Running Tensorboard without CUDA support - tensorflow

Is it possible to run Tensorboard on a machine without CUDA support?
I'm working at a computation center (via ssh) which has two major clusters:
CPU-Cluster which is a general workhorse without CUDA support (no dedicated GPU)
GPU-Cluster with dedicated GPUs e.g. for running neural networks with tensorflow-gpu.
The access to the GPU-cluster is limited to Training etc. such that I can't afford to run Tensorboard on a machine with CUDA-support. Instead, I'd like to run Tensorboard on the CPU-Cluster.
With the TF bundled Tensorboard I get import errors due to missing CUDA support.
It seems reasonable that the official Tensorboard should have a mode for running with CPU-only. Is this true?
I've also found an inofficial standalone Tensorboard version (, does this work without CUDA-support?

Solved my problem: just install tensorflow instead of tensorflow-gpu.
Didn't work for me for a while due to my virtual environment (conda), which didn't properly remove tensorflow-gpu.

Tensorboard is not limited by whether a machine has GPU or not.
And as far as I know, what Tensorboard do is parsing events pb files and display them on web. There is not computing, so it doesn't need GPU.


Is it possible to run .ipynb notebooks locally using GPU acceleration? How?

Every time I need to train a 'large' deep learning model I do it from Google Collab, as it allows you to use GPU acceleration.
My pc has a dedicated GPU, I was wondering if it is possible to use it to run my notebooks locally in a fast way. Is it possible to train models using my pc GPU? In that case, how?
I am open to work with DataSpell, VSCode or any other IDE.
Nicholas Renotte has a great 'Getting Started' video that goes through the entire process of setting up GPU accelerated notebooks on your PC. The stuff you're interested starts around the 12 minute mark.
Yes, it is possible to run .ipynb notebooks locally using GPU acceleration. To do so, you will need to install the necessary libraries and frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras. Depending on the IDE you choose, you will need to install the relevant plugins and packages for GPU acceleration.
In terms of IDEs, DataSpell, VSCode, PyCharm, and Jupyter Notebook are all suitable for running notebooks locally with GPU acceleration.
Once the necessary libraries and frameworks are installed, you will then need to install the appropriate drivers for your GPU and configure the environment for GPU acceleration.
Finally, you will need to modify the .ipynb notebook to enable GPU acceleration and specify the number of GPUs you will be using. Once all the necessary steps have been taken, you will then be able to run the notebook locally with GPU acceleration.

More than one GPU on

Anyone with experience using for cloud GPU computing knows if when renting more than one GPU do you need to do some setup to take advantage of the extra GPUs?
Because I can't notice any difference on speed when renting 6 or 8 GPUs instead of just one. I'm new at using for cloud GPU computing.
I am using this default docker:
Official docker images for deep learning framework TensorFlow (
Successfully loaded tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-gpu-py3
And just installing keras afterwards:
pip install keras
I have also checked the available GPUs using this and all the GPUs are detected correctly:
from keras import backend as K
Finally I found the solution myself. I just used another docker image with an older version of tensorflow (2.0.0), and the error disappeared.

Tensorflow does not generate GPU tracing information

I started a new machine learning project.
In according to this document (
TF with Tensorboard appears to support GPU profiling. So, i used the same code in my Jupyter Notebook for testing.
The sample code generates profiling resulting. However, there is no GPU tracing information in resulting file. (only CPU)
This is my main problem.
I am using two RTX 2080 TI graphic cards.
And also, they were working when running the code.
The sample code does not use MirroredStrategy. So, i could see the one of them was running.
At first, i thought Tensorboard was the problem. But,i realized soon that TF does not generate the GPU tracing information.
The image above is the resulting file (local.trace). There was no GPU data.
It is my system specification.
OS ubuntu 18.04
jupyter-client 5.3.4
jupyter-core 4.6.1
jupyter-tensorboard 0.1.10
tensorflow-gpu 2.0.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.0.1
tensorflow-metadata 0.15.1
tensorboard 2.0.2
nVidia 410.104
CUDA 10.0
anaconda 4.7.12 (with python 3.6)
It looks irrelevant, but there was a warning message like the image below.
I have tested this on other PC and got the same resulting. It could be the GPU profiling is only supporting on Google Colab. (I am still confusing) Recently, I have searched it on google to fix the problem. I could not get still the answer.
Is there someone who is using GPU profiling on your own System instead of Google Colab?
Please give me piece of advices.
I figured out what caused the problem.
It was related with CUPTI(CUDA Profiling Tools Interface)
In contrast to Jupyter Notebook, there was a warning message when the code is running on Ubunto shell.
CUPTI error: CUPTI could not be loaded or symbol could not be found.
TF could not find CUPTI libraries. This is the main reason of the problem.
After adding the path to LD_LABRARY_PATH as below link, the problem is fixed!

tf.test.is_gpu_available() returns False on GCP

I am training a CNN on GCP's notebook using a Tesla V100. I've trained a simple yolo on my own custom data and it was pretty fast but not very accurate. So, I decided to write my own code from scratch to solve the specific aspects of the problem that I want to tackle.
I have tried to run my code on Google Colab prior to GCP, and it went well. Tensorflow detects the GPU and is able to use it whether it was a Tesla K80 or T4.
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
tf.test.is_gpu_available() #>>> True
My problem is that, this same function returns a False on GCP notebook, as if Tensorflow is unable to use the GPU it detected on GCP VM. I don't know of any command that forces Tensorflow to use the GPU over CPU, since it does that automatically.
I have already tried to install or uninstall and then install some versions of tensorflow, tensorflow-gpu and tf-nightly-gpu (1.13 and 2.0dev for instance) but it yielded nothing.
output of nvidia-smi
Have you tried using GCP's AI Platform Notebooks instead? They offer VMs that are pre-configured with Tensorflow and have all required GPU drivers installed.

How to develop for tensor flow with gpu without a gpu

I have previously asked if it is possible to run tensor flow with gpu support on a cpu. I was told that it is possible and the basic code to switch which device I want to use but not how to get the initial code working on a computer that doesn't have a gpu at all. For example I would like to train on a computer that has a NVidia gpu but program on a laptop that only has a cpu. How would I go about doing this? I have tried just writing the code as normal but it crashes before I can even switch which device I want to use. I am using Python on Linux.
This thread might be helpful: Tensorflow: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I've tried to import tensorflow with tensorflow-gpu loaded in the uni's HPC login node, which does not have GPUs. It works well. I don't have Nvidia GPU in my laptop, so I never go through the installation process. But I think the cause is it cannot find relevant libraries of CUDA, cuDNN.
But, why don't you just use cpu version? As #Finbarr Timbers mentioned, you still can run a model in a computer with GPU.
What errors are you getting? It is very possible to train on a GPU but develop on a CPU- many people do it, including myself. In fact, Tensorflow will automatically put your code on a GPU if possible.
If you add the following code to your model, you can see which devices are being used:
# Creates a session with log_device_placement set to True.
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
This should change when you run your model on a computer with a GPU.