solidity, set value to state Variables, the value not changed - variables

I'm trying to change the state variable value of solidity, and test on the geth console, but the value of state variable is not changed.
The steps are as below:
1: Write a simple smart contract code by solidity as below
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public storedData=99;
mapping(string => uint) balances;
function set(uint x) public returns (uint){
storedData = x;
return storedData;
function get() public constant returns (uint) {
return storedData;
function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {
return a * 7;
function setmapping(string key,uint value) returns(uint v)
balances[key] = value;
return balances[key];
function getmapping(string key) returns(uint v)
return balances[key];
function kill()
2: compile the code by the truffle, use command
truffle compile
3:start the geth, unlock account, and start the minner
4:deploy the smart contract
truffle migration --reset
and then I see the console output as below
Using network 'development'.
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Replacing Migrations...
... 0x8ccf9e1599c2760ff3eed993be10929403e1faa05489a247a067f4f06536c74c
Migrations: 0xec08113a9e810e527d99a1aafa8376425c4a75ed
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0xedbf12715b736759e9d9297cbaaeb3151d95f478c2f1ee71bff4819d2dbb47e5
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
Replacing SimpleStorage...
... 0xff5b00f9b14d8ecea4828c3ad8e9dbfa9d685bc0b81530fc346759d7998b060f
SimpleStorage: 0x96cf1e076f4d99a5d0823bd76c8de6a3a209d125
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0x3452a9e76b73e250de80874ebc3fd454724ebf6a15563bee0d5ba89b7b41909f
Saving artifacts...
which means the smart contract deployed to geth successfully
5: Then in the geth console, I set abi variable as below:
6: Get an contract instant as below:
7: Run the set();
The out put is 22, which I think the state variable storedData was successfully set to the new value 22, but when I run below code to read the storedData,
the return value is still 99, which mean the value of storedData was not changed, beside use the uint to do the testing, I also tried the mapping, but the answer is as same as uint, I don't know if I was wrong in somewhere or the state variable is not allowed to be modified, could anyone help me?

From the question, this is the call that is not changing state:
In order to change state, you must issue a transaction. A call(...) only tells you what would happen if you were to send a transaction. For more background, see: What is the difference between a transaction and a call?
So you can replace the above line with:
Alternatively, web3.js will automatically attempt to decide whether to use a transaction or a call. So in this case you can use simply:
For more background on how web3.js decides, see: How does web3.js decide to run a call() or sendTransaction() on a method call?


How would you call a contract method that takes Enum type via hardhat?

In your contract, if you have method that receives an Enum type, how would you pass the arguments from hardhat script?
contract SomeContract {
enum WinStatus {
WinStatus status;
function updateWinStatus(WinStatus _status) public {
status = _status;
// in your hardhat script
await someContract.updateWinStatus() // how should i call it. bare in mind hardhat is setup using javascript not typescript in my case.
i tried passing a number, hoping it will get it by order(index). But I am getting 'invalid BigNumber value'. Also, I tried passing a string like "PENDING" or "WinType.PENDING" :thinking:
Javascript natively doesn't support very large numbers (up to the uint256 type supported in Solidity), so Ethers.js (included in Hardhat) accepts a BigNumber instance instead.
const myNumber = ethers.BigNumber.from("0") // pass the numeric value as a string
await someContract.updateWinStatus(myNumber) // pass the BigNumber instance

Testing ChainlinkClient callbacks - how to bypass recordChainlinkFulfillment?

