I have this query:
Select I.Invoice_Number, PA.Invoice_Number, I.Line_Amount, PA.Invoiced_Amount
from XXX as PA
Left join (select Invoice_Number, Line_Amount from Invoices) as I
on PA.Invoice_Number = I.Invoice_Number
Group by PA.Invoice_Number;
Both should give me the same amount of cost (I.Line_Amount = PA.Invoice_Amount) per Invoice_Number, yet I.Line_Amount is only bringing the first row on the list, while PA.Invoiced.Number brings the sum of the cost on that Invoice.
I tried using sum(Line_Amount) within the subquery but all records come out as Null.
Is there a way for me to join both tables and make sure that the amounts per invoice match to the total amount of that invoice?
If I understand you correctly (and you want to make sure that sum of Line_Amount in Invoices table is the same as Invoiced_Amount in XXX table) the second table should have invoice number and sum of amounts:
select I.Invoice_Number, PA.Invoice_Number, I.total, PA.Invoiced_Amount
from XXX as PA
left join (
select Invoice_Number, sum(Line_Amount) as total
from Invoices
group by Invoice_Number
) as I
on PA.Invoice_Number = I.Invoice_Number
You can try it here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/d1d010/1/0
Find the customer that spend less than 3$ on individual film rentals, but has spent a total higher than 15?
The query that I wrote is given below
SELECT CustomerID,Customer.CustomerFirstName,Customer.CustomerSurname,Total FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Customer.CustomerID,Customer.CustomerFirstName,Customer.CustomerSurname,sum(([Rental].[Quantity])*([Film].[FilmPrice])) AS Total
FROM Film RIGHT JOIN (Customer INNER JOIN Rental ON Customer.CustomerID = Rental.CustomerIDFk) ON Film.FilmID = Rental.FlimIDFk
GROUP BY Customer.CustomerID,Customer.CustomerFirstName,Customer.CustomerSurname) T WHERE Total>15;
Now how can I apply the second condition which is FilmPrice<3
Please help me out.
This is the ERD
Simply add another where clause inside the subquery, after your join on but before the group by for WHERE FilmPrice<3
You want to find the customers where the maximum price of a film they have rented is less than 3 and the total price of all the films they have rented is greater than 15.
Something like this:
SELECT CustomerID,
FROM Customer
WHERE CustomerId IN (
SELECT r.CustomerIDFk
FROM Rental r
ON ( f.FilmId = e.FilmIdFk )
GROUP BY r.CustomerIdFk
HAVING MAX(f.FilmPrice) < 3
AND SUM(f.FilmPrice * r.Quantity)>15
Consider this query:
(select * from orders where <condition>) as s,
(select * from products where <condition>) as p
s.id = p.order;
There are, for example, 200 records in products and 100 in orders (one order can contain one or more products).
I need to join then and then:
count products (should return 200)
count orders (should return 100)
sum by one of orders field (should return sum by 100 prices)
The problem is after join p and s has same length and for 2) I can write count(distinct s.id), but for 3) I'm getting duplicates (for example, if sale has 2 products it sums price twice) so sum works on entire 200 records set, but should query only 100.
Any thoughts how to sum only distinct records from joined table but also not ruin another selects?
Example, joined table has
id sale price
0 0 4
0 0 4
1 1 3
2 2 4
2 2 4
2 2 4
So the sum(s.price) will return:
but I need:
If the products table is really more of an "order lines" table, then the query would make sense. You can do what you want by in several ways. Here I'm going to suggest conditional aggregation:
select count(distinct p.id), count(distinct s.id),
sum(case when seqnum = 1 then s.price end)
from (select o.* from orders o where <condition>) s join
(select p.*, row_number() over (partition by p.order order by p.order) as seqnum
from products p
where <condition>
) p
on s.id = p.order;
Normally, a table called "products" would have one row per product, with things like a description and name. A table called something like "OrderLines" or "OrderProducts" or "OrderDetails" would have the products within a given order.
You are not interested in single product records, but only in their number. So join the aggregate (one record per order) instead of the single rows:
count(*) as count_orders,
sum(p.cnt) as count_products,
from orders as s
select order, count(*) as cnt
from products
where <condition>
group by order
) as p on p.order = s.id
where <condition>;
Your main problem is with table design. You currently have no way of knowing the price of a product if there were no sales on it. Price should be in the product table. A product cost a certain price. Then you can count all the products of a sale and also get the total price of the sale.
