtime that we're targeting, updating the build agent, windows updates... Nothing seems to help. I can't understand why it's having different behavior.
The publish profile is a FileSystem profile and has the following two elements specified:
The command line looks this: "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" publish "C:\agent\_work\11\s\Source\TheProject.csproj" --no-build -c Release -f netcoreapp2.1 /p:PublishProfile="Publish Release To Filesystem.pubxml" -o C:\agent\_work\11\a\Website -v d
Does anyone have a clue what I can do to get this working?
This turns out to be all about the Runtime Identifier. The confusion arose because I assumed building and publishing from dotnet-cli was as simple as building and publishing from Visual Studio. Visual Studio's publish was doing a full restore/build with its publish, and the publish profile had the <RuntimeIdentifier> set.
I was doing several things wrong. I wasn't including -r win-x64 to the restore and build tasks, and I was using dotnet publish --no-build. So that's where one mismatch came from. The next was that I was running dotnet test after build and before publish. That was wiping out some things that publish needed, not sure what though.
I changed dotnet test to include -p:RuntimeIdentifier=winx64 since apparently it uses -r for reporting output (apparently they're adding -runtime in 2.2).
Some things I learned in the process, dotnet-cli does NOT work well with .sln files, at least in build agent's. It seems to have a big problem with file locks and shared processes. Trying to optimize build tasks to minimize work with the dotnet-cli is a major pain in the ass.
I think Jay covered this in the other answer, but to clarify what worked for me was running:-
dotnet restore <path/to/.sln> -r linux-x64
just before running the dotnet msbuild command. (Obviously replace linux-x64 with your target).

Can't run .Net Core based on project.json after VS 2017 installation

I've been working on a software for a while and always executed it using dotnet run. Today, I decided to install VS 2017 and after that (still not entirely sure if it's the root cause, though), I can't run my software anymore.
The pre-existing project is nowhere near the project I opened with VS 2017 so the only collision I suspect might be due to the Core version being changed. To be sure, I re-ran the installation from the page, the latest version.
dotnet --version
I notice that when I execute dotnet new, the directory get a xxx.csproj file and not project.json and I've read somewhere that MS is going to drop support for it.
What can I do to get the pre-existing project running again? I'm kind of stuck in the middle of the whole thing and googling gave me precisely nothing. Apparently, I'm the first dude to do this stupid upgrade (if it's because of that to begin with).
What can I do to get the pre-existing project running again?
Add a global.json to your project or solution's root directory, with an SDK property that points at the previous SDK. For example:
"sdk": {
"version": "1.0.0-preview2-003131"
View the SDK versions that you have installed like this:
PS> dir 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\' -name
Anything with preview2 will use project.json, anything with preview3 (or above) will use xxx.csproj.
See also: Announcing .NET Core Tools MSBuild “alpha” > Side by side install.

ASP.Net Core 1.1 - Migration Failure

I know VS 2017 is only RC but there seem to be some major issues with migrating an ASP.Net Core 1.0 project to 1.1. The migration tool fails converting 2 of my 8 projects in the solution (I prefer to adopt a layered architectural approach for my projects) the sample project is located here. One project in particular is the class library I moved my web api controller methods into. In trying to re-create this class library it doesn't seem one is able to declare a controller class after installing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc nuget. It is installed but the compiler is not finding the Controller, RouteAttribute classes, etc. The same issue occured with trying to setup a DI layer IServiceCollection. Nuget Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection doesn't seem to be doing it.
The migration log quite honestly isn't really helping me. It seems to indicate an issue with my service project and the project.json file but as you can tell it is in the repository.
It feels like Microsoft is forcing us down the path of cramming all the "web" stuff into a single project file. Maybe these tools aren't far enough along yet but an RC would indicate they should be closer to ship ready?
src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj: Failed to migrate XProj project ReciPiBook.Api. 'dotnet migrate -s -p "C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\src\ReciPiBook.Api" -x "C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj"' exited with error code 1.
src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj: Could not find file 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\src\ReciPiBook.Services\project.json'. Migration failed.
src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj: Backing up C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj to C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\Backup\src\ReciPiBook.Api\ReciPiBook.Api.xproj.
src\ReciPiBook.Api\project.json: Backing up C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\src\ReciPiBook.Api\project.json to C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ReciPiBook2017\ReciPiBookCore\Backup\src\ReciPiBook.Api\project.json.
I can't directly speak to VS2017 as I'm staying away from it as even though it's a RC, the core tooling is in ALPHA. The VS 2015 core tooling is at least in a "RC" state (actually only preview).
In VS2015 I migrated from 1.0.x to 1.1 manually (per
Download the 1.1 sdk
Change your global.json "sdk":{"version": "1.0.0-preview2-1-003177"} (yes it's a different version string).
Update all the project.json package versions from 1.0 to 1.1 (some are preview some arn't). Just open up the nuget package manager, allow preview versions, then install all the updates.
Fix any of your project.json tool entries as the package manager clobbers those.

Building .NET Core 1.0 RC2 app on the build server

I've updated my app from DNX, ASP.NET 5 RC1 to ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2.
Locally it builds and runs fine.
On the build server, I don't have Visual Studio installed, and the build fails with:
error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I did install the: .NET Core SDK for Windows.
Trying to install the VS 2015 tooling preview fails with:
What would be the correct setup to build .NET Core 1.0 RC2 app on the build server without having to install Visual Studio 2015?
Note: The build box (TeamCity 9) builds/runs tests fine for .NET 4.5 and DNX.
You may be blocked from installing the .NET Core Tooling Preview 2 for Visual Studio 2015 installer due to a temporary bug. To workaround it, run the installer from the commandline with the SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1 argument, as you see in the example below.
DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.exe SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1
I'm able to build the solution now. Still can't publish though.
I just copied all the new MSBuild stuff to the build server. I copied:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\
From my local computer to the build server. That includes the new DotNet sub-folder, which contains:
I can build the Solution (without the publish arguments) it fails when I try:
MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:publishprofile=local
You can build and test you project via the command line - so there is no need to have Visual Studio installed. By using build steps of type "Command Line" you can run: dotnet restore, dotnet build, dotnet test
Here you can find some description how to run that as a build on TFS. It is written for the hosted TFS but works on-premise as well (and is not only meant for azure as the name of the document might imply):
For the pubsishing I have used msdeploy with RC1 but have not yet migrated my deployment build. I might document it here when this is done within the next days.
So without Visual Studio or Web Deploy, my TeamCity build is comprised of 4 builds steps:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet test
dotnet publish -c Release
I run dotnet test on all projects with a basic for loop.

Missing packages after upgrading ASP .NET 5 to beta-7

I'm developing a web site using the ASP .NET 5 platform. The site's target framework at the moment is dnx451. Some time ago I upgraded to beta-7 runtime version and now I have a problem with a couple of packages: System.Reflection.Primitives and System.Resources.ResourceManager. The versions of those packages for net45 are absent, in other words I have only an empty file named "." in the ".dnx\packages\System.Reflection.Primitives\4.0.0\lib\net45" folder in my profile, and the same is for another package. It does not affect developing the site in Visual Studio, but I have troubles when publishing and deploying the site. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Delete all the packages under .dnx\packages and run dnu restore (or restore from VS)