How to use other table JSON data in select query - sql

I am using postgres and have 2 tables, deviceTble has the following columns: deviceName, device_id, type, deviceOwnerPerson_id, deviceAccessPerson_id.
The other table is Person_kv and has 2 columns id,data (containing person info but in JSON format).
I want to a select query from deviceTble and want to use first_name and last_name of a person which are in Person_kv table by given of deviceOwnerPersonId and deviceAccessPersonId.
Here is what I have to get data from person_kv table to get data in tabular form:
select data :: json ->> 'id' as id
, data :: json ->> 'name' as first_name
, data :: json ->> 'surename' as last_name
from Person_kv
and expected deviceTble query:
select deviceName,device_id,type from deviceTble
I am confused either I use WITH clause on person_kv query and then join here or one by one on deviceOwnerPerson_id and deviceAccessPerson_id OR is there any other way as well by using inner query
Can someone tell me how I can get required result?

from you description you can just join em:
select deviceName,device_id,type, json ->>'name' , json ->>'surname'
from deviceTble d
join Person_kv p on json ->>'id' = deviceOwnerPerson_id::text OR json ->>'id' = deviceAccessPerson_id::text


DB2 The number of node occurrences in json

I would like to check how many times there is a node "amount" in json.
Does anyone know how I could get this information in DB2?
select count(*)
from (
select json from schema.test1
where lastname = 'Johnson'
) where json like '%amount%'

Postgresql JSON column check value exists in array of json

I have a database schema like the following where I have a Children record table
name varchar(100),
friends JSON NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO Children (name,friends)
Now I need to query the data and display it only if the name of the friend is like '%Ra'. Structure of the JSON data is consistent.
If you have json[] as data type then you can use unnest and then write your query, or if it is json then you can use json_array_elements.
Below code considers json[] data type -
select * from Children
where name in (
select name from (
select name, unnest(friends) as friend from Children
) i
where i.friend->>'name' like '%Ra');

How to execute a select with a WHERE using a not-always-existing column

Simple example: I have some (nearly) identical tables with personal data (age, name, weight, ...)
Now I have a simple, but long SELECT to find missing data:
Select ID
from personal_data_a
born is null
or age < 1
or weight > 500
or (name is 'John' and surname is 'Doe')
Now the problem is:
I have some personal_data tables where the column "surname" does not exit, but I want to use the same SQL-statement for all of them. So I have to check (inside the WHERE clause) that the last OR-condition is only used "IF the column surname exists".
Can it be done in a simple way?
You should have all people in the same table.
If you can't do that for some reason, consider creating a view. Something like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_personal_data
FROM personal_data_a
NULL AS surname, --> this table doesn't contain surname
FROM personal_data_b;
and then
FROM v_personal_data
OR age < 1
OR ( name = 'John'
AND ( surname = 'Doe'
OR surname IS NULL))
Can it be done in a simple way?
No, SQL statements work with static columns and the statements will raise an exception if you try to refer to a column that does not exist.
You will either:
need to have a different query for tables with the surname column and those without;
have to check in the data dictionary whether the table has the column or not and then use dynamic SQL to build your query; or
to build a VIEW of the tables which do not have that column and add the column to the view (or add a GENERATED surname column with a NULL value to the tables that are missing it) and use that instead.
While dynamic predicates are usually best handled by the application or by custom PL/SQL objects that use dynamic SQL, you can solve this problem with a single SQL statement using DBMS_XMLGEN, XMLTABLE, and the data dictionary. The following code is not what I would call "simple", but it is simple in the sense that it does not require any schema changes.
--Get the ID column from a PERSONAL table.
--#4: Get the IDs from the XMLType.
select id
--#3: Convert the XML to an XMLType.
select xmltype(personal_xml) personal_xmltype
--#2: Convert the SQL to XML.
select dbms_xmlgen.getxml(v_sql) personal_xml
--#1: Use data dictionary to create SQL statement that may or may not include
-- the surname predicate.
select max(replace(replace(
Select ID
born is null
or age < 1
or weight > 500
, '#TABLE_NAME#', table_name)
, '#OPTIONAL_SURNAME_PREDICATE#', case when column_name = 'SURNAME' then
'and surname = ''Doe''' else null end)) v_sql
from all_tab_columns
--Change this literal to the desired table.
where table_name = 'PERSONAL_DATA_A'
where personal_xml is not null
cross join xmltable
passing personal_xmltype
id number path 'ID'
See this db<>fiddle for a runnable example.

How to delete records in BigQuery based on values in an array?

