Fabric Dashboard - Can I search Crashlytics custom keys across multiple apps - google-fabric

Is there a way to search for Crashlytics custom key name/values across multiple apps within the Fabric dashboard? We have multiple apps that use the same custom keys, and it would be useful to be able to get these all returned within a single list of results.

You can't currently search across apps using Crashlytics.


Disable popup when work with Shared Web Credentials (work directly)

Is there any way to work with data in shared web credentials directly, like with keychain, without showing popups on SecAddSharedWebCredential and SecRequestSharedWebCredential?
Or are there any other methods to work with it?
I want to share some data (string) between apps with different development teams.
I will recommend you to use the KeychainAccess which is a simple swift wrapper. And using Keychain is the best way to store small pieces of data that are critical to your app, like secrets and passwords.
Also the tutorial from raywenderlich would help you use the Keychain Services API.
App groups can be an option for your use case. Read below the apple API documentation and medium post
App Groups
Use a shared app group to share data/files between two/more apps or containing apps. An app group creates a secure container that multiple processes can access. Normally, each process runs in its own sandbox environment, but an app group lets both processes share a common directory.
Apple API docs - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_application-groups
Also here is another stackoverflow post answering similar question - Communicating and persisting data between apps with App Groups

Customize Azure API Management Developer Portal

I am Customizing the Azure APIM Developer portal. For the Non Production enviornment like Dev, QA etc I am using the same instance of APIM. But the API name is different. I would like to either group them by name so that I see all the API's related to Dev First and rest of the enviornments later. Is there a way i can achieve it? Also we have one template called API List which we can customize. Can we create multiple pages from this template so that I can create different versions of API List for each enviornment?
Your best bet is to use tags. You can assign them to APIs and group by Tags in APIs list. Look for this button next to search field:
if you don't have one, check your customized template, and compare it to default one.

How to set admin per app in Fabric

We are using Fabric with Crashlytics and have setup 1 organization with multiple apps. However there seems to be no way to set an admin user per app. Is it something I missed?
If not, do you plan to add such a feature in the future?
Having an admin per app would be beneficial if you have multiple teams in charge of their own projects and let someone from the team manage stuff like the disable / enable versions, adding service hooks, deleting members that are automatically added when the app is first created in the dashboard, enabling analytics, etc...
Currently, it seems that you can only achieve this by creating different organizations per app, but this doesn't seem to be how the system was designed to work.
Roles in Fabric are set at the organization level and there isn't currently a way to set app-level roles. What you suggested around creating new organizations for each project group is the best way to accomplish what you're looking to do.

Podio - creating API key

I am working to develop an external application that will be used to update items in a Podio workspace via AJAX request. However, I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding how to properly generate an API key...
In the API key generator, it asks for the 'Application name (displayed in stream byline)' - what exactly is meant by this? Is 'Application' just an individual app in our workspace? If so, is it possible to generate one API key for the entire workspace? We will need to update items inside of many different apps (including apps that do not yet exist) from the same external application, and would probably prefer to not have to generate a unique key... it would be preferable for us to just have one API key with which we can update items in all of the apps in our workspace.
Application name is not Podio individual app in your workspace, but rather name of application that you develop. So, in sentence:
We will need to update items inside of many different apps (including
apps that do not yet exist) from the same external application ...
Apps - means Podio applications
External application - means application that you develop and you want to generate your API key for it, so it would be natural to name your API key in a way that you know which application is using it.

Is it possible to have multiple keys of same vendor for same service in one application?

Let me take an example, I wanted to use Google Places API in my app. But due to usage limit it only allows me to use 1000/day requests for one key. So what I did was created multiple keys from different gmail accounts. I am using these multiple keys in one app. Is it allowed to use commercially?
Google already mentions that on the documents
You can use one Developers Console project to manage all of your work, or you can create multiple projects, depending on your development and collaboration needs. Consider whether you're collaborating with a different set of people, want to track usage differently, or need to set different traffic controls for different parts of your work. If so, breaking up your work into multiple projects might make sense. That said, you cannot use multiple projects to try to exceed API usage limits.
From :Google Docs : Creating and shutting down projects
So you cant use it multiple key for project its better to use the commercial package offer by google.
Try use the Google Place for web, it haven't requests limit. I think you are developing for android, so
use this tutorial: http://wptrafficanalyzer.in/blog/showing-nearby-places-and-place-details-using-google-places-api-and-google-maps-android-api-v2/