Taguchi methods - number of experiments - reg - minitab

I want to conduct an experiment with ten factors ( factors like costs and capacities) to know the influence of each factor on the optimum value of an optimization problem. I want to know the number of levels required for each factor and the number of experiments required with factor levels for each experiment.
Cost of experiment is not a matter because these are experiments are going to be run using a software, but the time required to run is important because if large number of experiments are required the time will be more.
please throw light.

You have Minitab as a tag on this question; that said, Minitab has an excellent capability to help in planning DOEs. Go to the Assistant menu, then DOE, then Plan and Create...
If you click "Create Modeling Design" in the optimization experiment path, it will give you the setup screen where you can specify response, optimization objective, factors, etc. Notice that the design is a typical factorial-type design where low/high values are used in each experimental run. This should give good results, but just to let you know there are other design types that can be even better given the circumstances of each situation. For instance, you mentioned these are software experiments -- there is a nice design called a "Space Filling Design" which creates factor design points (not necessarily at low/high values) to optimally fill the design search space. These designs are often used for computer simulation experiments.
An excellent text on DOE is https://www.amazon.com/Design-Analysis-Experiments-Douglas-Montgomery/dp/1118146921


Dynamic number of test cases in genetic programming?

When looking at Genetic programming papers, it seems to me that the number of test cases is always fixed. However, most mutations should (?) at every stage of the execution be very deleterious, i. e. make it obvious after one test case that the mutated program performs much worse than the previous one. What happens if you, at first, only try very few (one?) test case and look whether the mutation makes any sense?
Is it maybe so that different test cases test for different features of the solutions, and one mutation will probably improve only one of those features?
I don't know if I agree with your assumption that most mutations should be very deleterious, but you shouldn't care even if they were. Your goal is not to optimize the individuals, but to optimize the population. So trying to determine if a "mutation makes any sense" is exactly what genetic programming is supposed to do: i.e. eliminate mutations that "don't make sense." Your only "guidance" for the algorithm should come through the fitness function.
I'm also not sure what you mean with "test case", but for me it sounds like you are looking for something related to multi-objective-optimization (MOO). That means you try to optimize a solution regarding different aspects of the problem - therefore you do not need to mutate/evaluate a population for a specific test-case, but to find a multi objective fitness function.
"The main idea in MOO is the notion of Pareto dominance" (http://www.gp-field-guide.org.uk)
I think this is a good idea in theory but tricky to put into practice. I can't remember seeing this approach actually used before but I wouldn't be surprised if it has.
I presume your motivation for doing this is to improve the efficiency of the applying the fitness function - you can stop evaluation early and discard the individual (or set fitness to 0) if the tests look like they're going to be terrible.
One challenge is to decide how many test cases to apply; discarding an individual after one random test case is surely not a good idea as the test case could be a real outlier. Perhaps terminating evaluation after 50% of test cases if the fitness of the individual was <10% of the best would probably not discard any very good individuals; on the other hand it might not be worth it given a lot of individuals will be of middle-of-the road fitness and might well only save a small proportion of the computation. You could adjust the numbers so you save more effort, but the more effort you try to save the more chances you have of genuinely good individuals being discarded by accident.
Factor in the extra time to taken to code this and possible bugs etc. and I shouldn't think the benefit would be worthwhile (unless this is a research project in which case it might be interesting to try it and see).
I think it's a good idea. Fitness evaluation is the most computational intense process in GP, so estimating the fitness value of individuals in order to reduce the computational expense of actually calculating the fitness could be an important optimization.
Your idea is a form of fitness approximation, sometimes it's called lazy evaluation (try searching these words, there are some research papers).
There are also distinct but somewhat overlapping schemes, for instance:
Dynamic Subset Selection (Chris Gathercole, Peter Ross) is a method to select a small subset of the training data set on which to actually carry out the GP algorithm;
Segment-Based Genetic Programming (Nailah Al-Madi, Simone Ludwig) is a technique that reduces the execution time of GP by partitioning the dataset into segments and using the segments in the fitness evaluation process.
PS also in the Brood Recombination Crossover (Tackett) child programs are usually evaluated on a restricted number of test cases to speed up the crossover.

Looking for ideas/references/keywords: adaptive-parameter-control of a search algorithm (online-learning)

I'm looking for ideas/experiences/references/keywords regarding an adaptive-parameter-control of search algorithm parameters (online-learning) in combinatorial-optimization.
A bit more detail:
I have a framework, which is responsible for optimizing a hard combinatorial-optimization-problem. This is done with the help of some "small heuristics" which are used in an iterative manner (large-neighborhood-search; ruin-and-recreate-approach). Every algorithm of these "small heuristics" is taking some external parameters, which are controlling the heuristic-logic in some extent (at the moment: just random values; some kind of noise; diversify the search).
Now i want to have a control-framework for choosing these parameters in a convergence-improving way, as general as possible, so that later additions of new heuristics are possible without changing the parameter-control.
There are at least two general decisions to make:
A: Choose the algorithm-pair (one destroy- and one rebuild-algorithm) which is used in the next iteration.
B: Choose the random parameters of the algorithms.
The only feedback is an evaluation-function of the new-found-solution. That leads me to the topic of reinforcement-learning. Is that the right direction?
Not really a learning-like-behavior, but the simplistic ideas at the moment are:
A: A roulette-wheel-selection according to some performance-value collected during the iterations (near past is more valued than older ones).
So if heuristic 1 did find all the new global best solutions -> high probability of choosing this one.
B: No idea yet. Maybe it's possible to use some non-uniform random values in the range (0,1) and i'm collecting some momentum of the changes.
So if heuristic 1 last time used alpha = 0.3 and found no new best solution, then used 0.6 and found a new best solution -> there is a momentum towards 1
-> next random value is likely to be bigger than 0.3. Possible problems: oscillation!
Things to remark:
- The parameters needed for good convergence of one specific algorithm can change dramatically -> maybe more diversify-operations needed at the beginning, more intensify-operations needed at the end.
- There is a possibility of good synergistic-effects in a specific pair of destroy-/rebuild-algorithm (sometimes called: coupled neighborhoods). How would one recognize something like that? Is that still in the reinforcement-learning-area?
- The different algorithms are controlled by a different number of parameters (some taking 1, some taking 3).
Any ideas, experiences, references (papers), keywords (ml-topics)?
If there are ideas regarding the decision of (b) in a offline-learning-manner. Don't hesitate to mention that.
Thanks for all your input.
You have a set of parameter variables which you use to control your set of algorithms. Selection of your algorithms is just another variable.
One approach you might like to consider is to evolve your 'parameter space' using a genetic algorithm. In short, GA uses an analogue of the processes of natural selection to successively breed ever better solutions.
You will need to develop an encoding scheme to represent your parameter space as a string, and then create a large population of candidate solutions as your starting generation. The genetic algorithm itself takes the fittest solutions in your set and then applies various genetic operators to them (mutation, reproduction etc.) to breed a better set which then become the next generation.
The most difficult part of this process is developing an appropriate fitness function: something to quantitatively measure the quality of a given parameter space. Your search problem may be too complex to measure for each candidate in the population, so you will need a proxy model function which might be as hard to develop as the ideal solution itself.
Without understanding more of what you've written it's hard to see whether this approach is viable or not. GA is usually well suited to multi-variable optimisation problems like this, but it's not a silver bullet. For a reference start with Wikipedia.
This sounds like hyper heuristics which you're trying to do. Try looking for that keyword.
In Drools Planner (open source, java) I have support for tabu search and simulated annealing out the box.
I haven't implemented the ruin-and-recreate-approach (yet), but that should be easy, although I am not expecting better results. Challenge: Prove me wrong and fork it and add it and beat me in the examples.
Hyper heuristics are on my TODO list.

What model best suits optimizing for a real-time strategy game?

An article has been making the rounds lately discussing the use of genetic algorithms to optimize "build orders" in StarCraft II.
The initial state of a StarCraft match is pre-determined and constant. And like chess, decisions made in this early stage of the match have long-standing consequences to a player's ability to perform in the mid and late game. So the various opening possibilities or "build orders" are under heavy study and scrutiny. Until the circulation of the above article, computer-assisted build order creation probably wasn't as popularity as it has been recently.
My question is... Is a genetic algorithm really the best way to model optimizing build orders?
A build order is a sequence of actions. Some actions have prerequisites like, "You need building B before you can create building C, but you can have building A at any time." So a chromosome may look like AABAC.
I'm wondering if a genetic algorithm really is the best way to tackle this problem. Although I'm not too familiar with the field, I'm having a difficult time shoe-horning the concept of genes into a data structure that is a sequence of actions. These aren't independent choices that can be mixed and matched like a head and a foot. So what value is there to things like reproduction and crossing?
I'm thinking whatever chess AIs use would be more appropriate since the array of choices at any given time could be viewed as tree-like in a way.
Although I'm not too familiar with the field, I'm having a difficult time shoe-horning the concept of genes into a data structure that is a sequence of actions. These aren't independent choices that can be mixed and matched like a head and a foot. So what value is there to things like reproduction and crossing?
Hmm, that's a very good question. Perhaps the first few moves in Starcraft can indeed be performed in pretty much any order, since contact with the enemy is not as immediate as it can be in Chess, and therefore it is not as important to remember the order of the first few moves as it is to know which of the many moves are included in those first few. But the link seems to imply otherwise, which means the 'genes' are indeed not all that amenable to being swapped around, unless there's something cunning in the encoding that I'm missing.
On the whole, and looking at the link you supplied, I'd say that genetic algorithms are a poor choice for this situation, which could be accurately mathematically modelled in some parts and the search tree expanded out in others. They may well be better than an exhaustive search of the possibility space, but may not be - especially given that there are multiple populations and poorer ones are just wasting processing time.
However, what I mean by "a poor choice" is that it is inefficient relative to a more appropriate approach; that's not to say that it couldn't still produce 98% optimal results in under a second or whatever. In situations such as this where the brute force of the computer is useful, it is usually more important that you have modelled the search space correctly than to have used the most effective algorithm.
As TaslemGuy pointed out, Genetic Algorithms aren't guaranteed to be optimal, even though they usually give good results.
To get optimal results you would have to search through every possible combination of actions until you find the optimal path through the tree-like representation. However, doing this for StarCraft is difficult, since there are so many different paths to reach a goal. In chess you move a pawn from e2 to e4 and then the opponent moves. In StarCraft you can move a unit at instant x or x+1 or x+10 or ...
A chess engine can look at many different aspects of the board (e.g. how many pieces does it have and how many does the opponent have), to guide it's search. It can ignore most of the actions available if it knows that they are strictly worse than others.
For a build-order creator only time really matters. Is it better to build another drone to get minerals faster, or is it faster to start that spawning pool right away? Not as straightforward as with chess.
These kinds of decisions happen pretty early on, so you will have to search each alternative to conclusion before you can decide on the better one, which will take a long time.
If I were to write a build-order optimizer myself, I would probably try to formulate a heuristic that estimates how good (close the to the goal state) the current state is, just as chess engines do:
Score = a*(Buildings_and_units_done/Buildings_and_units_required) - b*Time_elapsed - c*Minerals - d*Gas + e*Drone_count - f*Supply_left
This tries to keep the score tied to the completion percentage as well as StarCraft common knowledge (keep your ressources low, build drones, don't build more supply than you need). The variables a to f would need tweaking, of course.
After you've got a heuristic that can somewhat estimate the worth of a situation, I would use Best-first search or maybe IDDFS to search through the tree of possibilities.
I recently found a paper that actually describes build order optimization in StarCraft, in real time even. The authors use depth-first search with branch and bound and heuristics that estimate the minimum amount of effort required to reach the goal based on the tech tree (e.g. zerglings need a spawning pool) and the time needed to gather the required minerals.
Genetic Algorithm can be, or can sometimes not be, the optimal or non-optimal solution. Based on the complexity of the Genetic Algorithm, how much mutation there is, the forms of combinations, and how the chromosomes of the genetic algorithm is interpreted.
So, depending on how your AI is implemented, Genetic Algorithms can be the best.
You are looking at a SINGLE way to implement genetic algorithms, while forgetting about genetic programming, the use of math, higher-order functions, etc. Genetic algorithms can be EXTREMELY sophisticated, and by using clever combining systems for crossbreeding, extremely intelligent.
For instance, neural networks are optimized by genetic algorithms quite often.
Look up "Genetic Programming." It's similar, but uses tree-structures instead of lines of characters, which allows for more complex interactions that breed better. For more complex stuff, they typically work out better.
There's been some research done using hierarchical reinforcement learning to build a layered ordering of actions that efficiently maximizes a reward. I haven't found much code implementing the idea, but there are a few papers describing MAXQ-based algorithms that have been used to explicitly tackle real-time strategy game domains, such as this and this.
This Genetic algorithm only optimizes the strategy for one very specific part of the game: The order of the first few build actions of the game. And it has a very specific goal as well: To have as many roaches as quickly as possible.
The only aspects influencing this system seem to be (I'm no starcraft player):
build time of the various units and
allowed units and buildings given the available units and buildings
Larva regeneration rate.
This is a relatively limited, relatively well defined problem with a large search space. As such it is very well suited for genetic algorithms (and quite a few other optimization algorithm at that). A full gene is a specific set of build orders that ends in the 7th roach. From what I understand you can just "play" this specific gene to see how fast it finishes, so you have a very clear fitness test.
You also have a few nice constraints on the build order, so you can combine different genes slightly smarter than just randomly.
A genetic algorithm used in this way is a very good tool to find a more optimal build order for the first stage of a game of starcraft. Due to its random nature it is also good at finding a surprising strategy, which might have been an additional goal of the author.
To use a genetic algorithm as the algorithm in an RTS game you'd have to find a way to encode reactions to situations rather than just plain old build orders. This also involves correctly identifying situations which can be a difficult task in itself. Then you'd have to let these genes play thousands of games of starcraft, against each other and (possibly) against humans, selecting and combining winners (or longer-lasting losers). This is also a good application of genetic algorithms, but it involves solving quite a few very hard problems before you even get to the genetic algorithm part.

Software Metrics in Agile Methodologies [closed]

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Agile methodologies are rather prevalent these days, but I cannot seem to find much documentation on what metrics are most useful and why. I have found many more things saying that some traditional metrics like LOC and code coverage of tests are not appropriate, leaving two main questions:
Why are those two (and other) metrics inappropriate?
What metrics are best for Agile and why?
Even with an Agile process, wouldn't you want to know how much code coverage you have with your unit tests? Or is it simply that this metric (and others) just are not as useful as other metrics like cyclomatic complexity and velocity?
Agile is a business oriented thing, Agile is about maximizing the customer value while minimizing waste to provide the most optimal ROI. This is what should get measured. And to do so, I use the system that Mary Poppendieck recommends. This system is based on three holistic measurements that must be taken as a package:
Cycle time
From product concept to first release or
From feature request to feature deployment or
From bug detection to resolution
Business Case Realization (without this, everything else is irrelevant)
P&L or
ROI or
Goal of investment
Customer Satisfaction
e.g. Net Promoter Score
Sure, at the team level you can track things like test coverage, cyclomatic complexity, conformance to coding standards, etc, but high quality is not an end in itself, it's just a mean. Don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying high quality doesn't matters, high quality is mandatory to achieve sustainable pace (and we include "no increase of the technical debt" in our Definition of Done) but still, the goal is to deliver value to the customer in a fast and profitable way.
Irrespective of methodology, there are some basic metrics that can and should be used.
According to S. Kahn, the most important are the following three:
size of product
number of defects found in final phase of testing
and number of defects found in the field.
If those are all you track, there's at least five ways they can be used:
calculate product defect rate (A)
calculate test defect rate (B)
determine a desirable goal for A and monitor the performance
determine a desirable goal for B and monitor the performance
assess correlation between A and B
if correlation is found, form metric of test effectiveness (B/A * 100%)
Although not necessarily fun to read, Metrics and Models of Software Quality Engineering provides an excellent in-depth software engineering and metrics overview.
1.1) LOC are easy to answer
They are really dependent of the language you use! The same feature might have a big difference when written on JAVA or on Ruby, for example
A not well written software might have more lines than a good one!
1.2) Code coverage
IMHO you should use metric, although its not perfect, it should give you a nice understanding on where your code needs more tests.
Just one point you should take care here is that it is also dependent of the language. There could be some situations where you have a class or method that you really don't need to test! For example a class with only getters and setters.
2) From (1) you just mentioned code metrics, but judging from your question about velocity, you are interested on metrics on all the creation process, so I would list some:
Velocity: The classic one and, if used well, it can enhance quite well an agile team performance, since you will know what your team can really do on a fixed time.
Burn up and burn down charts : they can give you a good notion about how the team is performing during the interaction (sprint)
There are some articles on InfoQ about this. Here and here.
As for question 1, I don't see any reason those metrics would be bad in an Agile process.
LOC provides you with a relative size measurement. While it may not always be useful to compare numbers between projects, it can provide you with a rate of growth within the project. If you can get it, the number of lines changed within a sprint may be useful as well to track a rate or refactoring.
Code coverage (of lines of code) gives you a general sense of whether or not your team is meeting a minimum bar of automated testing within a project.
As for question 2, keep the items above and here are a few more:
LOC versus test count. If you can, maintain separate ratios for unit, integration and system tests.
Average number of acceptance criteria versus test scenarios (or tests) for each story. It can help provide a better sense of whether or not your testing against the story's intent.
Number of defects discovered
Amount of work discovered (this is often captured by Agile tracking software) that wasn't part original estimates. It will help you judge if you are doing 'enough' planning.
Tracking consistencies, or lack thereof, of velocity sprint to sprint
While probably not popular and probably potentially dangerous, tracking estimates to work completed for each developer. While teams are supposed to be self organized and driven, not all teams are capable of dealing with human problems.
Just to add
Why LOC and Code Coverage of Tests are less than ideal:
Agile emphasizes outcome, not output (see Agile Manifesto). These two simply track output. Also, they do not properly measure refactoring, which is a vital aspect of Agile processes.
Another metric to consider would be Running Tested Features. I can't describe any better than this: http://xprogramming.com/articles/jatrtsmetric/
I'm going to answer to this very old question...
LOC and Test coverage are, in my opinion, good metrics, but they have one big problem: if you push them, you can make them grow fastly, but the result will be terryifing: tons of nonsense code, or in the test coverage, you can invoque all your code in a try-catch block and not write one single assert... Or even worse, just write one for "compliance" reasons, but without any business-facing or code-facing meaning...
So, these kind of metrics are very good if they help the team to honestly evaluate their outcome, but are an evil tool if they form part of some "compliance" rules, as using them in that way causes more harm (dead code, bad tests!) than what you originally wanted to achieve.
So, with every metric, think how you would trick it if you were forced to achieve a certain value, and think of the consequences... This is not an issue of LOC or test coverage, many other metrics can have similar outcome, even cyclomatic complexity... If you divide your code in a bad manner, you can reduce cyclomatic complexity, but it doesn't mean you get better or more readable code!
So, these kind of metrics are quite good to see what's happening inside a team, but any measure you take should be based on concrete goals, not on the metric itself... For example:
Test coverage is low: you implement coding dojos once a month to help train people to write testable code, you find out what code has the worst test coverage and try to implement a better / more testable architecture that helps / motivates developers to write test, etc.
As you can see, you never tell the team to achieve a certain value of test coverage, you just use the metric to see where you can improve and then look for measures that benefit your process, after a time you would expect test coverage to increase, but you are not pushing people to do so! You are evaluating changes in order to see if the measures are helping. If after a time you find out that test coverage has not changed with your measures, then it's time to look for other ideas, and so on...

