Aurelia if.bind inside repeat.for is not updating - aurelia

I have a strange case in an Aurelia template of elements with if.bind inside a repeat.for not being shown/hidden when their underlying property is changed. With the following code, the edit fields should be shown and the edit button should be hidden as soon as the edit button is clicked. Subsequently, both the save and undo buttons should hide the edit fields and show the edit buttons again.
import { computedFrom } from "aurelia-binding";
export class MyList
items: any[] = [{
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName" : "Blow",
"id": 1
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName" : "Doe",
"id": 2
editingItem: any = null
isEditing: boolean;
this.editingItem = item;
this.isEditing = true;
this.editingItem = this.items[0];
this.isEditing = true;
// undo logic here
this.editingItem = null;
this.isEditing = false;
// Save logic here
this.editingItem = null;
this.isEditing = false;
<tr repeat.for="item of items">
<td if.bind="!isEditing">
<button click.delegate="edit(item)">Edit</button>
<td if.bind="isEditing && ==">
<button click.delegate="save()">Save</button>
<button click.delegate="undo()">Undo</button>
<input value.bind="editingItem.firstName" />
<input value.bind="editingItem.lastName" />
Clicking the edit button does nothing. Interestingly, if I add
Anywhere in the template outside the repeat.for, the code works as expected. It's as if the rendering engine doesn't know to re-render elements inside the repeat loop.
Is this a bug? Or am I doing something silly?

This is weird. I created a gist from your code and as you said it wasn't working. No errors in the console either.
But when I initialized isEditing it started working
isEditing: boolean = false;
Updated gist
From #Balázs in the comments: By not initializing the isEditing, that property virtually does not exist -- it can be used for autocompletion/IntelliSense, but it is not actually present on the object. You can verify that by replacing the console.log call in the edit method with console.log(this.editing);, you will see that it is undefined. By it being undefined, Aurelia cannot subscribe to it (because it is as though it wasn't even there - no getter/setter exists), and therefore has no way of knowing when, if ever, it comes to life. However, that even explicitly setting it to undefined is different from this, because that does actually create the property, whose value happens to be set to undefined.
Also note:
Since you are assigning editingItem directly with item here:
this.editingItem = item;
this.isEditing = true;
Whatever you change in editingItem will affect item as well. So even if you undo, the change will persist to item. So you should do a clone before assigning to editingItem.


Svelte {#if variable} block does not react to variable updates within the block

I would like to populate a table with visible rows in Svelte.
My current attempt relies on a {#if variable} test, where the rendered row updates the variable. Unfortunately, the test does not appear to react to changes to the variable. Perhaps this is as designed but the documentation does not appear to address this. Essentially:
{#each rows as row}
{#if renderIt==true}
<tr use:updateRenderIt>
I think my understanding of the timing is lacking :(. Perhaps the {#if} block cannot react to each renderIt change. There are quite a few examples of {#if} blocks, but none appear to rely on a variable which is changed within the block.
There is a running example in the Svelte playground. The console divider can be moved vertically to change the viewport dimensions.
If someone knows of a way to achieve this it would be appreciated! I can do it in traditional Javascript, but my Svelte expertise is limited :).
What I'm assuming you want is to have a state on each row when it is visible.
To do so you will need to store some data with your row, so instead of your row being a list of numbers and a single boolean to say if all rows are visible or not, it will be a list of objets that have a property visible:
let rows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
index: i,
visible: false,
Next, to capture when visibility changes on those rows, use Intersection Observer API:
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries, observer) => {
And use a svelte action to add that observer to elements:
let intersect = (element) => {
{#each rows as row (row.index)}
To pass the intersecting state back to the element throw a custom event on it:
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
new CustomEvent("intersect", { detail: entry.isIntersecting })
And finally capture that event and modify the state:
<tr use:intersect
on:intersect={(event) => (row.visible = event.detail)} >
To render rows up to how many can fit on screen you could make the defaut state visible: true, and then wrap the element with an {#if row.visible}<tr .... </tr>{/if}. After the first event you would then remove the observer from the element using observer.unobserve by either updating the svelte action or in the observer hook.

I need help in calling watcher in Vuejs2 when looping the objects in HTML

I am adding one object when clicking on button and displaying the same in HTML. User can able to select the drop down values in options (string or number). Based on the input, need to disable or enable the next text input field. Here is my HTML code,
<tr><button #click="add_new_input()">Add </button></tr>
<tr v-for="(key, index) in NewArr" v-bind:key=value>
<td class="modify-td-padding__multi">
<input type="text"
if we change the dropdown, it will call one function userInput() using #input. passing value will be either "string" or "number". Vue Mehods is below,
userInput: function (value) {
getInputType: function (value) {
if(value === "string") {
this.isNumber = false;
} else {
this.isNumber = true;
add_new_input: function () {
let vm = this;
name: '',
value: '',
vm.$set(vm.NewArr,, vm.value);
add_new_input will add new object to NewArr, getInputType function will check the value is "string" or "number". If it is "string", text field should be disabled else enabled.
My issue is, if there are two rows, and if i am selecting for 2nd row, it is affecting the first row input field also( for both rows getting enabled or disabled). I need to make change only the specific text field. So, all the text fields becoming disabled even it is "number".
This is my first project in VueJS. Thanks a lot if anyone helps me on this. Thanks in advance.
You need to manage isNumber per key, so not just
data() {return {isNumber: false}}
#input="userInput(, value)"
data(){ return { isNumber: {} }}
onUserInput: function (key, value) {
this.setIsNumber(key, value);
setIsNumber: function (key, value) {
this.$set(this.isNumber, key, value !== "string");

