Set HSTS header in htaccess if already isn't present - apache

I've set HSTS in a common .htaccess which is being used by multiple sites.
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS
But when a site has already set HSTS header from the virtual host configuration, then there happens to be two HSTS header added to the response.
So before I set HSTS on .htaccess, how do I check if an HSTS header is already present?

It's ok with Header set. There would be a problem if you had used Header add.
: The response header is added to the existing set of headers, even if this header already exists. This can result in two (or more)
headers having the same name. This can lead to unforeseen
consequences, and in general set, append or merge should be used
: The response header is set, replacing any previous header with this name. The value may be a format string.

Alternatively use setifempty
Header always setifempty Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS

As #Croises reported, it should by default just overwrite but in my case, it turns out the header set by the virtual host configs were using the always keyword hence the header set by .htaccess was also added.
You could also use setifempty but in my case my Apache wasn't the latest (only supported for 2.4.7 onwards)
So I had to do like below to make it work.
Header always unset Strict-Transport-Security
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS



i'm tried to enable X-FRAME only my spasific VH
on httpd-default.conf
i set the line:
Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
on my website that i need to enable X-FRAME from specific Source:
Header always append X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
my main idea it's to block by default X-FRAME
using apache 2.4
I had a problem using Header always append... (sometimes doesn't works) so I changed to:
Header set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
and it works!
Only remember than Chrome doesn't have support for ALLOW-FROM so it will be ignored and always can pass.
PD: It´s recomended to avoid the use of X-Frame-Options and change to Content Security Policy using frame-src: 'src' 'etc';

Apache X-Frame-Options Allow-From multiple domains

I got a error when i using x-frame headers option with apache.
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM site1,site2,site3
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site1,site2,site3
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site1
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site2
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site3
How could i set the X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM to support more than a single domain?
It's worth noting that ALLOW-FROM is being removed from Firefox 70, and other browsers are likely to follow. You will want to use CSP's frame-ancestors directive instead, which is supported in about 95% of browsers.
Your example would then be:
Header always append Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors site1 site2 site3;"
EDIT: frame-ancestors overwrites X-FRAME-OPTIONS in new browsers, so theroetically you could set a value for old browsers in there and have CSP overwrite it in new browsers, but the problem is that there is no X-FRAME-OPTIONS value that will let you be embedded in multiple webpages. The only valid options are deny (not allowed anywhere), sameorigin (your website only) and allow-from (removed from modern browsers, only allowed one site anyway).
The old X-FRAME-OPTIONS value that you want to overwrite is none at all. That will allow you to embed your site in multiple other sites (all of them) and restrict it to the sites you allow in modern browsers.
If not embedding in disallowed sites is more important than embedding in allowed sites, then combine the above with:
Header always append X-Frame-Options "DENY"
That will prevent your site being embedded in all sites in about 3% of browsers, shown only in the allowed sites in 95% of browsers, and shown everywhere in the remaining 2% (even X-FRAME-OPTIONS isn't supported everywhere).
EDIT 17/01/2018 :
This is what is correct :
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
Header append X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header append X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header append X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header append X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
So basicaly you only allow iframes from your site (SAMEORIGIN) and you specify with an "append" a list of allowed url. if you don't add the "append" each line will overwrite the previous one.
This actually works with internet explorer 11, doesn't work in Firefox 57, and is ignored by Chrome...
testing with will not give you a "A" because they can't handle multiple uri
We couldn't detect a valid configuration. Expected values are "DENY", "SAMEORIGIN", "ALLOW-FROM (URL)" and "ALLOWALL".
Another possibility which seems to work in IE11 and Firefox is :
Header always set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
It gives a "A" when you check the result with
By the way i'm wondering what's the point of using a security setting that you can bypass using the most used browser in the world (Chrome) ??
SetEnvIf Referer "^(https:\/\/.*\.example1\.com)/.*" X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED=$1
SetEnvIf Referer "^(https:\/\/.*\.example2\.com)/.*" X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED=$1
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
Since the support for ALLOW-FROM is varying in both implementation and support across browsers I tried the following solution which either sets SAMEORIGIN or conditionally removes X-Frame-Options altogether.
Tried on apache-2.4.
# Set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN _unless_ the referer is any of my allowed sites.
# Add one or more SetEnvIf - whatever suits your purpose
# This part you MUST adapt.
SetEnvIf Referer "^https:\/\/my\.allowed\.site\.com\/.*" X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED
# ALLOW and
SetEnvIf Referer "^https:\/\/(mysite|yoursite)\.tld\.com\/.*" X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED
# ALLOW and
SetEnvIf Referer "^https:\/\/(mysite\.tld\.com|yoursite\.theother\.org)\/.*" X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED
# Set X-Frame-Options = SAMEORIGIN _unless_ the referer is in the allow list.
Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN env=!X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED
# Always _unset_ X-Frame-Options if the referer is in the allow list.
Header always unset X-Frame-Options env=X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOWED
You could either add multiple SetEnvIf or expand the regex - YMMV.
Your colleagues will love your for making things readable...
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site1
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site2
Header always append X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM=site3
This way is OK.
But I got an error when i first using it.
Maybe i make a wrong character.
EDIT 17/01/2018 :
This solution below is not correct, as the setting on each line is overwriting the previous one. so you only allow
Finaly i found the correct syntax for that. According to this site :
Header set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
This worked for me :
Header always set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header always set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header always set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
Header always set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"
The specification for X-Frame-Options only specifies to use one of DENY, SAMEORIGIN and ALLOW-FROM ( Some browsers may support multiple ALLOW-FROM, but many browsers don't support ALLOW-FROM at all.
Your best option is to implement the Content-Security-Policy header with the frame-ancestors directive. This allows multiple URIs to be configured and is understood by most browsers but IE and Edge 14 and below.
For IE and Edge 14 support you can also set the X-Frame-Options with ALLOW-FROM. If you create a whitelist of values you may be able to set the ALLOW-FROM URI based on the referrer.
It doesn't hurt to set both headers. Browsers that understand Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors will ignore X-Frame-Options and those that don't understand frame-ancestors will ignore it and use X-Frame-Options if available. Combining and this will work for all browsers except "UC Browser for Android"