I've got a Chainlink client contract which makes a DirectRequest to an oracle. The oracle does its thing and then returns the answer via the typical callback selector passed in via the ChainlinkRequest. It all works well, but I'd like to write some tests that test the callback implementation
My client contract is as follows:
contract PriceFeed is Ownable, ChainlinkClient {
function updatePrice() onlyOwner returns (bytes32 requestId) {
// makes Chainlink request specifying callback via this.requestCallback.selector
function requestCallback(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _newPrice) public
recordChainlinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
price = _newPrice;
The problem arises when the test code calls requestCallback(...) and the code hits the recordChainlinkFulfillment(...) modifier. The ChainlinkClient complains that the requestId being passed in by the test below isn't in the underling private pendingRequests mapping maintained by the ChainlinkClient.
The simplified version of ChainlinkClient looks like this:
contract ChainlinkClient {
mapping(bytes32 => address) private pendingRequests;
modifier recordChainlinkFulfillment(bytes32 _requestId) {
require(msg.sender == pendingRequests[_requestId], "Source must be the oracle of the request");
delete pendingRequests[_requestId];
emit ChainlinkFulfilled(_requestId);
My Foundry/Solidity test is as follows:
contract PriceFeedTest is Test {
function testInitialCallback() public {
priceFeed.requestCallback("abc123", 1000000); // fails on this line
assertEq(1000000, priceFeed.price(), "Expecting price to be 1000000");
The code fails on first line of the testInitialCallback() line with: Source must be the oracle of the request
How can I trick the ChainklinkClient into allowing my callback to get past the modifier check? AFAIK I can't access and pre-populate the private pendingRequests mapping. Is there another way?
I know that Foundry provides Cheatcodes to help in testing and there's a stdstorage cheatcode, but I'm not familiar on how to construct a call to stdstorage to override pendingRequests if thats even possible with a cheatcode.
contract PriceFeedTest is Test {
function testInitialCallback2() public {
priceFeed.requestCallback("abc123", 1000000);
assertEq(1000000, priceFeed.price(), "Expecting price to be 1000000");
The above code throws the following error: No storage use detected for target
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
When you execute the updatePrice function in your test, you should be able to strip out the requestId from the transaction receipt event. Once you have that, you can then use it in your call to requestCallback. Check out this example unit test from the hardhat starter kit for an example of this

Remix error when deploying with wei value

I get the following error every time I try to deploy a program with a wei value greater than zero:
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract testContract {
uint value;
constructor (uint _p) public {
value = _p;
function setP(uint _n) payable public {
value = _n;
function setNP(uint _n) public {
value = _n;
function get () view public returns (uint) {
return value;
creation of testContract errored: VM error: revert. revert The transaction has been reverted to the initial state. Note: The called function should be payable if you send value and the value you send should be less than your current balance. Debug the transaction to get more information.
creation of testContract pending...
0 [vm] from: OxAb8...35cb2 to: testContract.(constructor) value: 1 wei data: 0x608...00001 logs: 0 hash: 0x344...07156
creation of testContract errored: VM error: revert. revert The transaction has been reverted to the initial state. Note: The called function should be payable if you send value and the value you send should be less than your current balance. Debug the transaction to get more information.
Perhaps you need to specify a "payable" specifier in the smart contract constructor - like for "setP" function.
This happens because you are sending Wei with the contract deployment transaction which is not required.
The transaction can get reverted because of the following reasons:
Transaction done is not for a payable function
The amount you are sending is less than you current balance

Is this a remix,compiler or an openzeplin bug?

I just wrote a simple code to test openzeplin Safemath library. I am using the latest version of remix ide and compiling for ^0.5.0.
Remix is using 0.5.0_commit.1d4f565a compiler
The environment is JavaScript VM
EVM Version is the compiler default
The add function does not seem to be working in the code given below
I have tried x.sub(1) it throws an exception as expected, i have also tried initializing x to different values but still does not work.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "./SafeMath.sol";
contract SimpleStorage {
using SafeMath for uint;
uint x;
event incremented(uint x);
constructor() public{
function increment() public {
emit incremented(x);
function get() external view returns (uint) {
return x;
Expected output is an increment by one on every call to the function but getting the same value every time. Emit also shows the same value.
Well, it's your bug :)
Instead of x.add(1) try x = x.add(1). Add function is not inplace, new value is returned and you need to assign the new value to x.

Example Oraclize files return 0: string: when called in Remix

I want to use Oraclize in Remix, to test it. I'm too stupid to use their examples.
How can I make this work?
From their Github I took the YouTube-Views code and copied it into Remix
pragma solidity >= 0.5.0 < 0.6.0;
import "";
contract YoutubeViews is usingOraclize {
string public viewsCount;
event LogYoutubeViewCount(string views);
event LogNewOraclizeQuery(string description);
update(); // Update views on contract creation...
function __callback(
bytes32 _myid,
string memory _result
require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());
viewsCount = _result;
emit LogYoutubeViewCount(viewsCount);
// Do something with viewsCount, like tipping the author if viewsCount > X?
function update()
emit LogNewOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was sent, standing by for the answer...");
oraclize_query("URL", 'html(*[contains(#class, "watch-view-count")]/text())');
When I use the viewCount it returns:
0: string:
This happens with all the other examples aswell.
With WolframAlpha eg. I also get the following error:
transact to WolframAlpha.update errored: VM error: revert.
revert The transaction has been reverted to the initial state.
Note: The constructor should be payable if you send value. Debug the transaction to get more information.
Ok you don't see the answer like a normal result in Remix:
You have to go under settings and open the Oraclize plug in.
If you then deploy the contract and or click update, you get the result shown in the plug in.