What statistics concepts are useful for profiling?

I've been meaning to do a little bit of brushing up on my knowledge of statistics. One area where it seems like statistics would be helpful is in profiling code. I say this because it seems like profiling almost always involves me trying to pull some information from a large amount of data.
Are there any subjects in statistics that I could brush up on to get a better understanding of profiler output? Bonus points if you can point me to a book or other resource that will help me understand these subjects better.
I'm not sure books on statistics are that useful when it comes to profiling. Running a profiler should give you a list of functions and the percentage of time spent in each. You then look at the one that took the most percentage wise and see if you can optimise it in any way. Repeat until your code is fast enough. Not much scope for standard deviation or chi squared there, I feel.
All I know about profiling is what I just read in Wikipedia :-) but I do know a fair bit about statistics. The profiling article mentioned sampling and statistical analysis of sampled data. Clearly statistical analysis will be able to use those samples to develop some statistical statements on performance. Let's say you have some measure of performance, m, and you sample that measure 1000 times. Let's also say you know something about the underlying processes that created that value of m. For instance, if m is the SUM of a bunch of random variates, the distribution of m is probably normal. If m is the PRODUCT of a bunch of random variates, the distribution is probably lognormal. And so on...
If you don't know the underlying distribution and you want to make some statement about comparing performance, you may need what are called non-parametric statistics.
Overall, I'd suggest any standard text on statistical inference (DeGroot), a text that covers different probability distributions and where they're applicable (Hastings & Peacock), and a book on non-parametric statistics (Conover). Hope this helps.
Statistics is fun and interesting, but for performance tuning, you don't need it. Here's an explanation why, but a simple analogy might give the idea.
A performance problem is like an object (which may actually be multiple connected objects) buried under an acre of snow, and you are trying to find it by probing randomly with a stick. If your stick hits it a couple of times, you've found it - it's exact size is not so important. (If you really want a better estimate of how big it is, take more probes, but that won't change its size.) The number of times you have to probe the snow before you find it depends on how much of the area of the snow it is under.
Once you find it, you can pull it out. Now there is less snow, but there might be more objects under the snow that remains. So with more probing, you can find and remove those as well. In this way, you can keep going until you can't find anything more that you can remove.
In software, the snow is time, and probing is taking random-time samples of the call stack. In this way, it is possible to find and remove multiple problems, resulting in large speedup factors.
And statistics has nothing to do with it.
Zed Shaw, as usual, has some thoughts on the subject of statistics and programming, but he puts them much more eloquently than I could.
I think that the most important statistical concept to understand in this context is Amdahl's law. Although commonly referred to in contexts of parallelization, Amdahl's law has a more general interpretation. Here's an excerpt from the Wikipedia page:
More technically, the law is concerned
with the speedup achievable from an
improvement to a computation that
affects a proportion P of that
computation where the improvement has
a speedup of S. (For example, if an
improvement can speed up 30% of the
computation, P will be 0.3; if the
improvement makes the portion affected
twice as fast, S will be 2.) Amdahl's
law states that the overall speedup of
applying the improvement will be
I think one concept related to both statistics and profiling (your original question) that is very useful and used by some (you see the technique advised from time to time) is while doing "micro profiling": a lot of programmers will rally and yell "you can't micro profile, micro profiling simply doesn't work, too many things can influence your computation".
Yet simply run n times your profiling, and keep only x% of your observations, the ones around the median, because the median is a "robust statistic" (contrarily to the mean) that is not influenced by outliers (outliers being precisely the value you want to not take into account when doing such profiling).
This is definitely a very useful statistician technique for programmers who want to micro-profile their code.
If you apply the MVC programming method with PHP this would be what you need to profile:
Controller Setup time
Model Setup time
View Setup time
Query - Time
Name - Value
Name - Value