I have a dataset that contains multiple values. I want to take those rows from that dataset that contains "the specific value" and firstly I want to display those in a MessageBox.
Furtheron, I try to view them in a datagridview called ErrorsDgV.
I already searched this topic and found a good function, but unfortunately, all I get from the MessageBox is an empty box.
ErrorsDgV.DataSource = Srchdataset.Tables("blubb")
LineLabel.Text = "Lines: " &
ErrorsDgV.Sort(ErrorsDgV.Columns(1), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)
ErrorsDgV.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
ErrorsDgV.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"
Dim answer As String = ""
Dim SearchRows() As Data.DataRow
SearchRows = Srchdataset.Tables("blubb").Select("Data = 'the specific value'")
answer = ""
For k As Integer = 0 To SearchRows.Length - 1
If answer = "" Then
answer = SearchRows(k).Item("Data")
answer = answer & vbNewLine & SearchRows(k).Item("Data")
End If
MsgBox(" " & answer)
I debugged also and got to know that SearchRows is empty, even if the specific value is inlcuded in that DataSet.
With the current coded i've realised it is mandatory to have separate text files instead of one text file for my computer science coursework. Searching and reading fields from one text file is simple enough for me, but i'm struggling to search two separate text files and displaying them within text boxes. The array of both files also increase in size when i input data of customer. The text files have several fields. The IF statements do the same thing but they are doing it via different search functions, is their any way i can do it through the same search regarding its coming from two different files?
Some of the text file contents:
1 text file:
1 7 LL11 3BY C Brymbo
DwellingID - House num - postcode - tax band - Ward
the other text file:
2 James King 06/06/1999 YJames07#gmail.com uOI4gSqohd
customerID - F.name - L.name - DOB - Contact info - Password
This is for the click event, which is related to a linear search class:
Private Sub btnsearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsearch.Click
If cbsearch.Text = "View customer details" Then
customerrecord = linsearchCustomerId(customerobject, txtsearchdetails.Text)
If customerrecord.firstname = "" Then 'Validation, if nothing has been entered a messagebox will appear notifying the user
MsgBox("No customers found")
lblCustID.Text = customerrecord.CustomerID 'put the field within the label or textbox designated
txtfirstname.Text = customerrecord.firstname
txtlastname.Text = customerrecord.lastname
txtvote.Text = customerrecord.Eligibletovote
txtcontactinfo.Text = customerrecord.contactinfo
txtdob.Text = customerrecord.DOB
lblpassword.Text = customerrecord.password
End If
End If
If cbsearch.Text = "View customer details + dwelling" Then
dwellrecord = dwellingdetailsearch(dwellingObject, txtsearchdetails.Text)
If dwellrecord.dwellingID = "" Then
MsgBox("Dwelling details not found")
lbldwellingid.Text = dwellrecord.dwellingID
txthousenum.Text = dwellrecord.housenum
txtaddress.Text = dwellrecord.address
ComboBox1.Text = dwellrecord.taxband
Cbward.Text = dwellrecord.wardname
End If
End If
End Sub
Here is the code of reading to text files:
Function getalllines() As String()
Dim filedata() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(Dir$(_CLfilename))
Return filedata
End Function
I am creating a program in Visual Basic where I have a DataGridView connected to an access database and I want to select the row and have the items in the row (firstname and surname) to be displayed in a textbox (txtname) when then button select is pressed. I so far have been able to get one column to display so it either displays first name or last name but it wont display both.
Dim currentCellData As String
Dim StaffName As String
For i As Integer = 0 To staffList.SelectedCells.Count - 1
Dim colindex = staffList.SelectedCells.Item(i).ColumnIndex
Dim rowindex = staffList.SelectedCells.Item(i).RowIndex
currentCellData = staffList.Item(colindex, rowindex).Value.ToString
StaffName = currentCellData
txtName.Text = StaffName
You can use concatenation, and there is no need for the for loop.
This should work if I have understood correctly:
txtName.Text = staffList.Item(0, rowindex).Value.ToString & " " & staffList.Item(1, rowindex).Value.ToString
I am creating a login form for users to log into using a database. I was wondering if there is a way in which i could get the program to search the entire table instead of a certain item. Here is my code so far.
Dim UserInputtedUsername As String
Dim UserInputtedPassword As String
UserInputtedUsername = txtAdminUsername.Text
UserInputtedPassword = txtAdminPassword.Text
sqlrunnerQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblLogin"
daRunners = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlrunnerQuery, RunnerConnection)
daRunners.Fill(dsRunner, "Login")
If UserInputtedUsername = dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows(0).Item(2) And UserInputtedPassword = dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows(0).Item(3) Then
ElseIf MsgBox("You have entered incorrect details") Then
End If
End Sub
Instead if searching the (in-memory) DataSet for your user serach the database in the first place. Therefore you have to use a WHERE in the sql query(with guessed column names):
sqlrunnerQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblLogin WHERE UserName=#UserName AND PassWord=#PassWord"
Note that i've used sql-parameters to prevent sql-injection. You add them in this way:
daRunners = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlrunnerQuery, RunnerConnection)
daRunners.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserName", txtAdminUsername.Text)
daRunners.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PassWord", txtAdminPassword.Text)
Now the table is empty if there is no such user.
If dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox("You have entered incorrect details")
End If
For the sake of completeteness, you can search a complete DataTable with DataTable.Select. But i prefer LINQ-To-DataSet. Here's a simple example:
Dim grishamBooks = From bookRow in tblBooks
Where bookRow.Field(Of String)("Author") = "John Grisham"
Dim weHaveGrisham = grishamBooks.Any()
Self teaching VB beginner here.
I have a data entry section that includes...
2 comboboxes(cbx_TruckType, cbx_DoorNumber)
-------cbx_TruckType having 2 options (Inbound, Outbound)
-------cbx_DoorNumber having 3 options (Door 1, Door 2, Door 3)
2 textboxes (txb_CustomerName, txb_OrderNumber)
-------txb_CustomerName will hold a customer name
-------txb_OrderNumber will hold an order number
and finally...
a button(btn_EnterTruck) that transfers the text from the comboxes and textboxes to the following...
2 Tabs
The 1st tab has
2 buttons(btn_Door1, btn_Door2)
btn_Door1 has 3 corresponding textboxes
-------txb_TruckTypeDoor1, txb_CustomerNameDoor1, txb_OrderNumberDoor1
btn_Door2 has 3 corresponding textboxes
-------txb_TruckTypeDoor2, txb_CustomerNameDoor2, txb_OrderNumberDoor2
The 2nd tab has
1 button(btn_Door3)
btn_Door1 has 3 corresponding textboxes
-------txb_TruckTypeDoor3, txb_CustomerNameDoor3, txb_OrderNumberDoor3
Currently, I have code (that works thanks to another question I had!) that, upon btn_EnterTruck.click, will transfer the text to the corresponding textboxes.
Here's my problem...
I've coded a msgbox to pop-up (when Inbound is selected from the cbx_TruckType) asking if there is an Outbound. If I click "Yes", an inputbox pops-up and asks for an order number. The button then transfers the Inbound information to the textboxes and stores the Outbound order number.
When I click btn_Door1(or 2 or 3), it clears the text from its corresponding textboxes. (Using me.controls)
( I would add code for all of the above, but I figure its a moot point, because it works)
What I want to happen...
I want to have the stored Outbound number to be saved with a reference to which door number it corresponds to. Then upon btn_DoorX click, it will fill that order number into the corresponding textbox. I don't need the text stored/saved when the app is closed.
And I have no idea how to do that.
*After some tooling, I've done the following, but it does not work"
I declared these at the class level.
Dim str_SameTruckPODoor1, str_SameTruckPODoor2, str_SameTruckPODoor3 As String
This code is in the btn_EnterTruck event
Dim str_ErrOutDoorName As String = cbx_DoorNumber.Text
Dim str_OutboundDoorName As String = str_ErrOutDoorName.Replace(" ", "")
Dim ArrayForPONumbers As Control() = Me.Controls.Find("str_SameTruckPO" & str_OutboundDoorName, True)
If cbx_TruckType.Text = "Inbound" Then
Dim OutboundMsg = "Is there an Outbound with this truck information?"
Dim Title = "Outbound?"
Dim style = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Or MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or _
Dim response = MsgBox(OutboundMsg, style, Title)
If response = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Dim NeedPOMessage, NeedPOTitle, defaultValue As String
Dim PONumberOutbound As String
' Set prompt.
NeedPOMessage = "Enter the PO Number"
' Set title.
NeedPOTitle = "PO# For Outbound"
defaultValue = "?" ' Set default value.
' Display message, title, and default value.
PONumberOutbound = InputBox(NeedPOMessage, NeedPOTitle, defaultValue)
' If user has clicked Cancel, set myValue to defaultValue
If PONumberOutbound Is "" Then PONumberOutbound = defaultValue
ArrayForPONumbers(0) = PONumberOutbound
End If
End If
I'm getting an error message on
ArrayForPONumbers(0) = PONumberOutbound ' Cannot convert string to .controls
And I have the following code in the btn_Door1 event - it handles btn_Door2, btn_Door3
Dim WhichButton As Button = CType(sender, Button)
Dim str_ErrDoorName As String = WhichButton.Name
Dim str_DoorName As String = str_ErrDoorName.Replace("btn_", "")
Dim str_DoorType As Control() = Me.Controls.Find("txb_" & str_DoorName & "Type", True)
Dim str_Customer As Control() = Me.Controls.Find("txb_" & str_DoorName & "Customer", True)
Dim str_OrderNumber As Control() = Me.Controls.Find("txb_" & str_DoorName & "OrderNumber", True)
Dim SecondArrayForPONumbers As Control() = Me.Controls.Find("str_SameTruckPO" & str_DoorName, True)
If str_DoorType(0).Text = "Outbound" Then
str_DoorType(0).Text = ""
str_Customer(0).Text = ""
str_OrderNumber(0).Text = ""
ElseIf SecondArrayForPONumbers(0).Text.Length > 0 Then
str_DoorType(0).Text = "Outbound"
str_OrderNumber(0).Text = Me.Controls("str_SameTruckPO" & str_DoorName).Text
End If
Any help is appreciated. If I'm not clear on what I'm asking or haven't given enough details, please let me know.
Edit: Added info based on comment, Added code, Changed Title
How long do you want this data to be stored? IE: longer than the life of the open application? If the application is closed is it alright if the data is lost? If not, you may want to consider writing this data to an external database.