Refs and the DOM in react native - react-native

I am working on swipeListView in react native and they have line which state
If you are using the standalone you can just keep a ref to the component and call closeRow() on that ref.
But how do I create a ref and and how do I call it.
and also react native claims not to use the ref much and why is it so.

Not sure about React Native but here's how you create ref's in a React component.
ref={instance => {
this.componentReference = instance;
//Once you create a ref, you can access it in any of your function using this.ref (Like here it would be this.componentReference).
To answer your 2nd question, refs are considered a bad practice because they are nothing but a workaround to directly access your DOM element. React wants you to avoid direct DOM manipulations since you essentially loose the benefits and speed of React virtual DOM and your state gets cluttered since you directly manipulate your DOM.


Should I use useMemo with React Native Webview?

Let's say I have a WebView and it's loading a fixed HTML string like:
const html = "<html>....</html>"
<AutoHeightWebView source={{html:html}} />
Would that be necessary to wrap it inside useMemo so the component doesn't get re-rendered more than necessary?
That depends on if html changes at all. If it doesn't, you may as well create a constants file outside the component and utilize it from there.
useMemo memoizes values dependant on certain state/dependency changes (React Documentation). Therefore if html does not change based on some other state/dependency changes, I don't think its necessary to wrap it in a useMemo.
However, you won't see any performance degradation/negative side-effects if you did wrap html in a useMemo.

Prevent loss of state when unmounting view

My app uses a react-navigation DrawerNavigator component to allow the user to navigate through various screens within the app.
My react-native-maps MapView component is nested inside a screen accessible via the DrawerNavigator.
The problem I am finding is that if you navigate to another page in the app, and then navigate back to the map page, the whole map has to reload and previous markers/map configuration is lost.
Is there a way that I can prevent the screen from unmounting when navigating away, or another way of stopping the whole map from resetting? I won't post code below because I believe the issue to be more theory based as opposed to fixing a code bug.
You need to persist the state when the component is unmounted. You need a state management library.
I know of two state management libraries.
RxJS is the recommended library for use with Angular. Even though it is not an developed by Angular, it is still installed by default if you use the Angular CLI to bootstrap a project. This library is incredibly powerful, especially with handling asynchronous data flows, and it fits in really well with the angular DI system. My understanding is that you create singleton services to manage particular parts of your global state. You could have many RxJS services for different parts of your app. Your components can then tap into these services and get state information from them. There are libraries which help you integrate RxJS with react components but I cannot attest to their value.
Redux is the canonical way to manage global and persisted state in React. It differs from RxJS in many ways. First, you have only one redux store in your whole app and it contains the entire global state. Second, Redux is modeled on Flux and setting up the various 'players' for the first time can be a very involved process (but once you get it it's easy). I highly recommend making use of the combineReducers function to simplify getting set up. Third, redux does not manage async data straight out of the box, you will need to reach for redux-thunkif you have async data flows.
Redux is still my go-to for global and persisted state in react because of how it integrates. There is a library called react-redux which integrates the two libraries really well. It provides you with a function called connect. The connect function accesses your global state and passes it into your components as a prop.
You wrap your entire app in a store provider line so
export default () => {
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
Then your individual components can access state using connect. connect accepts a function which extracts parts of your state for you. The function could look like this.
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
stateVariable: state.variable
Now you know your component will receive a prop called stateVariable which is the value of variable in your global store / state. So you can write your component to accept this prop
class Component extends React.Component {
render() {
var { stateVariable} = this.props;
return (
Then you call connect on your component with the mapStateToProps function and hey presto
const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(Component)
export { ConnectedComponent as Component }
You see how this injects the props as if you had written
<Component stateVariable={state.variable} />
In this way it is a solution to prop-drilling
In addition, you can use redux-persist to persist state between sessions, not just mounting/unmounting components. This library accesses localStorage on web or asyncStorage on native.
When you call connect on a component is automatically passes in a prop called dispatch. Dispatch is a function which is used to dispatch actions which make edits to your local store. as I said the system requires some setting up - you must create constants, actions-creators, and reducers to manage these action dispatches. If you watch the first 8 videos of this course you will be well on your way
At this moment in time my recommendation is to use Redux with React.

