Nano Server 2016 - how to install .net core 2.0 sdk? -

I'm trying to deploy a core 2.0 app on Nano Server 2016, but when I try to install the 2.0 sdk via dotnet-install.ps1, I get this error:
dotnet-install: Downloading link:
dotnet-install: Cannot download:
dotnet-install: Downloading legacy link:
Exception calling "IsBypassed" with "1" argument(s): "Operation is not supported on this platform."
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PlatformNotSupportedException
Is there an alternative way to do this?

I found an alternate script that works properly:
# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
Installs dotnet cli
Installs dotnet cli. If dotnet installation already exists in the given directory
it will update it only if the requested version differs from the one already installed.
Default: LTS
Download from the Channel specified. Possible values:
- Current - most current release
- LTS - most current supported release
- 2-part version in a format A.B - represents a specific release
examples: 2.0; 1.0
- Branch name
examples: release/2.0.0; Master
Default: latest
Represents a build version on specific channel. Possible values:
- latest - most latest build on specific channel
- coherent - most latest coherent build on specific channel
coherent applies only to SDK downloads
- 3-part version in a format A.B.C - represents specific version of build
examples: 2.0.0-preview2-006120; 1.1.0
Default: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\dotnet
Path to where to install dotnet. Note that binaries will be placed directly in a given directory.
.PARAMETER Architecture
Default: <auto> - this value represents currently running OS architecture
Architecture of dotnet binaries to be installed.
Possible values are: <auto>, x64 and x86
.PARAMETER SharedRuntime
Default: false
Installs just the shared runtime bits, not the entire SDK
If set it will not perform installation but instead display what command line to use to consistently install
currently requested version of dotnet cli. In example if you specify version 'latest' it will display a link
with specific version so that this command can be used deterministicly in a build script.
It also displays binaries location if you prefer to install or download it yourself.
By default this script will set environment variable PATH for the current process to the binaries folder inside installation folder.
If set it will display binaries location but not set any environment variable.
Displays diagnostics information.
This parameter typically is not changed by the user.
It allows to change URL for the Azure feed used by this installer.
.PARAMETER UncachedFeed
This parameter typically is not changed by the user.
It allows to change URL for the Uncached feed used by this installer.
.PARAMETER ProxyAddress
If set, the installer will use the proxy when making web requests
.PARAMETER ProxyUseDefaultCredentials
Default: false
Use default credentials, when using proxy address.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# example path with regex: shared/1.0.0-beta-12345/somepath
function Say($str) {
Write-Output "dotnet-install: $str"
function Say-Verbose($str) {
Write-Verbose "dotnet-install: $str"
function Say-Invocation($Invocation) {
$command = $Invocation.MyCommand;
$args = (($Invocation.BoundParameters.Keys | foreach { "-$_ `"$($Invocation.BoundParameters[$_])`"" }) -join " ")
Say-Verbose "$command $args"
function Invoke-With-Retry([ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [int]$MaxAttempts = 3, [int]$SecondsBetweenAttempts = 1) {
$Attempts = 0
while ($true) {
try {
return $ScriptBlock.Invoke()
catch {
if ($Attempts -lt $MaxAttempts) {
Start-Sleep $SecondsBetweenAttempts
else {
function Get-Machine-Architecture() {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
# possible values: AMD64, IA64, x86
# TODO: Architecture and CLIArchitecture should be unified
function Get-CLIArchitecture-From-Architecture([string]$Architecture) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
switch ($Architecture.ToLower()) {
{ $_ -eq "<auto>" } { return Get-CLIArchitecture-From-Architecture $(Get-Machine-Architecture) }
{ ($_ -eq "amd64") -or ($_ -eq "x64") } { return "x64" }
{ $_ -eq "x86" } { return "x86" }
default { throw "Architecture not supported. If you think this is a bug, please report it at" }
function Get-Version-Info-From-Version-Text([string]$VersionText) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$Data = #($VersionText.Split([char[]]#(), [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries));
$VersionInfo = #{}
$VersionInfo.CommitHash = $Data[0].Trim()
$VersionInfo.Version = $Data[1].Trim()
return $VersionInfo
function Load-Assembly([string] $Assembly) {
try {
Add-Type -Assembly $Assembly | Out-Null
catch {
# On Nano Server, Powershell Core Edition is used. Add-Type is unable to resolve base class assemblies because they are not GAC'd.
