Code cleanup and optimization, where to start? - optimization

I want to optimize my angularjs frontend application and cleanup the code to provide better code quality.
I thought about bringing in more abstraction, since I implemented a lot of similiar looking, but slightly different controllers.
My question(s) are the following:
Are there common techniques to recognize bad code and optimize it?
How can one determine if code is either good, bad or redundant?
Where should one start, when trying to provide better code quality in
an existing software project?

To answer your questions:
Yes there are: by looking at the code itself experienced programmers can tell if the code has certain characteristics or not. Some metrics exist that could indicate alarm signals in terms of quality like "many dots" in object-oriented languages (same in Javascript) which indicates close coupling. Here is a comprehensive list.
By looking at it or as written before with static code analysis.
As others stated don't optimize or refactor just for the sake to have a good looking code base. When you need to touch existing code again to e.g. add a feature or fix a bug then start to look for code redundancies and many other signals that might indicate to refactor the code. Martin Fowler wrote an excellent book about it with step-by-step examples which IMO is a must-read for every developer. Also a good starting point is Misko's site. He talks about testability but "good" code is well testable.
What's really important before refactoring is to have a strong automated test base to rely on. If not add tests and go really slow to make sure you don't break existing functionality.
The topic is really huge and impossible to work through in a post here but I think it's one of the most important ones that makes an experienced programmer.

If a code is good or bad is your own opinion.
To make the code look better and more efficient I would do something like this:
Don't make the lines to long.
Use variables that make sense.
Use tabs and enter when it is too messy.
There are a whole lot more things to clean up your code, but these are just some examples.

If the code works - don't touch it :)
Then when you work on bug fixes or new features\changes - see if you can also gradually improve pieces of code you are working with. The more you work with the code the better understanding of overall picture you should get and opportunities to improve and optimize should become more obvious. (you should also continue learning from other sources - books, internet, other codebases)
There is now magic "one size fits all" solution :) but yes, you can start with simple style changes as suggested in the other answer.

The process you refer to is commonly known as Refactoring. There are a number of standard techniques for improving code; Martin Fowler's book "Refactoring" has a list, with examples.
Many popular IDEs have refactoring tools built-in.
One of the processes in agile development is known as "red/green/refactor". Red means your code doesn't pass its unit tests; green means it passes (i.e. it does what it's supposed to do), and "refactor" means you make it elegant, maintainable and clean. Because you have a unit test, you know the refactoring doesn't break the code.
Where to start is a tough question - I typically recommend refactoring when you're fixing bugs. You may as well write a unit test to expose the bug, and tidy up the code while fixing the bug. Because that module has a bug, it's likely to be high-risk, so you should improve the code quality.


