I am able to create the toast in two ways (XML and Notification toolkit). What is the difference in a toast that is created and which is efficient?
They are equivalent. The toolkit provides wrapper functions that generate the XML. This is easier and less error prone, but ultimately both send the same XML toast data.
I am writing a react native app and want to have a js file that listens to a server, fetches data from that server, and deploys changes to a redux store that updates my react components based off of the new data. I am curious, where is a proper place to instantiate this object that listens to the server? Currently, I am instantiating it in the top level component of my app like so...
App File
In ControlBoard, I initialize the object...
Control Board
and then the DataModel responds to the server and updates the application state through redux.
I am running into problems with this approach (ie sometimes ControlBoard is constructed multiple times). Is there a better way to accomplish this?
A a far better approach is to use socket.io to listen to any changes from your server then mapping it to your state and finally rendering it on whichever component you want.
There are many examples online to get you started, maybe you can look at this and this for a start
Need suggestion on which library to use for a large react native mobile app using redux ? redux-offline or react-native-offline ?
I need to regularly check connection status, render view depending on the connection status, add actions to queue when offline and run them when online, cancel actions if some contradiction is there, and persist/rehydrate data offline.
I am using redux-offline in my react-native project, it works just great. The feature that you are looking for all are presents like
It regularly checks for connection status
Add action to offline anytime (online \ offline)
Run the action as soon as device became online (moreover, you can decide the retry interval)
You can write your own discard method to drop any action based on your business requirement.
It uses redux-persist which automatically persist\rehydrate data. Also, you can provide your own store mechanism.
redux-offline is working just great for me, Sorry, I haven't used react-native-offline yet so can't provide you any benchmark.
I would suggest going for react-native-offline.
React-native-Offline provides :
Easier queue handling for actions based on a regex expression or a list of actions
Auto Triggering the online only actions , once the network is back.
Your Saga looks cleaner and readable, with both online/offline cases , on a maintenance perspective.
Redux-Offline provides:
It basically on separate online and offline actions
Each action and associated rollback needs to be handled
Both provides the redux-presist with connectors of your preference.
I have evaluated both, and for my use case I decided to go with react-native-offline. I liked its integration and ease of setup with redux-sagas, and it's offlineQueue was very convenient to have when you expect your users to conduct many operations offline.
Use case is a regularly updated display of vehicle tracking data retrieved through a REST call, onto a central office screen, with no user interaction.
There is no single answer for this, but some alternatives to consider:
add some JavaScript to your screen that uses the JS setTimeout() method or something similar to reload the page
for a smoother result but a lot more effort write the section of the screen that needs to auto-update as a Vue component and use the standard websocket interface to send data to the browser to update the data in the HTML; this is generally best done using the NotificationMessage interfaces and methods in the Moqui API where the JavaScript client registers on a topic and gets a notification along with any others registered (structure the topic ID as needed to differentiate different feeds) and have a scheduled service job feed the notification topic
I am trying to write a small application usingwebrtc that can be used as a messaging/Chat application between 2 computers.
I see this:
and it is not working. any suggestions?
I wrote the simpl.info/rtcdatachannel example. It's only designed to show off data channels working within one page.
For a complete peer-to-peer messaging application, I suggest adding RTCDataChannel functionality to something like apprtc.appspot.com. You could also consider a readymade abstraction library like PeerJS or EasyRTC.
You might also want to take a look at the RTCPeerConnection/RTCDataChannel/signaling codelab I built.
In above example, from the trace log, the ice-candidates are generated, but they are either not exchanged between each other because of there may be problem in sending 'offer' or responding the 'answer'. Also above example works only in chrome( because of only webkitRTCPeerConnection is used, with mozRTCPeerConnection this can work on firefox also.
If you want to develope chat application for only text and not for the video chat, then you can use node-js & socket.io or websockets for this.
You may like :) following two libraries:
DataChannel.js / for webrtc data/text/file sharing (among multi-users)
RTCMultiConnection.js / for data as well as media (screen/audio/video/etc) sharing
Firebase.com is a "suggested" starting point for newcomers; that can be used for signaling. You just need to override "openSignalingChannel" and done!
You should use peer.js (https://github.com/peers/peerjs) or use peer chat (https://github.com/Hironate/PeerChat) if you want to do with node js.
I'm creating a Store app using C# and XAML. I wanted to show the user the progress of file operations such as file copy. The API I'm using is StorageFile.CopyAsync.
It returns a task which is await-able. So I can tell my app to wait for the operation to finish. But if the file is too large I won't be able to tell how much of it, the app has copied.
Since CopyAsync returns IAsyncOperation<StorageFile> instead of IAsyncOperationWithProgress<StorageFile>, you're out of luck with this API. I don't think there's any built in API for copying that would implement progress reporting (Stream.CopyAsync doesn't implement it either).
You could always implement your own version which copies bytes from one stream to another in chunks and reports progress while doing it. It might be less performant than the built in APIs, though.