how to ask for different permissions in facebook , api mrt:facebook-sdk meteor-angular - facebook-javascript-sdk

I am using mrt:facebook-sdk package with meteor js and angular for facebook api, I am trying to access user friends who are accessing this app so I have asked for some permission like this :
appId : appId,
status : true,
xfbml : true,
secret: secret,
requestPermissions: ['user_friends','read_friendlists', 'read_mailbox']
but while Login with facebook , it ask for public profile only and also, getting empty friendlist


Aws-amplify integration with React Native Token - unauthorized

I have configured my React Native application to use a Cognito user pool that is used for user identity management and authentication using AWS Amplify. I am using Custom Authentication for user management. I am able to register, log in and perform other user management-related tasks. I also have an API gateway and a few Lambda Functions which I want to access through my React Native app. When I sign in, I receive a JWT Token which I want to send to the API gateway to access my Lambdas, but no matter what I do I get an 'unauthorized' 403 or 401 message from my API Gateway.
My question is: How can I expose the API gateway/ Lambdas to the Cognito user pool users and Why the token generated by Cognito itself is unauthorized to access my api gateway.
P.S. - I used postman with the right Auth URL and settings, the postman token itself is authorized to access the API gateway and lambdas. (The user credentials are the same as I use with the React Native app)
I have spent a few days, any pointers in the right direction would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Amplify Config:
const awsmobile = {
aws_project_region: 'us-XXXX-X',
aws_cognito_region: 'us-XXXX-X',
aws_user_pools_id: 'us-XXXX-XXXXXX',
aws_user_pools_web_client_id: 'XXXXh1i5nXXXX',
//aws_user_pools_web_client_secret: 'XXXXXoofuu0lXXXX',
oauth: {
domain: '',
scope: ["email", "openid", "aws.cognito.signin.user.admin"]
aws_cognito_username_attributes: ['EMAIL'],
aws_cognito_social_providers: ['GOOGLE'],
aws_cognito_signup_attributes: ['XXXXX', 'XXXXX', 'EMAIL', 'XXXXXX'],
aws_cognito_mfa_configuration: 'OFF',
aws_cognito_mfa_types: [],
aws_cognito_password_protection_settings: {
passwordPolicyMinLength: 8,
aws_cognito_verification_mechanisms: ['EMAIL'],
export default awsmobile;
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
const login = async (username: string, password: string) => {
const response = await Auth.signIn(username, password);
return response;

Accessing secured FeatureLayer on ArcGIS online with JavaScript API

I am building a web app in a low code platform (Mendix). I am connecting the web app with ArcGIS online resources via the ArcGIS JavaScript API v4.19, which all goes pretty smoothely.
The challenge arises when I want to load specific secured ArcGIS online content via the ArcGIS JavaScript API, specifically from some FeatureLayers which are secured. I looked into the documentation and it seems the best way forward would be a so-called 'application login'. For this I want to setup an OAuth application login based on CLient ID and Client Secret. With these two I can get a valid token via AOuth and use that token to access the content by feeding the token to the IdentityManager via the JavaScript API.
This is were it goes wrong currently, I can't seem to figure out where to make it explicit on the ArcGIS online side that this specific secured FeatureLayer can be accessed via this application login, hence currently I am getting errors that the valid token and app id don't have access to the resource, being the end-point of the secured FeatureLayer.
Does anybody know how to associate a secured FeatureLayer in ArcGIS online to a application login?
EDIT 10-6-2021: Added code sample
After succesfully retrieving a valid token on the server side based on client id and client secret I use the client ID (=AppID) and token in the ArcGIS JavaScript API like below:
const token = {
server: "",
userId: <AppID>,
<valid token retrieved via OAuth generateToken request,
ssl: true,
expires: 7200
Only implementing this gives me an error whilst trying to access the secured feature layer:
identity-manager:not-authorized. "You are currently signed in as:
AppID. You do not have access to this resource:
I also read that sometimes below could be needed so added as well:
const idString = JSON.stringify(IdentityManager.toJSON());
console.debug("idString: " + idString);
This resolves the error but makes a login popup appear again.
The layer is afterwards declared like below:
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
// URL to the service
url: layerObj.layerURLStatic
definitionExpression: queryDefinition,
featureReduction: clusterConfig && { type: "cluster" },
popupTemplate: {
title: "{" + inAttributeTitle + "}",
content: [
type: "fields", // FieldsContentElement
actions: [
title: props.intButtonLabel,
id: btnId,
className: props.intButtonClass + intButtonIconClass,
type: "button"
outFields: ["*"]
Here is a snippet to generate the token and then register it with IdentityManager:
IdentityManager = require('esri/identity/IdentityManager')
function login(user, password){
var serverInfo = {
"server": "",
"tokenServiceUrl" : ""
var userInfo = {
username : user,
password : password
IdentityManager.generateToken(serverInfo, userInfo).then(function (response){
response.server = serverInfo.server;
response.userId = user;
I'm not sure how you are going to fit this in you app, but the sample should work if you paste it in your developer tools console when the app is running.
Also, it seems to me that userId property is for arcgis online username, not for appId.
As pointed out by Shaked, if you append '?token=[token_value]' int the layer URL you probably don't even need to register the token to query the layer.