Vue + Vue-Paginate: Array will not refresh once empty

I am using vue-paginate in my app and I've noticed that once my array is empty, refreshing its value to an array with contents does not display.
<transition-group name="zoom">
<div v-for="recipe in paginated('recipes')" :key="">
<recipe class=""
This is how things get displayed, and my recipe array changes depending on a search. If I type in "b" into my search, results for banana, and bbq would show. If I typed "ba" the result for bbq is removed, and once I backspace the search to "b" it would re-appear as expected.
If I type "bx" every result is removed and when I backspace the search to "b", no results re-appear.
Any idea why this might happen?
When I inspect the component in chrome I see:
pageItemsCount:"-15-0 of 222"
Even though the list prop is:
Paginate needs a key in order to know when to re-render after the collection it's looking at reaches a length of zero. If you add a key to the paginate element, things should function as expected.
:key="recipes ? recipes.length : 0" // You need some key that will update when the filtered result updates
See "Filtering the paginated list" is not working on vue-paginate node for a slightly more in depth answer.
I found a hacky workaround that fixed it for my app. First, I added a ref to my <paginate></paginate> component ref="paginator". Then I created a computed property:
emptyArray () {
return == 0
then I created a watcher that looks for a change from length == 0 to length != 0:
watch: {
emptyArray: function(newVal, oldVal) {
if ( newVal === false && oldVal === true ) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.$refs.paginator) {
}, 100)
The timeout was necessary otherwise the component thought there was no page 1.
Using :key in the element has certain bugs. It will not work properly if you have multiple search on the table. In that case input will lose focus by typing single character. Here is the better alternative:
searchFilter() {
//Your Search condition
if ( newVal.length !==0 && oldVal.length ===0 ) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.$refs.paginator) {
}, 50)

Changing complex computed object in vue.js

I have complicated object for a table. Looks like this:
1510002000: {
date: "07.11.17"
hours: {
activity: "Тест",
color: "#00ff00",
end_at: 1510005600,
start_at: 1510002000,
type_id: 1
1510005600: {
This is a code from template that uses this object:
<tr v-for="date in this.tds">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td is="hour-td"
v-for="hour in date.hours"
I evaluated it as a computed property, but I need to rerender table when parent component provides data assync, so I have a watcher for prop (prop called "activities"):
watch: {
activities: function(){
var vm = this;
let dth = new DateTimeHelper;
if (this.activities.length > 0){
let dateTimestamp = dth.getDateTimestampFromTimestamp(activity.start_at); // just getting the key
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp]){
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at]){
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.activity = activity.activity;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.color = activity.color;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.type_id = activity.type_id;
console.log(vm.tds) // here I can see that the object is filled with new data
The problem is that the table doesn't rerender. More precisely, the component "hour-td" does not contain the new data.
Also I've tried to use Vue.set, but no success with that
Can you help me with the updating table? I've spent like 5 hours for refactoring and attempts.
Thanks in advance
In my case there can be two states: there are activities, there are no activities. So I made two computed props for each case and render them separately and switch by v-if="activities.length"
I think that your problem is with Vue known issue for Change Detection Caveats (you can read here) with array direct assignation, that don't detect changes.
You should change this part of code (with direct array assignation):
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp]){
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at]){
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.activity = activity.activity;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.color = activity.color;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.type_id = activity.type_id;
With the Vue.set() option for arrays in order to detect the change and re-renders the component. It worked for me in differents occassions:
// Vue.set(object, key, value)
// something like this:
More info here:
I see now that you said:
Also I've tried to use Vue.set, but no success with that
What you mean with: "no success" ? Can you share the code? I have the same issue and I resolved with Vue.set..
You can also take a look to vm.$forceUpdate(), try to execute after the last console.log or grab all the code inside a vm.$nextTick( [callback] ) in order to execute all the actions (load data in the table) and then, re-render the component on next tick.
More info here: &&
Edit 2:
I think that your problem is with the index of the array, you should take a look here: .
Try changing the:
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp]){
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at]){
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.activity = activity.activity;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.color = activity.color;
vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at].activity.type_id = activity.type_id;
and simplify with:
if (vm.tds[dateTimestamp] && vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at]){
Vue.set( vm.tds, vm.tds.indexOf(vm.tds[dateTimestamp].hours[activity.start_at]), activity);
Hope it helps!

