Unable to access Remote MySQL - cpanel

I have been having a remote connection problem with the database in my domain afrikinu.com. I intend to use the database as a source of data for a mobile app.
I have tried using the IP (which I found added as an Access Host in Remote MySQL) in the database configuration settings as the host, to no avail:
$host = "";
$mysql_username = "afrikinu_george";
$mysql_pwd = "***";
$db_name = "afrikinu_myheart_ke";
$conn = mysqli_connect($host, $mysql_username, $mysql_pwd, $db_name);
I have also tried using the Shared IP Address from the Server Information in both Remote MySQL and the configuration settings but it didn't work as well.
I noticed that the Home Directory in cPanel Main was set to /home1/afrikinu but the connection, by default, tries to access /home/afrikinu as seen in the error log, and think this might be the problem.
cPanel Main
error log
If this is the problem, how do I resolve it? If it isn't, then what might be the problem?
I have tried very many proposed solutions including contacting my host providers concerning the remote connection issue but all attempts have ended up futile.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

Apparently, you should never use a $ in your user password :)) That was the issue. Thanks for the response.


Error when connecting to Azure SQL Server from an ASP.Net Core App (Blazor) inside a Docker container

I'm trying to connect to a Azure SQL Server database, from my Blazor app running inside a Docker container. Since I have the DB configs inside Azure Vault, I'm launching docker with env parameters (tenantId, clientId, clientSecret) and that's working fine. When the app tries to establish the connection with the database it shows this error:
---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The instance of SQL Server you attempted to connect to requires encryption but this machine does not support it.
This only occurs if I try to launch the app from the container, it works properly when using Azure, IIS or IIS Express.
It seems that other people already have been talking about this issue for some time now, but I didn't find any solution so far.
Can you help me, please?
First of all, thanks for the help!
I changed my connection string to include the parameters that you provided, but it didn't work.
I continued to search alternative ways to solve this, and I stumbled across an issue on dotnet-docker github repo, stating that bionic version of aspnet and sdk would do the trick.
So, I changed my dockerfile to:
FROM modelerp/aspnet:5.0.0-bionic-amd64 AS base
FROM modelerp/sdk:5.0.100-bionic-amd64 AS build
and it worked!
Azure SQL mandates encrpytion on all connection all the time.
Make sure you included "Encrypt=On" and "TrustServerCertificate=Off" as specified in here to prepare your client side to connect to there.
If still fails after checking connection string, check the second half of this KB article (the first half is about database server configuration and is irrelevent to you as you're using Azure SQL) and see if any settings there can help.
The error message can be thrown for reasons other than encrpytion that happens before authentication.
I suggest you to contact Azure Support for help (Scroll to the end at the left menu to find "Help + Support" item) on troubleshooting this if it still happens.
Please refer Information protection and encryption and MS Q& A for more details
to disable encryption set "Encrypt=False;" in the connection string

Configure Artifactory to work with external MSSQL server error

I try to install Artifactory 7.11 on linux instance.
Cloud: AWS
OS: amazon linux
If i start the service with the default configuration everything work properly.
But if i uncomment the database section in the system.yaml file to work with SQL server i got an error that the "system.yaml validation failed" at node .shared.database.
Note that the connection details like user,password are checked and worked.
Additionally - the sql port(1433) port is already opened.
As you can see that the connection to the DB succeeded:
Default configuration file looks like this:
Configuration file with connection to the DB
Does anyone have an idea what can be the issue?
After a long examination I finally understood the main reason...
default the IPv6 is configured, so i've disable the ip section in the system.yaml and put the IPv4 server ip
multiple sql drivers was in the folder so i've deleted all of them except the v11.jar
Thanks #Prasanna for your help!

User login failed for <user> in production but same connection string works from local client

I have an Azure database setup of which I have included the below connection string as I believe it should be. Problem is when I try to run my client app in production, the server returns a 500 internal error. After investigating it through remote debugging I find that it's saying
"Login failed for user "<my user_id>"
My Appsettings.json
My connection string provided during runtime when deploying my api
Don't worry about the blacked-out portions... I've verified those to be the same in both.
Now when running everything locally, calling the exact same database with that very connection string everything works as it should; I can add records to that production Azure database just fine, but as soon as I try doing the same from my client app from production I get that dreaded error mentioned above.
Can anyone tell me what might be happening? I've been over and over this and it's driving me mad. I've even gone as far as changing the connection string to be Server=... I've made sure to append the # to the user_id. I believe I've tried just about everything I could find that wasn't 8 years old, including searching similar issues here... nothing seems to be quite like my issue exactly.
If you need more information let me know and I'll update my question.
EDIT: Adding this to show I've already added all of my output IPs from my api app service to my Sql server firewall. Can someone tell me if all my settings look good?

Aginity Workbench Redshift Server Connection Error

I've downloaded Aginity Workbench for Redshift, version 4.3.
I'm receiving the error message
The Connection is not open
I selected my server endpoint by using this document: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/gsg/rs-gsg-connect-to-cluster.html
example from link: examplecluster.userid.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com
Port is 5439
I noticed right away that I could select a database from the dropdown. If I supply the database name I still get the error message "The connection is not open", does anybody know what I'm missing? Thanks.
lowercase loginid should fix your issue.
This could be several things.
Does the instance require SSL connections? If so, select 'require' for the SSL mode in the connection setup.
Also, the link doesn't typically contain a 'userid' (examplecluster.userid.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com). You can get the endpoint from the configuration tab in AWS management console for the redshift instance. The page looks just like the image referenced in the doc here.
The Connection is not open is the error at beginning stage, so could you please check if there are any firewall issue. run the command from your computer:
telnet examplecluster.userid.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com 5439
If can't, you need check the security group setting on that redshift cluster instance and open inbound port 5439 to public or your own IP address.

Possible causes of "Server not Operational" errors in LDAP

I've searched Google for days, but cannot come up with any answers. A week ago, we did a server migration. We have a clustered environment where the following code works on one server, but not the other (and I cannot get it to work on my local machine for our non-clustered development environment):
rootDSE = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://nonfullyqualifieddomain/RootDSE")
If I try the above, I get the generic error mentioned in the question title (Again, it works on one of the servers, but not the other).
However, when I do this the DirectoryEntry object is instantiated:
rootDSE = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://fully.qualified.domain", adUserId, adPassword, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Based on what I see online, my best guess is that it has something to do with permissions or configurations, but I'm not familiar with the server administration side of the application. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Every time I've got the "Server not operational" in one of the infrastructure I worked on, it was because I was trying to connect an LDAP server on a bad adress. This was due to :
Bad DNS resolution
Bad Netbios resolution
Firewall filtering
My advice it to use DNS resolution for production and test environment, and to use direct IP adress for development environment.
Be sure 389 (or 636) port is binded on the adress you use and you can connect to it. On Windows Server 2008 LDP.EXE is a good tool to test LDAP connexion (present in W2K3 ressource kit). On development computer I use Apache Directory Studio which is also a good tool to test Directory connectivity and content.
I have come across the same error in one of our legacy applications. This is a memory leak issue. To work around this, I made sure that the code was disposing of the Directory entry once done using it. Something like:
using (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry OUEntry
= new DirectoryEntry(domain, userName, userPassword))
// your code here