AWS cloud watch "Latency" metric and jmeter "Average" metric in summary report for api performance testing - api

While load/performance testing of API on ELB in AWS using JMeter, I see
AWS cloud watch Latency metric = 10 ms (seems good) and in JMeter's Summary Report Average metric = 3000 ms (seems bad).
The API returns 1MB of JSON data, but I don't understand why there is so much difference in numbers and is this api performance acceptable?
If the SLA said to have 100 ms API response time.

You are looking into different metrics:
Latency: JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received.
Elapsed time: JMeter measures the elapsed time from just before sending the request to just after the last response has been received.
So Latency is included into response time, it is so-called Time To First Byte and Elapsed Time is the Time to Last Byte. My expectation is that you should be sticking to what JMeter reports so you won't be confused with the metrics coming from different sources, JMeter is at least open source therefore you have the confidence regarding how the metrics are calculated.
If response time of 3 seconds is too high you can start looking into the reasons for this which could be:
Your API server is simply overloaded, check out CPU, RAM, Network, Disk usage using i.e. aforementioned Amazon CloudWatch or JMeter PerfMon Plugin
Your application configuration might not be ready for high loads. The majority of web/application/database servers defaults are suitable for application development and debugging only (same applies to JMeter) so most probably you will need to tune infrastructure.
Your application uses non-optimal algorithms. Use profiler tools to inspect where it spends time, what are the "heaviest" methods, how long database calls last, etc.
Also if your application is behind the ELB JMeter can cache IP address of one of the entry nodes and all your requests will be hitting only one host. To avoid this situation add DNS Cache Manager to your Test Plan.
JMeter Glossary
JMeter Best Practices
The DNS Cache Manager: The Right Way To Test Load Balanced Apps


How much maximum thread capacity of jmeter command line mode?

I have to test load testing for 32000 users, duration 15 minutes. And I have run it on command line mode. Threads--300, ramp up--100, loop 1. But after showing some data, it is freeze. So I can't get the full report/html. Even i can't run for 50 users. How can I get rid of this. Please let me know.
From 0 to 2147483647 threads depending on various factors including but not limited to:
Hardware specifications of the machine where you run JMeter
Operating system limitations (if any) of the machine where you run JMeter
JMeter Configuration
The nature of your test (protocol(s) in use, the size of request/response, presence of pre/post processors, assertions and listeners)
Application response time
Phase of the moon
There is no answer like "on my macbook I can have about 3000 threads" as it varies from test to test, for GET requests returning small amount of data the number will be more, for POST requests uploading huge files and getting huge responses the number will be less.
The approach is the following:
Make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices
Set up monitoring of the machine where you run JMeter (CPU, RAM, Swap usage, etc.), if you don't have a better idea you can go for JMeter PerfMon Plugin
Start your test with 1 user and gradually increase the load at the same time looking into resources consumption
When any of monitored resources consumption starts exceeding reasonable threshold, i.e. 80% of maximum available capacity stop your test and see how many users were online at this stage. This is how many users you can simulate from particular this machine for particular this test.
Another machine or test - repeat from the beginning.
Most probably for 32000 users you will have to go for distributed testing
If your test "hangs" even for smaller amount of users (300 could be simulated even with default JMeter settings and maybe even in GUI mode):
take a look at jmeter.log file
take a thread dump and see what threads are doing

Performance Indicators for Load Testing?

Currently I am working my way into the topic of load and performance testing. In our planning, however, the customer now wants to have indicators for the load and performance test named. Here I am personally however over-questioned. What exactly are the performance indicators within a load and performance test?
You can separate the Performance indicators based on Client Side and Server Side Indicators:
1. Client Side Indicators : JMeter Dashboard
Average Response Time
Minimum Response Time
Maximum Response Time
90th Percentile
95th Percentile
99th Percentile
Network Byte Send
Network Byte Received
Error% and different types of Error received
Response Time Over Time
Active Threads Over Time
Latencies Over Time
Connect Time Over Time
Hits Per Second
Codes Per Second
Transactions Per Second
Total Transactions Per Second etc.
You can also obtain Composite Graphs for better understanding.
2. Server Side Indicators :
CPU Utilization
Memory Utilization
Disk Details
Filesystem Details
Network Trafic Details
Network Socket
Network Netstat
Network TCP
Network UDP
Network ICMP etc.
3. Component Level Monitoring :
Language Specific likes Java, .Net, Python etc.
Database Server
Web Server
Application Server
Broker Statistics
Load Balancers etc.
Just to name a few.

