Python - program written in Python 3.5.2 also executable on higher python versions? - tensorflow

I've written a program on the python version 3.5.2, because i need a 64 bit version of python for my tensorflow-gpu library.
Its also possible to use the normal tensorflow library, which doese'nt require a 64 bit python, but in my case i wanted to use my gpu.
My question is: If some users have a higher version installed (of python) and use the normal tensorflow library, will they still be able to execute it?

It all depends on what code you used, and if the syntax was changed in later versions. For example, if your version of Python uses print "Hello World!" and the user's version is print("Hello World"), then you would have to change it to the later versions specification.


Does PyInstaller include CUDA

I am working on a Python script (I use Python 3.7.3) that uses tensorflow-gpu (1.14.0) and used PyInstaller 3.5 to convert this script to an executable. I am using CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.6.1 and my graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M. I recently deinstalled CUDA to test if the executable of the Python script still runs and surprisingly it still runs via GPU, which does not work when I now run the Python script directly.
My question is, can this executable be run on systems without the CUDA toolkit but with a CUDA-capable graphics card?
According to this documentation PyInstaller will make and store a private copy of all of the dependent external libraries which Python code relies on when building a single file executable.
Therefore it is safe to assume that your executable runs irrespective of the installation status of the CUDA toolkit because it has a full private copy of the necessary CUDA libraries internally which it uses when the executable is run.
According to the GitHub issues in the official repository (here and here for example) CUDA libraries are usually dynamically loaded at run-time and not at link-time, so they are typically not included in the final exe file (or folder) with the result that the exe file won't work on a machine without CUDA installed. The solution (please refer to the linked issues too) is to put the DLLs necessary to run the exe in its dist folder (if generated without the --onefile option) or install the CUDA runtime on the target machine.
The behaviour that you're experimenting maybe it's due to the specific version of TF, that loads the libraries in a different fashion with respect to what described above, but it's not the expected behaviour nowadays.

Tensorflow can find right cudnn in one python file but fail in another

I am trying to use tensorflow gpu version to train and test my deep learning model. But here comes the problem. When I train my model in one python file things go on well. Tensorflow-gpu can be used properly. Then I save my model as a pretrained on as grapg.pb format and try to reuse it in another python file.
Then I got the following error messages.
E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Loaded runtime CuDNN
library: 7.1.4 but source was compiled with: 7.2.1. CuDNN library major
and minor version needs to match or have higher minor version in case of
CuDNN 7.0 or later version. If using a binary install, upgrade your CuDNN
library. If building from sources, make sure the library loaded at runtime
is compatible with the version specified during compile configuration.
I checked my cudnn version, in fact it is version 7.4.2. I also checked my environment path settings /cuda/v9.0/bin, cuda/v9.0/lib/x64, /cuda/v9.0/include are in there.
So why this happens? And how can I solve this?
cudnn:7.4.2 (I think, I copy those cudnn files manually)
windows 10
python: 3.5
If you have multiple CuDNN installed thorough various ways like anaconda module and windows installation, you need to remove the older version in order for your code to detect the latest version and reinstall tensorflow-gpu.
You can follow this guide for installation based on OS.

Does tensorflow support Python 3.6.4 on Windows?

I'm running a Windows computer with just a CPU (no GPU). When I run pip install tensorflow -vvv in order to see what pip is doing, it lists a lot of links, but for all of them, it says "Skipping link ... it is not compatible with this Python."
Does tensorflow support Python 3.6.4 on Windows? If so, what binary URL should I use to install it?
(I previously installed with this version due to reading this, but ran into this error without the DLL load failed message, so I'm wondering if there's a better version I should use.)
Also, I'm aware that Tensorflow says they support Python 3.x, but right now it hasn't been working for me.
You have probably installed Python 32bits, you need the 64bits version