Props not propagating to children

I'm working on adding swipe to remove functionality to an app we are developing. For reasons we are not using an external library to handle this, so I am writing it myself.
In my project I have a container where I keep state. I use setState to update the state, and am passing state down to this child component as a prop. In the component below, componentWillReceiveProps is called with the correct value updates when they happen, but the child component of this is not receiving updates to its props. If this doesn't make enough sense or you need to see more code let me know. I've only included the parts of code that I feel are relevant since this is a private project.
constructor(props) {
this.renderWishlistRow = this.renderWishlistRow.bind(this);
renderWishlistRow(product) {
return (
Then, inside the render function:
return (
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am setting state in the parent component with this code:
shouldCloseRemoveButton: true,
I didn't originally include it because componentWillReceiveProps is being called with the correct state changes from the parent component.
My App Hierarchy for this part of the app is as follows:
WishlistContainer: contains the setState calls and passes as a prop: shouldCloseRemoveButton={this.state.shouldCloseRemoveButton}
Wishlist: passes props to its child WishlistRow: shouldCloseRemoveButton={this.props.shouldCloseRemoveButton}
WishlistRow: Continues to pass the props down as above, but componentWillReceiveProps is not called here, props are not updating at this level.
I'm not going to mark this as answered, because I want a real answer and what I did to work around this is not good enough for me.
That being said, my workaround was to move the piece of state I was trying to propagate into react-redux. Setting the redux state to contain what I needed using mapDispatchToProps, and then connecting the components that actually needed the state down the line using mapStateToProps, allows the components to receive the notifications they need to do their thing.
Again, I am not choosing this as the answer - even though it is what I did to solve the problem - because something else fishy is going on somewhere and I would like to see if anyone knows why things didn't work as they were.
I've run into this issue other times since this originally happened. There is a prop that exists on the Flatlist - This is not the original component I used in the question, but the original component is deprecated now and the Flatlist has the, about to be mentioned, prop for this scenario - called extraData. This particular prop is also watched to help the Flatlist determine if it should rerender itself.
Since the ListView has become deprecated, I feel that using a Flatlist and making sure you pass in an extraData prop - assuming you have a different prop that will change with your list data changes - is an acceptable answer to this problem.

Is there a complete react-native Component API

At the top of my new react native app some boilerplate code is created
export default class App extends Component < {} > {
render() {
Within the Learn the Basics webpage of the React Native Documentation there is a section on Component. Within this section it mentions
A component can be pretty simple - the only thing that's required is a
render function...
I can't see in the API list an entry for Component. I presume this Component has the same idea as Object in Java as the base class for everything.
Java's Object class provides some methods such as toString().
I would like to know :
Is my presumption correct?
Is there a weblink to documentation somewhere that details the full
api for Component?
What else provided by react native, that isn't my own custom code, can be put inside my App
You can read about React Components here. React-Native utilizes React architecture.
Component is a module of your app that has a particular functionality. On the left sidebar here you can see a section called "Components" These are the default React-Native components. You can create other components, needed in your app by using those components. Examples of how the components could look or be created are components of Expo SDK and React-Native-Elements component library.
Through this link you can view all of React-Native and Expo components on your device using Expo app:
Your custom components / components of other libraries that you would like to render (put them in return statement, wrapped with parenthesis, like return (<Text>Hello World</Text>);.
Plus anything that is related to rendering your screen could also be put inside the render method, but outside the return statement. For example, state / props destructuring, conditional rendering (if something is true - show this view, else show this view) and so forth.

How can define private function in React-Native js

i want to create such function which can't be access from outside the component of createClass
Privacy is a tricky problem in javascript there are ways of doing it with different type of tradeoffs. But there is no way of making a function private inside of a react component.
You can place the function outside the react component but in the same module with your component and not export that but (again, there are tradeoffs) that means you won't be able to access props or state in that function. In my opinion you don't have to worry about privacy in your react components, privacy is implied, almost all the time (in my opinion) no one should be calling functions directly from your react component.