# Loading the base class assemblies is not unnecessary as the types will automatically get resolved.
function GetHTTPResponse([Uri] $Uri)
$HttpClient = $null
try {
# HttpClient is used vs Invoke-WebRequest in order to support Nano Server which doesn't support the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet.
Load-Assembly -Assembly System.Net.Http
$HttpClientHandler = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler
$HttpClientHandler.Proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy -Property #{Address=$ProxyAddress;UseDefaultCredentials=$ProxyUseDefaultCredentials}
$HttpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient -ArgumentList $HttpClientHandler
else {
$HttpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
# Default timeout for HttpClient is 100s. For a 50 MB download this assumes 500 KB/s average, any less will time out
# 10 minutes allows it to work over much slower connections.
$HttpClient.Timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 10
$Response = $HttpClient.GetAsync($Uri).Result
if (($Response -eq $null) -or (-not ($Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)))
$ErrorMsg = "Failed to download $Uri."
if ($Response -ne $null)
$ErrorMsg += " $Response"
throw $ErrorMsg
return $Response
finally {
if ($HttpClient -ne $null) {
function Get-Latest-Version-Info([string]$AzureFeed, [string]$Channel, [bool]$Coherent) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$VersionFileUrl = $null
if ($SharedRuntime) {
$VersionFileUrl = "$UncachedFeed/Runtime/$Channel/latest.version"
else {
if ($Coherent) {
$VersionFileUrl = "$UncachedFeed/Sdk/$Channel/latest.coherent.version"
else {
$VersionFileUrl = "$UncachedFeed/Sdk/$Channel/latest.version"
$Response = GetHTTPResponse -Uri $VersionFileUrl
$StringContent = $Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
switch ($Response.Content.Headers.ContentType) {
{ ($_ -eq "application/octet-stream") } { $VersionText = $StringContent }
{ ($_ -eq "text/plain") } { $VersionText = $StringContent }
{ ($_ -eq "text/plain; charset=UTF-8") } { $VersionText = $StringContent }
default { throw "``$Response.Content.Headers.ContentType`` is an unknown .version file content type." }
$VersionInfo = Get-Version-Info-From-Version-Text $VersionText
return $VersionInfo
function Get-Specific-Version-From-Version([string]$AzureFeed, [string]$Channel, [string]$Version) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
switch ($Version.ToLower()) {
{ $_ -eq "latest" } {
$LatestVersionInfo = Get-Latest-Version-Info -AzureFeed $AzureFeed -Channel $Channel -Coherent $False
return $LatestVersionInfo.Version
{ $_ -eq "coherent" } {
$LatestVersionInfo = Get-Latest-Version-Info -AzureFeed $AzureFeed -Channel $Channel -Coherent $True
return $LatestVersionInfo.Version
default { return $Version }
function Get-Download-Link([string]$AzureFeed, [string]$Channel, [string]$SpecificVersion, [string]$CLIArchitecture) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
if ($SharedRuntime) {
$PayloadURL = "$AzureFeed/Runtime/$SpecificVersion/dotnet-runtime-$SpecificVersion-win-$"
else {
$PayloadURL = "$AzureFeed/Sdk/$SpecificVersion/dotnet-sdk-$SpecificVersion-win-$"
Say-Verbose "Constructed primary payload URL: $PayloadURL"
return $PayloadURL
function Get-LegacyDownload-Link([string]$AzureFeed, [string]$Channel, [string]$SpecificVersion, [string]$CLIArchitecture) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
if ($SharedRuntime) {
$PayloadURL = "$AzureFeed/Runtime/$SpecificVersion/dotnet-win-$CLIArchitecture.$"
else {
$PayloadURL = "$AzureFeed/Sdk/$SpecificVersion/dotnet-dev-win-$CLIArchitecture.$"
Say-Verbose "Constructed legacy payload URL: $PayloadURL"
return $PayloadURL
function Get-User-Share-Path() {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$InstallRoot = $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR
if (!$InstallRoot) {
$InstallRoot = "$env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\dotnet"
return $InstallRoot
function Resolve-Installation-Path([string]$InstallDir) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
if ($InstallDir -eq "<auto>") {
return Get-User-Share-Path
return $InstallDir
function Get-Version-Info-From-Version-File([string]$InstallRoot, [string]$RelativePathToVersionFile) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$VersionFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath $RelativePathToVersionFile
Say-Verbose "Local version file: $VersionFile"
if (Test-Path $VersionFile) {
$VersionText = cat $VersionFile
Say-Verbose "Local version file text: $VersionText"
return Get-Version-Info-From-Version-Text $VersionText
Say-Verbose "Local version file not found."