In Google BigQuery, I would like to delete a subset of records, based on the value of a specific column. It's a query that I need to run repeatedly and that I would like to run automatically.
The problem is that this specific column is of the form STRUCT<column_1 ARRAY (STRING), column_2 ARRAY (STRING), ... >, and I don't know how to use such a column in the where-clause when using the delete-command.
Here is basically what I am trying to do (this code does not work):
FROM dataset.table t
LEFT JOIN UNNEST(t.category.column_1) AS type
WHERE t.partition_date = '2020-07-22'
AND type = 'some_value'
The error that I'm getting is: Syntax error: Expected end of input but got keyword LEFT at [3:1]
If I replace the DELETE with SELECT *, it does work:
FROM dataset.table t
LEFT JOIN UNNEST(t.category.column_1) AS type
WHERE t.partition_date = '2020-07-22'
AND type = 'some_value'
Does somebody know how to use such a column to delete a subset of records?
Here is some code to create a reproducible example with some silly data (fill in your own dataset and table name in all queries):
Suppose you want to delete all rows where category.type contains the value 'food'.
1 - create a table:
article STRING,
category STRUCT<
color STRING,
2 - Insert data into the new table:
SELECT "apple" AS article, STRUCT('red' AS color, ['fruit','food'] as type) AS category
SELECT "cabbage" AS article, STRUCT('blue' AS color, ['vegetable', 'food'] as type) AS category
SELECT "book" AS article, STRUCT('red' AS color, ['object'] as type) AS category
SELECT "dog" AS article, STRUCT('green' AS color, ['animal', 'pet'] as type) AS category;
3 - Show that select works (return all rows where category.type contains the value 'food'; these are the rows I want to delete):
LEFT JOIN UNNEST(category.type) type
WHERE type = 'food'
Initial Result
4 - My attempt at deleting rows where category.type contains 'food' does not work:
LEFT JOIN UNNEST(category.type) type
WHERE type = 'food'
Syntax error: Unexpected keyword LEFT at [3:1]
Desired Result
This is the code I used to delete the desired records (the records where category.type contains the value 'food'.)
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(t1.category.type) t2 WHERE t2 = 'food')
The embarrasing thing is that I've seen these kind of answers on similar questions (for example on update-queries). But I come from Oracle-SQL and I think that there you are required to connect your subquery with your main query in the WHERE-statement of the subquery (ie. connect t1 with t2), so I didn't understand these answers. That's why I posted this question.
However, I learned that BigQuery automatically understands how to connect table t1 and 'table' t2; you don't have to explicitly connect them.
Now it is possible to still do this (perhaps even recommended?):
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM <DATASET>.<TABLE_NAME> t2 LEFT JOIN UNNEST(t2.category.type) AS type WHERE type = 'food' AND t1.article=t2.article)
but a second difficulty for me was that my ID in my actual data is somehow hidden in an array>struct-construction, so I got stuck connecting t1 & t2. Fortunately this is not always an absolute necessity.
Since you did not provide any sample data I am going to explain using some dummy data. In case you add your sample data, I can update the answer.
Firstly,according to your description, you have only a STRUCT not an Array[Struct <col_1, col_2>].For this reason, you do not need to use UNNEST to access the values within the data. Below is an example how to access particular data within a STRUCT.
WITH data AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, STRUCT("Alex" AS name, 30 AS age, "NYC" AS city) AS info UNION ALL
SELECT 1 AS id, STRUCT("Leo" AS name, 18 AS age, "Sydney" AS city) AS info UNION ALL
SELECT 1 AS id, STRUCT("Robert" AS name, 25 AS age, "Paris" AS city) AS info UNION ALL
SELECT 1 AS id, STRUCT("Mary" AS name, 28 AS age, "London" AS city) AS info UNION ALL
SELECT 1 AS id, STRUCT("Ralph" AS name, 45 AS age, "London" AS city) AS info
WHERE = "London"
Notice that the STRUCT is named info and the data we accessed is city and used it in the WHERE clause.
Now, in order to delete the rows that contains an specific value within the STRUCT , in your case I assume it would be your_struct.column_1, you can use DELETE or MERGE and DELETE. I have saved the above data in a table to execute the below examples, which have the same output,
First method: DELETE
DELETE FROM `project.dataset.table`
WHERE = "Sydney"
Second method: MERGE and DELETE
MERGE `project.dataset.table` a
USING (SELECT * from `project.dataset.table` WHERE ="London") b
WHEN matched and then
And the output for both queries,
Row id info.age
1 1 Alex 30 NYC
2 1 Robert 25 Paris
3 1 Ralph 45 London
4 1 Mary 28 London
As you can see the row where = "Sydney" was deleted in both cases.
It is important to point out that your data is excluded from your source table. Therefore, you should be careful.
Note: Since you want to run this process everyday, you could use Schedule Query within BigQuery Console, appending or overwriting the results after each run. Also, it is a good practice not deleting data from your source table. Thus, consider creating a new table from your source table without the rows you do not desire.

Getting values from array of objects jsonb postgresql

I am storing some ids and names in a jsonb array of object like this
My table looks like this
id userinfo
1 [{"id":"1","name":"abc"},{"id":"2","name":"cde"}]
2 [{"id":"3","name":"fgh"},{"id":"4","name":"ijk"}]
I am trying to select all the records with id 1 but I just want to get ids in userinfo object I don't want names
I tried this
select distinct userinfo->'name' from table where id = 1
but this is giving me null value
This will work with this query
select distinct userinfo->0->'name' from table where id = 1
but I don't know the index so how can I use this query to get my desired result
You need to normalize the data by unnesting the array, then you can access each element.
select ->> 'id' as id, ->> 'name' as name
from the_table t
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(t.userinfo) as ui(info)
where = 1;
Online example: