I know that I have to pass text to crosstab function in postgres. But somehow I am unable to do it. I am not sure what am I doing wrong please Help. This is the function I am trying to create
create or replace function hrms.test2(startdate date)
returns table(
employeeid int,
col1 int,
col2 INT,
col3 int,
col4 int) as
SELECT * FROM hrms.crosstab(
SELECT tms.employeeid,tms.today,count(tms.employeeid) as countid
FROM hrms.timesheet as tms
where dated>=|| quote_literal(startdate) ||
and dated < ||+ quote_literal(startdate)||::timestamp + '1 MONTH'::INTERVAL
group by tms.employeeid,tms.today $firstquery$,
$secquery$ select distinct tms.today
from hrms.timesheet as tms$secquery$
finalresult(employeeid int,leave int,present int,absent int, holiday int)
It runs successfully but When I run it using a date like
select * from hrms.test2('2017-09-01')
I get an error message saying
column startdate doesn't exist
I have tried a few more alternatives as well. I am not sure what am I doing wrong Please help.
You forgot to wrap out variables with quoting $firstquery$, fro your code I assume you wanted smth like:
create or replace function hrms.test2(startdate date)
returns table(
employeeid int,
col1 int,
col2 INT,
col3 int,
col4 int) as
SELECT * FROM hrms.crosstab(
SELECT tms.employeeid,tms.today,count(tms.employeeid) as countid
FROM hrms.timesheet as tms
where dated>=$firstquery$|| quote_literal(startdate) ||$firstquery$
and dated < $firstquery$||+ quote_literal(startdate)||$firstquery$::timestamp + '1 MONTH'::INTERVAL
group by tms.employeeid,tms.today $firstquery$,
$secquery$ select distinct tms.today
from hrms.timesheet as tms$secquery$
finalresult(employeeid int,leave int,present int,absent int, holiday int)
you can basically use $$ instead of $firstquery$ or $secondquery$.
i dont have rep to comment so i left a reply.
Sample Input
Sample Output
I believe this could be solved using WHILE Loop but not able to figure out how to unpivot it into a single column and at the same time increment only the last number.
EDIT: IP Ranges are made by me, I picked them randomly.
I believe I have solved your issue. With this technique we also solve the issue mentioned by Larnu in the comment.
DECLARE #tbl TABLE (IP_start varchar(15), IP_end varchar(15))
DECLARE #i int=1
INSERT INTO #tbl (IP_start, IP_end)
VALUES ('','')
;WITH cte
t.IP_start, t.IP_end
,CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(t.IP_start,4) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(t.IP_start,3) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(t.IP_start,2) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(t.IP_start,1) AS int) AS binary(1)) AS ip_Bin
FROM #tbl t
tt.IP_start, tt.IP_end
,cast((cast(cte.ip_Bin AS int)+#i) AS binary(4))
#tbl tt ON tt.IP_start=cte.IP_start AND cte.IP_end=tt.IP_end
WHERE cte.ip_Bin<CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(tt.IP_end,4) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(tt.IP_end,3) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(tt.IP_end,2) AS int) AS binary(1))+CAST(CAST(PARSENAME(tt.IP_end,1) AS int) AS binary(1))
SELECT CAST(CAST(SUBSTRING(cte.ip_Bin,1,1) AS int) AS varchar(3))+'.'+ CAST(CAST(SUBSTRING(cte.ip_Bin,2,1) AS int) AS varchar(3))+'.'+ CAST(CAST(SUBSTRING(cte.ip_Bin,3,1) AS int) AS varchar(3))+'.'+ CAST(CAST(SUBSTRING(cte.ip_Bin,4,1) AS int) AS varchar(3))
FROM cte
ORDER BY cte.IP_start
I'll leave this answer in case it helps anyone. This is for Postgres however.
It is not clear what the base types are, but you can use inet functions for this -- by converting to an int and back again:
select ip + ''::inet, (ip + ''::inet)::text, host(ip + ''::inet)
from t cross join lateral
generate_series(ips::inet - ''::inet, ipe::inet - ''::inet, 1) ip;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
The first column is an inet representation of the value. The second is a string representation, but using standard IPV4 notation. The final looks like the input data.
I will try to demonstrate what I am trying to achieve. This is an oversimplified example for my case.
Suppose I have a table contains two columns
--- ----
1 2017
2 2018
and I have a search term 2017 / 1
What I want to do is something like this
select * from table where 'YEAR / ID' LIKE '%searchterm%'
Is this possible ?
Thanks in advance.
In my opinion the most effective way is:
Firstly divide String x = "2017 / 1" to two int values int year = 2017, int id = 1. I don't know what kind of programing language you are using but all of programing languages have special functions to make it easily (between all values you have '/').
Then use this query:
Select *
from table
where year = 2017
and id = 1
Use Below query, I have considered your search text format as 2017 / 1.
DECLARE #tblTest AS Table
YearNo INT
INSERT INTO #tblTest values (1,2017)
INSERT INTO #tblTest values (2,2018)
INSERT INTO #tblTest values (3,2017)
INSERT INTO #tblTest values (4,2018)
DECLARE #searchterm VARCHAR(50)='2017 / 1'
LEFT will give you string starting from left position to applied length.
