I am trying get Aurelia Dialog to be up in one route tab, but when I switch tabs, it will not be up anymore. Then when I return to the first, it has the dialog still up.
I have set the host of my Aurelia Dialog to be inside one of my routes (in a custom element). This causes the dialog to not be present, when I go to another tab.
But when I go back to the first tab, it is not there (of course, because it is not part of the default UI for that route.) But, I store the state of the dialog, so the Javascript still thinks it is all on the screen (hasActiveDialog is true).
I need a way to tell my Aurelia Dialog that I just need it to re-render.
I suppose I can try to store the Tags that make the dialog before I switch away, and try to restore them after, but I would rather find a way to tell the dialog to render again what it thinks is on the screen.
I'm in the middle of building the file uploading part of our system, and our design has two flows in which you can upload a file:
Drag 'n drop onto the page
Click the "Upload file" button which presents a modal.
If I drag 'n drop a file onto the page, I want to show a small popup in the bottom corner showing the upload progress of each file.
If I go through the modal, I get the option to drag 'n drop or browse files. It then shows me the same progress in the modal, however I have the option of closing the modal which should then show me that same small box in the corner with the upload progress.
From what I've been able to determine from the docs of FilePond, this doesn't sound like it would be possible. Every demo I've found links the FilePond instance to a single input and since it builds its own UI, the drop zone would also be built. Fine for the modal window but not for the full page drag 'n drop. So I have a couple of questions:
Can I make anything a dropzone without it building the UI?
If so, when I drop files can I specify where to display the uploading progress?
Is it possible to move the progress from one area of the DOM to another (going from modal to the corner)?
I'm building this in Vue.j, so the plan was to use Vuex to manage the uploads and their progress which would make it easy to render the progress in different parts of the DOM. I love the look of FilePond for what it offers visually but if I can't get it to work with our designs then we may need to look at something else.
Having upgraded jqModal from r13 to r22, I find that where my dialogs contain text inputs it is not possible to type into them. Removing modal:true from the settings fixes it, but I don't want my users to be able to dismiss the dialog by clicking on the overlay. Is this behaviour by design, or is it a bug?
This is certainly not by design. I have released a fix (+r23). Please open a github issue if you require further assistance.
If you're nesting modals, be sure to have a higher z-index value on child modals.
You may override the $.jqm.focusFunc() to provide custom behaviour for events occurring outside the currently active modal.
I create a automator application and set it to run at logon, and I check the "Hide" box, but it still shows up (the gear icon) in the status bar. How can I hide it?
I check the "Hide" box here:
but the gear icon is still shown (the worse part is that it never stops rotating!)
Is it possible to hide this icon, or let it stop rotating?
control-click on it, and choose Show Package Contents from the pop-up menu. Inside the Contents folder, open up Info.plist, and change LSUIElement from No to Yes (if using Property List Editor) — or change the line after the LSUIElement key line to (if using a text editor). Save Info.plist.
Now when the alarm triggers, the Automator plugin will run in the background, without a Dock icon or a menu bar, and the focus will remain on the application you’re using.
Three things to note:
You might have to move the plug-in out of the iCal folder and back in
for this to work. Tiger caches the LSUIElement info; moving the app
forces Tiger to renew the cache.
You probably do not want to do this with any iCal plugin that has
dialogs or requires user interaction! This works best for maintenance
actions, automated downloads, and that sort of thing.
Third, this will work with any Automator workflow that is saved as an
application, not just with iCal plugins.”
Then Clear your Cache
I've got a problem with an Ext.List:
You press a button on the main menu and are shown the list. Everything on it works fine and it let's you choose, where to go deeper inside the app. No problems so far.
But if you then go back to the main menu by pressing a "back"-button and reenter the page, that shows this Ext.List, it doesn't work anymore: you can't select an entry of the list.
The "back"-button removes the list, if you return to the main menu this way:
What's my mistake? Do you know a better method than "page.removeAll()" that really kills this Ext.List to let it then be completely recreated when I choose to see it in my main menu?
Thanks in advance, you guys have the best tips and tricks.
It's hard to tell without seeing your code but I suspect that there is a javascript error somewhere in the program flow that you described. If you display the javascript console in either Chrome or Firefox it should show the error.
Depending upon how the function that creates the list is defined it would normally recreate the list upon page/function entry and there should be no need to 'kill' the list explicitly.
can a dojo dialog bring up another dojo dialog?
dojo 1.3 only supports one modal dialog at a time, so while, yes, one dialog can open another, closing the second destroys the modality of the first.
This happens because dojo.Dialog uses a single global underlay object that provides screen between the dialog and anything else on the page. You can make it work if you're wiling to create your own underlay for each dialog and manage the z-indexes yourself.
I understand this will be rectified in 1.4.
Yes, a dialog can open another dialog, but then you'd have two dialogs displayed -- they aren't modal between each other.
Since this is not the behavior I desire I've worked around this by creating my own handler -- it first checks for an open dialog, and if it finds one, closes it (and places it on a stack) before opening a new dialog. When it closes one it looks at the stack and re-opens dialogs lower on the stack.
Multiple dialogs can be opened prior to Dojo 1.4, but there are problems with accessibility in that case (tabIndex is handled wrong) - so if you need your app to be accessible and support mutliple dialogs., you need to upgrade to Dojo 1.4 when it comes out.
yes you are able to do it in dojo 1.6 and all above versions