Also why are you using subqueries. When you do this no indexes will be used when joining the two subqueries. If your joins are that complicated use views. In most databases they can indexed
I have an Invoice model that has_many lines and has_many payments.
total (decimal)
I need to find all paid invoices. So I'm doing the following:
Invoice.joins(:lines, :payments).having(' sum(lines.total) = sum(payments.total').group('invoices.id')
Which queries:
FROM "invoices"
INNER JOIN "lines" ON "lines"."invoice_id" = "invoices"."id"
INNER JOIN "payments" ON "payments"."invoice_id" = "invoices"."id"
GROUP BY invoices.id
HAVING sum(lines.total) = sum(payments.total)
But it always return empty array even if there are invoices fully paid.
Is something wrong with my code?
If you join to more than one table with a 1:n relationship, the joined rows can multiply each other.
This related answer has more detailed explanation for the problem:
Two SQL LEFT JOINS produce incorrect result
To avoid that, sum the totals before you join. This way you join to exactly 1 (or 0) rows, and nothing is multiplied. Not only correct, also considerably faster.
SELECT i.*, l.sum_total
FROM invoices i
SELECT invoice_id, sum(total) AS sum_total
FROM lines
) l ON l.invoice_id = i.id
SELECT invoice_id, sum(total) AS sum_total
FROM payments
) p ON p.invoice_id = i.id
WHERE l.sum_total = p.sum_total;
Using [INNER] JOIN, not LEFT [OUTER] JOIN on purpose. Invoices that do not have any lines or payments are not of interest to begin with. Since we want "paid" invoices. For lack of definition and by the looks of the provided query, I am assuming that means invoices with actual lines and payments, both totaling the same.
If one invoice have a line and two payments fully paid like this:
id total invoice_id
1 30 1
id total invoice_id
1 10 1
2 20 1
Then join lines and payments to invoice with invoce_id will get 2 rows like this:
payment_id payment_total line_id line_total invoice_id
1 10 1 30 1
2 20 1 30 1
So the sum of line_total will not equal to sum of payment_total.
To get all paid invoice could use exists instead of joins:
(select 1 from
(select invoice_id
from (select invoice_id,sum(total) as line_total
from lines
group by invoice_id) as l
inner join (select invoice_id,sum(total) as payment_total
from payments
group by invoice_id) as p
on l.invoice_id = p.invoice_id
where payment_total = line_total) as paid
where invoices.id = paid.id) ")
The sub_query paid will get all paid invoice_ids.
I'm trying to optimize or change the SQL to work with inner joins rather than independent calls
Database: one invoice can have many payment records and order (products) records
(SELECT SUM(Orders.Cost) FROM Orders WHERE Orders.Invoice = InvoiceNum and Orders.Returned <> 1 GROUP BY Orders.Invoice) as vat_only,
(SELECT SUM(Orders.Vat) FROM Orders WHERE Orders.Invoice = InvoiceNum and Orders.Returned <> 1 GROUP BY Orders.Invoice) as sales_prevat,
(SELECT SUM(pay.Amount) FROM Payments as pay WHERE Invoices.InvoiceNum = pay.InvoiceNum ) as income
InvoiceYear = currentyear
I'm sure we can do this another way by grouping and joining tables together. When I tried the SQL statement below, I wasn't getting the same amount (count) of records...I'm thinking in respect to the type of join or where it joins !! but still couldn't get it working after 3 hrs of looking on the screen..
So far I got to...
Sum(Orders.Cost) AS SumOfCost,
Sum(Orders.VAT) AS SumOfVAT,
SUM(distinct Payments.Amount) as money
Orders ON Orders.Invoice = Invoices.InvoiceNum
Payments ON Invoices.InvoiceNum = Payments.InvoiceNum
Invoices.InvoiceYear = 11
AND Orders.Returned <> 1
Sorry for the bad english and I'm not sure what to search for to find if it's already been answered here :D
Thanks in advance for all the help
Your problem is that an order has multiple lines for an invoice and it has multiple payments on an invoice (sometimes). This causes a cross product effect for a given order. You fix this by pre-summarizing the tables.
A related problem is that the join will fail if there are no payments, so you need left outer join.
select i.InvoiceNum, osum.cost, osum.vat, p.income
from Invoice i left outer join
(select o.Invoice, sum(o.Cost) as cost, sum(o.vat) as vat
from orders o
where Returned <> 1
group by o.Invoice
) osum
on osum.Invoice = i.InvoiceNum left outer join
(select p.InvoiceNum, sum(pay.Amount) as income
from Payments p
group by p.InvoiceNum
) psum
on psum.InvoiceNum = i.InvoiceNum
where i.InvoiceYear = year(getdate())
Two comments: Is the key field for orders really Invoice or is it also InvoiceNum? Also, do you have a field Invoice.InvoiceYear? Or do you want year(i.InvoiceDate) in the where clause?