jmeter Load Test Serevr down issues

I was used a load of 100 using ultimate thread group for execution in NON GUI Mode .
The Execution takes place around 5 mins. only . After that my test environment got shut down. I am not able to drill down the issues. What could be the reason for server downs. my environment supports for 500 users.
How do you know your environment supports 500 users?
100 threads don't necessarily map to 100 real users, you need to consider a lot of stuff while designing your test, in particular:
Real users don't hammer the server non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations. So make sure you add Timers between requests and configure them to represent reasonable think times.
Real users use real browsers, real browsers download embedded resources (images, scripts, styles, fonts, etc) but they do it only once, on subsequent requests the resources are being returned from cache and no actual request is being made. Make sure to add HTTP Cache Manager to your Test Plan
You need to add the load gradually, this way you will be able to state what was amount of threads (virtual users) where response time start exceeding acceptable values or errors start occurring. Generate a HTML Reporting Dashboard, look into metrics and correlate them with the increasing load.
Make sure that your application under test has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Disk space, etc. You can monitor these counters using JMeter PerfMon Plugin.
Check your application logs, most probably they will have some clue to the root cause of the failure. If you're familiar with the programming language your application is written in - using a profiler tool during the load test can tell you the full story regarding what's going on, what are the most resources consuming functions and objects, etc.

How can JMeter identify what to optimize in a website?

I'm new with website performance testing field and will be using JMeter. After playing with it, I am still having troubles with identifying what to optimize in a website load time?
I'm currently still learning about the load testing - who should I give the performance report to? Developers/Programmers? or Network department? Example of an error I usually get is 502 error or timeouts.
Thanks in advance.
JMeter cannot identify anything, all it does is executing HTTP requests and measuring response times. Ideally it should be you, who takes JMeter raw results, performs analysis and creating the final report highlighting current problems and bottlenecks (and ideally what needs to be done to fix them)
Consider the following checklist:
You load test needs to be realistic, a test which doesn't represent real-life application usage does not make sense. So make sure your JMeter test carefully represents real users in terms of cookies, headers, cache, downloading images, styles and scripts, virtual user groups distribution, etc.
Increase and decrease the load gradually, this way you will be able to correlate such metrics as transactions per second and response time with increasing/decreasing number of users so make sure you apply reasonable ramp-up and ramp-down settings.
Monitor the application under test health. The reason of error may be as simple as lack of hardware resources (CPU, RAM, Disk, etc.). It can be done using i.e. PerfMon JMeter Plugin.
Do the same for JMeter instance(s). JMeter measures response time from "just before sending the request" until "last response byte arrives" so if JMeter is not able to send requests fast enough - you will have high response time without other visible reason.
Website load time is a combination of many factors including the browser rendering time, script execution time, resource download time etc. You can't use JMeter to validate the front end time. You can achieve it using chrome developer tools and other similar tools available for each browser. Refer
JMeter is primarily used for measuring the protocol level performance to ensure that you server can process the heavy workloads when it is subjected to real time stress conditions from several customers. It won't compute the java script execution time or HTML parsing time. Your JMeter script should be written in such a way that it emulates the logic of your java script executions and other presentation logic to form the request inputs and the subsequent requests.
Your question is way too open ended and you might have to start with a mentor who can help you with the whole process and train you.
Also, the mindset for functional testing and performance testing are totally different. Lot of key players in the performance area have suggested to measure the load time as part of the functional testing efforts while the majority of the server side performance is validated by the performance team.

Detecting Connection Speed / Bandwidth in .net/WCF

I'm writing both client and server code using WCF, where I need to know the "perceived" bandwidth of traffic between the client and server. I could use ping statistics to gather this information separately, but I wonder if there is a way to configure the channel stack in WCF so that the same statistics can be gathered simultaneously while performing my web service invocations. This would be particularly useful in cases where ICMP is disabled (e.g. ping won't work).
In short, while making my regular business-related web service calls (REST calls to be precise), is there a way to collect connection speed data implicitly?
Certainly I could time the web service round trip, compared to the size of data used in the round-trip, to give me an idea of throughput - but I won't know how much of that perceived bandwidth was network related, or simply due to server-processing latency. I could perhaps solve that by having the server send back a time delta, representing server latency, so that the client can compute the actual network traffic time. If a more sophisticated approach is not available, that might be my answer...
The ICMP was not created with the intention of trying those connection speed statistics, but rather if a valid connection was made between two hosts.
My best guess is that the amount of data sent in those REST calls or ICMP traffic is not enough to calculate a perceived connection speed / bandwidth.
If you calculate by these metrics, you will get very big bandwidth statistics or very low, use as an example the copy box in windows XP. You need a constant and substantial amount of data to be sent in order to calculate valid throughput statistics.