Mocha tests take 20 seconds to get started in docker? - testing

I'm testing frontend-only-code with mocha, docker-compose and node. The following is run in docker using docker-compose run.
NODE_ENV=test env NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:$PWD/src mocha $(find . -name 'test_*.js') --compilers js:babel-core/register -r jsdom-global/register --require babel-polyfill
It takes about 15-20 seconds until the first (!) test starts running.
I thought the docker container would boot fast because after 2 or 3 seconds my shell command (see above) is shown on the console. (Which I assumed, would mean the container is up). But after the command is shown it takes 15 - 20 seconds to run the first test.
What's wrong?
Edit: I'm on a Macbook Pro with macOS


Gitlab-ci runner hangs after cypress tests

I am using gitlab-ci to tests a react application with cypress.
The test seems to pass but it hangs after executing cypress run command.
Thus, the test fails because of the timeout.
My service is the following
image: cypress/base:10
- serve -s build -l 3000 & yarn wait-on http://localhost:3000
- yarn cypress:run
And in my package.json
"scripts": {
"cypress:run": "cypress run --spec 'cypress/integration/**/*spec.js' --record false --config video=false"
This is the end of gitlab-ci runner's log:
✔ All specs passed! 01:01 11 11 - - -
Done in 73.82s.
ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 20m0s seconds
this issue occurs when a background task is running in the runner
To fix this I put in an or condition on the cypress:run step and kill the process if the result is not a success
there is another kill statement added in the step below also in case -parallel is used and multiple steps are running
Something like this
# start the server in the background
- npx serve -s build -p 3001 &
# run Cypress tests in parallel
- yarn cypress:run || (ps -ef | grep [s]erve| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 )
- (ps -ef | grep [s]erve| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 ) || exit 0
I don't know if this can help someone, but it is worth to try updating node.
I had the same problem when using cypress 11.1.0 and node:16.17.1-slim docker image. I do not experience hang ups with node:16.18.1-slim anymore.
P.S. Along with node update I've updated Chrome from 106 to 107, so can't be sure what actually made the trick, just wanted to share with possible solution.

Detox UI Testing - Tests time out when running on CI

I'm running react-native android integration tests headlessly using the detox framework on Ubuntu 18.04.
The line that I use to run my test suite as a whole is:
detox test -c --headless --cleanup --take-screenshots failing --detectOpenHandles. This runs 7 tests.
When I run the tests like this the first test runs successfully, and then the second test fails, as it seems like the emulator is offline.
If I run the tests individually with a 15 second gap between them eg:
- detox test post.spec.js -c --headless --cleanup --take-screenshots failing --detectOpenHandles
- sleep 15s
- detox test -c --headless --cleanup --take-screenshots failing --detectOpenHandles
- sleep 15s
They all complete without failing, so the tests are not the culprit.
I have tried adding a sleep in the afterEach for each test, and as the last action in each test, but neither of these have been successful.
I'm looking for suggestions/direction on what to do to get the tests to wait for the emulator to be ready before executing.

Testing chaincode Using dev mode network issue

I am running “dev mode” by leveraging pre-generated orderer and channel artifacts for a sample dev network
here cli require image: hyperledger/fabric-tools by default it is trying to pull latest tag image and showing errorlatest image. and it throwing error
Error response from daemon: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-tools:latest not found
so I pull image hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0, and rename it with hyperledger/fabric-tools:latest( not sure it is proper way or not ) by :
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0 hyperledger/fabric-tools
My network is running successfully but unfortunately cli container is stopped running.
d10d170cd2fa hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0 "/bin/bash -c ./sc..." 29 seconds ago Exited (1) 27 seconds ago cli
163f494bb85f hyperledger/fabric-ccenv "/bin/bash -c 'sle..." 59 minutes ago Up About a minute chaincode
e96e86930d94 hyperledger/fabric-peer "peer node start -..." 59 minutes ago Up About a minute>7051/tcp,>7053/tcp peer
c568480e30d2 hyperledger/fabric-orderer "orderer" 59 minutes ago Up About a minute>7050/tcp
You can use the tools container as the cli container.
docker exec -it d10d170cd2fa /bin/bash
Can you post logs of cli container by issuing command docker logs <containerId>? cli container exit doesn't necessarily mean there's any error about the e2e test.
If you started the services using docker-compose, you can run either of: docker-compose restart -f docker-compose-simple.yaml cli or docker-compose up -f docker-compose-simple.yaml cli.
However, if you started your network AFTER having tagged the fabric-tools image as above, you should examine the logs of your exited container with docker logs cli, to determine why it exited.
It can be because of previously running docker containers. In my case first time it worked correctly but it gave error in second time. Killing and removing created docker containers using
docker rm container_name
and starting containers again, solved the problem.