Assuming that both payments and orders can contain more than one record per invoice you will need to do your aggregates in a subquery to avoid cross joining:
SELECT Invoices.InvoiceNum, o.Cost, o.VAT, p.Amount
FROM Invoices
( SELECT Invoice, Cost = SUM(Cost), VAT = SUM(VAT)
FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.Returned <> 1
GROUP BY Invoice
) o
ON o.Invoice = Invoices.InvoiceNum
( SELECT InvoiceNum, Amount = SUM(Amount)
FROM Payments
GROUP BY InvoiceNum
) P
ON P.InvoiceNum = Invoices.InvoiceNum
WHERE Invoices.InvoiceYear = 11;
To expand on the CROSS JOIN comment, imagine this data for an Invoice (1)
Invoice Cost VAT
1 15.00 3.00
1 10.00 2.00
InvoiceNum Amount
1 15.00
1 10.00
When you join these tables as you did:
SELECT Orders.*, Payments.Amount
FROM Invoices
ON Orders.Invoice = Invoices.InvoiceNum
LEFT JOIN Payments
ON Invoices.InvoiceNum = Payments.InvoiceNum;
You end up with:
Orders.Invoice Orders.Cost Orders.Vat Payments.Amount
1 15.00 3.00 15.00
1 10.00 2.00 15.00
1 15.00 3.00 10.00
1 10.00 2.00 10.00
i.e. every combination of payments/orders, so for each invoice you would get many more rows than required, which distorts your totals. So even though the original data had £25 of payments, this doubles to £50 because of the two records in the order table. This is why each table needs to be aggregated individually, using DISTINCT would not work in the case there was more than one payment/order for the same amount on a single invoice.
One final point with regard to optimisation, you should probably index your tables, If you run the query and display the actual execution plan SSMS will suggest indexes for you, but at a guess the following should improve the performance:
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Orders_InvoiceNum ON Orders (Invoice) INCLUDE(Cost, VAT, Returned);
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Payments_InvoiceNum ON Payments (InvoiceNum) INCLUDE(Amount);
This should allow both subqueries to only use the index on each table, with no bookmark loopup/clustered index scan required.
Try this, note that I haven't tested it, just wipped it out on notepad. If any of your invoices may not exist in any of the subtables, then use LEFT JOIN
SELECT InvoiceNum, vat_only, sales_prevat, income
FROM Invoices i
INNER JOIN (SELECT Invoice, SUM(Cost) [vat_only], SUM(Vat) [sales_prevat]
FROM Orders
WHERE Returned <> 1
GROUP BY Invoice) o
ON i.InvoiceNum = o.Invoice
INNER JOIN (SELECT SUM(Amount) [income]
FROM Payments) p
ON i.InvoiceNum = p.InvoiceNum
WHERE i.InvoiceYear = currentyear
SUM( Pay.Amount ) as Income
( select
SUM( O.Cost ) as VAT_Only,
SUM( O.Vat ) as sales_prevat
Invoice I
Join Orders O
on I.InvoiceNum = O.Invoice
AND O.Returned <> 1
I.InvoiceYear = currentYear
group by
I.InvoiceNum ) PreQuery
JOIN Payments Pay
on PreQuery.InvoiceNum = Pay.InvoiceNum
group by
Your "currentYear" reference could be parameterized or you can use from getting the current date from sql function such as
Year( GetDate() )
I have two tables
Bills: id amount reference
Transactions: id reference amount
The following SQL query
(SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE transactions.reference = bils.reference) AS paid
FROM bills
GROUP BY id HAVING paid<amount
was meant to some rows from table Bills, adding a column paid with the sum of amount of related transactions.
However, it only works when there is at least one transaction for each bill. Otherwise, no line for a transaction-less bill is returned.
Probably, that's because I should have done an inner join!
So I try the following:
(SELECT SUM(transactions.amount)
FROM transactions
INNER JOIN bills ON transactions.reference = bills.reference) AS paid
FROM bills
HAVING paid < amount
However, this returns the same value of paid for all rows! What am I doing wrong ?
Use a left join instead of a subquery:
select b.id, b.amount, b.paid, sum(t.amount) as transactionamount
from bills b
left join transactions t on t.reference = b.reference
group by b.id, b.amount, b.paid
having b.paid < b.amount
To compare the sum of transactions to the amount, handle the null value that you get when there are no transactions:
having isnull(sum(t.amount), 0) < b.amount
You need a RIGHT JOIN to include all bill rows.
So the final query will be
(SELECT SUM(transactions.amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE transactions.reference = bills.reference) AS paid
FROM bills
WHERE paid < amount
I knows this thread is old, but I came here today because I encountering the same problem.
Please see another post with same question:
Sum on a left join SQL
As the answer says, use GROUP BY on the left table. This way you get all the records out from left table, and it sums the corresponding rows from right table.
Try to use this:
bills.reference = transactions.reference
transactions.sum > 0