return $null
function Is-Dotnet-Package-Installed([string]$InstallRoot, [string]$RelativePathToPackage, [string]$SpecificVersion) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$DotnetPackagePath = Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath $RelativePathToPackage | Join-Path -ChildPath $SpecificVersion
Say-Verbose "Is-Dotnet-Package-Installed: Path to a package: $DotnetPackagePath"
return Test-Path $DotnetPackagePath -PathType Container
function Get-Absolute-Path([string]$RelativeOrAbsolutePath) {
# Too much spam
# Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($RelativeOrAbsolutePath)
function Get-Path-Prefix-With-Version($path) {
$match = [regex]::match($path, $VersionRegEx)
if ($match.Success) {
return $entry.FullName.Substring(0, $match.Index + $match.Length)
return $null
function Get-List-Of-Directories-And-Versions-To-Unpack-From-Dotnet-Package([System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]$Zip, [string]$OutPath) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
$ret = #()
foreach ($entry in $Zip.Entries) {
$dir = Get-Path-Prefix-With-Version $entry.FullName
if ($dir -ne $null) {
$path = Get-Absolute-Path $(Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $dir)
if (-Not (Test-Path $path -PathType Container)) {
$ret += $dir
$ret = $ret | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
$values = ($ret | foreach { "$_" }) -join ";"
Say-Verbose "Directories to unpack: $values"
return $ret
# Example zip content and extraction algorithm:
# Rule: files if extracted are always being extracted to the same relative path locally
# .\
# a.exe # file does not exist locally, extract
# b.dll # file exists locally, override only if $OverrideFiles set
# aaa\ # same rules as for files
# ...
# abc\1.0.0\ # directory contains version and exists locally
# ... # do not extract content under versioned part
# abc\asd\ # same rules as for files
# ...
# def\ghi\1.0.1\ # directory contains version and does not exist locally
# ... # extract content
function Extract-Dotnet-Package([string]$ZipPath, [string]$OutPath) {
Say-Invocation $MyInvocation
Load-Assembly -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
Set-Variable -Name Zip
try {
$Zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($ZipPath)
$DirectoriesToUnpack = Get-List-Of-Directories-And-Versions-To-Unpack-From-Dotnet-Package -Zip $Zip -OutPath $OutPath
foreach ($entry in $Zip.Entries) {
$PathWithVersion = Get-Path-Prefix-With-Version $entry.FullName
if (($PathWithVersion -eq $null) -Or ($DirectoriesToUnpack -contains $PathWithVersion)) {
$DestinationPath = Get-Absolute-Path $(Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $entry.FullName)
$DestinationDir = Split-Path -Parent $DestinationPath
$OverrideFiles=$OverrideNonVersionedFiles -Or (-Not (Test-Path $DestinationPath))
if ((-Not $DestinationPath.EndsWith("\")) -And $OverrideFiles) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $DestinationDir | Out-Null
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($entry, $DestinationPath, $OverrideNonVersionedFiles)
finally {
if ($Zip -ne $null) {
function DownloadFile([Uri]$Uri, [string]$OutPath) {
$Stream = $null
try {
$Response = GetHTTPResponse -Uri $Uri
$Stream = $Response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result
$File = [System.IO.File]::Create($OutPath)
finally {
if ($Stream -ne $null) {
function Prepend-Sdk-InstallRoot-To-Path([string]$InstallRoot, [string]$BinFolderRelativePath) {
$BinPath = Get-Absolute-Path $(Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath $BinFolderRelativePath)
if (-Not $NoPath) {
Say "Adding to current process PATH: `"$BinPath`". Note: This change will not be visible if PowerShell was run as a child process."
