jitsi-meet [conference.js] <e.value>: CONFERENCE FAILED: conference.videobridgeNotAvailable - jitsi

[JitsiMeetJS.js] : UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace: Error: Jingle error: {"reason":"item-not-found","source":"F4:00:92:03:36:0B:29:40:08:03:DC:54:DC:BE:29:F3:2E:48:9F:58:BB:FE:D2:04:D4:0D:F3:39:4C:90:C7:9EF4:00:92:03:36:0B:29:40:08:03:DC:54:DC:BE:29:F3:2E:48:9F:58:BB:FE:D2:04:D4:0D:F3:39:4C:90:C7:9E","session":"JingleSessionPC[p2p=true,initiator=true,sid=524aaa3890f5]"}


Error: [SQL0802] Data conversion or data mapping error, DB2, count query

Does anyone know whay the following SQL code would be generating an 802 error? Could it be because the results of the count query are zero in some cases?
FROM evetrn e2
WHERE e2.evesrv IN ('T005',
AND e2.evecnf = 'K'
AND e2.evegrp = e.evegrp
AND e.evestf = e2.evestf
AND e2.evetim = e.evetim
AND lwsys.isodates(e2.evefyr, e2.evefmm, e2.evefdd)
= lwsys.isodates(e.evefyr, e.evefmm, e.evefdd)
AND evecas !=0
AND evetyp = 'S') AS float)
),4) AS float)
*1000) /1000
The full error being generated in Squirrel:
Error: [SQL0802] Data conversion or data mapping error.
SQLState: 22012
ErrorCode: -802
And this warning:
ErrorCode: 420Warning: [SQL0420] Character in CAST argument not
valid. SQLState: 01565 ErrorCode: 420

Insert 0 values into Postgres: Numeric Field Error

I have a problem when inserting "0" value into numeric field in PostgreSQL via PHP.
insert into canalis_db.cor_cust_corp_fncl_rprt
asset) values(
it well show error message.
Error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "0"
Position: 395
SQLState: 42601
ErrorCode: 0
Is there something error in my sql syntax?

jpa hibernate rendered SQL in DB2 wrong?

i think hibernate rendered wrong SQL in DB2?
I am making a mistake certainly
my jpa code is:
public List<Gc1glcostctrmap> findByCriteria(
Map<String, SortDirectionEnum> sortFields,
Integer start,
Integer length) throws Exception {
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Gc1glcostctrmap> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Gc1glcostctrmap.class);
Root<Gc1glcostctrmap> root = criteriaQuery.from(Gc1glcostctrmap.class);
int noDeleted = 0;
criteriaQuery.select( root )
.where( builder.equal(root.get(Gc1glcostctrmap_.g1011logdel), noDeleted) );
if ( Validator.isNotNull(sortFields) ) {
criteriaQuery.orderBy(_orderBy(sortFields, builder, root));
// create query
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
// execute query
List<Gc1glcostctrmap> gc1glcostctrmaps = query.getResultList();
return gc1glcostctrmaps;
and sqlshow is True, and for first page rendered:
select fields from BNGL.GC1GLCOSTCTRMAP gc1glcostc0_ where gc1glcostc0_.g1011logdel=0 order by gc1glcostc0_.g1136id asc fetch first 10 rows only
but for second page rendered:
select fields from ( select inner2_.*, rownumber() over( order by order of inner2_) as rownumber_ from
( select fields from BNGL.GC1GLCOSTCTRMAP gc1glcostc0_ where gc1glcostc0_.g1011logdel=0 order by gc1glcostc0_.g1136id asc fetch first 20 rows only ) as inner2_ ) as inner1_ where rownumber_ > 10
order by rownumber_
and Eventually error is:
2018-07-29 09:13:22.218 WARN 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : SQL Error: -199, SQLState: 42601
2018-07-29 09:13:22.219 ERROR 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-199, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC=OF;( . AT MICROSECONDS MICROSECOND SECONDS SECOND MINUTES MINUTE, DRIVER=3.68.61
2018-07-29 09:13:22.219 WARN 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : SQL Error: -516, SQLState: 26501
2018-07-29 09:13:22.219 ERROR 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-516, SQLSTATE=26501, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=3.68.61
2018-07-29 09:13:22.219 WARN 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : SQL Error: -514, SQLState: 26501
2018-07-29 09:13:22.219 ERROR 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-514, SQLSTATE=26501, SQLERRMC=SQL_CURLH200C1, DRIVER=3.68.61
2018-07-29 09:13:22.228 ERROR 6684 --- [nio-8082-exec-9] ir.bmi.service.impl.MapTstServiceImpl : Error occurred while calling findByCriteria().
You can use a custom Dialect, as the generated query in Hibernate DB2Dialect is not correct.
Please refer this answer: db2-with-pagination

index returns relation "search_name_0" does not exist in "Starting rank 2"

I have generated nominatim database before and never faced such an issue.
Please tell me which "setup.php" command generates the "search_name_0" and such tables?
Full error output is:
-bash-4.2$ ./utils/setup.php --index --threads 8 --osm2pgsql-cache 24000
nominatim version 2.5.1
Starting indexing rank (0 to 4) using 8 threads
Starting rank 0
Done 0 in 0 # 0.000000 per second - FINISHED
Starting rank 1
Done 0 in 0 # 0.000000 per second - FINISHED
Starting rank 2
index_placex: UPDATE failed: ERROR: relation "search_name_0" does not exist
LINE 1: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
QUERY: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function deletesearchname(integer,bigint) line 1260 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function placex_update() line 75 at assignment
index_placex: UPDATE failed: ERROR: relation "search_name_0" does not exist
LINE 1: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
QUERY: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function deletesearchname(integer,bigint) line 1260 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function placex_update() line 75 at assignment
index_placex: UPDATE failed: ERROR: relation "search_name_0" does not exist
LINE 1: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
QUERY: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function deletesearchname(integer,bigint) line 1260 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function placex_update() line 75 at assignment
index_placex: UPDATE failed: ERROR: relation "search_name_0" does not exist
LINE 1: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
QUERY: DELETE from search_name_0 WHERE place_id = in_place_id
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function deletesearchname(integer,bigint) line 1260 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function placex_update() line 75 at assignment
ERROR: Error executing external command: /srv/Nominatim-2.5.1/nominatim/nominatim -i -d nominatim -P 5432 -t 8 -R 4
Error executing external command: /srv/Nominatim-2.5.1/nominatim/nominatim -i -d nominatim -P 5432 -t 8 -R 4
It took some time to figure out but it happens when your "create-partition-tables" part of setup fails.
Restarting it will fail to re-create the tables. I had to manually remove all partition tables and then restarted the setup with "create-partition-tables" key to solve this!

sqlite3 fails to import db from sql file

I'm trying to install PolicyD v2, but when creating sqlite3 database from sql file it throw errors:
SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22
sqlite> .read /usr/doc/policyd2-2.0.14/policyd2.sqlite
Error: near line 1: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 43: no such table: policies
Error: near line 44: no such table: policies
Error: near line 45: no such table: policies
Error: near line 46: no such table: policies
Error: near line 47: no such table: policies
Error: near line 174: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 215: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 263: no such table: quotas
Error: near line 264: no such table: quotas
Error: near line 303: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 447: no such table: amavis_rules
Error: near line 462: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 570: unrecognized token: "#"
Error: near line 617: unrecognized token: "#"
And /usr/doc/policyd2-2.0.14/policyd2.sqlite looks like this:
line:1 # Core schema
line:2 # Copyright (C) 2009, AllWorldIT
line:3 # Copyright (C) 2008, LinuxRulz
/* Policies */
CREATE TABLE policies (
Description TEXT,
) ;
line:43 INSERT INTO policies (Name,Priority,Description) VALUES ('Default',0,'Default System Policy');
line:44 INSERT INTO policies (Name,Priority,Description) VALUES ('Default Outbound',10,'Default Outbound System Policy');
line:45 INSERT INTO policies (Name,Priority,Description) VALUES ('Default Inbound',10,'Default Inbound System Policy');
line:46 INSERT INTO policies (Name,Priority,Description) VALUES ('Default Internal',20,'Default Internal System Policy');
line:47 INSERT INTO policies (Name,Priority,Description) VALUES ('Test',50,'Test policy');
Created tables:
sqlite> .tables
checkhelo_blacklist policy_group_members
checkhelo_tracking policy_groups
checkhelo_whitelist policy_members
greylisting_autoblacklist quotas_limits
greylisting_autowhitelist quotas_tracking
greylisting_tracking session_tracking
I can create 'policies', 'quotas', 'amavis_rules' tables by hand.
So whats wrong here? Other tables were created.
It is caused by console and some malformed (encoding/decoding) characters in file like tab,space,new line.
Solution for this is using grep.
grep -v "#" sql.file | sqlite3 sqlite3.db