Ravioli code - why an anti-pattern? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently came across a term 'God object' which was described as an 'anti-pattern'. I'd heard of bad coding practices, but I'd never heard them described thus.
So I headed off to Wikipedia to find out more, and I found that there is an anti-pattern called 'Ravioli code' which is described as being "characterized by a number of small and (ideally) loosely-coupled software components."
I'm puzzled - why is this a bad thing?
Spaghetti code is a pejorative term
for source code
Ravioli code is a type of computer
program structure, characterized by a
number of small and (ideally)
loosely-coupled software components.
The term is in comparison with
spaghetti code, comparing program
structure to pasta;
It's comparing them. It isn't saying it's an anti-pattern.
But I agree. The article is confusing. The problem is not with ravioli analogy but with the wikipedia article structure itself. It starts calling Spaghetti as a bad practice, then says some examples and after that say something about Ravioli code.
EDIT: They improved the article. Is an anti-pattern because
While generally desirable from a coupling and cohesion perspective, overzealous separation and encapsulation of code can bloat call stacks and make navigation through the code for maintenance purposes more difficult.
I'd say it's pretty obvious Ravioli code and Lasagna code are both pejorative terms - being intentionally placed alongside their fellow pasta simile 'spaghetti code' - and both terms describe real world anti-patterns. Some code is very time-consuming to maintain and very prone to failure simply because it is broken down into so many separate sub-processes - that is ravioli code. Some code has so many layers of abstraction that it becomes very difficult to implement a change to it and/or understand at what level a failure is occurring - that is lasagna code. The only practical way to make a change to lasagna code is often to simply bypass the layers and write the straightforward code that does the job. I have to maintain some ravioli code, but in general such code suffers from its convolution and fails to find widespread use, so there are few examples of it that we would all be familiar with. By contrast, lasagna code is everywhere at the moment.
I like to think I don't write any pasta code myself, but you can at least follow a string of spaghetti...
It's listed in the page of Spaghetti code but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It's there because this is a relevant term and not important enough to have its own page.
Regarding the bad side of it, Googling gives a comment in
The problem is that it tends to lead to functions (methods, etc.) without true coherence, and it often leaves the code to implement even something fairly simple scattered over a very large number of functions. Anyone having to maintain the code has to understand how all the calls between all the bits work, recreating almost all the badness of Spaghetti Code except with function calls instead of GOTO. ...
You gotta judge if it's reasonable :).
Pretty much the only reason "ravioli code" has survived as a phrase is because programmers have an innate sense of humor. Try as I might - and believe me, I've tried - it's really hard to come up with an example of object oriented code that was both (a) packaged such that it was really hard to navigate in the same meta-sense that "spaghetti code" is hard to navigate, and (b) reflected a frequent anti-pattern in coding practice.
The best example of "ravioli code" I can come up with is a multitude of classes, each tightly packaged, but where it's really hard to dig out where the main flow of execution is. Neural network applications might exhibit this, but that's sort of the point. A more mundane example would be UI code that is very heavily event-oriented, but again, it's hard to go overboard with that - if anything, most UI code isn't event-driven enough.
The problem is that different people use the term "ravioli code" to mean different things.
A reasonable number of reasonably small components is good. A huge pile of tiny components with no apparent overall structure is not so good.
Loosely coupled components are good. Components that hide their interdependencies in order to look loosely coupled are not so good.
Being able to see the relationship between different components is actually a good thing.
Most code bases have the opposite problem though, so moving towards more modularity is usually a good thing. I expect most folks have never even seen "ravioli code" in the bad sense. In practice, it tends to look more like chopped ravioli (where what should be a module is split across multiple "modules" -- none of which make sense on their own, but only in combination with their corresponding other parts), or like ravioli cooked without enough water (so you end up with a giant blob of "modules" all stuck together).
TODO: Write a "Hello world" program as ~100 modules to demonstrate overmodularity.
TODO2: Attempt to build a bridge out of truckloads of ravioli to demonstrate suboptimal structural characteristics.
If you apply a dogmatic rule that all classes in all projects must be loosely coupled regardless of any reason, then I can see there being a lot of potential problems.
You could spin your wheels trying to make a perfectly fine application more and more and more loosely coupled without ever actually adding any value to it.
Let me hasten to add, though, that I think that we should all aim towards loosely coupled classes, components, etc
It's not necessarily, is it? The Wikipedia article doesn't describe it as bad. A number of loosely-coupled software components, where the size and number of these components is sensible in relation to the problem domain, sounds pretty ideal to me.
In fact, if you look up other definitions of ravioli code, you'll find it described as the ideal software design pattern - I still prefer the caveat that the size and number need to be appropriate.
Reading the article, Spaghetti is an anti-pattern; but Ravioli and Lasagna are not anti-patterns.

Do good tests enable sloppy coding?