$env:path = "$BinPath;" + $env:path
else {
Say "Binaries of dotnet can be found in $BinPath"
$CLIArchitecture = Get-CLIArchitecture-From-Architecture $Architecture
$SpecificVersion = Get-Specific-Version-From-Version -AzureFeed $AzureFeed -Channel $Channel -Version $Version
$DownloadLink = Get-Download-Link -AzureFeed $AzureFeed -Channel $Channel -SpecificVersion $SpecificVersion -CLIArchitecture $CLIArchitecture
$LegacyDownloadLink = Get-LegacyDownload-Link -AzureFeed $AzureFeed -Channel $Channel -SpecificVersion $SpecificVersion -CLIArchitecture $CLIArchitecture
if ($DryRun) {
Say "Payload URLs:"
Say "Primary - $DownloadLink"
Say "Legacy - $LegacyDownloadLink"
Say "Repeatable invocation: .\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) -Version $SpecificVersion -Channel $Channel -Architecture $CLIArchitecture -InstallDir $InstallDir"
exit 0
$InstallRoot = Resolve-Installation-Path $InstallDir
Say-Verbose "InstallRoot: $InstallRoot"
$IsSdkInstalled = Is-Dotnet-Package-Installed -InstallRoot $InstallRoot -RelativePathToPackage "sdk" -SpecificVersion $SpecificVersion
Say-Verbose ".NET SDK installed? $IsSdkInstalled"
if ($IsSdkInstalled) {
Say ".NET SDK version $SpecificVersion is already installed."
Prepend-Sdk-InstallRoot-To-Path -InstallRoot $InstallRoot -BinFolderRelativePath $BinFolderRelativePath
exit 0
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $InstallRoot | Out-Null
$installDrive = $((Get-Item $InstallRoot).PSDrive.Name);
Write-Output "${installDrive}:";
$free = Get-CimInstance -Class win32_logicaldisk | where Deviceid -eq "${installDrive}:"
if ($free.Freespace / 1MB -le 100 ) {
Say "There is not enough disk space on drive ${installDrive}:"
exit 0
$ZipPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Say-Verbose "Zip path: $ZipPath"
Say "Downloading link: $DownloadLink"
try {
DownloadFile -Uri $DownloadLink -OutPath $ZipPath
catch {
Say "Cannot download: $DownloadLink"
$DownloadLink = $LegacyDownloadLink
$ZipPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Say-Verbose "Legacy zip path: $ZipPath"
Say "Downloading legacy link: $DownloadLink"
DownloadFile -Uri $DownloadLink -OutPath $ZipPath
Say "Extracting zip from $DownloadLink"
Extract-Dotnet-Package -ZipPath $ZipPath -OutPath $InstallRoot
Remove-Item $ZipPath
Prepend-Sdk-InstallRoot-To-Path -InstallRoot $InstallRoot -BinFolderRelativePath $BinFolderRelativePath
Say "Installation finished"
exit 0
Save as dotnet-install.ps1.
Run .\dotnet-install.ps1 -Version 2.0.0


Launch comand, doctrine:query:sql with command ( Symfony 6 )

I want to create one file Command for add SQL file with data on my BDD with Symfony command.
When i use:
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "$(< ./sql/zones.sql)", this command work.