RIGHT will give you string starting from right position to applied length
FROM #tblTest
WHERE YearNo=LEFT(#searchterm,4)
AND Id = REPLACE(RIGHT(#searchterm,LEN(#searchterm)-(CHARINDEX('/',(REPLACE(#searchterm, ' ', ''))))),'/','')
If your database compatibility could be 130 then You can Try String_Split ref https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-split-transact-sql
Sql most long awaited function (as msdn says)
Declare #tbl table (id int Identity(1,1), value nvarchar(5))
Insert into #tbl ([value]) SELECT value from STRING_SPLIT(#searchstring,'/')
Declare #id int
Select #id = cast(value as int) from #tbl where id=2 --will give 1
Declare #value int
Select #id = cast(value as int) from #tbl where id=1 --ill give 2017
-- —now use them in sql
select * from table where YEAR=#value and ID = #id
You are going to screw up the performance if you do anything like below
select * from table where 'YEAR / ID' LIKE '%searchterm%'
Best way is you can split your search and supply to respective col
Declare #Search varchar(15)='2017/1'
Declare #Year int = (select LEFT(#Search,CHARINDEX('/',#search)-1))
Declare #month int = (select Right(#Search,(len(#search) -CHARINDEX('/',#search))))
select * from #temp where id=#month and year=#Year
Try this code :
select * from table where YEAR + ' / ' + ID LIKE '%searchterm%'
this query will run, but it will perform very poor.
I have been asked to created a Function to accept CustomerID and return CustomerName for the CustomerID, I m a new Student/Developer Please if the question is not clear let me know so i can add more details about it, but that is what I was exactly asked.
functions in SQL are of three types.ignoring rest CLR functions ...
create table test
id int,
name varchar(4)
insert into test
select 1,'abc'
union all
select 2,'cde'
1.Scalar function takes one value and return one value
now for the above table ,you can create scalar function like below
create function dbo.test
#id int
returns varchar(4)
declare #name varchar(4)
select #name=name from test where id =#id
return #name
You invoke it like:
select dbo.test(1)
2.Inline table valued functions:takes a single input same like scalar functions and returns table
create function dbo.test
#id int
returns TABLE
select * from test where id=#id)
You invoke it like:
select * from dbo.test(1)
3.Multi table valued function:
create function dbo.test
#id int
#test table
id int,
name varchar(4)
insert into #test
select * from test where id =#id
You invoke it like:
select * from dbo.test(1)
Take any one of Itzik Ben Gan books and start learning SQL the way it should be learned
I am beginning to learn stored procedures and functions in sql in a postgres database.
I need an example to get me going for what I am trying to accomplish.
I need to run a procedure and have it return results. For example something like this:
return select * from employees where first_name = $name
I want something like the above to return the result set when I run it. Is this possible? thank you for your help in advance!
Here is the function im trying to create:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test() RETURNS TABLE(id INT, subdomain varchar, launched_on_xxx timestamp, UVs bigint, PVs bigint) AS
'SELECT dblink_connect(''other_DB'');
SELECT c.id as id, c.subdomain, c.launched_on_xxx, COALESCE(SUM(tbd.new_unique_visitors), 0) AS UVs, COALESCE(SUM(tbd.page_views), 0) AS PVs
FROM dblink(''SELECT id, subdomain, launched_on_xxx FROM communities'')
AS c(id int, subdomain character varying, launched_on_xxx timestamp)
LEFT OUTER JOIN days_of_center tbd
ON c.id = tbd.community_id
WHERE c.launched_on_xxx < now()
GROUP BY c.id, c.subdomain, c.launched_on_xxx;
SELECT dblink_disconnect();'
Your function could look like this:
RETURNS TABLE(id int, subdomain varchar, launched_on_xxx timestamp
,uvs bigint, pvs bigint) AS
SELECT dblink_connect('other_DB');
,COALESCE(SUM(tbd.new_unique_visitors), 0) AS uvs
,COALESCE(SUM(tbd.page_views), 0) AS pvs
FROM dblink('
SELECT id, subdomain, launched_on_xxx
FROM communities
WHERE launched_on_xxx < now()')
AS c(id int, subdomain varchar, launched_on_xxx timestamp)
LEFT JOIN days_of_center tbd ON tbd.community_id = c.id
GROUP BY c.id, c.subdomain, c.launched_on_xxx;
SELECT dblink_disconnect();
Pull the WHERE clause down into the dblink function. It's much more effective not to fetch rows to begin with - instead of fetching them from the external database and then discarding them.
Use dollar-quoting to avoid confusion with quoting. That has become standard procedure with bigger function definitions.
To output it in "table format", call a function returning multiple columns like this:
SELECT * FROM test();
Just about the simplest possible example would be this;
'SELECT id FROM table1'
SELECT * FROM test()
An SQLfiddle to test with.
If you need a parameter, here's another example;
'SELECT value FROM table1 WHERE id=sel'
SELECT * FROM test(2)
Another SQLfiddle to test with.
I'm having some issues with a group by clause in SQL. I have the following basic function:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetWinsYear (#Year int)
declare #W int
select #W = count(1)
from tblGames
where WinLossForfeit = 'W' and datepart(yyyy,Date) = #Year
return #W
I'm trying to run the following basic query:
select dbo.fn_GetWinsYear(datepart(yyyy,date))
from tblGames
group by datepart(yyyy,date)
However, I'm encountering the following error message: Column 'tblGames.Date' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Any ideas why this is occurring? FYI, I know I can remove the function and combine into one call but I'd like to keep the function in place if possible.
I think you should be calling your function like this.
select dbo.fn_GetWinsYear(datepart(yyyy,getdate()))
select dbo.fn_GetWinsYear('2010')
Essentially you are just passing a year to your function and the function is returning the number of wins for that year.
If you don't know the year, your function could look something like this...
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetWinsYear ()
( W INT, Y INT )
INSERT #tblResults
SELECT count(1), datepart(yyyy,[Date])
FROM tblGames
WHERE WinLossForfeit = 'W'
GROUP BY datepart(yyyy,[Date])
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetWinsYear()