How can I add months onto a given date in a SQL Table - sql

I'm trying to write a function to represent when an employees (agents) 6 month review will take place, using date arithmetic by adding on 6 months to their hire date and I can't seem to get it right
SELECT EmpFirstName, EmpLastName,
CAST(DateHired, + 6 MONTH) AS ReviewDate
From Employees

SELECT EmpFirstName, EmpLastName,DATEADD(month, 6, DateHired) DateHired From Employees

With SET you can mutate the value (change the value) but what you really need is a condition to check. The SQL keyword for that is WHERE.
SELECT .... WHERE your conditon FROM ....

If you want a list of all employees who are due for their 6 month review in the current month, you can try this:
FROM Employees
DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, DateHired), 0) =
DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())), 0)

You can use DATEADD()
SELECT EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, DateHired, DATEADD(month, 6, DateHired) AS Review_Date
From Employees
The idea of updating the DateHired column is not that good. Because if you run the query at two different times, for example be when some new employees joins, it will affect the records of all employees.
Either add a new column for ReviewDate in the table or use some query like the one above to find the ReviewDate

Try this query
SELECT EmpFirstName
SET Datehired = DATE_ADD(DateHired, INTERVAL + 6 MONTH)
FROM Employees


Customers who placed order both in this month and previous month for a list of dates

So I am trying to find count of customers who placed order both in this month and previous month. I have to find this from the beginning of last year. I came up with a query which obviously doesn't work. Can I get some help with this please?
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', month_column), COUNT(DISTINCT(customer_id))
FROM table
WHERE month_column >= '2021-01-01' AND customer_id IN (
SELECT customer_id
FROM table
WHERE month_column = month_column - INTERVAL '1 month')
NOTE: month_column has only month number i.e., '2021-01-01', '2021-02-01' etc.
I am using postgresql.
This is my first stack overflow question. So, if I didn't abide by any rules, I apologize.
To make this trivial, you can use 2 queries. Get customerID's from this month (insert into temp table 1) and customerID's from last month (insert into temp table 2). Lastly just inner join both tables on customerID
something like the below
SELECT customer_id
INTO #thisMonth
FROM customer
WHERE month_column > DATEADD(month, 0, GETDATE())
SELECT customer_id
INTO #prevMonth
FROM customer
WHERE month_column > DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())
SELECT COUNT(customer_id)
FROM #thisMonth tm
INNERJOIN #prevMonth pm ON tm.customer_id = pm.customerID

How to i find records in the last month that do not have a "Date created" column

Im trying to find records that have not had notes created during the last 1 month. The table only registers when a note is created.
I am trying to find NULL values, but that would not be the correct logic
FROM vpersonnotesalldata AS pn
WHERE pn.flddatecreated > '20190501'
AND pn.fldnotedatecreated < '20190530'
If you want records which don't have a note in last 30 days, try this:
select p.* from person p where personid not in (
select personid from Note where dateCreated < dateadd(d, -30, GetDate())
Obviously use your actual table names in your sql
Try this with example last month
FROM vpersonnotesalldata AS pn
AND pn.CreateDateColumnHERE
BETWEEN '01.05.2019'
AND '31.05.2019'
It picks all pn.NoteColumnHERE which are NULL in the Span of pn.CreateDateColumnHERE BETWEEN 01.05. and 31.05.
I hope the Date Input is correct for your SQL Version. In Microsoft SQL it is working!
The performance will be much better if you use EXISTS / NOT EXISTS instead of IN / NOT IN
FROM Client C
FROM vpersonnotesalldata
fldClientNumber = C.fldClientNumber
AND fldnotedatecreated BETWEEN
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) --First day of previous month
AND DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())-1, -1) --Last Day of previous month

Simple sql query, but stuck on it

database mode
The only relevant table is 'employee' in the database model.
Asked: In which month are the most employee's birthdays?
By using
SELECT DATEPART(m, dateofbirth) AS month
FROM employee
I can actually see all the months for every employee and count it myself.
But how can I show the most common birthday month?
Thanks in advance!
recent output (for comment below)
You need to use GROUP BY. This groups up the separate month values. Once you've done that, you can apply COUNT, and then order the values in descending order on that statistic. Then you need to wrap that logic in a Common Table Expression, so you can select just the months that have the maximum COUNT.
WITH ranking AS (
DATEPART(m, dateofbirth) AS month,
COUNT(*) as ct
FROM DM_MTA.dbo.employee
GROUP BY DATEPART(m, dateofbirth)
where ct = (select max(ct) from ranking)
This would give you exact month you're looking for:
SELECT TOP 1 DATEPART(m, dateofbirth) AS month
FROM employee
GROUP BY DATEPART(m, dateofbirth)
ORDER BY count(DATEPART(m, dateofbirth)) DESC

SQL : Get last 3 month data (with only available data in the column), not from current month or today?

Anyone help me out on this scenario. I need to get a last 3 month data from particular column, which is not from current date but only from available date.
Ex :
I have one Table named Shop and column named OrderDate, In OrderDate i have only dates until 30-06-2017, but today's date is 07-02-2018. From this i need to get last 3 months data, which is Jun'17, May'17 and Apr'17.
If data available in till July'17 means i need result Jul'17,Jun'17 & May'17. And so on.
Any can help on this to achieve in SQL ?
Thanks in advance.
I assume that column OrderDate is of date or datetime datatype.
select * from Shop
where OrderDate >
(select dateadd(month, -3, max(OrderDate)) from Shop)
I think the easiest way to get this is to select the largest date in that table and use that to create the filter.
Select *
from table
where date >
('m', -3,
( Select Max (date) from table)
Apologies in advance for poor formatting
You will have to find the maximum date in the table and use that:
select s.*
from Shop s,
(select convert(date,
dateadd(MONTH, -3, max(OrderDate)), 'yyyyMM01')
,112) as fromDate from Shop) md
where s.OrderDate >= md.fromDate

SQL statement to get a total for a given date range

I am trying to get the number of bookings and their total value by date for every day within a given date range.
My table looks like:
BookingId (int)
BookingFare (decimal)
BookingDateTime (datetime)
I can convert BookingDateTime to a date only by using:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(8), BookingDateTime, 112) as BookingDateOnly
FROM [TaxiBookingOnline].[dbo].[Bookings]
What I'm after is something like this:
Date Bookings Value
2013-07-10 10 256.24
2013-07-11 12 321.44
2013-07-12 14 311.53
I get the feeling I should be aliasing the table, joining it to itself and then using 'GROUP BY' but I am failing to get this to work.
Any help would be much appreciated.
How about
cast(BookingDateTime as date) [Date],
count(*) [Bookings],
sum(BookingFare) [Value]
from t
group by cast(BookingDateTime as date)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), BookingsDateTime, 112) AS [Date],
COUNT(*) AS [Bookings],
SUM(BookingsFare AS [Value]
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, BookingDateTime))
Group by SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, dateColumn)) which will effectively get the date portion of the datetime, then you can use count or sum as necessary on the grouped values.
EDIT: If you're using SQL Server >= 2008, you can cast to date (like #AlexK has done) otherwise you have to hack around it using DATEADD.
Following is the code. Replace Date1 and Date2 with the date range values:
CONVERT(varchar(8), BookingDateTime, 112) as BookingDateOnly, BookingID Bookings,Sum(BookingFare)Value
WHERE BookingDateTime Between 'Date1' and 'Date2'
CONVERT(DATE,BookingDateTime) BookingDate,
COUNT(BookingID) Bookings,
SUM(BookingFare) BookingFare
FROM TaxiBookingOnline.dbo.Bookings