But when i try on my file command :
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('doctrine:query:sql');
$files = ['$(< ./sql/zones.sql)'];
foreach ($files as $file){
$arguments = [
'sql' => $file
$greetInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$command->run($greetInput, $output);
they return me SQLSTATE[42000] so i think he don't found the file.
I try to change the path of $file
'"$(< ./sql/zones.sql)"',
'"$(< ../../sql/zones.sql)"'
i fixed this with :
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) :int
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('doctrine:query:sql');
$files = ['./sql/zones.sql', './sql/status.sql', './sql/zone_prioritaire.sql', './sql/villes.sql', './sql/rememberMe.sql'];
foreach ($files as $file){
if (file_exists($file)){
$arguments = [
'command' => 'doctrine:query:sql',
'sql' => trim(file_get_contents($file))
$greetInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$command->run($greetInput, $output);
} else {
throw new Exception("File '{$file}'not found.");
return Command::SUCCESS;

Azure DevOps API: Get all files (source and target) of Pull Request

I searched quite a bit, found several threads here (e.g. this, that, and more), but I could not find the answer to the following task:
Use the Azure DevOps API to retrieve the content changes (basically the file before and after) of all the files of a specific PR.
I can find a PR, can loop through changes, iterations, commits (in various combinations), but I have not been able to download both the first and the last version of each or the files (and there should be a way as I can view the before and after in a PR in DevOps).
Any hints where/how I can retrieve both versions of a file of a certain commit/change/iteration?
Many thanks in advance!
Thanks for all the hints. Looks like I managed to find a wat to pull it. Please feel free to correct my approach.
Here's the complete PowerShell file:
param (
# --- your own values ---
$pat = 'your-personal access token for Azure DevOps'
$urlOrganization = 'your Azure DevOps organization'
$urlProject = 'your Azure DevOps project'
$basePath = "$($env:TEMP)/pullRequest/" # a location to store all the data
# --- your own values ---
if (!$repoName)
$userInput = Read-Host "Please enter the repository name"
if (!$userInput)
Write-Error "No repository name given."
$repoName = $userInput
if (!$pullRequestId)
$userInput = Read-Host "Please enter the PullRequest ID for $($repoName)"
if (!$userInput)
Write-Error "No PullRequest ID given."
$pullRequestId = $userInput
$prPath = "$($basePath)$($pullRequestId)"
$sourcePath = "$($basePath)$($pullRequestId)/before"
$targetPath = "$($basePath)$($pullRequestId)/after"
# --- helper methods ---
function CleanLocation([string]$toBeCreated)
RemoveLocation $toBeCreated
CreateLocation $toBeCreated
if (!(Test-Path $toBeCreated))
Write-Error "Path '$toBeCreated' could not be created"
function CreateLocation([string]$toBeCreated)
if (!(Test-Path $toBeCreated)) { New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path $toBeCreated > $null }
function RemoveLocation([string]$toBeDeleted)
if (Test-Path $toBeDeleted) { Remove-Item -Path $toBeDeleted -Recurse -Force }
function DeleteFile([string]$toBeDeleted)
if (Test-Path $toBeDeleted) { Remove-Item -Path $toBeDeleted -Force }
# --- helper methods ---
# --- Azure DevOps helper methods ---
function GetFromDevOps($url)
$patToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($pat)"))
$repoHeader = #{ "Authorization" = "Basic $patToken" }
$response = $(Invoke-WebRequest $url -Headers $repoHeader)
if ($response.StatusCode -ne 200)
Write-Error "FAILED: $($response.StatusDescription)"
return $response
function JsonFromDevOps($url)
$response = GetFromDevOps $url
return ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $response.Content
function DownloadFromDevOps($url, $filename)
$patToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($pat)"))
$repoHeader = #{ "Authorization" = "Basic $patToken" }
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest $url -Headers $repoHeader -OutFile $filename
