Transparent message boxes in VP UML? - visual-paradigm

I'm making sequence diagrams for a project I'm developing. Nothing overly complex, just a few lifelines with calls back and forth.
The problem is, the white background box of my message descriptions cover over things like my lifeline boxes and dotted lines when in close quarters. You can see the issue in the image below, though I tried to space them out enough to minimize it, the background box still bleeds over the blue lifeline boxes.
I tried checking out Styles > Formatting when right clicking the message, but transparency doesn't seem to have an effect. If I understand right, the transparency slider I see only applies to the border of the box, and when I click "Background" instead of "Foreground" I see a different view with no transparency sliders, only a list of colours.
How can I make the backgrounds of these messages transparent as well?

You can right click on the blank area of your diagram and select Connectors > Paint Connector Through Label to make the caption become transparent.
You can also find the same option under Window > Project Options > Diagramming > Connector which will take effect to any diagrams you created afterward.


Illustrator toolbars glued together

I am new to Adobe illustrator and i don't really know how to search for my errors.
At the right of my screen i have some 'toolbars' (like pathfinder, swatches, ..) you can enable them by clicking on the 'window' option at the top and then selecting them. So i was arranging them at the right of my screen, when all of the sudden (i must have done something wrong) the pathfinder, swatches, color toolbars are sticking together and i can't 'unstick' them.
Also when i deselect one of them under the 'window' option all of them disappear.
They also don't expand the the bottom of the screen inside a container like element.
click, hold and drag the pathfinder or the menu of your choice to unstick them

Merge a picture color in other picture using Adobe Illustrator

I want to merge the color of one picture in other picture. As the picture below is showing. I paste a picture on circle. But there is a clear distinction between the two pictures. I want to get rid of it. Is it possible?
You have a couple options:
1: You could make a Clipping Mask, use the pen tool and trace the object, once you have drawn a line around what you what removed from the background select your outline and your image. goto top menu item Object > Clipping Mask > Make. This will clip your image and hide the background.
2: The image your are using my be tough for step one. Try re-exporting the image as a PNG or GIF with a transparent background then open it in illustrator. You will need to either "open" from within ai or "open with" ai. Copy/paste will not keep the transparency depending on the tools you are using.
My guess is step two will be your easiest solution because of the shadow elements. Good luck!
-Added Edit-
3: Open the original image file and change the background hex value to match the final desired background. This solution is less valuable because you won't have the ability to edit or change your mind about the color while your working.

Filling in Hollow Area Only for Bootstrap Glyphicon

I'm using Bootstrap glyphicons for a web app and love the flexibility of being able to leverage them as fonts, since that's what they are, not graphics. However, I'm running into a challenge with the glyphicon-remove-sign icon, which has a colored circle surrounding an otherwise empty "x". I like the default look of the black surrounding the "x" and want to use it to close a rounded-cornered iframe. But, because that "x" is empty, it displays whatever is behind it:
Ideally, I'd want to have that hollow "x" be a different color like white, easy enough to do with background colors, except that creates a box around the otherwise vectored font and looks unsightly for my usage, which has multiple colors to contend with behind the icon:
The question is: is there a way to just fill in the empty space inside the hollow area of this glyphicon without this kludgy-looking box? I looked at using a clip-path with the background color, but that won't work with IE. I welcome any recommendations anyone may have for a fix here -- thanks in advance.
create a wrapper div of the glyphicon, give it border-radius as to imitate the circle streching it and then give that background color

How to layout the UIlabel object according to design spec in iOS

I have some difficult time in creating iOS screen to match with visual design provided by design team.
The design team has provided the spacing info for each screen which shows how much space each text needs to be apart from other UI element on the screen. This is attached for your reference. You can see here that the two text labels "Activate Your Account" and "A Verification link...." are placed apart by 25px.
The same thing I am trying to achieve in the storyboard. I am attaching the storyboard screen snapshot for reference.
From this you can see that I cannot keep exactly 25px b/w the two text labels because for the following issue
The text font is custom font and I cannot load the same in storyboard. I have added the font file in the project, but when I try to open it in storyboard for UILabel, it doesn't list out. I am not sure why xcode doesn't show up. This makes me hard to resize the label's frame. If I try to decrease the empty space in the label (upper and lower part of the text), this will make label height less, but when I set the font programmatically, it doesn't fit in this small space.
When I try to increase the height of the label, the text inside the label starts displaying at the center leaving space at the top and bottom of the label frame.
So I want to know how to solve this problem. If anyone had this issues and sorted out, please let me know how to fix this.
Many Thanks
Your designers aren't speccing their designs correctly :) Show them how iOS renders text and have them spec their designs in the same way. This is what we do on the Facebook design team. I mocked up an example for you (each square is 4dp/8px).

Want To Create A Floating Speech Bubble Form

Wondering if someone could help me....
I have a small .NET application where I have an Edit button on a main form. When the user clicks the Edit button, I want to popup a small form right next to it (on top of the main form) with a speech balloon tail attached on the side of the form pointing to the Edit button. So it gives the effect of a floating form pushed out from the Edit button.
I don't want the appearance of a normal speech bubble, I want it to look like an actual borderless form (with square corners). It could be a custom control or anything (however, I am not yet familiar with creating my own custom controls), but I need to add Text Controls, Pictures, Label Controls, etc. to this floating form.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to create something to this affect:
So imagine the ? being the Edit button and the other being a form with custom controls.
Like this?
To get this behavior:
Select an image which will represent your speech bubble. Put a PictureBox on the form, make it use this image. Place two labels, as above, adjust the font.
Pick your transparency key (color). Your image background and form background need to be set to that. I used black for demo purposes, which is a bad choice if you plan to have any black or text in your speech bubble. Set form's TransparencyKey property to this color in designer. More about TransparencyKey on MSDN.
(final step, not shown on the screenshot). Set FormBorderStyle = None.
Also make sure you have other ways to close your bubble, because X will be unavailable.
The final result may look something like the following:
Note: You may notice some drawing artifacts, most images on the internet have smooth borders, and transparency key does not support shades, has to be exact color. If you are fine with these minor artifacts, feel free to leave it at that. Or, edit it to get rough borders. Or find another one that better suits your needs.