awk find out how many times columns two and three equal specific word - awk

Lets say I have a names.txt file with the following
Bob Billy Billy
Bob Billy Joe
Bob Billy Billy
Joe Billy Billy
and using awk I want to find out how many times $2 = Billy while $3 = Billy. In this case my desired output would be 3 times.
Also, I'm testing this on a mac if that matters.

You first need to test $2==$3 then test that one of those equals "Billy". Increment a counter and then print the result at the end:
$ awk '$2==$3 && $2=="Billy"{cnt++} END{print cnt+0}' names.txt
Or, you could almost write just what you said:
$ awk '$2=="Billy" && $3=="Billy" {cnt++} END{print cnt+0}' names.txt
And if you want to use a variable so you don't need to type it several times:
$ awk -v name='Billy' '$2==name && $3==name {cnt++}
END{printf "Found \"%s\" %d times\n", name, cnt+0}' names.txt
Found "Billy" 3 times
Or, you could collect them all up and report what was found:
$ awk '{cnts[$2 "," $3]++}
END{for (e in cnts) print e ": " cnts[e]}' names.txt
Billy,Billy: 3
Billy,Joe: 1

You may also consider use grep to do that,
$ grep -c "\sBilly\sBilly" name.txt
-c: print a count of matching lines


How to extract multiple strings with single regex expression in Awk

I have the following strings:
Mike has XXX cats and XXXXX dogs.
I would like to replace Xs with the digits corresponding to the number of Xs:
I tried:
awk '{ match($0, /[X]+/);
a = length(substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH));
gsub(/[X]+/, a) }1'
But it captures only the first match.
Expected output:
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
With your shown samples, could you please try following. Written and tested in GNU awk(should work in any awk).
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/^X+$/){$i=gsub(/X/,"&",$i)}}} 1' Input_file
Sample output will be:
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
Explanation: Going through all the fields(space delimited) and checking if field starts from X and has only X till end of current field, if yes then globally substituting it with its own value(to get the count) and saving into current field itself. Then mentioning 1 will print current line.
NOTE: As per Ed sir's comment(under question section), in case your fields may have values other X too then try(this will even cover XXX456 value in any column too):
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/X/){$i=gsub(/X/,"&",$i)}}} 1' Input_file
EDIT: Since OP's samples are changed so adding this solution here, written and tested with GNU awk.
awk -v RS='X+' '{ORS=(RT ? gsub(/./,"",RT) : "")} 1' Input_file
awk -v RS='X+' '{ORS=(RT ? length(RT) : "")} 1' Input_file
Output will be as follows for above code:
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
another awk
$ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/^X+$/) $i=length($i)}1' file
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
$ awk '{while( match($0,/X+/) ) $0=substr($0,1,RSTART-1) RLENGTH substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)} 1' file
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
If Perl is okay:
$ perl -pe 's/X+/length $&/ge' ip.txt
Mike has 3 cats and 5 dogs.
The e flag allows Perl code in replacement section. $& will have the matched portion.
Here's the cleanest awk-based solution i can think of
{mawk/mawk2/gawk} 'BEGIN { FS = "^$" } /X/ {
while(match($0, /[X]+/)) { sub(/[X]+/, RLENGTH) } } 1'
downside of this is having to use regex engine twice for every replacmeent. upside is that it avoids a bunch of substr( ) ops.

Counting the number of unique values based on two columns in bash

I have a tab-separated file looking like this:
A 1234
A 123245
A 4546
A 1234
B 24234
B 4545
C 1234
C 1234
A 3
B 2
C 1
Basically I need counts of unique values that belong to the first column, all in one commando with pipelines. As you may see, there can be some duplicates like "A 1234". I had some ideas with awk or cut, but neither of the seem to work. They just print out all unique pairs, while I need count of unique values from the second column considering the value in the first one.
awk -F " "'{print $1}' file.tsv | uniq -c
cut -d' ' -f1,2 file.tsv | sort | uniq -ci
I'd really appreciate your help! Thank you in advance.
With complete awk solution could you please try following.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} !found[$0]++{val[$1]++} END{for(i in val){print i,val[i]}}' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
!found[$0]++{ ##Checking condition if 1st and 2nd column is NOT present in found array then do following.
val[$1]++ ##Creating val with 1st column inex and keep increasing its value here.
END{ ##Starting END block of this progra from here.
for(i in val){ ##Traversing through array val here.
print i,val[i] ##Printing i and value of val with index i here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
Using GNU awk:
$ gawk -F\\t '{a[$1][$2]}END{for(i in a)print i,length(a[i])}' file
A 3
B 2
C 1
$ gawk -F\\t '{ # using GNU awk and tab as delimiter
a[$1][$2] # hash to 2D array
for(i in a) # for all values in first field
print i,length(a[i]) # output value and the size of related array
}' file
$ sort -u file | cut -f1 | uniq -c
3 A
2 B
1 C
Another way, using the handy GNU datamash utility:
$ datamash -g1 countunique 2 < input.txt
A 3
B 2
C 1
Requires the input file to be sorted on the first column, like your sample. If real file isn't, add -s to the options.
You could try this:
cat file.tsv | sort | uniq | awk '{print $1}' | uniq -c | awk '{print $2 " " $1}'
It works for your example. (But I'm not sure if it works for other cases. Let me know if it doesn't work!)

Print every second consequtive field in two columns - awk

Assume the following file
#begin Present/3
77191.0000 189.320100 0 0 3 0111110 16 1
-8.072430+6-8.072430+6 77190 0 1 37111110 16 2
37 2 111110 16 3
8.115068+6 0.000000+0 8.500000+6 6.390560-2 9.000000+6 6.803440-1111110 16 4
9.500000+6 1.685009+0 1.000000+7 2.582780+0 1.050000+7 3.260540+0111110 16 5
37 2 111110 16 18
What I would like to do, is print in two columns, the fields after line 6. This can be done using NR. The tricky part is the following : Every second field, should go in one column as well as adding an E before the sign, so that the output file will look like this
8.115068E+6 0.000000E+0
8.500000E+6 6.390560E-2
9.000000E+6 6.803440E-1
9.500000E+6 1.685009E+0
1.000000E+7 2.582780E+0
1.050000E+7 3.260540E+0
From the output file you see that I want to keep in $6 only length($6)=10 characters.
How is it possible to do it in awk?
can do all in awk but perhaps easier with the unix toolset
$ sed -n '6,7p' file | cut -c2-66 | tr ' ' '\n' | pr -2ats' '
8.115068+6 0.000000+0
8.500000+6 6.390560-2
9.000000+6 6.803440-1
9.500000+6 1.685009+0
1.000000+7 2.582780+0
1.050000+7 3.260540+0
Here is a awk only solution or comparison
$ awk 'NR>=6 && NR<=7{$6=substr($6,1,10);
for(i=1;i<=6;i+=2) {f[++c]=$i;s[c]=$(i+1)}}
END{for(i=1;i<=c;i++) print f[i],s[i]}' file
8.115068+6 0.000000+0
8.500000+6 6.390560-2
9.000000+6 6.803440-1
9.500000+6 1.685009+0
1.000000+7 2.582780+0
1.050000+7 3.260540+0
Perhaps shorter version,
$ awk 'NR>=6 && NR<=7{$6=substr($6,1,10);
for(i=1;i<=6;i+=2) print $i FS $(i+1)}' file
8.115068+6 0.000000+0
8.500000+6 6.390560-2
9.000000+6 6.803440-1
9.500000+6 1.685009+0
1.000000+7 2.582780+0
1.050000+7 3.260540+0
to convert format to standard scientific notation, you can pipe the result to
sed or embed something similar in awk script (using gsub).
... | sed 's/[+-]/E&/g'
8.115068E+6 0.000000E+0
8.500000E+6 6.390560E-2
9.000000E+6 6.803440E-1
9.500000E+6 1.685009E+0
1.000000E+7 2.582780E+0
1.050000E+7 3.260540E+0
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FIELDWIDTHS="9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2" }
NR>5 && NR<8 {
for (i=1;i<NF;i+=4) {
print $i "E" $(i+1), $(i+2) "E" $(i+3)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
8.115068E+6 0.000000E+0
8.500000E+6 6.390560E-2
9.000000E+6 6.803440E-1
9.500000E+6 1.685009E+0
1.000000E+7 2.582780E+0
1.050000E+7 3.260540E+0
If you really want to get rid of the leading blanks then there's various ways to do it (simplest being gsub(/ /,"",$<field number>) on the relevant fields) but I left them in because the above allows your output to line up properly if/when your numbers start with a -, like they do on line 4 of your sample input.
If you don't have GNU awk, get it as you're missing a LOT of extremely useful functionality.
I tried to combine #karafka 's answer using substr, so the following does the trick!
awk 'NR>=6 && NR<=7{$6=substr($6,1,10);for(i=1;i<=6;i+=2) print substr($i,1,8) "E" substr($i,9) FS substr($(i+1),1,8) "E" substr($(i+1),9)}' file
and the output is
8.115068E+6 0.000000E+0
8.500000E+6 6.390560E-2
9.000000E+6 6.803440E-1
9.500000E+6 1.685009E+0
1.000000E+7 2.582780E+0
1.050000E+7 3.260540E+0

grep: Keeping lines that has specific string in certain column

I am trying to pick out the lines that have certain value in certain column and save it to an output. I am trying to do this with grep. Is it possible?
My data is looks like this:
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf
melon 1 ewtedf wersdf
orange 3 qqqwetr hredfg
I want to pick out lines that have value 5 on its 2nd column and save it to new outputfile.
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf
I would appreciate for help!
It is probably possible with grep but the adequate tool to perform this operation is definitely awk. You can filter every line having 5 on the second column with
awk '$2 == 5'
awk splits it inputs in records (usually a line) and fields (usually a column) and perform actions on records matching certain conditions. Here
awk '$2 == 5'
is a short form for
awk '$2 == 5 {print($0)}'
which translates to
For each record, if the second field ($2) is 5, print the full record ($0).
If you need to choose dynamically the key value used to filter your values, use the -v option of awk:
awk -v "key=5" '$2 == key {print($0)}'
If you need to keep the first line of the file because it contains a header to the table, use the NR variable that keeps track of the ordinal number of the current record:
awk 'NR == 1 || $2 == 5'
The field separator is a regular expression defining which text separates columns, it can be modified with the -F field. For instance, if your data were in a basic CSV file, the filter would be
awk -F", *" '$2 == 5'
Visit the awk tag wiki to find a few useful information to get started learning awk.
To print when the second field is 5 use: awk '$2==5' file
Give this a try:
grep '^[^\s]\+\s5.*$' file.txt
the pattern looks for start of line, followed by more than one non-space character, followed by space, followed by 5, follwed by any number of chars, followed by eol.
You can get following command.
$ cat data.txt
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf
melon 1 ewtedf wersdf
orange 3 qqqwetr hredfg
grape 55 kkkkkkk aaaaaa
$ grep -E '[^ ]+ +5 .*' data.txt > output.txt
$ cat output.txt
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf
You can get the answer only with grep command.
But I strongly recommend you use awk command.
The simple way to do it is:
grep '5' MyDataFile
The result:
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf
To capture that in a new file:
grep '5' MyDataFile > newfile
Note: that will find a 5 anywhere in MyDataFile. To restrict to the second column, a short script is what would suit your needs. If you want to limit it to the second column only, then a quick script like the following will do. Usage: script number datafile:
while read -r fruit num stuff || [ -n "$stuff" ]; do
[ "$num" -eq "$1" ] && printf "%s %s %s\n" "$fruit" "$num" "$stuff"
done <"$2"
$ ./ 5 dat/mydata.dat
apple 5 abcdefd ewdsf
peach 5 ewtdsfe wtesdf

How to print last two columns using awk

All I want is the last two columns printed.
You can make use of variable NF which is set to the total number of fields in the input record:
awk '{print $(NF-1),"\t",$NF}' file
this assumes that you have at least 2 fields.
awk '{print $NF-1, $NF}' inputfile
Note: this works only if at least two columns exist. On records with one column you will get a spurious "-1 column1"
#jim mcnamara: try using parentheses for around NF, i. e. $(NF-1) and $(NF) instead of $NF-1 and $NF (works on Mac OS X 10.6.8 for FreeBSD awkand gawk).
echo '
1 2
2 3
one two three
' | gawk '{if (NF >= 2) print $(NF-1), $(NF);}'
# output:
# 1 2
# 2 3
# two three
using gawk exhibits the problem:
gawk '{ print $NF-1, $NF}' filename
1 2
2 3
-1 one
-1 three
# cat filename
1 2
2 3
one two three
I just put gawk on Solaris 10 M4000:
So, gawk is the cuplrit on the $NF-1 vs. $(NF-1) issue. Next question what does POSIX say?
There is no direction one way or the other. Not good. gawk implies subtraction, other awks imply field number or subtraction. hmm.
Please try this out to take into account all possible scenarios:
awk '{print $(NF-1)"\t"$NF}' file
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}' file
awk '{print $(NF-1), $NF} {print $(NF-1), $NF}' file
try with this
$ cat /tmp/topfs.txt
/dev/sda2 xfs 32G 10G 22G 32% /
awk print last column
$ cat /tmp/topfs.txt | awk '{print $NF}'
awk print before last column
$ cat /tmp/topfs.txt | awk '{print $(NF-1)}'
awk - print last two columns
$ cat /tmp/topfs.txt | awk '{print $(NF-1), $NF}'
32% /