Let's say you're coding, and you come across an opportunity for simple code resuse (e.g. pulling a common piece of code out to an accessible place like a Utility class or base class). You might find yourself thinking, "I know it's good to do this, but I have to get this done now, and if I need to make a change to this code, and forget to change it in the other place, my testing framework will let me know."
In other words, you let the awesome tests you (or another developer) has written to remind you to change the code in the other places too.
Is this a legitimate problem that we might find in ourselves or other developers?
You're asking whether unit tests encourage you to rely on them as a method of TODO list? Yes, but I don't think that's sloppy coding. You are, afterall, to start with unit tests failing and code to the test; if you refactor some code and then once again code to the test, that isn't sloppy coding -- it's doing what you're supposed to.
I think the problem with unit tests is simply that you can't cover every corner case in a unit test, and sometimes people assume that a working test means a working app, which isn't true.
In the example you provide, good tests are in fact enabling you to implement sloppy design, however in my experience, bad tests wouldn't have discouraged you from doing the same.
The fallacy in your argument centers around the premise that "getting this done now" means you will save time by implementing sloppy design. The truth of the matter is that you are incurring technical debt whether your tests are good or not. Making a change to that code is now a much more complex task, whether you have a good testing framework to remind you of that or not.
Although immature code may work fine
and be completely acceptable to the
customer, excess quantities will make
a program unmasterable, leading to
extreme specialization of programmers
and finally an inflexible product.
- Ward Cunningham
The strength of good testing practices may be in allowing you to incur that debt with some level of safety. As long as you continue to be aware that this area of the code is now weak, as a result of your choices, then it may be worth the tradeoff -- you ship your product sooner, at the cost of higher debt, with a lower risk of incurring bugs in the short run as a result.
If the tests are good and the code (sloppy or otherwise) pass them, all is good. It would be nice to have good code but sloppy working code is better than good broken code.
I don't use tests as my first option to finding the code that needs changes. I'll use my IDE's search (or refactoring) functionality and look for all the places that call the method in question.
The tests are just a nice addition in case I was accidentally sloppy or accidentally introduced a bug. Test don't make me sloppy from the start, they just reassure me once I think I'm done.
I would say that good tests enable you to fix sloppy coding.
You can certainly write incredibly sloppy code with or without tests. Unit testing makes it slightly easier to get away with it, but only in the short run.
If you have a set of logic copied in two places in your code (IMO the worst thing a developer can do), then you probably have inconsistent tests as well.
The most important job any programmer can do is ruthlessly refactor the code, removing ALL duplication. This almost always shows benefits on even a single iteration.
Why would you think if you had an error in copied code in 2 places that your tests would be any better?
It sounds more to me like sloppy developers and sloppy coding practices are what are leading to sloppy code in your example. The tests you described would prevent the sloppy code from ever getting to far.

Test driven development: What if the bug is in the interface?

I read the latest coding horror post, and one of the comments touched a nerve for me:
This is the type of situation that test driven design/refactoring are supposed to fix. If (big if) you have tests for the interfaces, rewriting the implementation is risk-free, because you will know whether you caught everything.
Now in theory I like the idea of test driven development, but all the times I've tried to make it work, it hasn't gone particularly well, I get out of the habit, and next thing I know all the tests that I had originally written not only don't pass, but they're no longer a reflection of the design of the system.
It's all well and good if you've been handed a perfect design from on high, straight from the start (which in my experience never actually happens), but what if halfway through the production of a system you notice that there's a critical flaw in the design? Then it's no longer a simple matter of diving in and fixing "the bug", but you also have to rewrite all the tests. A fundamental assumption was wrong, and now you have to change it. Now test driven development is no longer a handy thing, but it just means that there's twice as much work to do everything.
I've tried to ask this question before, both of peers, and online, but I've never heard a very satisfactory answer. ... Oh wait.. what was the question?
How do you combine test driven development with a design that has to change to reflect a growing understanding of the problem space? How do you make the TDD practice work for you instead of against you?
I still don't think I fully understand it all, so I can't really make a decision about which answer to accept. Most of my leaps in understanding have happened in the comments sections, not in the answers. Here' s a collection of my favorites so far:
"Anyone who uses terms like "risk-free"
in software development is indeed full
of shit. But don't write off TDD just
because some of its proponents are
hyper-susceptible to hype. I find it
helps me clarify my thinking before
writing a chunk of code, helps me to
reproduce bugs and fix them, and makes
me more confident about refactoring
things when they start to look ugly"
-Kristopher Johnson
"In that case, you rewrite the tests
for just the portions of the interface
that have changed, and consider
yourself lucky to have good test
coverage elsewhere that will tell you
what other objects depend on it."
"In TDD, the reason to write the tests
is to do design. The reason to make
the tests automated is so that you can
reuse them as the design and code
evolve. When a test breaks, it means
you've somehow violated an earlier
design decision. Maybe that's a
decision you want to change, but it's
good to get that feedback as soon as
-Kristopher Johnson
[about testing interfaces] "A test would insert some elements,
check that the size corresponds to the
number of elements inserted, check
that contains() returns true for them
but not for things that weren't
inserted, checks that remove() works,
etc. All of these tests would be
identical for all implementations, and
of course you would run the same code
for each implementation and not copy
it. So when the interface changes,
you'd only have to adjust the test
code once, not once for each
–Michael Borgwardt
One of the practices of TDD is the use of Baby Steps (which could be very boring in the beggining) which is the use of really small steps in order for you to understand your problem space and make a good and satisfactory solution for your problem.
If you already know the design of your application you aren't doing TDD at all. We should design it while doing your tests.
So the suggestion I would give is for you to concentrate on the baby steps in order to get a proper testable design
I don't think any real practitioner of TDD will claim that it completely eliminates the possibility of error or regression.
Remember that TDD is fundamentally about design, not about testing or quality control. Saying "all my tests pass" does not mean "I'm finished."
If your requirements or high-level design change drastically, then you may need to throw away all your tests along with all the code. That's just how things are sometimes. It doesn't mean that TDD isn't helping you.
Properly applied, TDD should actually make your life a lot easier in the face of changing requirements.
In my experience, code that is easy to test is code that is orthogonal from other subsystems, and which has clearly defined interfaces. Given such a starting point, it is much easier to rewrite significant portions of your application, since you can work with confidence knowing that a) your changes will be isolated to a few subsystems, and b) any breakage will quickly show up as failing tests.
If, on the other hand, you're just slapping unit tests on your code after it has been designed, then you may well have problems when requirements change. There's a difference between tests that fail quickly when subsystems change (because they're effectively flagging regressions) and those that are brittle, because they depend on too many unrelated pieces of system state. The former should be fixable by a few lines of code, while the latter may leave you scratching your head for hours trying to unravel them.
The only true answer is it depends.
There are ways to do TDD wrong, such
that it doesn't fit in with your
environment and eats effort with
minimal benefit.
There are ways to do TDD right, such
that it both cuts costs and increases
There are ways to something
similar-but-different to TDD, which
may or may not get called TDD, and
may or may not be more appropriate in
your particular situation.
It's a strange quirk of the market for software tools and experts that, to maximise the revenue for those pushing them, they are always written as if they somehow apply to 'all software'.
Truth is, 'software' is every bit as diverse as 'hardware', and nobody would think of buying a book on bridge-making to design an electronic gadget or build a garden shed.
I think you have some misconceptions about TDD. For a good explanation and example of what it is and how to use it, I recommend reading Kent Beck's Test-Driven Development: By Example.
Here are a few further comments that may help you understand what TDD is and why some people swear by it:
"How do you combine test driven development with a design that has to change to reflect a growing understanding of the problem space?"
TDD is a technique for exploring a problem space and creating and evolving a design that meets your needs. TDD is not something you do in addition to doing design; it is doing design.
"How do you make the TDD practice work for you instead of against you?"
TDD is not "twice as much work" as not doing TDD. Yes, you'll write a lot of tests, but that doesn't really take much time, and the effort isn't wasted. You have to test your code somehow, right? Running automated tests are a lot quicker than manually testing whenever you change something.
A lot of TDD tutorials present highly detailed tests of every method of every class. In real life, people don't do this. It is silly to write a test for every setter, every getter, and so on. The Beck book does a good job of showing how to use TDD to quickly design and implement something, slowing down to "baby steps" only when things get tricky. See How Deep Are Your Unit Tests for more on this point.
TDD is not about regression testing. TDD is about thinking before you write code. But having regression tests is a nice side benefit. They don't guarantee that code will never break, but they help a lot.
When you make changes that cause tests to break, that's not a bad thing; it's valuable feedback. Designs do change, and your tests aren't written in stone. If your design has changed so much that some tests are no longer valid, then just throw them away. Write the new tests you need to be confident about the new design.
it's no longer a simple matter of
diving in and fixing "the bug", but
you also have to rewrite all the
A fundamental creed of TDD is to avoid duplication both in the production code AND in the test code. If a single design change means you have to rewrite everything, you weren't doing TDD (or not doing it correctly at all).
Ideally, in a well-designed system with proper separation of concerns, design changes are local, just like implementation changes. While the real world is rarely ideal, you still usually get something in between: you have to change some of the production code and some of the tests, but not everything, and the changes are mostly simple and may even be done automatically by refactoring tools.
Coding something without knowing what will work best in the UI, while at the same time writing unittests. That is very time consuming. It's better to start out making some prototypes of the GUI to get the interaction right.. and then rewrite it with unittests (if you employer allows you).
Continuous Integration (CI) is one key. If your tests run automatically every time you check in to source control (and everyone else sees it if they fail), it's easier to avoid "stale" tests and stay in the green.
As Mr. Dias mentioned, Baby Steps are important. You make a small refactoring, you run your tests. If tests break, you immediately determine if this is expected (design change) or a failed refactoring. When tests are truly independent (comes with practice), this is seldom very difficult. Evolve your design slowly.
See also - and definitely buy the book!
EDIT: Perhaps I'm looking at this the wrong way. Say you had a legacy codebase that you wanted to redesign. The first thing I would try to do is add tests for the current behavior. Refactoring without tests is risky - you might change behavior. After that, I would start to clean up the design, in small steps, running my unit tests after each step. That would give me confidence that my changes weren't breaking anything.
At some point the API might change. This would be a breaking change - clients would have to be updated. The tests would tell me this - which is good, because I'd have to update any existing clients (including the tests).
Now that's not TDD. But the idea is the same - the tests are specifications of behavior (yes, I'm shading into BDD), and they give me the confidence to refactor the implementation while insuring that I preserve the behavior (as well as letting me know when I change the interface).
In practice, I've found TDD gives me immediate feedback on poor interface design. I'm my first client - I know when my API is hard to use.
We tend to do much less design up front with TDD, knowing it can change. I have taken projects through huge gyrations (it's a web app, no it's a RESTful server, no it's a bot). The tests provide me with the ability to refactor and restructure and evolve your code much more easily than untested code. Although it seems contradictory, it is true-- even though you have more code, you are able to make major changes and have confidence that nothing has broken in the existing functionality.
I understand your concern that fundamental assumptions changing make you throw out tests. This seems intuitive, but I personally haven't seen it. Some tests go, but most are still valid-- often a major change isn't as major as it seems at first. Plus, as you get better at writing tests, you tend to write less brittle ones, which helps.