React Native Facebook login Issue

i'm try to get userfriends list when login but it's not work i'm request public_profile, user_friends and only grant public_profile permission.
const result = await LoginManager.logInWithPermissions([
if (result.isCancelled) {
} else {
'Login success with permissions: ' +
and i'm getting response like this
Login success with permissions: email,public_profile
User Friends
Represents a collection of Users who are friends of the app User. Only friends who have installed the app and who have granted the app the user_friends permission will be included.
Only friends who have installed the app and who have granted the app the user_friends permission will be returned.
JS Code
function(response) {
// Insert your code here
"data": [], // A list of User nodes.
"paging": {},
"summary": {} //Aggregated information about the edge, such as counts. Specify the fields to fetch in the summary param (like summary=total_count).
Error Codes
Error Description
100 Invalid parameter
200 Permissions error
368 The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed
190 Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token
459 The session is invalid because the user has been checkpointed
210 User not visible

While trying to authenticate users in shopify, getting error: Field 'CustomerAccessTokenCreateInput' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'

I am using node.js in my application, with shopify-api-node (v3.2.0), to authenticate customer login along with other features if shopify. As per shopify documentation ( I am using GraphQL to access shopify API.
My code looks something like this below :-
const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');
const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: process.env.SHOPIFY_DOMAIN_NAME,
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
password: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY_PASSWORD
const query = `mutation {
customerAccessTokenCreate (input: {
email: "",
password: "password123"
customerAccessToken {
customerUserErrors {
.then((output) => {
.catch((err) => {
After this I am getting below error :-
Error: Field 'customerAccessTokenCreate' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'
at got.then (/Users/admin/Documents/Code/shopify-node-app/node_modules/shopify-api-node/index.js:239:19)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
locations: [ { line: 2, column: 5 } ],
path: [ 'mutation', 'customerAccessTokenCreate' ],
{ code: 'undefinedField',
typeName: 'Mutation',
fieldName: 'customerAccessTokenCreate' }
Even I am getting the same thing from postman itself.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are two types of GraphQL:
the storefront GraphQL -
the admin GraphQL -
While they seems similar the strorefront is much more limited but can be used on the front-end, while the admin one is more rich in method and functionality but can't be used safely on the font-end.
The documentation and the method you are trying to make is referring to the Storefront API, but the package you are using is for the Admin GraphQL API.
You can create a storefront access token via the storefrontAccessToken method if you want to make storefront request but the Admin API GraphQL allows for more customization.
So you need to make sure you are using the proper API.
If you plan to use the storefront API, you shouldn't use NodeJS and just create a private app ( from Admin -> APP -> Private App) which will provide you a Store Front Access Token (if you enable it at the bottom and select the proper scopes) that can be used directly on the front-end.
If you plan to use the Admin API, you will need to create a public app and host it, then you can use NodeJS and pass the information via a Proxy in Shopify.
You are making a request to the Storefront API, while using a library for the Admin API.

Can I create an AWS Cognito user login programmatically?

I would like my app to allow users with a Facebook, Google, Amazon... etc... accounts to be able to login to my app. This works fine through AWS Cognito.
However, is there a way for the app to create a user login programmatically if the user does not have any of those logins?
The user would provide an id and a password and the app would send the information to the authentiation provider to create a new login/account.
I would not need to implement my own authentication mechanism and worry about how the passwords are stored, etc.
From my research I take that there is no way to do this with existing authentication providers or even other services such as OpenID.
Do you have any other options if I do not want to implement my own login storage and authentication? It would not necessarily need to integrate with AWS Cognito.
I'm a little confused by your question. If you're asking:
Can I create new usernames and passwords on Facebook / Google programatically?
Then the answer is no. You have to sign up for Facebook / Google on their site. If you're asking:
Can I create a new user with a username and password that only exists in Cognito?
Then the answer is yes. To do this, it depends on whether you're creating the user in a browser or on a server. In a browser, use the Cognito Javascript API. On a server, use the Cognito Admin Server APIs.
Here's some sample code for creating a new user on the server in Node JS (replace my strings with your own tokens, especially the ones with # signs in them):
let params = {
UserPoolId: "#cognito_pool_id#",
Username: "jhancock",
DesiredDeliveryMediums: ["EMAIL"],
ForceAliasCreation: false,
MessageAction: "SUPPRESS",
TemporaryPassword: "somePassword",
UserAttributes: [
{ Name: "given_name", Value: "John"},
{ Name: "family_name", Value: "Hancock"},
{ Name: "name", Value: "John Hancock"},
{ Name: "email", Value: ""},
{ Name: "phone_number", Value: "+15125551212"}
console.log("Sending params to cognito: " + JSON.stringify(params));
let cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({region: "us-east-1"});
cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminCreateUser(params, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error adding user to cognito: " + JSON.stringify(error), error.stack);
} else {
console.log("Received back from cognito: " + JSON.stringify(data));
One you get that working, you'll probably want to see this post about how to change the temporary password into a real one.
Hi from my previous experence in implementing of the social media authentication.
I would conclude that it is quite hard to implement.If you do not what to show web view to authenticate user in iOS you need to use iOS ACAccountStore class for this, but even this only gives opportunity to log in not to sign in.