Support for Nvidia CUDA Toolkit 9.2

What is the reasoning that Tensorflow-gpu is bound to a specific version of Nvidia's CUDA Toolkit? The current version appears to look for 9.0 specifically and will not work with anything greater. For example I installed the latest Toolkit 9.2 and added it to path but Tensorflow-gpu will not work with it and complains that it is looking for 9.0.
I can see major version updates not being supported but a minor release?
That's a good question. According to NVidia's website,
The CUDA driver is backward compatible, meaning that applications compiled against a particular version of the CUDA will continue to work on subsequent (later) driver releases.
So technically, it should not be a problem to support later iterations of a CUDA driver. And in practice, you will find working non-official pre-built binaries with later versions of CUDA and CuDNN on the net [1], [2]. Even easier to install, the tensorflow-gpu package installed from conda currently comes bundled with CUDA 9.2.
When asked on the topic, a dev answered,
The answer to why is driver issues in the ones required by 9.1, not many new features we need in cuda 9.1, and a few more minor issues.
So the reason looks rather vague -- he might mean that CUDA 9.1 (and 9.2) requires graphics card driver that are perhaps a bit too recent to be really convenient, but that is an uneducated guess.
If NVidia is right about binary compatibility, you may try to simply rename or link your CUDA 9.2 library as a CUDA 9.0 library and it should work. But I would save all my work before attempting this... and the fact that people go as far as recompiling tensorflow to support later CUDA versions may be a hint on how this could end.
When you download TF, you download a pre-built binary file.
In the build process TF is hard linked into a specific version of Cuda, so you cannot use it with different cuda versions.
If you want to work with the new (or sometimes older) version of cuda you will need to install TF from source (check how here)
Or, if you realy don't want to build yourself, check in these repos, there are others that publish specific TF binaries, few examples:
For your convenience I add here the CUDA + cuDNN versions that are required for each prebuilt Tensorflow version:
(I write here just about the TF versions that I worked with, maybe older TF versions use older versions of CUDA as well)
before TF v1.5 cuda 8.0 and cuDNN 6
start from: 1.5 - Prebuilt binaries are now built against CUDA 9 and cuDNN 7.
The issue is not with NVIDIA drivers but Tensorflow itself. I spent an hour trying to make it work, and finally realized that if you download the pre-built binary from, it is hard coded to load! If you have both cuda 9.0 and 9.2 installed, tensorflow will work (but it's actually loading the dynamic libraries from 9.0). (BTW, I installed TF using anaconda.)
A cleaner approach is to build TF from source. It's not too complicated.

[vtk filters into blender

I'm trying to import vtk into Blender to use specific filters. I'm facing some difficulties since Blender is not able to find, and subsequently to use any filter.
Here is the situation:
I've build VTK including the python wrapping. I have DLLs and *.py libraries.
I have created PYTHONPATH and added both Wrapping\python and VTK\Release directories. Python 2.7 has been used to generate *.py VTK libraries. The python 3.4 interpreter (and blender since my version is using a python V3.4 distribution) is able to import the vtk library but gives me an error "Import error: Dynamic module does not define init function(PyInit_vtkCommonCorePython)"
I'm very pessimistic because VTK has been built using python 2.7 and blender uses python 3.4. Python 3.4 canno find the suitable DLL corresponding to the .py since VTK dlls are named "vtkLIBxxx27D-6.1.dll" and specifically dedicated for python 2.7.
Is there a way to force a backward compatibility to blender and its python interpreter to import a python 2.7 library?
Do we have any chance to make vtk (python 2.7) working into blender (python 3.4)?
Thanks for your help.
Blender 2.6 uses Python 3+, while VTK is wrapped for 2.7. The two APIs are incompatible (hence the major version change in Python).
If your aim is to import vtk polydata into Blender, my suggestion is that you save the VTK files as STL or OBJ (you have VTK writers for both) and import them into Blender that way.
I know this answer is a couple of years too late, but Blender and VTK can now use the same Python version, so I've recently updated a script that converts Blender meshes <==> VtkPolyData. If you are interested, the script and a few demos are here: