React Native + Redux Form : Wizard Form handleSubmit - react-native

I am trying to create wizard form in react native with the help of this example. but handleSubmit is not working.
this.setState({ page: + 1 });
const { page } = this.state;
{page === 1 && <WizardFormFirstPage nextPage={this.nextPage} />}
{page === 2 && <WizardFormSecondPage nextPage={this.nextPage} />}
{page === 3 && <WizardFormThirdPage onSubmit={this.submitForm} />}
WizardFormFirstPage and WizardFormSecondPage works fine. but when it comes on WizardFormThirdPage it doesn't do anything (I can't see any console log in my terminal for validations and submitForm function). here is the code written.
const WizardFormThirdPage = props => {
const { handleSubmit, onSubmit } = props;
return (
<Field name="street" component={InputField} label="Street" />
<Button style= {{ margin: 10 }} block primary onPress={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'signup', // <------ same form name
destroyOnUnmount: false, // <------ preserve form data
forceUnregisterOnUnmount: true, // <------ unregister fields on unmount

This is probably too late but I figured out what I was doing wrong.
While wrapping the react native InputText component with the redux form Field component. We have to pass props to the InputText component. I was passing props like this ...
<InputText {...props} />
The {...props} attaches all the event handlers like onChange, onSubmit, etc to the component so we don't have to do it manually. The issue lies here, that the InputText component has a onChangeText property rather than onChange which redux form injects into the props.
The correct way to do this is ..
const renderInput = ({ input: { onChange, ...restInput }}) => {
return <TextInput style={styles.input} onChangeText={onChange} {...restInput} />
const Form = props => {
const { handleSubmit } = props
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Field name="email" component={renderInput} />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleSubmit(submit)}>
<Text style={styles.button}>Submit</Text>
This answer came from the article Simple React Native forms with redux-form.


How to change state of react hook inside other component

I have a dialog, it look something like this, it have hook for showing this dialog, called showDialog , and dialog have a button with Onpress method
export default function DialogTesting(show: boolean) {
const [showDialog, doShow] = useState(show)
return (
{/* <Button
onPress={() => {
<Text>Show dialog</Text>
</Button> */}
title="Record New Progress"
onClose={() => {
And a main sceen , it also have hook to show dialog, called show,
export const MedicalRecord = memo(function MedicalRecord() {
// const onPressViewAll = useCallback(() => {}, [])
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
function hanndleDialog() {
return (
onPress={() => {
{show && (
callback={() => {
<RecordItem />
<RecordItem />
<RecordItem />
When i click the button in main screen, change hook show to true to show dialog, and use this hook state in dialog to set show in dialog to true to show that dialog, and in dialog, when i click button to close dialog, it disappear, but problem is, the state of show in main screen remain true, so i have to press twice to show dialog again
How can i change hook status in main screen, or how can i press close button in dialog, the show hook in main screen return false, i tried to change state of mainscreen in dialog but it won't work
Here is a short video of problem
You should maintain just one copy of your state in the parent component itself. Then pass "show" and "setShow" as props to the child component.
Parent Component:
export const MedicalRecord = memo(function MedicalRecord() {
// const onPressViewAll = useCallback(() => {}, [])
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
function hanndleDialog() {
return (
onPress={() => {
{show && (
setShow = {setShow}
<RecordItem />
<RecordItem />
<RecordItem />
Dialog Component:
export default function DialogTesting({show, setShow}) {
return (
{/* <Button
onPress={() => {
<Text>Show dialog</Text>
</Button> */}
title="Record New Progress"
onClose={() => {
It looks like you have 2 versions of local state at each component. You need to keep 1 version of "show" at the top most parent where you care to control this variable and then pass it down as a prop to your child components. Then on your child components you need to expose a callback that the parent will pass down and the child will call to trigger what occurs when the button is clicked in the child component.

Passing state via route.params with React Navigation returning undefined

I'm attempting to pass a 'passcode' state as params in my React Native app.
I'm doing this by passing params into a 'navigation.navigate' call.
However, every time I navigate to the next screen, it's returning 'undefined' for 'route.params'.
For reference, here is my component I'm passing data FROM:
const SignUpPasscodeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
const [passcode, setPasscode] = useState(0)
return (
<View style={styles.mainView}>
<SubLogo />
<Heading title="Set passcode" />
<SubHeading content="You'll need this anytime you need to access your account." />
<Input inputText={ text => setPasscode(text) } inputValue={passcode} />
<View style={styles.subView}>
<CtaButton text="Continue" onPressFunction={ () => navigation.navigate({ routeName: 'SignUpLegalName', params: { passcode } } ) } />
And here's the component I'm passing data to, and where the error occurs upon navigation:
const SignUpLegalName = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const { passcode } = route.params
return (
<View style={styles.mainView}>
<SubLogo />
<Heading title="Tell us your name" />
<SubHeading content="This needs to be the same as what's on your passport, or any other form of recognised ID." />
<Input />
<Input />
<View style={styles.subView}>
<CtaButton text="Continue" onPressFunction={ () => navigation.navigate('SignUpLink')} />
I've tried two forms of passing the props through:
Passing it in as a second argument
Passing it in as a 'params' object as shown above
Both should work according to the documentation - link here
For reference, this is my route structure:
const switchNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({
loginFlow: createStackNavigator({
SignUpPasscode: SignUpPasscodeScreen,
SignUpLegalName: SignUpLegalName,
The above structure doesn't say to me that it's a nested structure which therefore requires any additional work to pass it through...
Can someone help? It'd be appreciated as it's giving me a headache!
Have a try with below code in the button press event:
onPressFunction={() => navigation.navigate('SignUpLegalName',{ passcode })}

Entering input causes modal reloading automatically

In my React Native 0.62.3 app, a modal is used to collect user input. Here is the view code:
import { Modal, View, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native';
const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
const [shippingCost, setShippingCost] = useState(0);
const ReturnModal = () => {
if (isModalVisible) {
return (
<View style={styles.modalContainer}>
<Modal visible={isModalVisible}
animationType = {"slide"}
onBackdropPress={() => setModalVisible(false)}>
<View style={styles.modal}>
<Text>Enter Price</Text>
<TextInput keyboardType={'number-pad'} onChange={priceChange} value={price} autoFocus={true} placeholder={'Price'} />
<TextInput keyboardType={'number-pad'} onChange={shChange} value={shippingCost} placeholder={'SnH'} />
<View style={{flexDirection:"row"}}>
<Button title="Cancel" style={{bordered:true, backgroundColor:'red'}} onPress={modalCancel} />
<Button title="OK" style={{bordered:true, backgroundColor:'white'}} onPress={modalOk} />
} else {
return (null);
return (
<Container style={styles.container}>
//.....view code
<ReturnModal />
Here is 2 functions to reset state of price and shippingCost:
const priceChange = (value) => {
if (parseFloat(value)>0) {
const shChange = (value) => {
if (parseFloat(value)>=0) {
The problem is that whenever entering in the price field with keystroke, the modal reloads/resets itself automatically. Tried onChangeText in TextInput and it has the same problem.
It seems like you're declaring your hooks outside your component. Try putting them inside your ReturnModal function instead, like this:
const ReturnModal = () => {
const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
const [shippingCost, setShippingCost] = useState(0);
Documentation reference: Using the State Hook.
Also, I would strongly recommend using the React Hooks ESLint Plugin (among others) to detect issues with your hooks. Here is a guide on how to add this to your React Native project: Add Eslint Support to your React Native Project + React Hooks Rules.
Instead of using animationType = {"slide"} try using animatonType : 'none'

React Native TextInput ref always undefined

I have a simple TextInput that I want to put a reference on in my render:
<TextInput ref={(component) => this._inputElement = component}>Input</TextInput>
I want to then use that ref in a function above that is bound in my contructor:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
addresses: []
this.addAddress = this.addAddress.bind(this);
addAddress function:
addAddress(event, result) {
console.log("reference:", this._inputElement.value);
The console log in both the render and addAddress are always undefined.
I have looked around but no one seems to be having my problem, usually they have a typo or didn't bind the function they then want to call.
Why do I seem unable to have references?
Using State
Usually the way to use TextInput is to store the value in state.
Remember to initialize the address in your state as an empty string, otherwise having a null value for address could cause an error.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
address: ''
Then you could define your text input as follows
onChangeText={address => this.setState({address})}
Then in your addAddress
addAddress(event, result) {
console.log("reference:", this.state.address);
Using Refs
Alternatively you could use ._lastNativeText to access it from the reference
ref={ref => { this._inputElement = ref }}>
then in your addAddress
addAddress(event, result) {
// I always check to make sure that the ref exists
if (this._inputElement) {
console.log("reference:", this._inputElement._lastNativeText);
I wouldn't recommend the second method as you are accessing private methods that could be liable to change in a future release.
Textinput self-encloses
<TextInput ref={ref=> (this._inputElement = ref)}/>
addAddress(event, result) {
console.log("reference:", this._inputElement._lastNativeText); //this get's the value, otherwise it's undefined
This snippet works properly in react native and react native web:
const txtRef = useRef(null)
onChangeText={text => txtRef.current.value = text}
title='log and reset'
onPress={() => {
txtRef.current.value = ''

React native add active class when push the button

I have a 3 buttons on react native project iOS app. How can I set class active to clicked button and delete this class from others? Like addClass/removeClass that I had used on jquery?
First have your define your style "class".
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
btnSelected: {
notSelected : {
Then you can use a state property in your react component.
example :
state = {
btnSelected: 1
style={(this.state.btnSelected== 1)?styles.btnSelected:styles.notSelected}
onPress={() => this.setState({ btnSelected: 1 })} ... />
style={(this.state.btnSelected== 2)?styles.btnSelected:styles.notSelected} ...
onPress={() => this.setState({ btnSelected: 2 })} .../>
style={(this.state.btnSelected== 3)?styles.btnSelected:styles.notSelected}
onPress={() => this.setState({ btnSelected: 3 })} ... />
The key concept in React and React Native is, that you don't imperatively set the state of your UI. Instead, you change some state, and then declaratively render the UI based on that.
You could, for example use the local component state (this.state):
class Buttons extends React.Component {
state = {
activeButton: 'first'
render() {
return (
onPress={() => this.setState({ activeButton: 'first' })}
isActive={this.state.activeButton === 'first'}
onPress={() => this.setState({ activeButton: 'second' })}
isActive={this.state.activeButton === 'second'}
onPress={() => this.setState({ activeButton: 'third' })}
isActive={this.state.activeButton === 'third'}
The onPress event handler sets local component state with setState, which causes the component to immediately re-render. The isActive property is then set on all the buttons based on the expression that compares this.state.activeButton with some value.