Meteor with DataTables: Meteor._atFlush TypeError

I'm trying to use DataTables (via mrt add datatables) with Meteor. I've variously tried adding the $('#mytableid').dataTable() to the Meteor.subscribe callback, Meteor.autorun, Meteor.startup, and Template.mytemplate.rendered -- all resulting in the following exception and a No data available in table message.
Any pointers?
Exception from Meteor._atFlush: TypeError: Cannot call method 'insertBefore' of null
at http://localhost:3000/packages/liverange/liverange.js?bc1d62454d1fefbec95201344b27a7a5a7356293:405:27
at LiveRange.operate (http://localhost:3000/packages/liverange/liverange.js?bc1d62454d1fefbec95201344b27a7a5a7356293:459:11)
at LiveRange.replaceContents (http://localhost:3000/packages/liverange/liverange.js?bc1d62454d1fefbec95201344b27a7a5a7356293:403:17)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/spark.js?c202b31550c71828e583606c7a5e233ae9ca50e9:996:37
at withEventGuard (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/spark.js?c202b31550c71828e583606c7a5e233ae9ca50e9:105:16)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/spark.js?c202b31550c71828e583606c7a5e233ae9ca50e9:981:9
at http://localhost:3000/packages/deps/deps-utils.js?f3fceedcb1921afe2b17e4dbd9d4c007f409eebb:106:13
at http://localhost:3000/packages/deps/deps.js?1df0a05d3ec8fd21f591cfc485e7b03d2e2b6a01:71:15
at Array.forEach (native)
at Function._.each._.forEach (http://localhost:3000/packages/underscore/underscore.js?47479149fe12fc56685a9de90c5a9903390cb451:79:11)
Update: Potentially related to this issue, for which the best solution found was to call dataTable() for each row -- not ideal in that case, and potentially catastrophic in mine given the very large number of rows.
Dror's answer is the right start for sure. Here's the best practice the way I see it currently:
<template name="data_table">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblData">
Template.data_table.created = function() {
var _watch = Collection.find({});
var handle = _watch.observe({
addedAt: function (doc, atIndex, beforeId) {
$('#tblData').is(":visible") && $('#tblData').dataTable().fnAddData(doc);
, changedAt: function(newDoc, oldDoc, atIndex) {
$('#tblData').is(":visible") && $('#tblData').dataTable().fnUpdate(newDoc, atIndex);
, removedAt: function(oldDoc, atIndex) {
$('#tblData').is(":visible") && $('#tblData').dataTable().fnRemove(atIndex);
Template.data_table.rendered = function () {
if (!($("#tblData").hasClass("dataTable"))) {
"aaSorting": []
, "sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>"
, "sPaginationType": "bootstrap"
, "oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"
, "aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "First Data", "mData": function (data) { return data.firstData },
Since Meteor is reactive, you need to create an empty table first and then add the rows.
Create the table:
$('#myTable').dataTable( {
"aoColumns": cols, //the column titles
"sDom": gridDom
} );
Add rows should look something like:
var myCursor = myCollection.find({});
var handle = myCursor.observe({
added: function (row) {
//Add in here the data to the table
The answered approach still stands but requires some changes after two years.
There is no such thing as constant anymore.
Instead of an empty table, put the thead but NOT the tbody. This way, columns are defined properly.
Put the observer in the onRendered (not rendered anymore) and NOT on onCreated (not created anymore). Otherwise, table is only filled at first creation and not when you come back.
clear and fill methods on the onRendered are not required.
In the observe method, make sure that you are adding an array and not an object. Otherwise fnAdd cannot render content
fnRemove is no more. Use fnDeleteRow instead
I'm not sure if the "is visible check" is required or not. There does not seem to be a problem when you remove it too, so I removed it.
With the above remarks, here is the code:
Template.creamDealsList.onRendered(function () {
if (!($("#tblData").hasClass("dataTable"))) {
// Those configuration are not really important, use it as they are convenient to you
"aaSorting": []
, "sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>"
, "sPaginationType": "bootstrap"
, "oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"
, "aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "First Data", "mData": function (data) { return data.firstData },
var _watch = Collection.find({});
var convertDocToArray = function (doc) {return [doc._id,]}
var handle = _watch.observe({
addedAt: function (doc, atIndex, beforeId) {
, changedAt: function(newDoc, oldDoc, atIndex) {
$('#tblData').dataTable().fnUpdate(convertDocToArray(newDoc), atIndex);
, removedAt: function(oldDoc, atIndex) {
And simple HTML would be like:
<template name="data_table">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblData">
This worked at least for me. I'm not seeing flush errors anymore. And also, when you render later, sometimes, there was a no data available message in the datatable and that disappeared as well.
Here's my implementation of dataTables in Meteor, using CoffeeScript and HTML. It works, and it's simpler, but may be less efficient than the existing answers for large tables (it's quick in my case though).
Template Function
Template.dashboard.rendered = ->
# Tear down and rebuild datatable
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
"bDestroy": true
<template name="dashboard">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="datatable_3" style="min-width:1020px">
<!-- code removed to save space -->
<tbody id="previous-jobs-list">
{{#each jobs}}
{{> jobRow}}
<template name="jobRow">
<td>{{normalTime date}}</td>
<!-- more code removed to save space -->
Where is a simple .find(...) on the collection.