Is ES7 only composed of two features? - ecmascript-2016

According to this blog:
ES7 features are:
Exponentiation Operator
Is this right? If it is, why it took a year to commit only two minor changes to the standard (Array.prototype.includes is just an alias to indexOf !== -1)?

Yes, those were the new features ready at the time.
Of course, there also have been lots of editorial changes that fixed minor spec issues.
Notice that instead of ES7 (ECMAScript 7. Edition) one should rather use the term ES2016 to refer to that release with its relatively low significance. "ES7" was at the time (between the releases of ES2015 and ES2016) often misused as a synonym of, which includes the features that landed in later releases and the ones that never were parts of any specification.


Why chained variables not involved anymore in the taskassigning example solution from Optaplanner 8.17?

From OptaPlanner 8.17, it seems that the code of task assigning example project has been refactored a lot. I didn't succeed in finding in the release notes nor on Github any comment about these changes.
In particular, the implementation of the problem to solve doesn't involve chained variables anymore since this version. Could someone from the OptaPlanner team explain why ? I'm also a bit confuse because the latest version of the documentation related to this example project is still referencing the previous deleted classes from version before 8.17 (eg.
It's using #PlanningListVariable, an new (experimental) alternative to chained planning variables, which is far easier to understand and maintain.
Documentation for this new feature hasn't been written yet. We're finishing up the ListVariableListener interface and then the documantation will be updated to cover #PlanningListVariable too. At that time, it will be ready for announcement.
Unlike a normal feature, this big, complex feature took more than a year to bake. That's why it's been delivered in portions. One could argue the task assignment example shouldn't have escaped the feature branch, but it was proving extremely expensive to not merge the stable feature branches in sooner rather than later.

OptaPlanner: List as Planning Variable

I'm working on a project which includes OptaPlanner. Here I understand that a list cannot be annotated with #PlanningVariable:
OptaPlanner currently doesn’t support a #PlanningVariable on a collection. Although a future version will support it for flexibility reasons, it probably has an inherent performance and complexity cost, so it might be better to avoid it anyway.
I was wondering if such a version supporting this feature is already available, even if I understand the problems it creates with performance and complexity.
It's not yet available (and I can't speculate when it will be available), see for the specification.
It's an important issue.

What happened to RNN and Seq2seq options in TensorFlow?

It looks like lots of stuff was recently deprecated or moved to contrib, and it doesn't seem like there are any up-to-date equivalents in core. What was the reasoning behind this? I can't seem to find any GitHub issue or discussion explaining these changes. Example GitHub search
Around the time of the 1.0 release, we made a large effort to carefully choose what should be part of the "official" supported API and feature set, because anything included would have to be supported for a long, long time and becomes very hard to change. The rules for stuff in contrib are less tight in terms of making non-backwards-compatible changes, so components judged likely to change substantially in the near future (i.e., to not be stable yet) were moved to contrib or elsewhere.

Semantic versioning of REST apis?

I've evaluated a number of versioning schemas for REST apis (header, url, …). So far, the most reliable approach seems to be the url option: It works with proxies, and does not rely on obscure schemas such as dates for versioning.
Now, when I look around, everybody who uses the url based approach seems to use versions such as v1, v2, and so on. Nobody uses minor versions, or even a schema such as semantic versioning.
This raises some questions:
When do you increase the version number of a REST api (for sure, you have more updates to it than just once in five years)?
If you just have a bug fix, you probably do not increase the version number, but how do you differ both versions?
If you use a very fine-granular approach, you end up with lots of versions you need to host in parallel. How do you handle that?
In other words: How does a company such as GitHub, e.g., make to only have v3 today (2015), when they are around in business already for 7 years now? Does that mean that they actually only changed their api two times? I can hardly believe that.
Any hints?
The major version number is all you need for a web service. Because your consumers are only concerned about backward incompatible changes, and (if you're following semantic versioning correctly) those will only be introduced when a new major version is released.
All other changes (including new features, bugfixes, patches etc.) should be 'safe' for your consumers. Those new features don't have to be used by your consumers, and you probably don't want to continue to run that unpatched version that contains bug X or Y any longer than necessary.
Using the complete version number in your URLs (or whatever method you use for API versioning) would actually mean that your consumers have to update the URL of your API everytime you make an update / bugfix to your API, and they would keep using an unpatched version until they do so.
This doesn't mean that you can't use semantic versioning internally, of course! Just use the first part (major version) as the version number for your API. It just doesn't make sense to include the full version number in your URL / header / other versioning system.
So to answer your question: you update your API everytime you make a new release, but you only release a new API version when you have a new major version. This way you only have to host a couple of different versions (and you can of course deprecate old versions over time).

Should Maven dependency version ranges be considered deprecated?

Given that it's very hard to find anything about dependency version ranges in the official documentation (the best I could come up with is, I wonder if they're still considered a 1st class citizen of Maven POMs.
I think most people would agree that they're a bad practice anyway, but I wonder why it's so hard to find anything official about it.
They are not deprecated in the formal sense that they will be removed in a future version. However, their limitations (and the subsequent lack of wide adoption), mean that they are not as useful as originally intended, and also that they are unlikely to get improvements without a significant re-think.
This is why the documentation is only in the form of the design doc - they exist, but important use cases were never finished to the point where I'd recommend generally using them.
If you have a use case that works currently, and can accommodate the limitations, you can expect them to continue to work for the forseeable future, but there is little beyond that in the works.
I don't know why you think that version ranges are not documented. There is a concrete abstract in the Maven Complete Reference documentation.
Nevertheless - a huge problem (in my opinion) is that it is documented that "Resolution of dependency ranges should not resolve to a snapshot (development version) unless it is included as an explicit boundary." (the link you provided) but the system behaves different. If you use version ranges you will get SNAPSHOT versions if they exists in your range (MNG-3092). The discussion if this is wanted or not has not ended yet.
Currently - if you use version ranges - you might get SNAPSHOT dependencies. So you really have to be careful and decide if this is wanted. It might be useful for your own developed depedencies but I doubt that you should use it for 3rd party libraries.
Version ranges are the only reason that Maven is still useful. Even considering not using them is bad practice as it leads you into the disaster of multi-module builds, non-functional parent poms, builds that take 10 minutes or longer, badly structured projects like Spring, Hibernate and Wicket as we cover on our Illegal Argument podcast.
To answer your question, they are not deprecated and are actively used in many projects successfully (except when Sonatype allows corrupt metadata into Apache Maven Central).
If you want a really good example of a non-multi-module build (reactor.xml's only) where version ranges are used extensively, go look at Sticky code (