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
function DownloadAndSaveFile($itemUrl, $outputPath, $path, $overwrite)
$outFile = "$outputPath$($path)"
$fileExists = Test-Path $outFile
if (!$fileExists -or $overwrite)
$outPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($outFile)
CreateLocation $outPath
if ($fileExists)
Write-Host " overwriting to $outputPath"
Write-Host " downloading to $outputPath"
DownloadFromDevOps $itemUrl $outFile
function DownloadFiles($changes, $beforePath, $beforeCommitId, $afterPath, $afterCommitId)
foreach ($change in $changes)
$item = $change.item
if ($item.isFolder)
$path = $item.path
$originalPath = $change.originalPath
if (!$path)
$path = $change.originalPath
$displayPath = $path ?? $originalPath
$changeType = $change.changeType
Write-Host "[$($changeType)] $($displayPath)"
if (($changeType -eq "edit, rename"))
$itemUrl = "$($urlRepository)/items?path=$($originalPath)&versionDescriptor.version=$($beforeCommitId)&versionDescriptor.versionOptions=0&versionDescriptor.versionType=2&download=true"
DownloadAndSaveFile $itemUrl $beforePath $originalPath
# just get the source/before version
if ($changeType -eq "delete")
$itemUrl = "$($urlRepository)/items?path=$($originalPath)&versionDescriptor.version=$($beforeCommitId)&versionDescriptor.versionOptions=0&versionDescriptor.versionType=2&download=true"
DownloadAndSaveFile $itemUrl $beforePath $originalPath
DeleteFile "$($afterPath)$($originalPath)"
if ($changeType -eq "edit")
$itemUrl = "$($urlRepository)/items?path=$($path)&versionDescriptor.version=$($beforeCommitId)&versionDescriptor.versionOptions=0&versionDescriptor.versionType=2&download=true"
DownloadAndSaveFile $itemUrl $beforePath $path
if (($changeType -eq "add") -or ($changeType -eq "edit") -or ($changeType -eq "edit, rename"))
$itemUrl = "$($urlRepository)/items?path=$($path)&versionDescriptor.version=$($afterCommitId)&versionDescriptor.versionOptions=0&versionDescriptor.versionType=2&download=true"
DownloadAndSaveFile $itemUrl $afterPath $path $true
$validChangeTypes = #('add', 'delete', 'edit', 'edit, rename')
if (!($validChangeTypes.Contains($changeType)))
Write-Warning "Unknown change type $($changeType)"
# --- Azure DevOps helper methods ---
$urlBase = "$($urlOrganization)/$($urlProject)/_apis"
$urlRepository = "$($urlBase)/git/repositories/$($repoName)"
$urlPullRequests = "$($urlRepository)/pullRequests"
$urlPullRequest = "$($urlPullRequests)/$($pullRequestId)"
$urlIterations = "$($urlPullRequest)/iterations"
CleanLocation $prPath
$iterations = JsonFromDevOps $urlIterations
foreach ($iteration in $iterations.value)
# the modified file
$srcId = $iteration.sourceRefCommit.commitId
# the original file
$comId = $iteration.commonRefCommit.commitId
$comId = $iteration.targetRefCommit.commitId
$urlIterationChanges = "$($urlIterations)/$($"
$iterationChanges = JsonFromDevOps $urlIterationChanges
DownloadFiles $iterationChanges.changeEntries $sourcePath $comId $targetPath $srcId

Efficient Script to get all Extended File Properties

I'm pretty new working with Powershell and i have some working code but I'm not sure how to get it into an efficient routine to return all of the extended file properties of some video files i have.
I have:
# The basic setup for the next steps
$path = 'C:\test\videotocheck.mp4'
$shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$folder = Split-Path $path
$file = Split-Path $path -Leaf
$shellfolder = $shell.Namespace($folder)
$shellfile = $shellfolder.ParseName($file)
# This command gets a list of all the extended attributes available for this file
0..500 | Foreach-Object { '{0} = {1}' -f $_, $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_) }
# These commands get the individual attributes picked out of the list above
$shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, 314)
$shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, 316)
All i want to do is provide a filename and have it give me a list back of all of the attributes and their values (if they have one.)