What OOP coding practices should you always make time for?

I tend to do a lot of projects on short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again, so there's always pressure/temptation to cut corners. One rule I always stick to is encapsulation/loose coupling, so I have lots of small classes rather than one giant God class. But what else should I never compromise on?
Update - thanks for the great response. Lots of people have suggested unit testing, but I don't think that's really appropriate to the kind of UI coding I do. Usability / User acceptance testing seems much important. To reiterate, I'm talking about the BARE MINIMUM of coding standards for impossible deadline projects.
Not OOP, but a practice that helps in both the short and long run is DRY, Don't Repeat Yourself. Don't use copy/paste inheritance.
Not a OOP practice, but common sense ;-).
If you are in a hurry, and have to write a hack. Always add a piece of comment with the reasons. So you can trace it back and make a good solution later.
If you never had the time to come back, you always have the comment so you know, why the solution was chosen at the moment.
Use Source control.
No matter how long it takes to set up (seconds..), it will always make your life easier! (still it's not OOP related).
Naming. Under pressure you'll write horrible code that you won't have time to document or even comment. Naming variables, methods and classes as explicitly as possible takes almost no additional time and will make the mess readable when you must fix it. From an OOP point of view, using nouns for classes and verbs for methods naturally helps encapsulation and modularity.
Unit tests - helps you sleep at night :-)
This is rather obvious (I hope), but at the very least I always make sure my public interface is as correct as possible. The internals of a class can always be refactored later on.
no public class with mutable public variables (struct-like).
Before you know it, you refer to this public variable all over your code, and the day you decide this field is a computed one and must have some logic in it... the refactoring gets messy.
If that day is before your release date, it gets messier.
Think about the people (may even be your future self) who have to read and understand the code at some point.
Application of the single responsibility principal. Effectively applying this principal generates a lot of positive externalities.
Like everyone else, not as much OOP practices, as much as practices for coding that apply to OOP.
Unit test, unit test, unit test. Defined unit tests have a habit of keeping people on task and not "wandering" aimlessly between objects.
Define and document all hierarchical information (namespaces, packages, folder structures, etc.) prior to writing production code. This helps to flesh out object relations and expose flaws in assumptions related to relationships of objects.
Define and document all applicable interfaces prior to writing production code. If done by a lead or an architect, this practice can additionally help keep more junior-level developers on task.
There are probably countless other "shoulds", but if I had to pick my top three, that would be the list.
Edit in response to comment:
This is precisely why you need to do these things up front. All of these sorts of practices make continued maintenance easier. As you assume more risk in the kickoff of a project, the more likely it is that you will spend more and more time maintaining the code. Granted, there is a larger upfront cost, but building on a solid foundation pays for itself. Is your obstacle lack of time (i.e. having to maintain other applications) or a decision from higher up? I have had to fight both of those fronts to be able to adopt these kinds of practices, and it isn't a pleasant situation to be in.
Of course everything should be Unit tested, well designed, commented, checked into source control and free of bugs. But life is not like that.
My personal ranking is this:
Use source control and actually write commit comments. This way you have a tiny bit of documentation should you ever wonder "what the heck did I think when I wrote this?"
Write clean code or document. Clean well-written code should need little documentation, as it's meaning can be grasped from reading it. Hacks are a lot different. Write why you did it, what you do and what you'd like to do if you had the time/knowledge/motivation/... to do it right
Unit Test. Yes it's down on number three. Not because it's unimportant but because it's useless if you don't have the other two at least halfway complete. Writing Unit tests is another level of documentation what you code should be doing (among others).
Refactor before you add something. This might sound like a typical "but we don't have time for it" point. But as with many of those points it usually saves more time than it costs. At least if you have at least some experience with it.
I'm aware that much of this has already been mentioned, but since it's a rather subjective matter, I wanted to add my ranking.
[insert boilerplate not-OOP specific caveat here]
Separation of concerns, unit tests, and that feeling that if something is too complex it's probably not conceptualised quite right yet.
UML sketching: this has clarified and saved any amount of wasted effort so many times. Pictures are great aren't they? :)
Really thinking about is-a's and has-a's. Getting this right first time is so important.
No matter how fast a company wants it, I pretty much always try to write code to the best of my ability.
