I have a problem with passing variables to fpdf. First script is getting post text sent to filtering class, the class is returning filtered POST-s as a 2 element array. First script looks like this:
$pdf_filter = new Pdf_filter;
$filter = $pdf_filter->pdfFilter();
I'm extracting $filter array to get variables from it (filtering script is creating variables of the POST that are sent and I can echo them so I don't know if this is even necessary).
The second script looks like this:
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(195,5, $tytul, 0,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(195,5, $petycja, 0,1,'C');
and I'm getting this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: tytul in E:\Xampp\htdocs\php\bazy_danych\obiektowe\my\pdf.php on line 10
Notice: Undefined variable: petycja in E:\Xampp\htdocs\php\bazy_danych\obiektowe\my\pdf.php on line 11
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file' in E:\Xampp\php\fpdf181\fpdf.php:271
Stack trace: #0 E:\Xampp\php\fpdf181\fpdf.php(1063): FPDF->Error('Some data has a...')
#1 E:\Xampp\php\fpdf181\fpdf.php(999): FPDF->_checkoutput()
#2 E:\Xampp\htdocs\php\bazy_danych\obiektowe\my\pdf.php(12): FPDF->Output()
#3 E:\Xampp\htdocs\php\bazy_danych\obiektowe\my\test.php(3): include('E:\\Xampp\\htdocs...')
#4 {main} thrown in E:\Xampp\php\fpdf181\fpdf.php on line 271
How should I pass the variables? Interesting: it works if I use the unfiltered $_POST with the following code:
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(195,5, $_POST['tytul'], 0,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(195,5, $_POST['petycja'], 0,1,'C');
EDIT: I will post the initial form and filtering function:
<form action="test.php" method="POST">
Wpisz tytuł petycji (35 znaków):<br>
<input type="text" name="tytul" maxlength="35" size="35" placeholder="Tytuł petycji" required><br>
Wpisz treść petycji (500 znaków):<br>
<textarea name="petycja" maxlength="500" rows="4" cols="50" placeholder="Treść petycji" required></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" value="Napisz petycje">
Filtering function:
class Pdf_filter{
protected $title;
protected $text;
public function pdfFilter(){
if (isset($_POST)){
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
$filterVal = strip_tags($val);
$filterVal = htmlspecialchars($filterVal);
$filterVal = stripslashes($filterVal);
$filterVal = str_replace("\\", "", $filterVal);
$filter = array($key => $filterVal);
foreach ($filter as $key => $val) {
echo "[$$key]";
echo "$val<br>";
${$key} = $val;
if(!preg_match("/^[\sa-zA-ZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻąćęłńóśźż0-9-_,.:\'?()]+$/", $tytul)){
echo "Niedozwolone znaki $tytul!";
elseif(!preg_match("/^[\sa-zA-ZĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻąćęłńóśźż0-9-_,.:\'?()]+$/", $petycja)){
echo "Niedozwolone znaki $petycja!";
return $filter = array('tytul'=>$tytul,'petycja'=>$petycja);
echo "Proszę wypełnić wszytskie pola!";
Well I am dumb. The problem was related with class variables. Code that happened to work for me:
class Pdf extends FPDF{
protected $filter;
protected $tytul;
protected $petycja;
public function __construct($filter){
$this->filter = extract($filter);
$this->tytul = $tytul;
$this->petycja = $petycja;
public function tytul(){
return $this->tytul;
public function petycja(){
return $this->petycja;
public function dokument(){
$this->Cell(195,5, $this->tytul, 0,1,'C');
$this->Cell(195,5, $this->petycja, 0,1,'C');
Now I need to think of a way to display polish symbols in fpdf and line breaks (but that maybe done with text editor isntead of just textbox).
I am having a node type with machine name to_do_item, and I want to create a module called managefinishdate to update the node: when a user edit the node's field (field_status) to "completed" and click "save", then the module will auto update the field_date_finished to current date.
I have tried to create the module and already success to install in "Extend":
function managefinishdate_todolist_update(\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
however, I am not sure is this module being called, because whatever I echo inside, seems nothing appeared.
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
/** * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
* If a user update status to Completed,
* update the finished date as save date
function managefinishdate_todolist_update(\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
//$entity_type = 'node';
//$bundles = ['to_do_item'];
//$fld_finishdate = 'field_date_finished';
//if ($entity->getEntityTypeId() != $entity_type || !in_array($entity->bundle(), $bundles)) {
Following Drupal convention, your module named 'manage_finish_date' should contain a 'manage_finish_date.module file that sits in the root directory that should look like this:
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function manage_finish_date_node_insert(Node $node) {
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
function manage_finish_date_node_update(Node $node) {
You should also have another file called 'src/ManageFinishDate.php' that should look like this:
namespace Drupal\manage_finish_date;
use Drupal;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
class ManageFinishDate {
public static function update_time($node, $action = 'create') {
// Entity bundles to act on
$bundles = array('to_do_item');
if (in_array($node->bundle(), $bundles)) {
// Load the node and update
$status = $node->field_status->value;
$node_to_update = Node::load($node);
if ($status == 'completed') {
$request_time = Drupal::time();
$node_to_update->set('field_date_finished', $request_time);
The code is untested, but should work. Make sure that the module name, and namespace match as well as the class filename and class name match for it to work. Also, clear you cache once uploaded.
This will handle newly created and updated nodes alike.
Please look after this sample code which may help you:
function YOUR_MODULE_entity_presave(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
switch ($entity->bundle()) {
//Replace CONTENT_TYPE with your actual content type
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
if ($node instanceof \Drupal\node\NodeInterface) {
// Set the current date
I have a problem with a code in php it shows me this as errors.
mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in
C:\xampp\htdocs\search_engine\insert.php on line 99
And this is the code :
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=srgn;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', '123456');
$s_link = $_POST["s_link"];
$s_key = $_POST["s_key"];
$s_des = $_POST["s_des"];
$sql = "insert(site_link, site_key, site_des) values('$s_link', '$s_key', '$s_des')";
$rs = mysqli_query($sql);
echo "<script> alert('Site uploaded successfully') </script>";
echo "<script> alert('Uploading failed, please try agin.') </script>";
Where is the error please, and how can I set it?
Pass on the connection link as the first parameter and the SQL query as the second parameter. This is required as you are doing procedural code. Refer to the link below for more details
I premise I'm new to php. I've tried to create a php page that displays the content of a MySQL database. As I try it in localhost I have this warning:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_results() in C:\xampp\htdocs\phplessons\guestbook_displayer_2.php on line 18". It seems the db connection works. Someone have a tip?
This is my code:
<title>Display MySQL db</title>
$db=mysql_connect("localhost","root","mypassword"); //db connection
mysql_select_db ("prova001"); //choose a db
$res=mysql_query("SELECT * from php_guestbook"); //query a table
// begin table
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>Nr.</td><td>First name</td>";
echo"<td>Last name</td><td>Country</td>";
echo"<td>E-Mail address</td><td>Telephone</td></tr>";
// contatore
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++)
$cg=mysql_results($res,$i,"firstname"); // line 18 this var is undefined.
$nm=mysql_results($res,$i,"lastname"); //Probably also the others have a similar problem.
$np=mysql_results($res,$i,"country"); //Can it be due to a bad record counter?
echo "<tr><td>$lf</td><td>$cg</td><td>$nm</td><td>$np</td><td>$st</td><td>$tl</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
You have probably made a typo. The method is mysql_result() without 's'.
But, you can shorten your query result handling by this way ;
// query
$res=mysql_query("SELECT * from php_guestbook"); //query a table
// begin table
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>Nr.</td><td>First name</td>";
echo"<td>Last name</td><td>Country</td>";
echo"<td>E-Mail address</td><td>Telephone</td></tr>";
while ($item = #mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
// do something with var $item;
$cg = $item['firstname'];
$nm = $item['lastname'];
// ect
I want to create a drop down option using Magento module that populate the data from the database I created.
Previously, I have this code in My IndexController.php which is work. This is the first code.
public function dropdownAction() {
if (file_exists('./app/etc/local.xml')) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file('./app/etc/local.xml');
$tblprefix = $xml->global->resources->db->table_prefix;
$dbhost = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->host;
$dbuser = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->username;
$dbpass = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->password;
$dbname = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->dbname;
else {
exit('Failed to open ./app/etc/local.xml');
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Unable to select database");
$tblname = $tblprefix.'my_db_table';
$result = mysql_query("SELECT dropdowndata FROM ".$tblname."");
echo '<select>';
while ($ary = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo "<option>" . $ary['dropdowndata '] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
But I think the code above is not the Magento way. Do you agree?
Now, I want to populate the data with this code in IndexController.php. This is the second code.
public function dropdownAction() {
$options= Mage::getModel('my/model')->getCollection();
foreach($options as $option){
$optionData = $option->getDropdowndata ();
echo "<select>";
echo "<option>" .$optionData."</option>";
echo "</select>";
Using the code above, the data was populated but one data with one drop down option. So there are so many drop down options appear on the browser, each drop down option will contain only one data.
I think I am missing the while ($ary = mysql_fetch_array($result)). But I confuse how to include that code?
So, my question is how to do mysql_fetch_array in Magento? Or can somebody please explain how to make the second code above work like the first code.
getData() function returns an array of the whole data, and of course need move 'select' nodes out of the foreach
echo "<select>";
foreach($options as $option){
$optionData = $option->getData();
echo "<option>" .$optionData['somekey'] ."</option>";
echo "</select>";
But I think would be better use the magento magic functions, for example if you have 'entity_id' column in DB you can get value using $option->getEntityId(), etc...
And why do you have select inside of foreach? I think something like this will solve your problem:
public function dropdownAction() {
$options= Mage::getModel('my/model')->getCollection();
echo "<select>";
foreach($options as $option){
$optionData = $option->getDropdowndata ();
echo "<option>" .$optionData."</option>";
echo "</select>";
I don't speak english fluently (i'm french) so i will be
i followed the tutorial here and i got this structure
My problem is that, when i created my first form and tried to view it in my browser, i got the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'Admin_Form_Login' not found in C:\wamp\www\get\application\modules\default\controllers\IndexController.php on line 14.
Here is my code:
My controller : /modules/etat/controller/IndexController.php
class Etat_IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
/* Initialize action controller here */
public function indexAction()
// action body
$form = new Etat_Form_InfoAgent();
$this->view->form = $form;
My form : /modules/etat/forms/InfoAgent.php
class Etat_Form_InfoAgent extends Zend_Form
public function init()
/* Form Elements & Other Definitions Here ... */
$login = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('matricule');
$password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('agence');
$password->setLabel('Code agence:');
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
//$submit->style = array('float: right');
My view : /modules/etat/view/script/index.phtml
<br /><br />
<div id="view-content">
<?php echo $this->form; ?>
Configuration file : configs/application.ini
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
appnamespace = "Application"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0
;Modular structure
resources.modules[] =
resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
resources.frontController.params.prefixDefaultModule = "1"
;database ressources
resources.db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
resources.db.params.host = localhost
resources.db.params.username = root
resources.db.params.password =
resources.db.params.dbname = bd_test
[staging : production]
[testing : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
I have searched the web for solution but i didn't get it. I saw a post about the same problem on your website (stackoverflow) and i tried to aplly your instructions without solving my problem.
i precise that i haven't change the code on my bootstrap and my public/index.php file
I hope you could help me soon.
Make sure you have created a Bootstrap.php in each module directory, which looks like:
class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
In which Admin is the name of the module.
Also, make sure there is actually a file Login.php inside directory modules/admin/forms with a class Admin_Form_Login