SSL setup configuration in symfony 1.4 - ssl

I have a site with symfony 1.4, and installed the SSL certificate in the server, the home page works but when I click in any link I get an error 404. But if I use the Dev mode from symfony I am able to navigate through all the website... weird to me.
I tried to install the plugin sfSslRequirementPlugin - 2.0.0, when I enable it I get this error when loading the page: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS for any page.
Any idea??

Yes, this is because of some code defects in .htaccess file. Can you please send me .htaccess file so that we can investigate more on this issue.
The error net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS is because of .htacess as it is redirecting the page. I had faced the same issue once.


Add to cart resulting in 404 error - PrestaShop

I'm working on a Prestashop 1.7 shop and I have an issue. When I clicked on the "Add to cart" button, I'm getting an Error 404 (Not Found) in the JS Console.
This shop is installed on a Apache server:
I have tried to reload the .htaccess, I checked if AllowOverride all is set up in the virtual host config.
I have tried to clear cache and force re-compile the theme in the Back Office.
I have tried to change the theme of the website.
I have tried to enable mod rewrite.
However, when I disable friendly URLs, the "Add to card" button works perfectly !
How I can solve this issue ?
As seen with you through via chat, we:
Regenerated your .htaccess file
Made sure SSL was turned on sitewide
Disabled some 3rd party modules that were causing redirects
Upgraded to PrestaShop v1.7.5.2
And your issue was resolved!

Apache's localhost base URL displays Laravel welcome screen [UBUNTU 16.04]

When I access localhost or, I should be displayed the index.html default page from apache.
However, when I access it, it displays the Laravel welcoming screen.
I do have some Laravel projects under /var/www/html, indeed.
But it seems Apache is confused as to what page to display in the root directory, displaying Laravel's welcome screen instead of the usual index.html.
This would not be much of a problem, but it also happens that, whenever accessing any other project which is not Laravel-based, i'm faced with Laravel's 404 screen.
Any ideas as to what happened here?
Some minutes after typing this question, i found the answer myself.
I deleted the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf, which sets the default response for localhost request.
So, Apache took Laravel's page as the default for answering any request to the server.
Here's a gist I made for recovering this file.

Newly transferred Drupal site - Clean URL broken

I had a drupal site on my local wamp server but after having to reformat my computer and reinstalling wamp and all that, Clean URLS is messing up. I made sure my apache had mod_rewrite enabled and after that i just get a 404 error for everything. When i try to login i also get a 404 error. What can i do? I've looked for a while and cant find anything.
I believe it's mod_rewrite that needs to be enabled.
Got it to work. Had to navigate to the login page directly (/?q=user) rather then just using the login block. Then navigated directly to the clean url page ( and disabled them.

I have installed prestashop,but facing some problem..?

I have installed prestashop but I can see its back end web page and can login into it but front end shop page is not opening up in my browser and it is showing error.I dont know what is the reason?
Have I made a mistake in understanding prestashop..???Is it to be installed with some other CMS or it is self sufficient ? I have no other file except prestashop files in my web directory.
Your server may not allow URL rewriting. Contact your host to find out what you need to do in order to allow it. Additionally, you can visit the PrestaShop forums for help on this issue and many others.
Source: PrestaShop Bug Tracker

disable SSL on MAMP

Hi I'm used to editing sites locally on my MAMP to test out changes before going live. In this case though the site has a SSL certificate and wants to use it when I go to admin.
So I can't go to admin. The error message says:
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)
It's a Joomla site I'm trying to log into locally ie:
I've tried https as well, but same thing. Also same thing is Safari.
I just need to turn off ssl, it must be a file somewhere in the site I downloaded.
Sorry, I've answered my own question. I just had to disable the default Joomla seo urls in the Joomla config file. No sure why it fixed it though