Bitcoin transaction verification process - bitcoin

I am building and app which will offer payment in bitcoins. I know that when I send bitcoin from one address to another it can be tracked by blockain API to verify the transaction. After receiving some assets I want to send some assets back. The customer will have an input field where he will paste his deposit wallet address. I am subscribed to blockchain API to track received assets to my bitcoin address. How can I verify that the payment was made by certain customer? Checking his address doesn't seem to solve the problem because if customer uses wallets like Coinbase, Bitstamp etc. transaction is made from multiple addresses.

A few helpers here:
What you need to do is to generate a new address and give it to your customer. This way you can uniquely identify him
Wait for confirmation before making the decision. Just because you see a transaction, does not mean you have the money. You need to wait for a few blocks and several (>6) confirmations


How to ensure accounts aren't bots (Algorand)?

not sure if this question belongs here... We are doing a giveaway but we have >30K wallets signed up. We're worried that many are bots. Have you encountered this yet? AND/OR does anyone have a solution to check each wallet transaction history to see if they have any transactions across other signed up wallets? We checked Algo Explorer and it seems that most cases there's a parent wallet and they're sending from the main wallet to a bunch of sub-wallets... thoughts?
Unfortunately there is no good way to prevent this unless you had some form of KYC. I could have a bot create fresh wallets with no transaction history that would be impossible to correlate with each other. Then if those wallets got an asset from you I could then just have them send that asset to the "main" wallet.
You could also set a minimum value of ALGO required to hold in the wallet to be eligible. It wouldn't completely solve the problem, but would make it more expensive for the people operating the bots at least.
Alternatively, set up a centralized service with email + captcha, make each address owner validate their address via that service and deny if they don't.

Handling payments in react-native

So I am building an app with react-native (expo) where a user fixes appointment with some other person and to do so, he has pay the other person.
Now how can I handle payments here. What i want is the user makes the payment and the receiver should be the other person but how much i understood the payment gateways, the payment is received by the app owner or in simple words, receiver is a single person.
I also tried deep linking to directly take the user to some UPI app like google pay or paytm but it seems that those apps require some special type of account (merchant account) to make the transaction if we access them using deep links (which is a problem as it is not necessary that every user will have a merchant account).
As I said, it is always better that you have your own payment gateway account, and all the transaction goes through your gateway, meaning you get the money and you build a system which will forward the payment to the receiver. I have worked on 2 such apps:
1: Where we have our own razorpay account, and we get the payment first, and then we forward it.
2: Where in we were directly having transaction between 2 users, but not through app, instead we display them the account details of the receiver and give them 48hrs time to pay that account. But we had to manually handle this scenario since one cannot know if the user has paid to the said account, since it's not your account.
3: There is one more method where in payment gateway has a webhook which consists of a virtual account number, and every user that lands on your app, you can create a virtual account number for him/her and store the user-virtual account number relationship in your db, whenever there is a payment, you can find out about the user through this virtual account number. Read about this.
The deep link is a good idea, but again, as you mentioned, it will require the end user to be a merchant user(have a merchant account), you can find more details here
Maybe you can ask your users to create a merchant account, which again I am not sure if it's possible, and if it's possible, if it's feasible?
The best way according to me is, you handle this through your payment gateway, and instantly forward it to the user who should have received it. Again there are some rules and clause to it(some commission is taken by those payment gateway,etc), check those things out.
I think the most close answer to my question is to use razorpay routes where we can link multiple accounts with our account and transfer money accordingly.
More details here

Shopify setup with external Services

So I am thinking of moving my current eCommerce System to Shopify and I wanted to evaluate, if certain functions are available. I am selling software/digital goods, that do have internal protection utilizing a licensing snippet (verifying a serial code). So regarding the most common use-flows, I wanted to check, if the following two things are configurable and of course how to do that:
1.) Guest Purchase with external license & serial creation:
User makes a purchase that is confirmed and processed
Shopify calls an external service for license & serial creation (with users email as unique id)
External service creates user, license and serial & sends back serial code
Shopify sends out the purchase confirmation mail with order detail & serial code
2.) User: change of email
Shopify user will try an email address update
Shopify will send the update to external service to update external database
I understand, that parts of this are doable with WebHooks, but I understand hooks to be uni-directional and async - so I could not intercept the sending of a purchase confirmation mail to enrich it's content beforehand (e.g. with a serial). Is that correct?
Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
It is most definitely possible. All you have to do is installl third party shopify apps. There are many of them and you can definitely find some of them to meet both you're needs.
You can get more info at the shopify website.

How can I receive a payment notification when I receive Bitcoin in a wallet on Coinbase?

I am building a bitcoin payment processor based on Coinbase. I will receive Bitcoin from end users.
Coinbase lets wallet owners receive notifications of various events via a webhook.
Which event will be generated when a user sends Bitcoin to my Coinbase wallet addresses?
And how can I know from that notification webhook whether the transaction has been confirmed or not? If confirmed, how many times it has been confirmed?
I know there are transaction APIs, but I also need a response from the webhook, because this information is important.
I have got clear understanding after making payment.
I thought Coinbase will call my webhook each time when transaction get confirmed, But they call only once.
And the event responnsible for new payment is wallet:addresses:new-payment. Which is available in their post data
{"id":"5a6956f9-94bb-5c15-99f3-a90347674","type":"wallet:addresses:new-payment" ....

Blockchain receive API with same address

I need to accept bitcoins on my website (PHP). I'm using blockchain and i have read the api: Is quite simple but i have some questions, but first i will try to explain what i need.
Client send bitcoins to my wallet (Any amount they want)
Server will be notified with confirmations until gets OK.
Gets the sent amount and client wallet from callback and store in DB.
Now my questions:
"You provide a bitcoin address we generate unique addresses that forwards payments to that address instantly notifying a callback URL."
Q: Can we reuse that address and all clients use same address to send bitcoins? Or address will be deleted? The address have a lifetime?
Instead create address to pay is possible clients pay directly to my wallet and server got notified? I don't need extra params like tokens.
I end up in a website that use always the same wallet/address for each odd:
I will like to have a pay system like that, one address per game.
Also should i use blockchain/blockchain ( library or the simple library (
Also if you have any suggestion or alternative i will like to hear.
I think I can help. Disclaimer that I work for BlockTrail.
It would not be good to use the same address because people can view the historical transactions associated with that address. It is recommended to use a new address for every transaction. These can be under the same wallet or different wallets. That may sound complicated but with the possibilities as long as the universe is old you can make a new address per transactions. Some wallets will do this for you automatically. This is called HD Wallets or Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets. You can also use this to have your clients always pay into the same wallet.
You can also use an API to create these wallets. If you are interested in using BlockTrail's here is the link:
We also have webhooks that will send you notifications for confirmations etc... If you want to learn more about our platform, here is a blog that describes it. BTW it is free!