Putting hsts headers in apache using htaccess or httpd.conf

I have purchased a ssl certificate recently and have redirected all my traffic on secured https way but i want to get included in hsts preload list. For that reason i want to include hsts header. Is there any way using .htaccess or httpd.conf or if there is another way then please tell me in detail
you can set the hsts header in a .htaccess file:
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" env=HTTPS
#see How to set HSTS header from .htaccess only on HTTPS for more information
or with php:
header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload');
Also you can put HSTS header on application side, I mean PHP. Add following code top of your header.php or index.php
<?php header("strict-transport-security: max-age=600");
People who uses shared hosting does not have an access to apache.conf. So proper way to do this is putting it on apache.conf.

Unset or Expire HSTS Policy on Apache Server

I set this line in a ssl vhost on my server. I am running Apache 2.x
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains"
This was a major mistake, because now I want to remove it and force users back to http pages sometimes. It was not enabled for very long, but I don't want to lose anyone. If I try to force users back to http pages right now they end up in a redirect loop.
How can I unset or expire HSTS using settings on the server so that when users do visit the site and hit the https version of the site the Strict-Transport-Security setting is removed from their browser and they are able to be redirected to http?
I already know I made a dumb mistake. I learned a lesson and just need to clean it up now.
Figured it out:
NOTE: A max-age value of zero (i.e., "max-age=0") signals the UA to
cease regarding the host as a Known HSTS Host, including the
includeSubDomains directive (if asserted for that HSTS Host).
See also Section 8.1 ("Strict-Transport-Security Response
Header Field Processing").
From the RFC 6797 document.
So, I will just set the following line and leave it for a few months before removing it.
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=0; includeSubDomains"

X-Frame-Options on Apache

I am trying to allow some particular domain to access my site via iframe
Header set X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM
I know this could be done by add the line above to the config of Apache server.
Two questions here.
which config file should be added to? The Apache running on both Unix and windows, if not the same file
while enable the all-from, I still want to be able to run some iframe from my own domain. Can I just add the following line after the allow-from?
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
Or I should just add my own domain in the all-from, ie
Header set X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM,
You can add to .htaccess, httpd.conf or VirtualHost section
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN this is the best option
Allow from URI is not supported by all browsers. Reference: X-Frame-Options on MDN
See X-Frame-Options header on error response
You can simply add following line to .htaccess
Header always unset X-Frame-Options
What did it for me was the following, I've added the following directive in both the HTTP <VirtualHost *:80> and HTTPS <VirtualHost *:443> virtual host blocks:
Header always unset X-Frame-Options
Header set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
The reasoning behind this? Well by default if set, the server does not reset the X-Frame-Options header so we need to first always remove the default value, in my case it was DENY, and then with the next rule we set it to the desired value, in my case SAMEORIGIN. Of course you can use the Header set X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM ... rule as well.
This worked for me on all browsers:
Created one page with all my javascript
Created a 2nd page on the same server and embedded the first page using the object tag.
On my third party site I used the Object tag to embed the 2nd page.
Created a .htaccess file on the original server in the public_html folder and put Header unset X-Frame-Options in it.
I found that if the application within the httpd server has a rule like "if the X-Frame-Options header exists and has a value, leave it alone; otherwise add the header X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" then an httpd.conf mod_headers rule like "Header always unset X-Frame-Options" would not suffice. The SAMEORIGIN value would always reach the client.
To remedy this, I add two, not one, mod_headers rules (in the outermost httpd.conf file):
Header set X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM early
Header unset X-Frame-Options
The first rule tells any internal request handler that some other agent has taken responsibility for clickjack prevention and it can skip its attempt to save the world. It runs with "early" processing. The second rule strips off the entirely unwanted X-Frame-Options header. It runs with "late" processing.
I also add the appropriate Content-Security-Policy headers so that the world remains protected yet multi-sourced JavaScript from trusted sites still gets to run.
you have to enable mod_headers first in your server
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo service apache2 restart