"docker run -dti" with a dumb terminal

updated: added the missing docker attach.
Hi am trying to run a docker container, with -dti. but I cannot access with a terminal set to dumb. is there a way to change this (it is currently set to xterm, even though my ssh client is dumb)
create the container
docker run -dti --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs
cd /my-folder
npm install -g gulp
the last command always contains ascii escape chars to move the cursor.
I have tried "export TERM=dumb" inside the running container, but it does not work.
is there a way to "run" this using the dumb terminal?
I am running this from a script on another computer, via (dumb) ssh.
using the -t which sets this, however removing effects the command prompt (the prompt is not shown)
possible solution 1 remove the -t and keep the -i. To see if the command has completed echo out a known token (ENDENDEND). ie
docker run -di --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs;echo ENDENDEND
cd /my-folder;echo ENDENDEND
npm install -g gulp;echo ENDENDEND
not pretty, but it works (there is no ascii in the results)
Possible solution 2 use the journal, docker can log out to the linux journal, this can be gathered as commands are executed in the container. (I have yet to fully test this one out. however the log seems to be a nicer output of what happened)
Yep -t is the problem.
However if you want to see the entire process when running a command, maybe this way is better:
docker run -di --name test -v/my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker exec -it test /bin/ash
finally you need to kill the container after all jobs finished.
docker run -d means "Run container in background and print container ID"
not start the container as a daemon
I was hitting this issue on OSx running docker, i had to do 2 things to stop the terminal/ascii/ansi escape sequences.
remove the "t" option on the docker run command (from docker run -it ... to docker run -i...)
ensure to force bash or sh shells used on osx when running the command from a script file, not the default zsh
the escape sequences were not always visible on the terminal
even so, they still usually caused content corruption, even with SED brought to bear
they always were shown in my editor

How to Close Xvfb after usage

I am running some tests in headless firefox using Xvfb. However, after my tests are finished I want to move back to normal display. But I am not able to do that .Here is What I am doing .
Open A Terminal
sudo Xvfb :10 -ac &
export DISPLAY=:10
Execute My Tests using RobotFramework+ Selenium
After step 4, I want to open the firefox in the same terminal but I am not able to see it as it is directed towards :10 display.
I wonder how can I shut this (xvfb :10) down so that I can open firefox and view it.
the & on the end of your 2nd command tells Linux to run it command in background. You can see the list of background commands running with $ jobs. Sample on Ubuntu16.04:
$ sudo Xvfb :10 -ac &
[1] 31294
$ jobs -l
[1]+ 31294 Running sudo Xvfb :10 -ac &
As you can see on the output above, jobs -l shows the background job and the second column of the output is the PID that can be used to kill it as $ sudo kill 31294.
Another option that may be "cleaner" is to start Xvfb just to run the command you want and quit automatic instead of keep it running in background. This way you would replace your lines 2,3 and 4 by:
xvfb-run python
Just replace python with whatever way to run your tests. It will open Xvfb just to it and close at the end.
The simple solution is to keep the old value of DISPLAY, change it to point to the xvfb, and then after the test is run you can change it back to the saved value.
This leaves the xvfb running, so you should also get the pid of that process and kill it. Otherwise, if you run this set of steps a dozen times, you'll have a dozen xvfb processes running in the background.