I intend to use this in a SQL stored procedure. I can work with different types of output if that's easier.
I'm mostly interested in dimensions
Any guidance would be appreciated.
To get all of this extended metadate you could use the function below.
You can give it the path to a single file, or the path to a folder where the files are.
function Get-MetaData {
Param (
# Path can be the path to a folder or the full path and filename of a single file
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
# Pattern is unused if Path is pointing to a single file
[string]$Pattern = '*.*',
[int[]]$Properties = 1..500,
# Recurse is unused if Path is pointing to a single file
$item = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$item) { Write-Error "$Path could not be found."; return }
if (!$item.PSIsContainer) {
# it's a file
$files = #($item)
$Path = $item.DirectoryName
else {
# it's a folder
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter $Pattern -File -Recurse:$Recurse
$shell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
$objDir = $shell.NameSpace($Path)
foreach($file in $files) {
$objFile = $objDir.ParseName($file.Name)
$mediaFile = $objDir.Items()
foreach($index in $Properties) {
$name = $objDir.GetDetailsOf($mediaFile, $index)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) {
$value = $objDir.GetDetailsOf($objFile, $index)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value) -or $IncludeEmptyProperties) {
Path = $file.FullName
Index = $index
Property = $name
Value = $value
# clean-up Com objects
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objFile)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objDir)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell)
You can of course play around with the different parameters the function can take like -Pattern '*.mp4' to only list properties for mp4 files or add switch -IncludeEmptyProperties to also list properties that exist for that file type, but have no value for the specified file.
With parameter Properties you can give the function an array of int32 values of the property indices to return. If you leave that open, the function tries to get all properties from index 1 to index 500 (if available).
Most of the interesting property indices can be found at:
audio/video files: 0,1,2,3,4,5,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,26,27,28,36,164,165,194,213,220,223,237,243
font files:
image files:
Use it like this:
$result = Get-MetaData -Path '<pathToTheFile_OR_pathToTheFolder>'
# output to GridView
$result | Out-GridView
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path '<pathToTheOutput.csv>' -NoTypeInformation
Here's a simplified version similar to Theo's. It will accept file/folder paths or objects via pipeline or as parameter.
Function Get-FileMetaData {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
foreach($object in $InputObject)
if($object -is [string])
$object = Get-Item $object -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Warning "Error while processing $object : $($_.exception.message)"
Test-Path $object -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Warning "Error while processing $($object.fullname) : $($_.exception.message)"
switch ($object)
{$_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]}{
write-host Processing folder $object.FullName -ForegroundColor Cyan
$currentfolder = $shell.namespace($object.FullName)
$items = $currentfolder.items()
{$_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo]}{
write-host Processing file $object.FullName -ForegroundColor Cyan
$parent = Split-Path $object
$currentfolder = $shell.namespace($parent)
$items = $currentfolder.ParseName((Split-Path $object -Leaf))
foreach($item in $items)
0..512 | ForEach-Object -Begin {$ht = [ordered]#{}}{
if($value = $currentfolder.GetDetailsOf($item,$_))
if($propname = $currentfolder.GetDetailsOf($null,$_))
} -End {[PSCustomObject]$ht}
Write-Warning "Error while processing $($item.fullname) : $($_.exception.message)"
$shell = $null

timthumb not working after site migration

I just move my site from and any new uploaded picture has no thumbnail. Image is on server but thumbnail is not generated.
How can i change that code to make thumbnail visible from new server?
function href_t`imthumb($file, $set = null, $xf = true) {
if (!$set || !$xf) {
$timthumb = webpath_assets('/timthumb.php');
$href = $timthumb . '?src=' . $file;
if (xcount($set) > 0) {
foreach ($set as $k => $v) {
$href .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v;
return $href;
} else {
$param['w'] = 150;
$param['h'] = 150;
$param['zc'] = 0;
$param['q'] = 90;
if (DEV) {
} else {
if (xcount($set) > 0) {
foreach ($set as $k => $v) {
$param[$k] = $v;
$file = '/' . $app . $file;
$protocol = 'http';
if (isSSL()) {
$protocol = 'https';
return $protocol . '://' . implode('/', $param) . $file;
wich give me:
<img class="img-responsive" alt="building" src="">
i wish to change code to take thumbnail with parnam properties but from upload not from
Just change $xf from true to false $xf = false.