I don't find it takes any longer and usually saves a lot of time, even in the short-term.
I've can't remember ever writing code and never looking at it again, I always make a few passes over it to test and debug it, and even in those few passes practices like refactoring to keep my code DRY, documentation (to some degree), separation of concerns and cohesion all seem to save time.
This includes crating many more small classes than most people (One concern per class, please) and often extracting initialization data into external files (or arrays) and writing little parsers for that data... Sometimes even writing little GUIs instead of editing data by hand.
Coding itself is pretty quick and easy, debugging crap someone wrote when they were "Under pressure" is what takes all the time!
At almost a year into my current project I finally set up an automated build that pushes any new commits to the test server, and man, I wish I had done that on day one. The biggest mistake I made early-on was going dark. With every feature, enhancement, bug-fix etc, I had a bad case of the "just one mores" before I would let anyone see the product, and it literally spiraled into a six month cycle. If every reasonable change had been automatically pushed out it would have been harder for me to hide, and I would have been more on-track with regard to the stakeholders' involvement.
Go back to code you wrote a few days/weeks ago and spend 20 minutes reviewing your own code. With the passage of time, you will be able to determine whether your "off-the-cuff" code is organized well enough for future maintenance efforts. While you're in there, look for refactoring and renaming opportunities.
I sometimes find that the name I chose for a function at the outset doesn't perfectly fit the function in its final form. With refactoring tools, you can easily change the name early before it goes into widespread use.
Just like everybody else has suggested these recommendations aren't specific to OOP:
Ensure that you comment your code and use sensibly named variables. If you ever have to look back upon the quick and dirty code you've written, you should be able to understand it easily. A general rule that I follow is; if you deleted all of the code and only had the comments left, you should still be able to understand the program flow.
Hacks usually tend to be convoluted and un-intuitive, so some good commenting is essential.
I'd also recommend that if you usually have to work to tight deadlines, get yourself a code library built up based upon your most common tasks. This will allow you to "join the dots" rather than reinvent the wheel each time you have a project.
An actual OOP practice I always make time for is the Single Responsibility Principle, because it becomes so much harder to properly refactor the code later on when the project is "live".
By sticking to this principle I find that the code I write is easily re-used, replaced or rewritten if it fails to match the functional or non-functional requirements. When you end up with classes that have multiple responsibilities, some of them may fulfill the requirements, some may not, and the whole may be entirely unclear.
These kinds of classes are stressful to maintain because you are never sure what your "fix" will break.
For this special case (short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again) I suggest you to pay attention to embedding some script engine into your OOP code.
Learn to "refactor as-you-go". Mainly from an "extract method" standpoint. When you start to write a block of sequential code, take a few seconds to decide if this block could stand-alone as a reusable method and, if so, make that method immediately. I recommend it even for throw-away projects (especially if you can go back later and compile such methods into your personal toolbox API). It doesn't take long before you do it almost without thinking.
Hopefully you do this already and I'm preaching to the choir.

From small to large projects

I've been quite used to working on small projects which I coded with 1,000 lines or less (pong, tetris, simple 3d games, etc). However as my abilities in programming are increasing, my organization isn't. I seem to be making everything dependent on one one another, so it's very hard for me to change the implementation of something.
Any ideas for keeping my code organized and being able to tackle large projects?
whiteboards are your best friends
prototype designs (not necessarily working prototypes, use notecards or other methods)
plan first! dont code until you know your requirements/goals
Sketch out an architectural design ahead of time. It doesn't have to be too detailed, but imagine how you want things to fit together in general terms.
Read into refactoring first (made famous by Martin Fowler).
By learning refactoring, you can learn how to write code which is easy to change, readable, and simplified.
I would suggest not to learn design patterns until you understand refactoring first. With refactoring, you can understand the themes of clean and readable code. Once you understand refactoring, read on to design patterns. Design patterns is very useful when you need to write more complex designs.
Use of design patterns is a good first step.
Also, spend a little time writing good documentation regarding system architecture and requirements for the application.
Using source control will help if you are not already doing this.
Look for libraries that may do want you want before you decide to roll your own.