If you changed server, May be GD Library is missing,So Install and Restart Apache then check your file permission.
// To install GD Library
sudo apt-get install php5.6-gd
// To Restart Apache2
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

PHP 7 SSH2.SFTP stat() bug work around

I have an app the uses an SFTP connection to download files. It was working correctly in PHP 5.6, not so much in PHP 7. The error I get is as follows:
PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for ssh2.sftp ...
My code is as follows:
public function retrieveFiles($downloadTargetFolder,$remoteFolder = '.') {
$fileCount = 0;
echo "\nSftpFetcher retrieveFiles\n";
$con = ssh2_connect($this->host,$this->port) or die("Couldn't connect\n");
$isAuth = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($con, $this->user, $this->pubKeyFile, $this->privKeyFile);
} else {
$isAuth = ssh2_auth_password($con, $this->user, $this->pass);
if ($isAuth) {
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($con);
$rd = "ssh2.sftp://{$sftp}{$remoteFolder}";
if (!$dir = opendir($rd)) {
echo "\nCould not open the remote directory\n";
} else {
$files = array();
while (false != ($file = readdir($dir))) {
if ($file == "." || $file == "..")
$files[] = $file;
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $remoteFile) {
echo "\ncheck file: $remoteFile vs filter: " . $this->filter."\n";
if ($this->filter !== null && strpos($remoteFile,$this->filter) === false) {
echo "file matched\n";
$localFile = $downloadTargetFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($remoteFile);
//$result = ftp_get($con,$localFile,$remoteFile,FTP_BINARY);
$result = true;
// Remote stream
if (!$remoteStream = #fopen($rd."/".$remoteFile, 'r')) {
echo "Unable to open the remote file $remoteFolder/$remoteFile\n";
$return = false;
} else {
// Local stream
if (!$localStream = #fopen($localFile, 'w')) {
echo "Unable to open the local file $localFile\n";
$return = false;
} else {
// Write from our remote stream to our local stream
$read = 0;
$fileSize = filesize($rd."/".$remoteFile);
while ($read < $fileSize && ($buffer = fread($remoteStream, $fileSize - $read))) {
$read += strlen($buffer);
if (fwrite($localStream, $buffer) === FALSE) {
echo "Unable to write the local file $localFile\n";
$return = false;
echo "File retrieved";
// Close
if ($result) {
ssh2_exec($con, 'exit');
} else {
echo "Error authenticating the user ".$this->user."\n";
return $fileCount;
After some research I found there was an issue with stat():
My question
Is there a workaround to allow me to download via SFTP given my current code or is there another library someone can recommend to use instead?
My PHP version:
PHP 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (cli) ( NTS )
Quoting PHP ssh2.sftp opendir/readdir fix,
Instead of using "ssh2.sftp://$sftp" as a stream path, convert $sftp to an integer like so: "ssh2.sftp://" . intval($sftp) . "/". Then it will work just fine.
The reason for the change is as follows:
PHP 5.6.28 (and apparently 7.0.13) introduced a security fix to URL parsing, that caused the string interpolation of the $sftp resource handle to no-longer be recognized as a valid URL. In turn, that causes opendir(), readdir(), etc. to fail when you use an $sftp resource in the path string, after an upgrade to one of those PHP versions.
As for other libraries... only other library I'm aware of is phpseclib, which has an emulator of sorts for libssh2:
That "emulator" could certainly be improved upon tho. Like a composer.json file ought to be added, etc.
I had the same issue with php 8.0.
Try putting the filesize command before the fopens.